Adventurer #07
31 января 1998 |
System - Overview of System Software: Sample Compiler v 0.3
Sample Compiler v 0.3 (C) Disabler / NHCG This program is designed to compilation of samples from the Digital Studio and other compatible format in sample editor. Samples can be compiled embed in their programs. Only limitation of this program is that It displays the sound on covox. Output port (Covox 'a) firmly set on Lprint III. And naturally, without alteration, this prog on the Scorpion 's will not work. True it is easily corrected, is command output port (out (# FB), a) and changing the port number to one that is needed (For the Scorpion 'a is # DD). And for versatility should provide the setting Players tools on the right port before running your program (in setup'e or automatic). It should be noted very pure sound produced by this prog. Virtually no noise (or rather, in general no). The program is a commercial product. The following program applies to class is fairly rare programs, and Specifically, the tests (engine test). Of course, some units were in The testers some system and game prog, but or they were incomplete or were used for determine the optimal operating conditions ...
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