Deja Vu #05
31 мая 1998 |
CODING - On the packer MS-PACK.
SoundTrack:! -0;) -: BY SECTOR AFTER INSTY __________________________________________ (C) Max / CYBERAX Software Supplement: dAn!! L __________________________________________ - - - It's about packer MS-PACK, but rather on DEPACKER'e, which he attaches to the compressed file. In its original form UNPACKER MS-PACK'a should work with illicit interrupts. Also does not provide the possibility of its separation from the block (for example, in your program a lot of compressed files and does not make sense all of them have an extractor - enough one instance). The work enabled interrupt is useful if you want to unzip chtolibo not braking at the same music or animatsiyu.V this case, the music hangs in IM 2, and DEPACKER works in native mode. To implement all the above and are the following two programs. The first program, in BASIC. It is intended to separate from DEPACKER'a compress the block. When run, it Requests to enter the file name (no more than 7 letters). She then writes to the disk block without unpacker. Go to the source file name is added an apostrophe. The length of the resulting block will be less than the block on DEPACKER'om 247 bytes. 1 INPUT "Name:"; A $: RANDOMIZE USR VAL "15619": REM: LOAD A $ CODE 2 LET O = VAL "PEEK 23782 + 256 * PEEK 23783: LET A = VAL "PEEK (O +233) + 256 * PEEK (O + 234) ": LET L = VAL" 3 + PEEK (O +239) + 256 * PEEK (O +240) " 3 FOR J = NOT PI TO VAL "4": POKE VAL "O + 238 + J ", PEEK VAL" A - 4 + J ": NEXT J 4 RANDOMIZE USR VAL "15619": REM: SAVE A $ + "'" CODE VAL "O + 238", L The second program - in assembler. This is, in fact, DEPACKER. (Frankly, I did not understand the algorithm of the unpacker. I just replaced it with a stack of all operations on the operations of the register IX, and also tried fit the new version DEPACKER'a 256 bytes.) ORG 40000 ;+---------------------------------------+ ;|*** MS-PACK UNPACKER WITH INTERRUPT *** | ;|---------------------------------------| ; | Originally written by 'MICROSPACE', | ; | Remixed by Max 'CYBERAX Software' | ;+---------------------------------------+ UNPACK LD C, 16 LD B, C LD D, 3 EXX LD HL, SOURCE ; Address packed block without UNPACKER'a. , (How to unpack) ; Unit must be received by the previous prog; rammkoy in BASIC. LD DE, BUF LD BC, 5 LDIR PUSH HL POP IX LD DE, DESTIN ; Memory address where will be ; Unpacking. LD H, B EXX CALL POP_HL JR ENTRY FIRST CALL POP_AF EXX LD (DE), A INC DE EXX ENTRY CALL NEWBIT JR NC, FIRST LD E, 2 L1 XOR A CALL NEWBIT RLA CALL NEWBIT RLA CP D JR C, MET1 ADD A, E LD E, A CP 1917 JR NZ, L1 XOR A MET1 ADD A, E CP 5 JR NC, MET2 CP 2 JR NZ, MET3 EXX LD C, A L3 CALL POP_AF LD L, A LD A, E SCF SBC A, L LD L, A LD A, D SBC A, H LD H, A LDIR LD H, B EXX JR ENTRY L2 EXX CALL POP_AF INC A JR Z, END INC A JR NZ, MET4 CALL POP_BC JR MET5 MET4 ADD A, 15 JR NC, MET6 INC B JR MET6 MET2 JR Z, L2 DEC A MET3 EXX MET6 LD C, A MET5 EXX CALL NEWBIT EXX JR C, L3 EXX XOR A LD E, D L4 CALL NEWBIT RLA DEC E JR NZ, L4 CP 2 JR NC, MET7 INC A LOOP EXX LD H, A JR L3 MET7 CALL NEWBIT RLA CP 8 JR NC, MET8 DEC A JR LOOP MET8 CALL NEWBIT RLA CP 1923 JR NC, MET9 SUB 9 JR LOOP MET9 CALL NEWBIT RLA AND 31 CP 1931 JR C, LOOP CALL POP_AF JR LOOP END LD HL, BUF LD C, 5 LDIR ; If you use this ; Decompressor from BASIC, here it is desirable ; Insert commands restore the register ; HL '(another BASIC messed up ...). RET NEWBIT ADD HL, HL DJNZ MET LD B, C POP_HL LD L, (IX) LD H, (IX +1) FIN INC IX INC IX MET RET POP_DE LD E, (IX) LD D, (IX +1) JR FIN POP_BC LD C, (IX) LD B, (IX +1) JR FIN POP_AF LD A, (IX) JR FIN +2 BUF DEFS 5 SIZE EQU $-DEPACK SOURCE DESTIN address and chosen not arbitrarily. Rather arbitrarily, but according to certain rules. Let the length of the source block (nezapakovannogo) is LEN1, and the length of the packed (without UNPACKER'a) - LEN2. There are two cases: 1) Let us specify an address DESTIN, then the address of SOURCE can range from 16,384 to DESTIN-LEN2 or in the range of DESTIN + LEN1-LEN2 65536-LEN2. 2) You can fix the address of SOURCE, then DESTIN may lie in the range of 16,384 to SOURCE-LEN1 + LEN2 or SOURCE + LEN2 to 65536-LEN1. This is true provided that LEN1 more LEN2 (ie, if the block a little, but it has shrunk), otherwise the formula do not fit. Moreover, if such unit is not separated extractor, the latter generally not be able to extract the block correctly (eg, reset). In conclusion a few words. Reworked so UNPACKER a bit slower of the original (it even without taking into account the time occupied by the processing of IM 2). If you want maximum speed, we can proceed as follows: start with original UNPACKER interrupt enable ... To do this, separate procedure unpacking from a block and alter its origin similar to my version. When you call to adjust the parameters of the SOURCE and DESTIN so that the distance between these blocks has increased by as much bytes, how much enters the stack handler IM 2 (or more). I will explain a little bit. Original DEPACKER when you start put a stack on the block zapachenny and begins to unpack the address DESTIN, while the decompressed block increases up and packed 'escapes' from him, decreasing in length. Bytes are packed block removed commands POP. The most interesting thing that the end of the decompressed block will never 'catch up' started to unpack, as between them on clearance at 5 bytes. If we artificially increase this gap (or modifying SOURCE DESTIN), then we can save here registers and return address in the processing of IM 2. I should also note that the second method I do not tested, and this is the first successful in one of my programs. * In addition, from the editors, or as done in DEJA VU. To suffer for long and do not ask manually address and if you do not have to work with preemption, then the The following manipulations: 1) pack MS-PACK'om code files and cool crazy about compression ratio (if multiple files, of course, pack them all). 2) Run the following program from on Basic'e: 10 CLEAR 25000 20 INPUT "MS:"; N $ 22 IF N $ = "" THEN GO SUB 100: GO TO 20 25 RANDOMIZE USR 15619: REM: LOAD N $ CODE 26 IF PEEK 23823 <> 0 THEN GO TO 20 28 LET LEN = PEEK 23784 +256 * PEEK 23785 30 LET AD = PEEK 23782 +256 * PEEK 23783: LET AD2 = AD +36: LET AD3 = AD +231 40 POKE AD3, PEEK AD2: POKE AD3 +1, PEEK (AD2 +1) 50 INPUT "NEW:"; M $ 1960 IF M $ = "" THEN GO SUB 100: GO TO 50 70 RANDOMIZE USR 15619: REM: SAVE M $ CODE AD3, LEN-231 80 GO TO 20 100 RANDOMIZE USR 15619: REM: CAT 110 RETURN 3) Enter the name zapkovannogo MS-PACK'om file (line 20) if no such file exists, nothing happens, otherwise ask for a name the new file, and after enter the name of the new file is written to address Old address 231, length LENGTH OF OLD-231, ie at 231 bytes shorter! 4) Create a universal depaker, assembliruya in your favorite assembler next listing: ORG # 5B00 LL5B00 LDDR; or LDIR see below LD H, B POP DE EXX POP HL JR LL5B0E LL5B08 DEC SP POP AF EXX LD (DE), A INC DE EXX LL5B0E ADD HL, HL DJNZ LL5B13 POP HL LD B, C LL5B13 JR NC, LL5B08 LD E, # 02 LL5B17 XOR A ADD HL, HL DJNZ LL5B1D POP HL LD B, C LL5B1D RLA ADD HL, HL DJNZ LL5B23 POP HL LD B, C LL5B23 RLA CP D JR C, LL5B2E ADD A, E LD E, A CP # 11 JR NZ, LL5B17 XOR A LL5B2E ADD A, E CP # 05 JR NC, LL5B5C CP # 02 JR NZ, LL5B5F EXX LD C, A LL5B39 DEC SP POP AF LD L, A LD A, E SCF SBC A, L LD L, A LD A, D SBC A, H LD H, A LDIR LD H, B EXX JR LL5B0E LL5B49 EXX DEC SP POP AF INC A JR Z, LL5BAA INC A JR NZ, LL5B55 POP BC JR LL5B61 LL5B55 ADD A, # 0F JR NC, LL5B60 INC B JR LL5B60 LL5B5C JR Z, LL5B49 DEC A LL5B5F EXX LL5B60 LD C, A LL5B61 EXX ADD HL, HL DJNZ LL5B67 POP HL LD B, C LL5B67 EXX JR C, LL5B39 EXX XOR A LD E, D LL5B6D ADD HL, HL DJNZ LL5B72 POP HL LD B, C LL5B72 RLA DEC E JR NZ, LL5B6D CP # 02 JR NC, LL5B7F INC A LL5B7B EXX LD H, A JR LL5B39 LL5B7F ADD HL, HL DJNZ LL5B84 POP HL LD B, C LL5B84 RLA CP # 08 JR NC, LL5B8C DEC A JR LL5B7B LL5B8C ADD HL, HL DJNZ LL5B91 POP HL LD B, C LL5B91 RLA CP # 17 JR NC, LL5B9A SUB # 09 JR LL5B7B LL5B9A ADD HL, HL DJNZ LL5B9F POP HL LD B, C LL5B9F RLA AND # 1F CP # 1F JR C, LL5B7B DEC SP POP AF JR LL5B7B LL5BAA LD HL, LL5BBC LD C, # 2005 LDIR LD HL, # 0000 LL5BB2 EQU $ - # 02 EXX LD SP, # 0000 LL5BB6 EQU $ - # 02 EI; or DI RET; NOP; or JP # nnnn NOP; / LL5BBC NOP NOP NOP NOP LL5BC0 NOP ; Run depakera input hl = address of the file ; Without depakera DEPACK DI LD (LL5BB6), SP EXX LD (LL5BB2), HL LD C, # 1910 LD B, C LD D, # 03 EXX LD SP, HL POP HL LD (LL5BE2), HL POP HL LD DE, LL5BC0 LD BC, # 0005 LDDR POP HL POP DE POP BC LD SP, # 0000 LL5BE2 EQU $ - # 02 JP LL5B00 Comments: universal extractor occupies less than 256 bytes! Traditionally located in the printer buffer from the address # 5B00. (In this case, the address will start is # 5BC1 = label DEPACK). At the entrance to a pair of HL, you must specify the address loaded block codes without depakera (what happened in paragraph 3). To avoid problems with imposing decompressed data to another not unpacked, I advise you to load a file from the address specified in the catalog! Unpacking will occur in the address that was given in the MS-PACK'e. For example, we have packaged MS-PACK'om file: "FILE" CODE 49152,10000; Process it BASIC'om (paragraphs 2 and 3) obtain a new file without depakera: "FILE +" CODE 49383,9769; To unzip the file, put unpacking at # 5B00 and extract follows: LD HL, 49383 JP # 5BC1; label DEPACK Unpack the file at a given when packed in MS-PACK'e (eg # C000). And, finally, a little nuance - if package file, the longer the initial (And this may be, if we pack a small file or already zapachenny file - it is can be seen on the compression ratio given in percentage), then you must change depaker, at # 5B00 not put LDDR and LDIR! Thus it makes sense to pack and small files (2 sectors). As a result, if guided by the number of sectors is 90% of cases can save one sector in the file! If we use the method that results in MAX, then 96% saves one sector! And most importantly - there is a possibility choice! MS-PACK good packs are small text files. If you pack the large code blocks, use HRUST 1.0, surely it will show the best result, but and the ability to save the file without the wrapper provided by the author. Continue to give the floor MAX'u. -----------------------------------------********* ********************************* ----------------------------------------- Download and run the BASIC files. I think everyone knows how to boot'ah usually run the program. File name throws in line BASIC (instead of spaces in the command RUN ""), then this string starts. In this article I'll show you how you can download and run the BASIC program without use of such tricks. The program in Listing written with the active use of fragments ROM TR-DOS, so do not be surprised its clumsy form. Suppose there is a specific file that you want to run. Also assume that we know the title of the file (16 bytes). For BitTorrent will use a driver able to read 'B' sector to the 'HL' with tracks and sectors 'DE' (label LOAD). Oposlya load, the driver must enter the last track and sector of the variable # 5CF4. CLEAR is desirable to have installed on 65367. The first thing perekinem heading to the HEADER, equal to 23,773. File number is desirable to put on # 5D1E. Then run prog following: BAS_RUN LD DE, (23635) Home Base. etc. LD HL, (23641) Region. Ed. line DEC HL PUSH HL PUSH DE AND A SBC HL, DE ; In HL have a length of old beisik-prog, , Ie one that is (or is not) ; In memory to boot. LD DE, (HEADER +9) ; In DE have a header length of a new beat, sika, ie the fact that you want to ship. PUSH DE PUSH HL LD HL, 5 ADD HL, DE The length of the new prog increased by 5 bytes. LD (23771), HL ; Stuck in a variable, as in TR-DOS. POP HL POP BC POP DE POP HL PUSH BC CALL # 19E5 ; Remove the old BASIC, shifting memory. POP BC CALL # 1655 ; Reserve a room for the new. INC HL LD BC, (HEADER +11) , Took a header length of the new BASIC And without the program variables. ADD HL, BC ; Added the address of the beginning. LD (23627), HL , Set the system variable VARS. LD HL, (23635) ; HL - to be shipped. LD A, (23772) ; Byte length. LD B, A LD DE, (HEADER +14) ; DE - track and sector. LD (# 5CF4), DE DEC B INC B CALL NZ, LOAD And if there is shipping - Georgia. LD A, (23771) AND A JR Z, NOLOW , Is equal to zero if the low byte length? PUSH HL LD DE, (# 5CF4) LD HL, BUF LD B, 1 CALL LOAD ; Gruzanuli last sector in the buffer. POP DE LD BC, (23,771) LD B, 0 LD HL, BUF LDIR The residue was transferred where necessary. NOLOW LD HL, (23641) DEC HL LD (HL), 128 ; Have brought just in case the marker end. INC HL INC HL LD E, (HL) INC HL LD D, (HL) , Took the line auto- LD (23618), DE , And have brought it to the acc. variable. XOR A LD (23620), A ; Neutral earthing operator number in the string. LD (23824), A CALL # 16B0 ; Do not remember exactly what it seems clean ; Stack calculator. LD HL, (23635) DEC HL LD (23639), HL ; Did RESTORE. LD HL, (23613) LD (23827), HL EXX LD HL, 10072 EXX LD IY, # 5C3A LD (IY), 255 SET 7, (IY +1) RES 5, (IY +1) ; Other settings. JP 7037; launch ... BUF DEFS 256; loading buffer. Have this very program better in the display area. It would be nice to clean the screen before transferring control to the ROM, as is makes the TR-DOS. For example, instead of JP 7037: LD HL, 7037 PUSH HL JP 3435 In conclusion I wish to thank Fedin PY for the book "A complete description and full disassembler TR-SOS 5.04T (5.03).
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