Adventurer #14
30 июня 2003

Scene - The Scene Behind A Curtain.

<b>Scene</b> - The Scene Behind A Curtain.
Scene Behind a Curtain
Setok / Aggression

The Scene Behind A Curtain

Everything really started out one
spring evening. I got a call from
somebody, probably Nosfe, to come out to a nearby pub - Sizzle.
Apparently everybody who was anybody was there, there was good 
music and a Russian Spectrum scener. I considered this proposal

only for a moment. It's not every
day that you get to meet a Russian
Spectrum scener. I quite remember
how Pavel, or xPasha, decided to
meet Finland but there he was
anyway. The bar was hot and not
particularly pleasant, but they were not lying: the music was 
good, so I decided to get myself a beer

and sit myself down.

Now the Russian scene was a real
mystery to everyone. The infamous
iron curtain affected people in more ways than one. Indeed, we 
were barely even aware of a scene

there. Speaking with Pavel, I realised computing life there was
much more active than had previously been thought. I think an 
interesting question is, how did the scene reach Russia? Did 
some western ideas manage to seep in through the holes in the 
curtain, or did the Russians develop their scene independently? 
Perhaps the scene somehow reflects something more fundamental 
about the nature of humans. Something that is built into us 
genetically. The need to create, whatever the hurdles. The

urge to demonstrate our own achievements to others in the hope 
of gaining respect. Maybe the only

mystery is how it happens in
exactly the same way across the
borders: tight code, design and
thumping music.

Nosfe and co. had been telling Pavel about this funny, 
unimportant thing we call the Alternative Party in the hopes 
that the word would spread to Russia and we'd see a nice influx 
of sceners we knew nothing about. Pavel, in turn, was

telling us about CAFe. A Russian
party? With Speccy people? I was
interested. After all, that's how
I started with computers: on my
good old ZX Spectrum.

To cut a long story short I ended
up in a city called Kazan with my
friend, Tuomas Toivonen. In a
way it was quite a humbling experience visiting Russia for the 
first time. Just over ten years ago Russia was under strict 
communist rule. Entering would most likely

have been quite an operation. Yet,
it was not quite obvious how the
change had affected the people
themselves. How much was positive?
How much negative? Many towns we
passed in the train were really quite run-down. Paint was 
peeling off the walls, old equipment rusting in yards and roads 
turning to muck. That vast stretches of Russia suffers from 
poverty was saddeningly obvious. Still, despite all that, most 
whom I talked with said that even though times were tougher 
now, they would get better. According to them, Russia will be

some day be better than ever before. I guess freedom, in all its
forms, is more important than we
realise in our everyday lives.

Once in Kazan itself, our reception was extremely welcoming. It
seemed as if everyone who was in
the area had come to help us off
the train. The friendliness was unlike anything we've seen 
before. It continued in that fashion throughout our stay, with 
people always willing to show us around or shake our hand. Some 
even wanted autographs!

Obviously our first priority was
to get the bags somewhere, ie. an
appropriate hotel. It turned out
that there was a major Tatar conference taking place in Kazan 
at the same time as CAFe, so finding a hotel room was 
definitely more difficult than had been expected. A word of 
warning for anyone planning a trip there next August: I 
understand the conference will be held at the same time again, 
so book your room well in advance.

That aside, we did get quite a
glance at the city and its architecture. It had that run-down 
dusty feel that all Russian towns seem to have, but at the same 
time change was clearly taking place.

Large construction projects were
commencing and buildings were being fixed up. With Tuomas we 
agreed that there is a lot of potential in Kazan. They clearly 
have the most important thing any place

can have: hope and belief in the
future. The will to make things
better. If you have that you can
accomplish anything. This was especially clear when walking 
down the main street, where a lot of renovation was going on, 
and some already complete. Just squint your eyes a bit and 
marvel at the splendid architecture around.

Finally we managed to get a room
and could begin to relax. During
our trip we came up with a rather
crazy plan: as we were the first
Finns to visit (indeed we were the
first from a country which hadn't
been part of the Soviet Union), we
just had to make a demo. Note that
neither me nor Tuomas had ever
made a demo before in our lives,
although I've done the odd little
routine back in the good old days.
Still, we felt we had to contribute somehow. So quite a lot of 
time was spent trying to get SDL to

work, creating music, playing around with routines and 
desperately attempting to collect something together.

With our minds set on making a demo we reckoned the best place 
to be was the party place. The party

hadn't officially started yet, but
we were kindly invited to come and
see the place while the organisers
were setting everything up. From
the moment we stepped in it was obvious that Russian parties 
had quite stark differences from the Finnish and Western 
European ones. The organisers had rented a hall

which had been an old theatre building and instead of the rows 
of tables and computers one has grown

used to, there were only chairs pointing towards the spot where 
the big screen would be. The real reason for this would only 
later become clear. A BK demo or two later we were back at the 
hotel, enjoying much-needed rest. 

The next day we packed all our
stuff and headed off to the party
building again. Tonight, in proper
party fashion, we would sleep over
at the part building. This seemed
to please the Russians no end: we
were proving that we were truly
part of the crowd. The day was really hectic. We had our laptops
with us and spent a lot of the time coding. This was apparently 
very strange for the people at the party. Apparently in those 
parts of the world, people do not code

demos at parties, which is almost
the opposite of what we are used
to (although this is changing in
Western Europe too). Most people
were sitting around chatting and
enjoying themselves.

However, we weren't restricted to
work alone. During our time there
we had somehow become minor celebrities. Not because we're 
particularly star-like but I guess simply for our long and 
adventurous trip and because nobody from the "outside" had ever 
visited. We even got interviewed by the local

TV-stations, talking about the
scene, our trip and even drugs. It
was also our goal to try and market our own event, the 
Alternative Party, as we have yet to see any

Russian people there, or even any
Spectrum demos.

Now, Russians and other Eastern countries are famous in the 
scene for primarily one thing: Spectrum

demos. The Sinclair machine has
mostly been forgotten by the western demo scene in its worship 
for the Commodore 64. Not so for the

Russians. They have quite successfully managed to battle the 
limitations of the platform like 8times 8 colour blocks and even

used them to their creative advantage to produce some astounding
and original demos. They would not
disappoint us this time either,
with the Spectrum demo compo clearly being the highlight of the
event. We really need to see more
of that at the Alternative Party.

It's not just the Z80 assembler
that amazes, either. The Eastern
scene is not content with the old
rubber keys and beeps of an original speccy. In fact, the real
Sinclair Spectrums are not even
that common there. Instead they have a bewildering amount of 
clones and super-clones with hefty modifications.

I'll always remember the discussion I had with one Speccy 
artist, whose name I have unfortunately

forgotten. It was like a scene
from the film Ghost Dog: he didn't
speak any English and my Russian
is even worse. Still, we managed
to get on quite well. He was very
eager to show his work and the paint program he uses on the 
Speccy. I asked him why he was using an

emulator. I thought that was a
fair conclusion based on the fact
that the software was running in a
VGA monitor from a gray
mini-tower. The question had to be
translated, of course, but he then
looked at my strangely for a moment and replied, "It's not an 
emulator, it's a Spectrum". Then the full realisation of the 
Russians' ability to extend their speccies

hit me. Not only was this machine
in a mini-tower and connected to a
proper monitor, it also had a hard
drive and two 3.5 inch disk

Another interesting point is that
Linux really does not seem to be
very popular in Russia. With the
tight budgets there I would've imagined it to be a good choice 
but the availability of pirated Windows copies really cancels 
Linux's cheap price. However, many people

were fascinated by the Debian
installations running on our laptops so we did get a good chance
to spread the word. Unfortunately
we were somewhat unprepared in
one respect: we had only a few Linux demos downloaded and my 
laptop would only work properly with

Fit's One Day Miracle, the others
requiring full-screen mode. Later
on we managed to get a few MFX
productions running too. Everyone
was very eager to see what Linux
could do and they crowded round
for the show time after time. Hopefully Linux, and other 
alternative operating systems, will slowly become more popular 
in Russia as they have around the world.

During the evening we were presented with the normal mixture of
compos: music, graphics, chip
music, ASCII graphics etc. A few
things can be said about these. It
was clear that Russians have quite
a different taste in music than many of my friends. Many of the
tracks were rock or metal and
anything that approached electronic music was deemed to fail. It
reminded me of the late 80s when I
came to Finland and everyone and
their grandmother was wearing an
Iron Maiden t-shirt. Not that
there's anything necessarily wrong
with that. It was just one more
difference in our cultures.

Another thing that I really have
to point out: they had ANSI and ASCII graphics competitions. 
The only real difference here was that the ANSI graphics were 
colour and so-called ASCII was two-colour black

and white ANSI. In other words, almost all the entries in the 
ASCII graphics compo did not use ASCII

but ANSI characters (or perhaps
IBM). Just a small hint to the organisers for the future ...

As night arrived we realised why
Russian sceners don't need computers at their parties and what 
the few tables were really for: vodka.

Oh, Finnish sceners drink at their
parties too but they still claim
the focus to be computers and coding. The Russians have quite 
gladly ridden themselves of all those unnecessary extras and 
have concentrated all their efforts on one thing. Poor Tuomas 
and me were still trying with our symbolic effort to complete a 
demo. Finally we just had to give up. Nobody else in the hall 
was touching their computers and they were beginning

to think we were slightly queer.
So in the end we joined the merry
bunch sitting at the tables snacking, chatting and enjoying 
their alcohol. The strong sense of friendliness continued and 
our glasses were never left empty. In the morning we were 
rewarded with friendly headaches. 

There were few surprises in the results of the competitions, 
including the fact that our demo did quite poorly. There were 
several good Speccy demos with interesting concepts but the 
most technically advanced, by a crew called Placebo, won fair 
and square. On behalf of the Alternative Party,

we gave them one free train ticket
to Finland and free entrance. Unfortunately we didn't hear from
them after the party and for some
reason they didn't show up. Too
bad. I believe they would have done well in our demo compo.

After the party we had a couple of
days to get to know Kazan better.
We had a nice guided tour of the
historical fortress and heard stories of its past (thanks to 
one of xPasha's friends - I'm really bad

at names). We also tasted a wide
range of local dishes, topped with
some cheap beer and vodka. As an
extra note I'd like to say I was
positively surprised by the Russian girls. Maybe we just looked
odd to them, but on several occasions they came up in a 
friendly manner to chat - something I've never noticed 
happening here. I also quite prefer skirts, especially of the 
shorter kind, to the trousers everyone in Finland seems to be 
wearing these days. Maybe we'll meet more of them in the future.

Well it was a hectic trip and we
were finally glad to be heading
back home. At the same time we had
really enjoyed being there and meeting all those fantastic 
people. The experience is something I will

surely never forget and which will
enrich my life for years to come.
A great big thanks to everyone involved: xPasha, Max, Adam etc.
and to elph for inviting me to write this article, which will 
hopefully still make it to the mag. I hope to meet you all 



Other articles:

Editorial - Our Time Machine.

Editorial - Editorial.

Editorial - Seven years of the magazine, the fourteenth number. Magic numbers.

Editorial - a new shell magazine.

Editorial - addresses editors and authors of the magazine.

News - news from: Alco / Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk +4 d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft , Stefano.

News - News from: Alco / Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk +4 d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft , Stefano.

Scene - demokoderov survey about their favorite demah.

Scene - Democoders Questionnarie: best zx demo.

Scene - the current trends in demomeykinge.

Scene - Modern tendencies in demomaking.

Scene - Adventure Finns in Russia: Report on a trip to the Russian party CAFe'2002.

Scene - The Scene Behind A Curtain.

Scene - an epic trip report on the CPU CAFe'2002.

Scene - CPU global report on the visit to Belarus to party Millennium'1902.

Scene - a detailed report from Rostov party Paradox'2002.

Scene - a report of the Slovak party for 8-bit Forever Quatro 2003.

Scene - an interview with the famous Polish spektrumistom Yerzmyey / Hooy-Programm.

Scene - Interview with Yerzmyey / Hooy-Programm.

Scene - a conversation Sq, Diver, CJ about the fate of newspapers Insanity.

Scene - an interview with Brainwave taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the Color of Magic taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - Interview with Mayhem taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the Power Of Sound taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group of Antares taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - interview with Triumph the commitment made by CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group of OCA taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group Jeez taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with ukraiskim spektrumistom Looker taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with Kacuk taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the band Phantom Family taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group of Master Home Computers Group taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the band Placebo taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with Screamer'om taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the organizers CAFe'2002 - xPasha, Adam Bazaroff and Unbeliever.

Interface - Forever Music compo psychology.

Interface - psychology of voting for the music on the example of European demopati Forever.

Interface - The problems of Russian spekovskoy news scene. Review of the modern press.

Interface - the history of creation in the form of demos Summermilk IRC log.

Interface - the story of creating a virtual party of Antique Toy.

Interface - History of Antique Toy.

Reviews - an overview of demos for 2002: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Reviews - 2002 year demo review: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Review - Review sovrennogo Spectrum iron.

Reviews - ZX Spectrum 2002 year Hardware Review.

Review - zhelezyachny retro Fetishizm.

Review - Hardware Retrofetishism.

Tutorials - a new word in demomakinge: chankovy engine 2x2.

Tutorials - New trend in demomaking: Chunks 2x2.

Ottyag - observing life.

Ottyag - the secret places of my mind.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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