Adventurer #08
31 августа 1998

Exchange of experience - Graphic effect IRIS (plasma).

<b>Exchange of experience</b> - Graphic effect IRIS (plasma).
    (C) Ivan Roshchin, Moscow, 1998

     This beautiful effect is the first time I saw on the PC, 
the program Dos Navigator (Screen saver 'iris. Ss'), and 
transferred it at the Spectrum. Here is the full text of the 
program with detailed comments:

M_X EQU 7; Scale X
M_Y EQU 7; Scale Y

        ORG # 6000

; Set attributes:


        LD HL, # 5800

        LD DE, # 5801

        LD BC, # 2FF

        LD (HL), L


; Draw the grid:

        LD HL, # 4000
LP1 LD A,% 01010101

        BIT 0, H

        JR NZ, NE_FF


        INC HL

        LD A, H

        CP # 58

        JR NZ, LP1

; Main loop:


; Buffer filled "from end to beginning"
, And in the same order will be displayed
; On the screen in the procedure TO_SCR.

        LD H, TAB / # 100

        LD DE, (M_3)

        LD A, 24


        LD BC, (M_1)


        LD B, 32


        LD A, (MEM_BP)

        LD L, C

        ADD A, (HL)

        LD L, B

        ADD A, (HL)

        LD L, E

        ADD A, (HL)

        LD L, D

        ADD A, (HL)

        AND # 7F

; Significant bit accumulator reset, and
; Buffer is populated with the # 00 - # 7F.
; This is useful in the procedure TO_SCR.

        LD (IX), A

        DEC IX

        INC C;!

        ADD A, B

        LD B, A


        DJNZ LOOP_H



        ADD A, E

        LD E, A

        INC D;!

        EX AF, AF '

        DEC A

        JP NZ, LOOP_V

        LD HL, (MEM_BP)

        DEC HL;!!

        LD (MEM_BP), HL

        LD A, L

        XOR H

        LD HL, BUFER + # 2FF

        XOR (HL)

        XOR E

        XOR C

        ADD A, D

        ADD A, B

        LD B, A

        LD HL, NAPR

        AND 3

        LD D, 0

        LD E, A

        ADD HL, DE

        LD A, (HL)

        BIT 3, B

        JR NZ, TO_DEC

        CP 3

        JP P, TO_END

        INC (HL)

        JR TO_END


        JP M, TO_END

        DEC (HL)


        LD HL, M_1

        ADD A, (HL)

        LD (HL), A

        LD A, (M_2)

        LD HL, NAPR +1

        SBC A, (HL)

        LD (M_2), A

        LD A, (NAPR +2)

        LD HL, M_3

        ADD A, (HL)

        LD (HL), A

        LD A, (M_4)

        LD HL, NAPR +3

        SBC A, (HL)

        LD (M_4), A

        CALL TO_SCR; Displays

        XOR A; Something

        IN A, (254); pressed?


        AND 31

        JR NZ, OBR_Z

; If not pressed, restoring
, The scale of the X and Y:

        CALL INC_M

        JP MAIN_LP

; Button is pressed Z (Zoom)?


        IN A, (254)

        BIT 1, A

        RET NZ; If not - go

; If pressed - Scales:

        CALL DEC_M

        JP MAIN_LP

M_1 DB 0
M_2 DB 0
M_3 DB 0
M_4 DB 0
NAPR DB 2,1,3,4

;----------------------------------; Procedures INC_M and DEC_M 
increase , And reduce the scale:


        LD A, (HL)

        CP M_X

        JR NC, INC_Y

        INC (HL)

        LD A, (HL)

        CP M_Y

        RET NC

        INC (HL)



        LD A, (HL)

        AND A

        JR Z, DEC_Y

        DEC (HL)

        LD A, (HL)

        AND A

        RET Z

        DEC (HL)


;----------------------------------; Procedure TO_SCR recode 
bytes ; From the buffer using a palette and

; The result as a file attribute:


        LD DE, # 5800; screen

        LD BC, BUFER + # 2FF; end of the buffer


        LD L, A


, Ie take a byte from the buffer and place
; In the register L. This will be offset in
; Panel (which is why it should start
; To address the multiple # 100). LDI team
; Take a byte from the palette (HL) and put
; On the screen at (DE), which
; Increased by 1. The situation in the buffer (BC)
, Decreases by 1. The fact that HL is also
; Increased by 1, no role
; Played since H does not change (because
, That in the buffer are the values ​​0 .. # 7F),
, And L is still unchanged at the next
; Step.

        LD A, (BC)

        LD L, A


        LD A, (BC)

        LD L, A


        LD A, (BC)

        LD L, A


        LD A, (BC)

        LD L, A


        LD A, (BC)

        LD L, A


        LD A, (BC)

        LD L, A


        LD A, (BC)

        LD L, A


        LD A, D

        CP # 5B

        JP NZ, LP_S


;--------------------------------; Auxiliary buffers and tables:

        ORG # C000

; Auxiliary table begins
; To address the multiple # 100:


    DB # 40, # 40, # 40, # 40, # 40, # 40, # 40, # 40

    DB # 3F, # 3F, # 3F, # 3F, # 3F, # 3E, # 3E, # 3E

    DB # 3E, # 3D, # 3D, # 3D, # 3C, # 3C, # 3B, # 3B

    DB # 3B, # 3A, # 3A, # 39, # 39, # 38, # 38, # 37

    DB # 37, # 36, # 35, # 35, # 34, # 34, # 33, # 32

    DB # 32, # 31, # 30, # 30, # 2F, # 2E, # 2E, # 2D

    DB # 2C, # 2C, # 2B, # 2A, # 29, # 29, # 28, # 27

    DB # 26, # 25, # 25, # 24, # 23, # 22, # 22, # 21

    DB # 20, # 1F, # 1E, # 1E, # 1D, # 1C, # 1B, # 1B

    DB # 1A, # 19, # 18, # 17, # 17, # 16, # 15, # 14

    DB # 14, # 13, # 12, # 12, # 11, # 10, # 10, # 0F

    DB # 0E, # 0E, # 0D, # 0C, # 0C, # 0B, # 0B, # 0A

    DB # 09, # 09, # 08, # 08, # 07, # 07, # 06, # 06

    DB # 05, # 05, # 05, # 04, # 04, # 03, # 03, # 03

    DB # 02, # 02, # 02, # 02, # 01, # 01, # 01, # 01

    DB # 01, # 00, # 00, # 00, # 00, # 00, # 00, # 00

    DB # 00, # 00, # 00, # 00, # 00, # 00, # 00, # 00

    DB # 01, # 01, # 01, # 01, # 01, # 02, # 02, # 02

    DB # 02, # 03, # 03, # 03, # 04, # 04, # 05, # 05

    DB # 05, # 06, # 06, # 07, # 07, # 08, # 08, # 09

    DB # 09, # 0A, # 0B, # 0B, # 0C, # 0C, # 0D, # 0E

    DB # 0E, # 0F, # 10, # 10, # 11, # 12, # 12, # 13

    DB # 14, # 14, # 15, # 16, # 17, # 17, # 18, # 19

    DB # 1A, # 1B, # 1B, # 1C, # 1D, # 1E, # 1E, # 1F

    DB # 20, # 21, # 22, # 22, # 23, # 24, # 25, # 25

    DB # 26, # 27, # 28, # 29, # 29, # 2A, # 2B, # 2C

    DB # 2C, # 2D, # 2E, # 2E, # 2F, # 30, # 30, # 31

    DB # 32, # 32, # 33, # 34, # 34, # 35, # 35, # 36

    DB # 37, # 37, # 38, # 38, # 39, # 39, # 3A, # 3A

    DB # 3B, # 3B, # 3B, # 3C, # 3C, # 3D, # 3D, # 3D

    DB # 3E, # 3E, # 3E, # 3E, # 3F, # 3F, # 3F, # 3F

    DB # 3F, # 40, # 40, # 40, # 40, # 40, # 40, # 40

; Palette that determines the color effect
, Starts with the address of a multiple # 100:


    DB # 09, # 09, # 09, # 09, # 09, # 09, # 09, # 09

    DB # 09, # 09, # 09, # 0B, # 0B, # 0B, # 0B, # 0B

    DB # 0B, # 0B, # 0B, # 0B, # 0B, # 0B, # 1B, # 1B

    DB # 1B, # 1B, # 1B, # 1B, # 1B, # 1B, # 1B, # 1B

    DB # 1A, # 1A, # 1A, # 1A, # 1A, # 1A, # 1A, # 1A

    DB # 1A, # 1A, # 1A, # 12, # 12, # 12, # 12, # 12

    DB # 12, # 12, # 12, # 12, # 12, # 12, # 16, # 16

    DB # 16, # 16, # 16, # 16, # 16, # 16, # 16, # 16

    DB # 36, # 36, # 36, # 36, # 36, # 36, # 36, # 36

    DB # 36, # 36, # 36, # 34, # 34, # 34, # 34, # 34

    DB # 34, # 34, # 34, # 34, # 34, # 34, # 24, # 24

    DB # 24, # 24, # 24, # 24, # 24, # 24, # 24, # 24

    DB # 25, # 25, # 25, # 25, # 25, # 25, # 25, # 25

    DB # 25, # 25, # 25, # 2D, # 2D, # 2D, # 2D, # 2D

    DB # 2D, # 2D, # 2D, # 2D, # 2D, # 2D, # 29, # 29

    DB # 29, # 29, # 29, # 29, # 29, # 29, # 29, # 29

; Intermediate buffer may begin
; From any address:

BUFER DS # 300

     How can I experiment with this

     - Change the scale (and constant M_X
M_Y). This can be done directly
during the program by pressing

     - Instead of commands INC C and INC D, placed ennyh! "You 
can put the commands that increase (or decrease) of registers C 
and D is at 1, and to any other number.

     - Command DEC HL, placed such training is essential "!!",
can replace some of these teams
(Or, for example, commands INC HL).

     - Change the contents of the table TAB.

     - Change the color set by
palette (array of PALETTE).

     You can change all of the above
parameters directly during the program, if you make it 


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