ZX Forum #04
19 ноября 1997 |
world of sound Spectrum - Chapter 4.7: Handling of external signals - Reverberation.
4.7. Reverberation Speaking human language, the reverb - it's an echo. The program, which implements this interesting effect, is essentially a reunion of the two fragments of the first type from the previous chapter. That is, the program simultaneously play and record sound in its place a new one. Here it is: 1415. 10 DI; ban interrupt 20 LOOP1 LD HL, 25000; HL = address of buffer 30 LD DE, 2560; DE = delayed echo 40 LOOP2 LD B, 8; B = bit counter 50 LOOP3 XOR A; A = border color (0) 1960 RRC (HL); scrolling through the data flag CY 70 JR NC, NOOUT; if CY = 0, then go to NOOUT 80 OR 16; setting bit D4 register A 90 NOOUT OUT (254), A; output to port A 254 100 RES 7, (HL); reset bit D7 in the memory 110 XOR A; A = 0 (a survey of the entire keyboard) 120 IN A, (254); input values of port 254 130 BIT 6, A; check bit recorder 140 JR Z, NOINP; if 0, then go to NOINP 150 SET 7, (HL); set bit D7 in the memory 160 NOINP CPL; key 170 AND 31; pressed? 180 JR NZ, EXIT; if yes, then go to EXIT 190 LD C, 2; C = delay 200 PAUSE DEC C; C = C-1 210 JR NZ, PAUSE; if C <> 0 then loop 220 DJNZ LOOP3; continue the loop Byte 230 INC HL; HL = HL +1 240 DEC DE; DE = DE-1 250 LD A, D; DE = 260 OR E; 0? 270 JR NZ, LOOP2; if not, go to LOOP2 280 JR LOOP1; go to LOOP1 290 EXIT EI; permission to interrupt 300 RET; Returns 2 This routine will run until as long as you do not press any key. And since it is very sensitive to this kind of action, cause its better with little utilities in BASIC: 10 FOR I = 1 TO 10: NEXT I 20 RANDOMIZE USR A where A - address sub reverb. If you want to, regardless of location routines buffer was immediately behind her, then enter the following lines: 1415. 20 LD HL, BUFFER 310 BUFFER NOP; there is a buffer 2 The line 190 contains a delay value between the samples the signal. Changing it, You can adjust the ratio of "sound quality - the amount of memory." By changing the value in line 30, you can change the delay of the echo. One last thing: if you enter sound output from any device, echo will be heard once. If using a microphone, you can set the number of repetitions, adjusting the volume reproduced sound and the recording level recorder. If at least one of these parameters will be below the required level, then echo sound once. The higher these parameters, the greater the number of repetitions you hear (their volume will be, as in life, from time to time to decline). However, should not get carried away. If you overdo, then the program samovozbuditsya and all that she will play, then going to sound terrible contradiction in the background noise. If this happens, turn off the volume or the microphone for a few seconds and everything will return to their seats.
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