Adventurer #10
30 сентября 1999 |
Exchange of experience - a library of mathematical procedures: (Work with IEEE numbers) Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, cosine and sine.
(C) Maximum / INTEGER Hello, dear readers ADVENTURER 'a, it's you again worries Maximum with his unquenchable thirst chtoto write in assembly language ... This time I present to your court rather complex protsedurki, although someone like ... In this article will focus on metematike rampant, everyone there cosines and roots, multiplied by the sine! Well, to the body, ie, to the point: Many people probably do not like the speed of the built-in calculator, but with numbers need to somehow work, many write clever protsedurki such as division of H on L, and the output of the integer part of D, E in the fractional part of the sine is calculated from the tables, etc., etc. Here are the procedures in the library version 1. 0, it included: - Addition; - Subtraction; - Multiplication; - Division; - Cosine; - Sinus; - A few auxiliary procedures. All these operations operate on the IEEE numbers (real) band which -5. 9E-39 to +3. 4E38, processed 7 digits after the decimal point, which is very accurate! To represent these numbers need only 4 bytes, in the form of mantissa-order. For operations on IEEE numbers used registers DE, HL, D - for the storage order, EHL - to store the mantissa, 7-bit Register H - stores number sign. For example: H L E D 2 = 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 = # 40 # 00 # 00 # 01 1 = 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 = # 40 # 00 # 00 # 00 -12.5 = 11100100 00000000 00000000 00000011 = # E4 # 00 # 00 # 03 0.1 = 01100110 01100110 01100110 11111100 = # 66 # 66 # 66 # FC For ease of IEEE were written by two auxiliary procedures to transfer numbers from one number system to another, ie, in IEEE Int, and vice versa (Int - this word with sign). These procedures may arise mathematical errors, in this case vent to ERROR, and Reg. A will be: 1 - overflow numbers; 2 - when divided by zero. This should insert its own procedure processing oschibok until there RET. We now describe the procedures: 1. Add two IEEE numbers. At the entrance: the stack IEEE number to which you want to add, and DE, HL - that add. At the exit: DE, HL - sum of the numbers. Example: We need to add 2 and 10: LD DE, # 0100; it LD HL, # 4000, number 2 PUSH HL; enters PUSH DE; on stack LD DE, # 0300; it LD HL, # 5000; number 10 CALL IEEE_Add ... (Note that the number is entered on the stack, the first HL, and then DE!) 2. The difference between two IEEE numbers. At the entrance: the stack IEEE number, from which should be taken away, and in DE, HL - that rob. At the exit: DE, HL - the difference between the numbers. Example: You must take 1 of 2: LD DE, # 0100; it LD HL, # 4000, number 2 PUSH HL; enters PUSH DE; on stack LD DE, # 0000 is LD HL, # 4000; number 1 CALL IEEE_Sub ... 3. Multiplication of two IEEE numbers. At the entrance: the stack IEEE number that you multiply, and in DE, HL - at that multiply. At the exit: DE, HL - Multiplication number. Example: multiply 10 by 2: LD DE, # 0300; it LD HL, # 5000; number 10 PUSH HL; enters PUSH DE; on stack LD DE, # 0100; it LD HL, # 4000, number 2 CALL IEEE_Mul ... 4. Dividing the two IEEE numbers. At the entrance: the stack IEEE number to be divided, and in DE, HL - at that Radel. At the exit: DE, HL - split number. Example: you divide 10 by 2: LD DE, # 0300; it LD HL, # 5000; number 10 PUSH HL; enters PUSH DE; on stack LD DE, # 0100; it LD HL, # 4000, number 2 CALL IEEE_Div ... 5. Translated from format to format Int IEEE. At the entrance: the HL - the number for the translation. At the exit: DE, HL - IEEE number. Example: We need to convert the number 20 in the IEEE format: LD HL, 20 CALL Int_IEEE ... For the number -20 is: LD HL, -20 CALL Int_IEEE 6. Translated from the format in the IEEE format Int. At the entrance: DE, HL - the number for the translation. The output of: HL - Int number. 7. Returns the integer portion of the IEEE numbers in the form Int HL. At the entrance: DE, HL - IEEE number. The output of: HL - Int number. Example: ... LD DE, num_1 LD HL, num_2 CALL IEEE_Trunc ... 8. Cosine. At the entrance: DE, HL - degree specified in radians. At the exit: DE, HL - cosine of a number. Example: ... LD DE, num_1 LD HL, num_2 CALL IEEE_Cos ... 9. Sine. At the entrance: DE, HL - degree specified in radians. At the exit: DE, HL - sine of a number. Example: ... LD DE, num_1 LD HL, num_2 CALL IEEE_Sin ... 10. Square of the number. At the entrance: DE, HL - number. At the exit: DE, HL - square numbers. Example: ... LD DE, num_1 LD HL, num_2 CALL IEEE_Square ... Well, sort of, and all that is necessary for normal operation with the library. See you in the next room ... Math Library 17-19.03.99 (C) Maximum / iNTEGER ERR_Overflow EQU 1 ERR_Div_by_0 EQU 2 ERROR ret IEEE_Add - Addition of two IEEE numbers: LD DE, num0_1 LD HL, num0_2 PUSH HL PUSH DE LD DE, num1_1 LD HL, num1_2 CALL IEEE_Add IEEE_Add bit 6, h jp z, exit_2 ld iy, 0 add iy, sp ld a, h ld b, (iy +5) bit 6, b jr z, IEEE_A6 xor b push af push de ld a, d ld d, b ld b, e ld e, (iy +4) sub (iy +3) jp pe, IEEE_A7 jp m, IEEEA13 ld c, (iy +2) jr z, IEEEA14 IEEE_A1 push hl res 7, d res 7, h IEEE_A2 srl d rr e rr c dec a jr nz, IEEE_A2 ld a, b bit 7, (iy-1) jr nz, IEEE_A8 IEEE_A3 add a, c adc hl, de pop bc pop de jp po, IEEE_A4 srl h rr l rra inc d jp pe, IEEEA12 IEEE_A4 ld e, a ld a, b and # 80 or h ld h, a IEEE_A5 pop af IEEE_A6 pop bc pop af pop af push bc ret IEEE_A7 pop de jr nc, exit_1 jr IEEE_A5 IEEE_A8 sub c sbc hl, de IEEE_A9 pop bc IEEEA10 pop de IEEEA11 bit 6, h jr nz, IEEE_A4 add a, a adc hl, hl dec d jp po, IEEEA11 IEEEA12 ld sp, iy pop bc pop hl pop hl push bc IEEE_Ov ld a, ERR_Overflow jp ERROR IEEEA13 ld c, b ld b, (iy +3) ld (iy-3), b ld b, (iy +2) ex de, hl neg jr IEEE_A1 IEEEA14 ld a, b push hl res 7, h res 7, d bit 7, (iy-1) jr z, IEEE_A3 sub c sbc hl, de jr nz, IEEEA15 or a jr z, IEEEA16 IEEEA15 jr nc, IEEE_A9 ld de, 0 ex de, hl ld c, a pop af cpl ld b, a xor a sub c sbc hl, de jr IEEEA10 IEEEA16 ld d, h ld e, h pop af pop af jr IEEE_A5 exit_1 pop af exit_2 pop bc pop de pop hl push bc ret IEEE_Sub - The difference between the two IEEE numbers: LD DE, num0_1 LD HL, num0_2 PUSH HL PUSH DE LD DE, num1_1 LD HL, num1_2 CALL IEEE_Sub IEEE_Sub ld a, # 80 xor h ld h, a jp IEEE_Add IEEE_Mul - Multiplication IEEE numbers: LD DE, num0_1 LD HL, num0_2 PUSH HL PUSH DE LD DE, num1_1 LD HL, num1_2 CALL IEEE_Mul IEEE_Mul ld iy, 0 add iy, sp ld a, # 40 and h ld b, (iy +5) and b jr z, IEEE_M9 ld a, h xor b and # 80 ld b, a ld a, (iy +3) add a, d ld c, a jp pe, IEEEA12 push bc res 7, h ld c, e xor a ex de, hl ld l, (iy +2) ld b, 8 IEEE_M1 rr l jr nc, IEEE_M2 add a, d IEEE_M2 rra djnz IEEE_M1 rr l ld h, a ld a, (iy +4) ld b, 8 IEEE_M3 rra jr nc, IEEE_M4 add hl, de IEEE_M4 rr h rr l djnz IEEE_M3 rra ld b, 7 IEEE_M5 rr (iy +5) jr nc, IEEE_M6 add a, c adc hl, de IEEE_M6 rr h rr l rra djnz IEEE_M5 pop bc ld e, a ld d, c bit 6, h jr nz, IEEE_M7 rl e adc hl, hl jr IEEE_M8 IEEE_M7 inc d jp pe, IEEEA12 IEEE_M8 ld a, b or h ld h, a pop bc pop af pop af push bc ret IEEE_M9 pop hl pop de ex (sp), hl ld hl, 0 ld e, h ld d, l ret IEEE_Div - Division Two IEEE numbers: LD DE, num0_1 LD HL, num0_2 PUSH HL PUSH DE LD DE, num1_1 LD HL, num1_2 CALL IEEE_Sub IEEE_Div bit 6, h ld a, ERR_Div_by_0 jp z, ERROR ld iy, 0 add iy, sp ld b, (iy +5) bit 6, b jp z, IEEE_M9 ld a, (iy +3) sub d jp pe, IEEEA12 push af ld d, b ld c, e ld e, (iy +4) ld a, d xor h and # 80 res 7, d res 7, h push af ex de, hl ld a, (iy +2) ld b, # 08 IEEE_D1 sub c sbc hl, de jr nc, IEEE_D2 add a, c adc hl, de IEEE_D2 rl (iy-4) add a, a adc hl, hl djnz IEEE_D1 ld b, 8 IEEE_D3 sbc hl, de jr nc, IEEE_D4 add hl, de IEEE_D4 rla add hl, hl djnz IEEE_D3 cpl IEEE_D5 ld l, a ld a, h ld b, 8 IEEE_D6 sub d jr nc, IEEE_D7 add a, d IEEE_D7 rl e add a, a djnz IEEE_D6 pop bc ld a, c cpl ld h, a ld a, e pop de cpl bit 7, h jr nz, IEEE_D9 dec d jp pe, IEEEA12 IEEE_D8 ld e, a ld a, h or b ld h, a pop bc pop af pop af push bc ret IEEE_D9 srl h rr l rra jr IEEE_D8 Int_IEEE - Translation numbers in the format int format IEEE: LD HL, num CALL Int_IEEE At the exit: DE, HL - IEEE Number Int_IEEE ld a, # 80 and h jp z, I_IEEE1 ex de, hl ld hl, 0 sbc hl, de or a I_IEEE1 ld de, 0 adc hl, de ret z ld d, 14 I_IEEE2 bit 6, h jp nz, I_IEEE3 add hl, hl dec d jp I_IEEE2 I_IEEE3 ld e, 0 or h ld h, a ret IEEE_Int - Translation numbers in the format IEEE in the number format of Int: LD DE, num_1 LD HL, num_2 CALL IEEE_Int The output of: HL - Int Number IEEE_Int push hl push de ld de, # ff00 ld hl, # 4000 call IEEE_Add bit 6, h ret z ld a, # 80 and h ld c, a res 7, h ld a, d or a jp m, IEEE_I5 ld a, # 0e sub d jp c, IEEE_Ov ld b, a xor a cp e jp z, IEEE_I1 inc a IEEE_I1 dec b inc b jp z, IEEE_I3 IEEE_I2 srl h rr l adc a, 0 djnz IEEE_I2 IEEE_I3 inc c ret p or a jp z, IEEE_I4 inc hl IEEE_I4 ex de, hl ld hl, 0 sbc hl, de ret IEEE_I5 inc c ld hl, 0 ret p dec hl ret IEEE_Trunc - Returns the integer portion of IEEE Int numbers in the form of HL LD DE, num_1 LD HL, num_2 CALL IEEE_Trunc The output of: HL - Int Number IEEE_Trunc bit 6, h ret z ld a, # 80 and h ld c, a res 7, h ld a, 14 sub d jr z, IEEE_T2 jp m, IEEE_T3 ld b, a IEEE_T1 srl h rr l djnz IEEE_T1 IEEE_T2 inc c ret p ex de, hl ld hl, 0 or a sbc hl, de ret IEEE_T3 ld hl, 0 ret IEEE_Cos - cosine of a number: number is given in radians! LD DE, num_1 LD HL, num_2 CALL IEEE_Cos At the exit: DE, HL - The number of IEEE_Cos bit 6, h jp z, IEEE_Null ld a, d cp # f3 jp m, IEEE_Null call IEEE_C0 ld b, # 00 jr nz, IEEE_C1 ld b, # 80 call IEEE_C2 IEEE_C1 ld a, d add a, # 02 ex af, af ' ld a, # 02 jr IEEE_S1 IEEE_Sin - sine of a number: number is given in radians! LD DE, num_1 LD HL, num_2 CALL IEEE_Sin At the exit: DE, HL - The number of IEEE_Sin bit 6, h ret z ld a, d cp # f3 ret m push hl call IEEE_C0 jr nz, IEEE_S0 call IEEE_C2 xor a IEEE_S0 ex af, af ' xor a pop bc IEEE_S1 ex af, af ' xor b cpl and # 80 ld (d31), a ld a, d cp # fe call z, IEEE_C2 ex af, af ' add a, a ex af, af ' cp # fd jr nz, $ +5 call IEEE_C2 cp # fc ex af, af ' add a, a ex af, af ' jr nz, IEEE_S2 ex af, af ' inc a ex af, af ' ld bc, # 4000 push bc ld b, # fd push bc set 7, h call IEEE_Add IEEE_S2 ex af, af ' exx ld l, a ld h, 0 ld de, Sin_Tab add hl, de ld a, (hl) ld (d32), a exx ld (d33), de ld (d35), hl call IEEE_Square push hl push de ld bc, # 7a3b push bc ld bc, # 0021 push bc ld bc, # 4d67 push bc ld bc, # 0157 push bc ld bc, # e144 push bc ld bc, # 00b2 push bc call IEEE_Add call IEEE_Div call IEEE_Add ld (d3b), de ld (d3d), hl call IEEE_Div ld c, h ld a, h xor # 80 ld h, a ld (d37), de ld (d39), hl ld h, c push hl push de ld de, (d3b) ld hl, (d3d) call IEEE_Add ld (d3f), de ld (d41), hl ld a, (d32) srl a jr c, IEEE_S3 or a jr nz, IEEE_S6 ld de, (d33) ld hl, (d35) inc d IEEE_S4 call IEEE_S8 IEEE_S5 ld a, (d31) or h ld h, a ret IEEE_S6 ld de, (d3b) ld hl, (d3d) push hl push de ld de, (d37) ld hl, (d39) call IEEE_Add jr IEEE_S4 IEEE_S3 ld hl, # 5a82 ld de, # ff79 push hl push de inc d or a jr nz, $ +4 set 7, h push hl push de ld de, (d37) ld hl, (d39) jr nz, IEEE_S7 ld a, h xor # 80 ld h, a IEEE_S7 push hl push de ld hl, (d35) ld de, (d33) call IEEE_Add call IEEE_Mul call IEEE_S8 call IEEE_Add jr IEEE_S5 IEEE_S8 push hl push de ld hl, (d41) ld de, (d3f) call IEEE_Div ret IEEE_C2 ld a, e IEEE_C3 dec d add a, a adc hl, hl jr z, IEEE_C4 bit 6, h jr z, IEEE_C3 IEEE_C5 ld e, a ex af, af ' inc a ex af, af ' ld a, d ret IEEE_C4 or a jr nz, IEEE_C3 ld d, a jr IEEE_C5 IEEE_C0 push af res 7, h ld bc, # 517c push bc ld bc, # fdc0 push bc call IEEE_Mul call IEEE_q pop af ex af, af ' ld a, d inc a ret Sin_Tab db 0,1,3,2,2,3,1,0,2,3,1,0,0,1,3,2 IEEE_q ld a, h or a ret z jp m, IEEE_q4 IEEE_q1 bit 7, d ret nz ld b, d inc b ld a, e IEEE_q2 add a, a adc hl, hl djnz IEEE_q2 ld d, # ff res 7, h ld e, a IEEE_q3 bit 6, h ret nz dec d sla e adc hl, hl jr nz, IEEE_q3 inc e dec e jr nz, IEEE_q3 ld d, e ret IEEE_q4 res 7, h call IEEE_q1 bit 6, h ret z set 7, h push hl push de ld hl, # 4000 ld d, l ld e, l call IEEE_Add ret d31 db 0 d32 db 0 d33 dw 0 d35 dw 0 d37 dw 0 d39 dw 0 d3b dw 0 d3d dw 0 d3f dw 0 d41 dw 0 IEEE_Null ld hl, # 4000 ld d, l ld e, l ret IEEE_Square - square numbers LD DE, num_1 LD HL, num_2 CALL IEEE_Square At the exit: DE, HL - The number of IEEE_Square pop bc push hl push de push bc jp IEEE_Mul
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