Adventurer #14
30 июня 2003

Interface - psychology of voting for the music on the example of European demopati Forever.

<b>Interface</b> - psychology of voting for the music on the example of European demopati Forever.
Forever Music Compo
kq / skrju

FQ music compo_psihologiya

Have you ever been to Europe demopati? I do not. May
have talked with people
been there? I talked to
but not about this. It turns out that now
I write purely subjective reasoning. Couple of paragraphs about 
the psychology of visitors to the European eight-bit demopati.

Everyone is wondering why the Europeans win? And I'm not 
surprised. Because enough to talk to a person time to 
understand what he stock character that his life

Like, why he does everything
so and not otherwise.

If you are involved in demopati, then
You must first "target", decide what you want to achieve this. 
Say, I see several goals for themselves choose their own, but 
most certainly the most important goal - to win. Very truly 
remarked once that work is how was the sight of its author. But 
we are not about Moreover, and perhaps this, too,

but in any case, if you are going to participate in the European
vosimi-bit party, you blood
from the nose to learn the psychology of visitors to this 
party, "voyterov. Who are they? Europeans. Czechs Slovak, 
English and even, perhaps, the Spaniards. A Russian? A Russian 
is not there. Maybe one day there was one - but the weather did 
not do, do not do it. Or maybe he is so drunk

will be so happy that forgets to vote. So forget it, and behold
vote for you Europeans. And he has that? He has a different 
mindset or rather, a different mentality. Y

it is not flowing water, he pay 4 per hour and the green and he 
is engaged Spectrum for what? It is true - for

fun. It's a hobby. In a direct
sense of the word. Some collect stamps, some catch
dung beetles, and these - batsayut
on my old Spectrum, the
who previously played, and in fact both played and now play. 
They do not care about coolness, to slop-for them demoscene

is pure for fun. FOR FUN. FUN.
F U N. Remember this. Not empty
words. They have not turned in eight
bits, as many (or most) of the Russian.

I'm in college, I have
girl, free time and a lot of
beer (if I live in the Czech Republic, then
I have a lot of very good
beer). When I was little, my parents bought me a computer, I
It played in the game, which bought
in-store, on cassettes with color inserts. I liked the 
enthusiasm and joy, I persya from the Set Willy 2, and I was 
very cool. Then I got a PC, I went to university, and I was

want more fun and creativity. I still play games
in their old games - because
they remind me of my childhood. About
how the rainbow was a world, what hours of fun I gave this
world. And now I'm studying, I hand over the session - but I do 
not have large problems. I have a small

Used minivan, I shoot
lodging, meeting with his girlfriend. And I - ZX-Spectrum
fan. I have many friends, we chat on the # z80, sometimes 
encounter from someone in the country and drink

Czech beer from 20-liter
Bochenko. We have fun together. We -
friends. And we have fun is something
do on the Spectrum. Because
Today we are - by and large
careless people. And even if
some of us do not learn, but it works - that he still 
occasionally engaged in Spectrum. To to have some fun. For fun. 

And sometimes we're going all-all
together to drink beer and have fun
(Things you see almost the same). Us
Calls Ellvis, and we come.
When we meet, we laugh and
slap each other on the shoulder. Us
fun, we drink beer and suddenly
hehe, the musical component. Or
graphic. Or any other. A
Suddenly I hear the music that
written by my friend, here he is sitting on
next row, drinking beer and laughing. And then I start to 
smile, and then, suddenly - I hear music directly

as early as in the olden days,
just like from my childhood!
And I see the smiling face Factor
6, and I understand that all that remains for me - a laugh that 
is urine and vlepit him the first place.

Because it gives me what I
I want to. That's what I like. And I
fun of it.



P.S. And yet (especially since I'm already drunk
so much beer), under its cool

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Interface - Forever Music compo psychology.

Interface - psychology of voting for the music on the example of European demopati Forever.

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Interface - the history of creation in the form of demos Summermilk IRC log.

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Reviews - an overview of demos for 2002: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Reviews - 2002 year demo review: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

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Tutorials - New trend in demomaking: Chunks 2x2.

Ottyag - observing life.

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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