Adventurer #10
30 сентября 1999

SS'99 - Interview: Wolf / Rage (authors Games Monsterland and Mist).

<b>SS'99</b> - Interview: Wolf / Rage (authors Games Monsterland and Mist).
                WOLF / RAGE

      (Editor's note. - An interview is taken up
start drinking party during the 1 st bottle
"SS'999" Belarusian vodka, here R -

     CPU: Well, actually, how are you doing with
scene in Minsk?

     R: Fine! We FATALITY ...

     CPU: Only?

     R: Yes, but more like, no one
was seen ...

     CPU: And how much you have progressed

     R: The demo version was brought ...

     CPU: A full when the plan to release?

     R: Well, basically, it's called
"MIST. The last millennium project"

     CPU: Ah, well, clearly, clearly ...

     R: Probably yes, in 2000 ...

     CPU: I heard that the engine you like
in Raven Black, and in general seems to be similar to DIABOLO 

     R: I do not know, there is probably a mixture .... Well
Yes, something like, although the schedule I keep silent ... 
While so, if we compare DIABOLO and MIST - things are just not 
comparable ... 

     CPU: Well, of course, compare the Spectrum and Amiga, too, 
compared with pC ... 

     R: Well, something like this, it seems
little ...

     CPU: What about other projects

     R: AWAKEN will be 100%, well, somewhere in the
New Year ...

     CPU: How ready is, so to speak,
demo version, as it looks?

     R: In terms of AWAKEN 'a?

     CPU: Yes.

     R: Well, the demo - it's about 40%
game where a 50 per cent from the rest of the story ...

     CPU: No, well, in the latest demo yet
can not sit on the planet ...

     R: There will be a demo version of one. Will
connected to the plot. Well, the number of stars
increased to 500. 000 ...

     CPU: Che, 2. 500. 000 already?

     R: Yes, somewhere so connected for 2
Character ...

     CPU: This demo is already there?

     R: No, it's still to come out ... That's completely 
redesigned interface stations, made such a wINDOWS, windows 
apart, tudasyuda hang out, do not know why This, in principle, 
to, well ... 

     CPU: Beautiful!

     R: Yes, the extra bells and whistles ...

     (Editor's note. - On the background is heard:
"Well, for the friendship ... Hu ..." )

     R: Well, why else have we done? A
made a new type of ship, I
and did not realize who it was, but something very tricky out 
there, if you destroy it, he throws out any containers, which 
price list no. These containers of artifacts. They can provide 
an opportunity connection of additional equipment,

but after they are studied. Well,
Basically, done such a thing as a bomb container, cool stuff, 
just when hit the ship that was flowing out, throwing the 
container to you from him rid of him, so sometimes it can throw 
a bomb, if you lift it ... They differ

really just a few containers of parts, ie, need more care. Made 
of 2 types of laser yet, well and the plot is connected to the 
main ... 

     CPU: Well, that is, you are interested
make the full version.

     R: Yes, of course, of course, was
time of such decline ... Well, there were some depressive 
thoughts, and then came letter for some, whether from Saratov, 
whether somewhere, offered $ 5 per copy,

they have such enthusiasm, they are there for a week,
must have a monthly plan covered ...

     CPU: Yes, okay, but what about the other
projects there, PUSSY? Mast, by the way,

     R: Actually, going ...

     CPU: A Th you how strange it going, all
from Minsk, and all different?

     R: Well, different teams, who are from Minsk
may still come? None.

     CPU: ie, Mast 'a will or something?

     R: Probably not.

     CPU: Okay, then, until the evening ...

Other articles:

Authors - The authors of the next issue of the magazine.

Authors - from the authors: room is dedicated to the Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'99.

Presentation - Editor Font Rainbow Font Editor 1.0: a fascinating story of creation.

Presentation - Picture Viewer 1.14: Boot-viewer, graphics poderzhkoy ZX-ZIP archives.

Presentation - SpectrumGuide v2.0b: program for design assistance for its programs to produce newspapers, magazines and other things ...

Presentation - Turbo Debugger: demo version of the new monitor / debugger for a computer ZX-Spectrum.

Interface - letters from readers: A new version of Worms, refinement of QUILL, the need for articles on creating games, Poke to games are known for, the glitch in programs, etc.

Interface - report CPU with CC'999.

Interface - the problem of choosing a home computer: "Is Amiga Rulez?" (Continued)

Interface - a success story Apple Macintosh.

Interface - Ironman talks about the musicians an electronics: Tomas Heckmann, Maurizio, Joey Beltram, Fumiya Tanaka, Chigago Electro.

System - an overview of system software: E-Mage Work Station, Sprite Editor, X-DOS, Chunks Graphics Editor, Firestarter Viewer, Steep Format, XAS 9.10, Exhume.

SS'99 - Interview: Dude / Diogen (authors of the journal Voyager).

SS'99 - Interview: Kvazar / RUSH (editor Polesie) and leader of the Samara spektrumistov MMA (Unbeliever).

SS'99 - Interview: Wlodeck Black (organizer Funtop'98) and MMA.

SS'99 - Interview: Wolf / Rage (authors Games Monsterland and Mist).

SS'99 - Interview: XL-Design (creators of the magazine ZX-Format).

SS'99 - Interview: Vyacheslav Mednonogov / Copper Feet (the Black Raven 2).

SS'99 - Interview: Volga Soft.

SS'99 - Interview: SerzhSoft (winner of 4k).

SS'99 - Interview: Random / CC (weak excuses about oragnizatsii SS'99).

SS'99 - the interview: Real Masters (on the demo and future projects).

SS'99 - Interview: Digital Reality (past and future projects).

SS'99 - Interview: Paul Pavlov (creator of the site Virtual TR-DOS).

Promotion - adventyurnaya game "Souls of Darkon".

Exchange of experience - gamemaking: to create games for example, "Full Shit".

Exchange of experience - a library of mathematical procedures: (Work with IEEE numbers) Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, cosine and sine.

Exchange of experience - Preset the 5.25 drives.

Novella - on mativam Spectrum games.

Ottyag - "Tuk, pull!"

Ottyag - Ilya Hanonovich Steiner: the real delusion of a real person from the USSR.

Ottyag - "I love my job," the seller of alcohol.

Ottyag - Little Red Riding Hood MIX (Fairy Tale for the little ones).

Ottyag - Terminator 3.5 or urinating day 2.

News - Spectrum news from Rybinsk.

Advertising - listing of Ironman and other spektrumistov.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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