Adventurer #07
31 января 1998 |
System - Overview of system software: Smart boot
Smart boot (C) ABBA / ILW I remember, I read one issue, and there's a man complained that not doing Now boot 's for the system disks, and all for gaming. So, if he finds currently Smart boot, he will rejoice. Smart boot represents a net zapuskalku, no frills (almost). Only show BASIC-files. Font 64 characters in a row. But there is this boot 'e one feature, namely the ability to automatically save the directory as the last track and in the file. There opportunity to reread the fashion directory and change the disc. By the program is attached good spelling help (I liked it more than the prog). Not very well-made settings in the program. For In order to change something, you need to climb in prog disk doctor, and this will agree, is not very convenient. There is in this boot 'e is still a trick ... Namely, mode is multiple, ie, Smart boot CAN store directory of the drive on all drives that are placed in the drive while running boot. Continuing the theme of boot 's prog was encountered in the sixth FAULTLESS' s (where, incidentally, not a word about it).
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