Adventurer #14
30 июня 2003

Scene - the current trends in demomeykinge.

<b>Scene</b> - the current trends in demomeykinge.
Modern Demomaking
Chasm / CPU

Modern trends in demomeykinge.

Recently demomeykinge formed a difficult situation.
All eight-bit platforms already
almost reached its peak
in the development of programming techniques, and the ibm pc, 
in connection with the trends of continuous improvement of 
graphics accelerators, clean and solid code, By and large, came 
out of the application. 

On this basis, we can easily understand that from a simple 
demomeyking Match of programmers has grown

a way to express personal emotions and his world view, the 
benefit of the iconic series allows easy to convey to the 
creator masses, and if this is not enough

it (the series) can easily back up
textual information,
provided in the form of the same effects.

For those who did not immediately kerf,
try to convey a more
popular. Take, for example,
the first part of the "Matrix". For the majority of inhabitants 
are Super-fighter with cool visual effects, for those who

cut one in cyberpunk - a possible variant of the human 
civilization, as well, if we dig deeper, it's just parable to 
the beautiful images of whether the person was capable

build around the world that he wants to see and where
wants to live.

So it is with demomeykingom. For the majority did not cut one in
scene, the demo only a beautiful spot,
with the "cool" visual-audio
next, for those who are a little Prochukhan chip demo - another 
way "Huyami compete," such as someone

longer (ie, steeper than the code, graphics,
or soundtrack) And finally, the most profound understanding of 
the demos, this is what lies beneath the sediment of all

beautiful, namely meaning, that is,
inner world, or the current
state of consciousness creators
that / th they want to convey to

Of course, not every newcomer can understand the intricacies of 
other people's algorithms (although sortsy now readily 
available) in order to using someone else's code to express

their thoughts, yes it is by and large
account and not have to, because it shows the current practice 
demomeykinga, here the main idea and its Literacy (in terms of 
underlying assumptions) embodiment. For example we can take the 
last two demos from skrju, or Timewaster, where the code is 
generally minimal, and those things have to think, just in 

Of course, I do not call
funny crap demos, just really time to stop is measured
HUYAMI and draw their attention to an interesting plot and the 
meaning demos, which make us think of life and the surrounding

world, or do demos, immersing the viewer into the inner
peace makers, not least

p.s. And so once heaped
engine, I hope all of us
submit Sair00s;)

p.p.s. Incidentally, the conversion - not a
out of the situation, although they are the easiest way
achieve the desired newcomers
result. Simply is not worth living
thoughts of other people, pass
their own and you will boooolshoy

Other articles:

Editorial - Our Time Machine.

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Editorial - Seven years of the magazine, the fourteenth number. Magic numbers.

Editorial - a new shell magazine.

Editorial - addresses editors and authors of the magazine.

News - news from: Alco / Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk +4 d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft , Stefano.

News - News from: Alco / Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk +4 d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft , Stefano.

Scene - demokoderov survey about their favorite demah.

Scene - Democoders Questionnarie: best zx demo.

Scene - the current trends in demomeykinge.

Scene - Modern tendencies in demomaking.

Scene - Adventure Finns in Russia: Report on a trip to the Russian party CAFe'2002.

Scene - The Scene Behind A Curtain.

Scene - an epic trip report on the CPU CAFe'2002.

Scene - CPU global report on the visit to Belarus to party Millennium'1902.

Scene - a detailed report from Rostov party Paradox'2002.

Scene - a report of the Slovak party for 8-bit Forever Quatro 2003.

Scene - an interview with the famous Polish spektrumistom Yerzmyey / Hooy-Programm.

Scene - Interview with Yerzmyey / Hooy-Programm.

Scene - a conversation Sq, Diver, CJ about the fate of newspapers Insanity.

Scene - an interview with Brainwave taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the Color of Magic taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - Interview with Mayhem taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the Power Of Sound taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group of Antares taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - interview with Triumph the commitment made by CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group of OCA taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group Jeez taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with ukraiskim spektrumistom Looker taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with Kacuk taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the band Phantom Family taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group of Master Home Computers Group taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the band Placebo taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with Screamer'om taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the organizers CAFe'2002 - xPasha, Adam Bazaroff and Unbeliever.

Interface - Forever Music compo psychology.

Interface - psychology of voting for the music on the example of European demopati Forever.

Interface - The problems of Russian spekovskoy news scene. Review of the modern press.

Interface - the history of creation in the form of demos Summermilk IRC log.

Interface - the story of creating a virtual party of Antique Toy.

Interface - History of Antique Toy.

Reviews - an overview of demos for 2002: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Reviews - 2002 year demo review: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Review - Review sovrennogo Spectrum iron.

Reviews - ZX Spectrum 2002 year Hardware Review.

Review - zhelezyachny retro Fetishizm.

Review - Hardware Retrofetishism.

Tutorials - a new word in demomakinge: chankovy engine 2x2.

Tutorials - New trend in demomaking: Chunks 2x2.

Ottyag - observing life.

Ottyag - the secret places of my mind.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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