Deja Vu #05
31 мая 1998

attempt at writing - Fantasy and Science Fiction.

<b>attempt at writing</b> - Fantasy and Science Fiction.
SoundTrack:! -0;) -: BY SECTOR AFTER INSTY

(C) Kolotov Sergei, SerzhSoft, June, 1998.

           Fantasy and fiction

                  - Here's a half-princess

                    and the kingdom into the bargain!

   Good day, dear readers! I welcome you to a new section of 
our (your) magazine Deja Vu, devoted to the literary genres of 
fantasy and science fiction. 

   Probably everyone knows that fiction enjoys majority of 
young people around the world I hope that you - not the 
exception. What expected in this category?

   First of all, especially for you, we will
print overview of the various books of the genre, provides 
interesting snippets, etc. 

   Secondly, make a plan
"Hit Parade" works best, of course
same for readers' letters, that is - on your letters!

   Thirdly, you yourself can take part in the creation of this 
section, that is, In addition to reviews and their "hot dozen"

send in your own work
or best small portions of favorite
books. Very forward to hearing from you and reviews you liked 
(or vice versa - do not like it) literature. E-mail - wait! 

   Let's start the review ...

   The most "fantasy", in my opinion, is the publishing house 
"Alphabet." That only is an enumeration of all the series that 
they issued:



   3. CONAE. SAGA GREAT Warriors


   5. Saga of the Spear

   6. SAGA unknown lands

   7. SAGA immortal hero

   In a series of "RUSSIAN FANTASY", as you already
guessed, the book home
authors. Well, very good! The best in my
vzlyad, for example, are:

   1. Maria Semenova. + Wolfhound wolfhound
II - The right to fight. One of the best
(If not better!) Domestic fantasy-books! I advise everyone to 
read-all, if have not yet read. General, the circulation has 
exceeded one million (!) Copies of that very not udivitelno.V 
book created an unparalleled, living world of the protagonist, 
a fearless warrior Venn Wolfhound, by fate clashing with evil 
and defeating it, "one left". :-) Actually - it's very exciting 
and serious book, and in some places, I honestly blew 
avaricious man's tears before the break through! :-) Joke Of 
course! I must say that another writer Paul Molitvin - has 
written a pair of parallel books about the world Wolfhound, but 
they are written in a very different style, I would have 
likened them to "Konanovskomu 'style, and even then with great 
reserve." Worse!

   2. Maxim Fry. Labyrinth + Volunteers
Eternity + Dark Side ... These three books
literally take your breath away before the fun
they are written. The narrative comes from a person
Sir Max, our contemporary, the will
fate has got in a fabulous city Echo.
You can really laugh on every page!
Moreover, there is not such a "stupid American
humor, such as in the series by Terry Pratchett "The 
World-Disk" (although I have those books too enthusiastically 
read), and "our, native Veselukha!" I'm looking looking 
everywhere book, "Obsession" - continued adventures of Sir Max, 
Echo ... 

   3. Alexander Bushkov. Knight out of nowhere
+ Flying Island. Imagine:

   Once upon a Major Airborne Stanislav Svarog.
Once upon a time you do, good not to make - not before
was ... And imagine, he has appeared
a bad habit to fall into the ground, when the terms of a soul. 
Drinking, say, should be less! Yes not the point! This is one 
of the old leaders, such as Tamerlane, who died a long time, 
organized with using a sort of shaman recruiting 
voennachalnikov set of different historical ages ... Estimate: 
you soak yourself in the bathroom, not bothering anyone, and 
suddenly - bang under water! A emerges already in a river,

and on the shores of the guys with the Arcana on horseback,
jump-poskachut ... Okay, okay, from the "boys"
strayed, "Tamerlane," a hole in the head of the 
government-issue Makar made ... And then suddenly in general, 
whether in the past, or to the future cast ... More generally 
full story go! But what a! Fun, too, found ... Read, damn, it's 
interesting! See slaughter an excerpt from the book - "Here and

fairy tales end "...

   4. Yulia Latynina. One-hundred-Elysees + Sorcerers and
Ministers. I would call these books "Encyclopedia of intrigue - 
before all curled. If you want to learn how to rotate in the 
bureaucratic circles at the court of any king or emperor, and 
at the same time get a lot of fun - Find and read from cover to 
cover, these two books ... 

   All the other books I read in the
this series ("RUSSIAN Fantasy") - something
10-15 books - basically anything but
such vivid impressions are not produced.
For example, the last book I've seen
in this series - "It's Time" by Mikhail Uspensky, which 
consisted of two novels: "It's Time" and "Cast Iron Horseman." 
comic book, but in my opinion - for retirement, although you 
can read ... In Basically, it's interesting, but there is much, 
intelligible only to people caught even Stalin times ...

   "It's Time", is a fairy tale
continuation of the novel "Where we do not."
The protagonist - the hero Zhikhar spend on drink
all mined in the previous book and to redeem from bondage, is 
selling its global glory ... Now no one knows, and he

again have to perform various feats of stupid .. Read 
instructive fun tale "And the old woman is proruha!".

   In "Iron Horseman" - described something
abstract, like a madhouse!
Some sort of nonsense, I've never understood,
because I'm not 70 years old! But there are funny,
cool place - read "Library
Everyday Life "...

   Finally, consider some "left" in the sense - not 
"Azbukovskuyu" good book. So, well, well ... Well, let it be, 
for example, is "Dragon's Bane," the American writer Barbara 
Hambly, released in a series of "Spectrum". In the book there 
two challenging novel: "Those who hunt in the night" and 
"Dragon's Bane." 

   The first novel tells us about the everyday life of the 
vampire ... Namely, - London Vampire someone persistently 
"wets". And concerned about the unknown, they hire a normal 
person to solve this puzzle. Famously navorocheno! Impossible 
to come off! Learn a lot about the habits of vampires, on how 
to deal with and where to find them (in the afternoon, because 
at night they will find you !)... :-) 

   The second novel is written in the spirit of "real
fantasy ". All eerily natural, and written with humor. The main 
idea - that yes, indeed in the life of dragons, not kill

great heroes, and the normal, in general, people that show 
their shortcomings ... 

   In general, I advise you to find and with interest
read all considered at this time
books - sure you will like them! And we
will wait for letters from you, fans of the genre
"Fantasy and Science Fiction".

                       With best wishes


                         (Master Section)


(C) Alexander Bushkov

  Knight from Nowhere: A Novel. - St., 1996.

   ... Fairy tales always end that way -
boring and humdrum. Nobody looked into
those weekdays that extend beyond the words "Here
and the tale end "- and this is not the end, there
necessarily something to happen,
're alive goodies and even some
negative, and the lucky prince owed half a kingdom and rescued 
the princess can not do without legal marriage, she do not 
podzabornaya any and cook's daughter. Dragon's head (or troll) 
lies in the dust under the fence, where it rolled kicks kitchen 
guys, not to interfere drag from the glacier beef and sealed

jugs. U princess (or princesses) there is no decent clothes, 
and must be urgently sheathing, eldest sons on the wall climb

anger, and quite easy to understand: they
likely to carefully and seriously preparing for accession to 
the throne, studied economics, finance, military affairs, while 
younger son in the community talking wolves hung around for 
miles and miles away (besides, certainly, without a passport 
and Podorojniy, so that diplomats now unsubscribe more than one 
week). The ministers are puzzled as properly to divide the 
kingdom in half without breaking the established economic ties, 
without touching the boundaries baronial estates and communal 
grazing. If there is a stock exchange, it just in case of 
panic, and the exchange rates of foreign denezhek gallop most 
bizarre and idiotic manner. Common people, seeing a real chance 
of an extra weekend and edge in pubs and at the palace gates, 
suddenly will roll out the barrel? One father-king to 
celebrate, kicked and squeezed gentlemen. And he Prince sits in 
the room and slowly begins to to think that starts boring 
everyday life, because it saved the princess, becoming a 
legitimate wife, hell with him go to free other princesses and 
rubai Dragons, for women is incredibly practical.

In general, the swamp is not for nothing that clever wolf 
warned that the more they do not see ... 

(C) Mikhail Uspensky

   It's time: a novel. - St., 1998.

   ... Lived in the country, called Neprostan,
king named Kalamut ninth. Firmly he sat on his throne, from 
heaven the iron cast - from the iron, which does not rust and

evil spirits in the wind dispels.

   And there was the king of the palace - two horse go long and 
one wide. Outside the complex, he was one of two wild mountain 
stone colors, black and red, and plates were alternated, so 
that you can on these walls, if they would put a flat, play 
Tavlya giants, before the end of time was carried out would be 
the kind of game. 

   Inside is trimmed with a cold stone
kiparichnym tree, and even a tree pevgovym, and even acacia 
wood and wood Tarshish - Own these trees had never seen it, but 
for that he bought for something and sell. Spirit of Trees

proceeded so that no disease that could not stand the smell and 
returned back home - I know not in what the edges of these 
hvoroby live. Sewn boards nailed to the special stone, gold and 
silver. You, Of course, you say that gold is soft and

nails are not good, but the same can not be masters
the king objected. I suspect that the iron nails were only gold 
plated cap Yes silvered, and where gold has gone - the masters 
know better. 

   Top covered with fragrant planks were
Overseas thin fabrics, what is
purple, fine linen, purple crepe de chine with a yes
Panne. This ragamuffin I go, because such a fate, and they see 
this Welcome to the walls were translated. From Panne,

they say, footcloths good go, but at
me and no boots ...

   Not only that - the walls were ponaveshany
hugest carpets, carpet weaving, and each of
three hundred weavers, and they have spent on this matter
for thirty years. On the carpets were woven
beginning of the world, and the end of it, and what is left in 
the middle - all the people that lived on light, and once live 
will be, all tours, all land and all the animals, they inhabit.

   And the live animals have been Kalamuta Ninth
many: terrible to say, they went there lions
growling and pardusy swift, bird strofokamily, they can not 
fly, and northern marine animals fanged, and elephants. 
Elephants I he saw at the Raj Kapoor, who is himself pro

myself singing that, say, a tramp, though rich in
immensely, and he has ridden horseback on them.
Only under the saddle, they are not suitable because
Stepniak even so widely feet rasscheperit
can not. Not for nothing says: no matter how shirsya,
and one on the entire bench is not usyadeshsya. Order on the 
backs of elephants special houses are worth. And ponuzhayut no 
spurs big-eared, and Strekalov. 

   Until the king of beasts of prey could not reach because of 
their habitat separated from the royal apartments of a deep 
ditch, poured difficult water. And all the king's guests along 
this ditch walked around, admired and amazed.

   A bird was flying by the thousand,
they do not live in cages, and under the arches on the
branches - there is after all, live trees grew,
a forest, a little less our own. Thousands
servants of the palace for days on end was purified from
bird droppings, but could not keep up - used to
and Kalamuta dripping. Tolerated. Yes. A bird
Litter bags dragged to the gardens and the harvest
from him was such that even the poor enough.

   There were birds with bee size, and were
Bull. Well, not with a bull, a ram with accuracy. Y
King even had a secretary bird - it is her
one state secrets confided.
Except for one thing ...

   Lived happily Kalamut Ninth, women held up to a thousand. 
Dexterously arranged: the first wife will say that he went to 
the second, the second - that third-leaning, and so on. And he

go to your bird garden umbrella will cover - to explain what an 
umbrella, or smikitish himself? - And will cover sits a bird

singing is listening. And he particularly liked
green-yellow canary bird - it was too
plaintively sang.

   Listens, he thinks about life. A lot of it about
life and thought and finally hit upon. What
it turns out? Than life to an end?
It is known what. Ordinary people are syzmalstva
know, and to him only to mothers age
reached. Die - not in pomirushki play.
We must do something.

   First, he disbanded the women-life
power to protect must! Yes, and money on this
saved a lot and wrote to him from all over
Light healers. They advise that we should eat and how much, 
what piece to swallow, but which by mouth to let, told to run, 
jump, even stand on his head, but not for long. 

   The second thing he forbade the carrying of
Death to remember. If he has, for example,
favorite adviser kick in, then the court
report: left, say, in distant countries
and told to wait. And the magistrates to their captains, 
pointed in the reports did not write, how many soldiers were 
killed on the battlefield. Those and happy, it's clear now that 
the war can be hit or miss. And they have plagued many of our 
brother in vain ... 

   Even the cemetery all ordered raze and gardens
plant or to build up the lists to
tombstones eye blisters.

   And he decided - well, it's him, it is evident
Parasite suggested - to make the palace new
gates. These strong and powerful, impregnable and impenetrable 
to death, even when he was gravely ill, the palace could not 
come up and it Kalamuta in Bone Forests not be increased. They 
have, however, the country Neprostan is somehow different name, 
but meaning the same.

   Began to collect and buy from around the world
and iron, copper, tin, and lead. Money
not enough, went to the expense of all the gold and
All gems, fernampiksy and onyx. Then
carpets stripped, overseas merchants on the cheap
lowered. Before and after the panne with fine linen
it came.

   Sold to neighboring sovereigns of all your favorite animals 
and birds in the promo on the ore and finished bars. A 
canary-bird left, because she plaintively sings, and he was 
under her Song cry - a pity.

   Dispersed and doctors, a charlatan humpback not disbanded, 
because that right and salaries were not asked.

   The palace was deserted - drove Kalamut Ninth
all the servants of mine, and black-combustible stone. To the 
gates cast, because the heat much needed.

   So much that all the wooden houses in
country ordered to disassemble it on the wood and all wood
povyrubit - sorry, sir, boron, that
your presence such horrors tell.

   Okay, tried thence casters,
Gates was cast double, produced
loop for them in two human growth.
Three years sash to hang as much raised - I know not. It must 
be harnessed elephants or mountain varklapami agreed. People at 
the same time destroyed without number only about a king, not 
denounced, banned after all.

   Went out the door does not ploshe those that I Miroedovom 
kingdom with a gap-grass opened. But in Neprostane about this 
herb is not heard, and it does not grow there.

   Nataschil king's palace food (oh, I'd at least piece), 
pulled out cunning device iron pin - shut the gate from the 
inside to the heavy bolt. 

   Sits alone in an empty palace, canary
listens and thinks: "Lomis, lomis, noseless,
to me still not getting at. "

   A kingdom round, empty stands - all
the people fled. Tishina.Tolko stupid whistling canary in a 
cage of simple rods. 

   That came at midnight. He heard the king
Kalamut heavy footsteps - even an elephant so do not
walks, even monster behemoth. Wham, wham!

   "Okay - I think - now you're bone-a
its on my gate rasshibesh, and I'll become
live forever, immortal, and the kingdom - the case
acquirable. "As fame, incidentally.

   Here at the gate like a siege log
thundered. And not just a log, and ten
girths. Once, twice ...

   On the third strike is cracked iron girder, like twigs, were 
thrown open grave gate, and behind them - none.

   "It's me, to see, blinded by the starlight
after a long dark seats, "the king has decided to
Kalamut. - And Death, I suppose, after the third
strike all fell apart into small crumbs. "

   So he calmed himself and came closer to the gate. No one. He 
looked down - there is, like gopher, white only.

   Looked closer - and that death is.
True, the tiny, but everything in it - and
white shroud, and a sharp scythe, and weights on
whose lifespan is measured.

   He brought the king Kalamut over her leg to
crush, but she dodged and beeping:

   "Get your foot, you old fool, I'm not for
you - for your canary was! "

   He froze with a raised leg, and
Death slipped inside, broke the cage, grabbed the canary in the 
wing and pulled for wherever it should. The song at this bawled 

        Once sang, two singing

        Dies and sings -

        Kanareechka plaintively sings!

   A Kalamut ninth after in his
deserted kingdom before olgo-lived - Violence
waited until his own death ...

(C) Mikhail Uspensky

   Cast Iron Horseman: A Novel. - St., 1998.

   ... Among the foreign literature was the leader of the 
famous Latin American novel writer Alfonso Kabelardo Astahuely 
under called "Everything that moves." Thick novel at 800 pages 
with great artistic power, narrated the plight of native of the 
people don Julio de Guzman. Extraordinary physical abilities 
have helped Don Julio was five years old chop

machete landowner despot, oppressing the Indians, and his 
cunning to seduce her husband. Youth of Don Julio husband's 
constant anti-gringo, cherako, asiendados and fazendeyros. This 
struggle was closely connected intimate life, and the rebel did 
not stop nor social position nor sex nor age, nor the number of 
chromosomes. From the city of San Inferno before the volcano 
went Utikakaya about it loud and present glory of the rebel

men. The culmination of the novel was the scene at
hacienda when Caballeros, tigreros ranchesos and, after 
drinking mezcal, tequila, pulque, aguardente and Cuban rum, open

shooting gambusinos and pistoleros. Don
Julio while shooting with both hands and do not
forgets to simultaneously lure gypsy
Yesenia, a slave Izauru and president of the predatory "United 
Fruit Company." Finally, desperate, the people rises

against his own defender, liberator and
lover. In the finals, expelled from everywhere, a hero lies in 
the arid Atacama Desert and pretending to be a corpse in order 
to attract at least long unsold vulture. But the revolutionary 
forces disrupted a disorderly life, and the weak ideological 
podgotovkoy.Neobychaynyh size bar catches him and carries on

pages of another novel.

   Great popularity and
domestic political novel "Briefing
The Bahamas' - seventh part of the famous Decalogue of 
unflinchingly journalist Martynov. captured the action from the 
first pages: returning with another press release

their five-room room at the Hilton, a journalist takes a bath 
and sink water, finds a corpse at the bottom of the head of a 
transnational corporation "Heavy Metal", was leaning on the 
position of people of goodwill. Evil killer tune all as if 
industrialist stabbed blade Neva for a safety razor. Save 
Martynov on contentious allegations can only be one thing - a 
collective letter to workers shaving plant Name Semenov of the 
low quality of its products. This prevented pokazushniki

and four-flusher, but the capital's friends Martynov - the 
academician, the hero, explorer and who joined them a 
carpenter, a former alcoholic - are making a general meeting. 
Now mafia is a journalist in the hands of

all the giblets. Martynov appoint a briefing where the final is 
going to expose the drug bosses, but because of

Moscow bureaucrats, cheapskate he
ends currency, and he leaves the swim
become such native Bahamas.

   The third best-selling book written by a living classic 
Stepanida Mokrousov and called "For the pasture." He told me 
about life of a fictional village in Siberia Vohrovki and two 
living in her delivery. Fists Bryukhanov and the poor stayed 
Rootless a constant class struggle and cut each

each other how much in vain. Not strain and intra-conflict: a 
son of the father on the rampage rouse, then his brother, a 
brand new move tractor, which is not shared. Do I need to talk 
about how suffering in this saga women who are constantly 
dragging it to the Elan, in omshanik, in the bushes, in the 
flock. Violent artfully interspersed images of the Communists. 
Finally Grandpa Yefim Groundless, burying the corpse of another

Bryukhanova discovers oil - and the old
village comes new life. Slaughtered Bryukhanova grandson, 
submits an application to Octobrists, graduated with honors 
from the school and immediately goes to the Academy of Social 
Sciences at CPSU Central Committee, successfully forging 
production non-alcoholic beverages "Chaldon, directs

native land and in the final rise in such so the tops, which 
describe the author did not have the artistic audacity.

   A series of "ardent revolutionaries" was
well represented by three books, the authors
which, as luck would have gone abroad:

   "Comrade Artem" (story about F. Sergeyev);

   "Comrade Arseny (the story of Frunze);

   "Comrade Kondraty" (the story of apoplexy).

   Studious librarian designed as
exhibition "Lights of Soviet literature,
where they were presented with books Antonina Koptyaevoy and 
Athanasius Koptelova. 

   Trusted readers to flip through album "Service-tracing dogs
- Stalin Prize in 1949 and
Binder youth newspaper Komsomolskaya
Tribe, Komsomolsk flame, Komsomolsk banner, Komsomolsk time, 
Komsomolsk crown, Komsomolsk seed, Komsomolsk stirrup. " 

Other articles:

Aperativchik - On the new shell magazine.

Aperativchik - Joining the authors.

Topic - DIGITAL sound like it is (a player. Wav files).

Topic - Project recovery and development stage.

Topic - The association's AMAZING SOFT MAKING.

Topic - Theory zhurnalostroeniya.

drop of solder - GENERAL SOUND: PLUG & PLAY.

drop of solder - Professional audio processing on a PC.


SOFTWARE - Description prohodilka game "Operation RR"


CODING - Procedures: FULL SCREEN SCROLL UP, broken TV.

CODING - Using a stack interrupt enable.

CODING - On the packer MS-PACK.

CODING - Kodit want - Inference Procedure sprites without attributes, quick and versatile procedure for the withdrawal of sprites, the procedure for multiplication and calculate the square root.

ANOTHER WORLD - Multimedia - a synthesis of three elements.


Hall of Fame - An Interview with PROGRESS.

Hall of Fame - The group ETERNITY INDUSTRY.

Hall of Fame - On the international festival ART COMP-98.

Hall of Fame - determination made in the demoscene and Spectrum.

Hall of Fame - Use the mouse in magazines and other software (for Krivorukov coders).

Hall of Fame - a way to convert tricolor images for Spectrum.

Hall of Fame - Is this the rulez Amiga? HRC for ptsshnikov and Spectrum for spektrumistov?

Seven and 1 / 2 - Army marasmus.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Programming from the bottom up to iskosok.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Safety Instructions for sex.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Features a national ruleza.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Report from the hangouts and Kemerovo spektrumistov sohdateley Journal Deja vu.

attempt at writing - Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh part 2.

attempt at writing - Fantasy and Science Fiction.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

News - a new magazine AMIGA RULES.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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