Adventurer #08
31 августа 1998

Exchange of experience - on how to operate in the assembly with the long numbers of type Long.

<b>Exchange of experience</b> - on how to operate in the assembly with the long numbers of type Long.
      (C) Maximum / INTEGER

        LONG??? What is it?

      So long numbers are indicated on the
PC and AMIGA. Ie a number lying in
range from 0 to 4294967295, which is given for the submission 
of four (4) byte of memory.

      In this article I will teach you how to operate with such 
numbers. And for what it is do you want? For example, you write 
a game in which there are options such as money, gold and

etc. As usual, the money in these games
is much larger than 65535. Here
here is something just and useful LONG tsiferki ...

      So, we have the number 12. 000. 00.
In Long, it looks like this: # 00B71B00

      In the same assembly is to recruit as follows:
long_num DW # 00B7, # 1B00

      The format of the job of every Long:


      LD HL, # 00B7


      LD HL, # 1B00


      Ie in the highest part of HL, and
HL 'its lowest part.

        Addition of two Long numbers

      You just need to add lower part,
and then taking into account the C flag folded and older:

      ADD HL, DE


      ADC HL, DE



      At the entrance of the procedure: HL and HL '-
the first number in the DE and DE '- the second number.

      At the exit: HL and HL 'the sum of two numbers.

       The difference of two numbers Long

      Here, roughly the same:

      AND A

      SBC HL, DE


      SBC HL, DE


      The parameters are the same as L_ADD.

           Print Long numbers

      To print the numbers we need to translate from Long to 
ASCII codes, which makes the following procedure:

L_PR LD IX, L_TAB; see below

          LD A, 10, the number of 10 characters


          LD E, (IX +0); st.slovo Table.

          LD D, (IX +1)


          LD E, (IX +2); ml.slovo Table.

          LD D, (IX +3)

          LD A, '0 '-1
L_PR1 CALL L_SUB; count down until

          INC A; enable the flag C

          JR NC, L_PR1;

          CALL L_ADD; restore the number of

          LD (BC), A; in its buffer

          INC BC

          INC IX

          INC IX

          INC IX

          INC IX

          EX AF, AF '

          DEC A

          JR NZ, L_PR0; all the numbers

          RET; ...

; Table of numbers:

L_TAB DW # 3B9A, # CA00; 1000000000

          DW # 05F5, # E100; 100000000

          DW # 0098, # 9680; 10000000

          DW # 000F, # 4240, 1000000

          DW # 0001, # 86A0; 100000

          DW # 0000, # 2710, 10000

          DW # 0000, # 03E8; 1000

          DW # 0000, # 0064, 100

          DW # 0000, # 000A; 10

          DW # 0000, # 0001, 1

   Before calling in the HL and HL 'number, and in
BC buffer address for the number. Example:

          ORG # 6000

          LD HL, # FFFF


          LD HL, # FFFF

          LD BC, BUFF

          CALL L_PR

          CALL 3435

          LD A, 2

          CALL 5633

          LD HL, BUFF

          LD B, 10

          RST 1916

          INC HL

          DJNZ LOOP



             Entering Long numbers.

   Or rather not enter, and the transformation of
of ASCII codes in Long format. Apply
This can be as follows:


          LD HL, BUFF


          CALL INPUT; Enter the number of

          LD HL, BUFF

          CALL L_DC


   At the entrance of the procedure: HL-address buffer
where the number of sitting:

BUFF DB "212042067"

          DB 0, ie, the end marker

                         ; Code "" 0 ">" 9 "

   After calling in the HL and HL 'is a number.


          LD B, 0
L_DC1 LD A, (HL); calculate how much

          CP "0"; tsiferok from our

          JR C, L_DC2; number

          CP "9" 1

          JR NC, L_DC2

          INC B

          INC HL

          JR L_DC1

          POP BC; in BC it

          LD HL, 0; Clear

          EXX; new

          LD HL, 0; number

L_DC3 LD A, B; all create one?

          LD DE ,0-4

          AND A

          RET Z; Nooo!


          DEC A; using the table

          LD IX, L_TAB +36

          JR Z, L_DC4; find

          ADD IX, DE; desired

          DEC A; us

          JR Z, L_DC4; discharge

          ADD IX, DE; number

          DEC A

          JR Z, L_DC4

          ADD IX, DE

          DEC A

          JR Z, L_DC4

          ADD IX, DE

          DEC A

          JR Z, L_DC4

          ADD IX, DE

          DEC A

          JR Z, L_DC4

          ADD IX, DE

          DEC A

          JR Z, L_DC4

          ADD IX, DE

          DEC A

          JR Z, L_DC4

          ADD IX, DE

          DEC A

          JR Z, L_DC4

          ADD IX, DE
L_DC4 DEC B; aha, found

          LD E, (IX); take what

          LD D, (IX +1); we

          EXX; add

          LD E, (IX +2); to

          LD D, (IX +3); a new number

          LD A, (BC); what is your number?

          INC BC
L_DC5 CP "0" until the "zero"

          JR Z, L_DC3

          CALL L_ADD; add the category of

          DEC A

          JR L_DC5

      Well all I have given already many
information about Long, so that the use
Health ...

      I hope that this article applies to someone
help. I also want to recall that such
numbers have already been successfully used over
Thank Mednonogov known in his UFO.
I'm more of such a method yet nowhere


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