Adventurer #14
30 июня 2003

Scene - a detailed report from Rostov party Paradox'2002.

<b>Scene</b> - a detailed report from Rostov party Paradox'2002.
Paradox'2002 report
Edik / Z-Club

"Instead of Unity
Spirit, have received
simple porn. "

Tanya Amber.

"This story could
to write and a dog. "

Girl N., reading
draft of this article.

"No, comrades, so
We can not achieve happiness "

Benedict Erofeev


Evening, 2nd September. I have broken
his flesh in two anakomami
(Instant noodles in
chicken broth), a jar of anchovy
(Anchovies in tomato sauce), polbatonom and little white cup.
All this I laid on the table, stood up
and said loudly, usually for
me, a blessing before the meal:
"Glory to the Spectrum!" And then, on reflection, he added: 
"And blessed be, at any time, its founders, Sir Clive 
Sinclair!" Those of the household who was at this time in the 
kitchen, looked at each other fearfully, and shook his 
demonstrative fingers to his temple. "So let it be!"

I thought. "The mood is excellent, I now eat here and go
a stroll through the night to Rostov, and
then two days sitting at computer,
making a new bird to Paradox'u ... should be a breath of fresh
air ... heat replaced cool of the evening, and tomorrow morning 
begins Paradox - a work of art of universal scale! "So I thought

then. Oh, the Great Manitou, as I

One day.

History of Rostov-on-Don, the festival of computer art titled
Paradox turbid and shallow, as if
puddle, but a year has passed like a dream and a blank here's a 
new Paradox. AND Now I write to you, my dear,

about how this took place in Rostov
most Paradox, write a short,
because I'm not Rousseau, in fact, to describe the ten pages of 
your favorite color of the trousers. 

Preparing for Paradox'u held in an atmosphere of high
risk-will connect the Spectrum to
projector to be connected or not, and if they will be 
connected, it will be the color or will not, but if there is 
color, then give the projector to the screen turned black with 
a bright or do not pass. (He will give you

ca. naborschitsy text) (and you would
more silent, because I have you and I have nothing in common 
except language, ca. author)

Looking ahead, very far
forward, I will say that during the Paradox'a I unnoticed
to themselves and others, limit your
kilogram of local vodka with a promising title "Jigsaw", while 
in front of me danced dancing figures.

So I probably played for some, incomprehensible to myself, 
kompyuternoalkogolnuyu idea. However, it was sober, "as

Glass, either in one eye and
etc., but usually fall asleep after
glass. Most likely, it was
one of many mysterious phenomena, of which there were at 
Paradox'e abound, as well as going on a lot and other fun

and useless things.

"The chain of mysterious phenomena -
that's what Paradox'2002

Morning, the 7th of September. I moved
trajectories of drinking beverage
went to the festival. And stuck right here
for me, a gaggle of young
mi-Schnick, they bleated and ran
behind. To get rid of these
gadenyshey, I stopped, put his hands acacia tree trunk and began
barf. They are going around in horror
me and galloped on. I waited until they left on decent 
distance, graduated from the eruption of booze and snacks and 
the like continue your journey, when suddenly

hear-someone laughing at me over
ear. I stopped in the middle of the promenade, rooted to the 
spot: "Probably Someone saw me vomit, and now laughs at me "- I 
thought ... just turned - no one. It turns out it was me laugh!

Somehow dobrel before entering
"Titanic", which was already a decent crowd Spektrumistov. 
Pisyushniki pitiful handful were in side. Some of them sat on 
the haunches, as if they were caught

need. And their girls, painted
both harbor whores, strolled back and forth with thin cigarette 
in his hand, wagging his butt from side to side, and nothing 
but antics and Pontus, they were not.

One of them, bow-legged nozzle
mini, passing by, looked
in my badge and stopped.

- So you're writing a newspaper
"Bird"? - Asks this mochalovidnaya creature with intellect 

- What are you, ma'am, of course
No, I'm just the editor, and wrote my article information
twin, who settled in
me at the time of my birth and who always helps me to feign 
mental health, I replied. She first jumped

to one side, and then bystrobystro
ran to her, constantly looking back. "Wow, I
"Bent" - I thought - "straight reception
psychological aikido
ha-ha-ha, ma'am, "are those silicone" ladies "and write letters 
to newspapers such as "Gonorrhea-Info:" I wanted to take a

in his mouth, and he slammed me in the
anus. Expensive edition, I am very
I'm afraid to get pregnant, what should I do? "

Meanwhile, the people multiplied,
like animals. So many happy snakes I've ever met.
And it was evident that among
mi-Schnick atmosphere of universal zadrochennosti - each
itself. Spektrumisty hang together. All of this pack of hyenas 
pisishnyh represents a pathetic. First of all

striking physical
handicap people: dozens of deformed freaks (curves
arms and legs, swan neck, a disproportionately large abdomens,
profuse acne and dandruff and
etc.) faces on the bodies of rats, rickets, the stigma with a 
goatee. And wanted them to cry out: Look at yourself, pitiful 
Quasimodes-T-shirt with the logo Paradox'a stretched over a 
skinny torso, Coward vzlyad - from every loud sound frown 
should wipe - run away as Shawky, tail between his legs.

Contrast pisishnikam
Spektrumisty: they are lean,
flexible, moderately fierce, often beautiful. Ex., One young
drunk (because, probably,
bold) Spektrumist (Member
Z-Club) screaming crowd
ptsshnikov: "Hey you motherfuckers, go
more here, I'm going to you
strain. "They both blown away!
Well done, lad! I remember
he wrote a game in a week
after the purchase of Spectrum. Yes,
This game was written in BASIC, it was a text with the 
ill-conceived plot and clumsy graphics, but it was a game: 
"Father wakes you up in the morning to school, your

action: get up and go to school
pretend to be sick, to send his father to dick ... etc. "And 
that's exactly He invented a way, now very

popular zetklube, flushing used in Gandon
toilet. If Gandon stubbornly refuses to disappear and emerge 
over time, you should take a shit, and then stick to katyahu 
Gandon and then all this matter be washed off. Excellent result!

And our girls, we fuck,
For all her femininity, will give a hundred points up the hill 
to any guy, so if you would plop pisishnoy any creature, so 
that the air three times will turn around. By the way, about 
girls. I kept hoping that she N. come to the Paradox and I it, 
finally, I see. She lived with me for over a year, and then it 
beginning of the "notch" from our experiments and from 
everything else She had gone off somewhere, leaving

my things with me, she was not home
nine and a half weeks and then it disappeared altogether. And 
here I am I stand in the middle of the street as an asshole,

Virtue's head, and the whole of such
nervous, dusty and sweaty.

And then comes up to me some
newfangled woodpecker (probably one
of the organizers), slobbering idiot in the female colored 
T-shirt, like a scarecrow, puchit eyes Durnev toads and says:

- You are my "bird" is not even taking out bags, and even then 
you'll long to be treated at the Palace Health!

- Yes, you go to the dick, nit! Who are you
such that I specify?
I ask.

- I'm not pointing out a warning about
consequences, - says the fool with the horizon ant. I
worth a lot of effort to
resist and did not immediately fill it
mug. And then I told him calmly
(Ponta do not scare me), and
slowly (make sure he knows) said:

- If you and your buddies are going to beat me, that such 
intentions by themselves are ugly as even if none of our over

I did not "subscribe" (which is impossible in principle!), I 
and one before you I otpizdite,

break off three or four (maybe more)
your fucking mouth. This is the first.
And secondly, I - punk and I do

Then he begins to make excuses
the fact that "at the festival there will be many 
representatives of the administration City and sponsors, and if 
they see a bird with obscenities and such (!) drawings, it will 
no longer give money to conduct Paradox'a. Truly it is said: 
the fear of eyes high, and point well. I had


- What, your corrupt point sensed danger, and the bird
bothers you, as a baby in bed?

And he, splashing its poisonous
saliva, shouting:

- You yourself - Asshole! Sam you're a baby!

There are already I'm starting to get angry.

- Oh, you goddamned parrot! -Say
I told him, and abruptly, with his right hand, her hair on his 
head. Dude instantly lost. A

sorry, I still wanted to ask him
as it relates to the word "dick", but
here did not have time. Oh well. Phallic symbol in the form of 
old Spectrum joystick in his


A N. never came. Well, in the mouth
would kiss her! And indeed it
always been so unfeeling. I'll remember
even when the boat "Kursk" sank, I cried, but she does not.

Then declared that we can enter into
Meeting of the festival and all
crowd (200-300 people) moved, under the watchful eye of 
security, to the door. Since I am a person of Caucasian 
nationality, then I became the object of special attention from 
the guards: I searched and checked bag, and even for some 
reason felt asshole. And here we are, a little tipsy children 
were inside. Facilities completely changed over the past year. 
Sat together on soft chairs and waited,

while communicating with Spektrumistami
from other cities. I sat next to
folks from Krasnodar (VTS and
others). Meanwhile Spektrumisty from Rostov (whom I have not
seen), and from other cities ask me new numbers
birds, and I gave them all that
could "nakserit.

And then on the left - as ebanet and
right-as pizdanet! All
jumped in surprise at the
their chairs - a detonated in
stage four Chinese firecrackers.
Why do you need it, I still
I can not understand, well, ordinary
Ponte. And then there was a performance
several people who
lined up to the microphone - and there came, out of nowhere,
dirty, sticky syrup words.

There is such a popular Spectrum omen: a Paradox
starts, so he will pass. And it began with a big Durkee, which
"Breccia" the first speaker,
appeared from the smoke of firecrackers as

- On the whole territory of Russia or in
one city is not a festival like Paradox'u,
he said, and made a wry face smart. I guess dude stuffed
before this psilotsibinovyh mushrooms or pills with pictures, 
and can be breathed to the Chinese smoke. What else did he say 
it was not easy to understand because buzz and laughter of 
participants of the "unique" festival. 

The second speaker - Member of City Council, the representative 
of the city administration. The fact that he I said do not even 
dare to comment, but just give all his "speech": 

- One of the paragraphs of my election program was this: in 
every school computer. In 2000, year I managed to convince 
Putin to importance of this program. I even

resulted in today's Paradox of his son, because He is 
interested in computers. Once a journalist asked me how I feel 
to the fact that many computer scientists leave to work in the 
West? I he replied: "When birds fly away

to the south, because then they come back rested and fed. You 
just need to make to our country hands. " 

The next speaker, president of the landscaping of the Moon, 
congratulated the all starting Paradox'a, read a piece of paper 
"Opening word of the participants and guests of the festival on 
behalf of the governor of the region and pushed optimistic 
speech (... everything will be fine ...) 

The next speaker - Rector
Institute of Business and Law
(Sponsor) croaked text in such a clumsy and the dead voice that 
it was impossible to understand. It seemed that he had just 
been sewn from pieces, like Frankenstein.

And then appeared on the scene leading
Festival, and well into convulsions shouted their greetings, 
listing all of the city, arrived

Participants: Moscow, Taganrog, Armavir ... But the list of 
cities soon dried and finally leading

said that the demo party Paradox'2002 declared open. And the 
ship of fools sailed under full sail, up hill and down dale.

Then declared the registration
Festival participants, and all those who
thought of himself as such, were drawn to
table at which sat a girl-registrar. They were given to all who 
call his name-I-O slips to vote, a bunch of advertising 
leaflets, posters, etc. It is also giving away a CD with works 
of Paradox '99-01, heaped pens with the logo of Paradox and

something else. Of course, I fly
This did not take the rubbish, as
"Zapadlo and dissuaded from this
other Spektrumistov. But this
it was so unexpected that I
did not have time to warn all
danger, and Holy Water Spectrum, I do not at all
enough. Many members of the Z-Club showed a conscious 
self-restraint and fortitude and were not take this infection. 
But some still succumbed to the temptation:

it was painful to watch as young Spektrumisty, hands, tired of 
masturbation, take the confusion and twirl and look at this 
kruglyashok brilliant. Well, on dick they need it?! On his dick 
just twirl! And while there was registration,

on the screen spinning Amiga and pisyukovye demos.

And then, finally, the first component
ZX AY music. The level of music
This year was much higher than in
past pryamotaki 1912 slaughter
compositions. I, as a musician, listened to them with pleasure. 
But ptsshniki and then managed to podosrat us ZX-music 
accompanied by a display of vulgar mi-shnyh images with naked 
women. Each picture with Titted lyarva caused

Shouts of approval from, apparently, horny, pisyukantsev. 
Spektrumisty held staunchly: "... we do not entice tit 

And for the Amiga Dimon was sitting in the huge headphones, 
like an astronaut. Dressed (on the occasion of the festival) in

suit and looked like a groom.

And suddenly announced performance dance group. Here you have
promised striptease! Six-legged, almost naked hos began to jerk 
his arms, legs and head to the music, which is constantly 
repeated the word "sex". That they just do not get up: and 
strewn across the stage and showed the room their asses, and 
became "cancer" so that they could see thick-lipped,

shaved pussy, lightly covered with
stripe shorts. And among those six years old girl slut jerk
Seven, painted as a whore. AND
all under one advertising
paging company (sponsor).

About the sponsors should probably
special mention. Our world now
enters a new, yet unnamed constellations. And all the Paradox
passed under one of these constellations. This Constellation 
Sponsor. Sponsor invisible tentacles entangled around. Here on 
the stage constructed by the Sponsor, are as

Organizers Paradox'a idols. But the sponsor pulls the
thread. Pull! for one thread, and starts leading to render 
praise Sponsor, pull! for another - and one

of the organizers ran hang
on the wall advertising sponsor. When
pisyushniki become sponsors of such festivals is just scary.

The second component - petseshnaya pixel graphics. A total of 
18 works, but only for the two was clear, that is drawn

(A girl and a dolphin). Then, on
the stage was Representative
company Corel. He had a long and tedious
chtoto mumbled and stuttered, turning in
the hands of multi-colored box, and then suddenly a clear 
voice, without hesitation, as if Someone turned on the 
recording, issued advertising the 11th version. Then he began 
to show and other colored boxes with the programs, praising 
each of them. In short, common representative of the Canadian


A constantly scurrying around
fro photographers and videographers to local media.

During a break outside of our drinking
beer, bought in a store
"Across the road, opposite the one of
oldest Spektrumistov Rostov. Former fighter pilot
(Now retired), a solid man, a young solders. I told him
I say:

- What do the young learn, dear,
After all, you officer!

And he says:

- No, let the learning and they
did not take off.

And some of Spektrumistov guess the beer add vodka
so to speak, combine business with pleasure

A little way off pisishniki drinking forfeits
cola and some more nauseating
colored swill, guzzled sneakers,
rice flakes and other filth. All of this carrion clearly 
spoiled their stomachs (they are constantly perdeli) and 
delayed the development of their brain (you would have seen 
them zhruschie faces).

A Zayac left his Oksanku
home and pestered all the girls
in a row - and to our and the PC-shnym.
A Wild (Misha Krysin Brother) drank a cold beer, that he had 
cramp cramped jaw, he was terribly klatsat teeth and thus 
scared all pisyushnikov. 

And one pisyukanets complained that
Hall of smell by shit (there a mental disorder, olfactory 
hallucinations). I told him that "you would have mi-Schnick, 
was not - and did not smell like. "

I could still have a lot of things to write
about ptsshnikah, but do not want. Well into
ass, bored.

And some left korrespondentsha typical "herring", clung to me 
with their foolish questions, poking me in my mouth

fucking microphone. And the only remnants of education is not 
allowed I immediately send it to dick. "The

it would puzzle? "-I thought. And so
the next its a stupid question
"Which is better for you computer
(And, looking in the paper), pisi, Amiga
or Spectrum? "I thoughtfully
looking into the distance, say:

- Yes we are all one: what to fuck drag up that fucking pull 

She instantly steamed up glasses and
She jumped away from me like a scalded. As required. Thumbsucker
pussy, bringing with her to take!

The following components - the traditional
Music on the PC. It was submitted by 16 works. Say nothing
I can not. Music as music. Pop. A
as they say in Africa, pop it, and
in Russian pop music.

And suddenly the whole room was shrouded in
some sticky mist. "Probably the next special effect" - had I 
thought before of all gaps, and especially of the system

mi blocks, climbed the clouds of fleas, cockroaches, beetles 
and other small pizdoty. All this mandavoshechnaya

creature rushed at me. I highly lifted feet, and in this posture
jumped on a chair. But this change nimbly climbed on
legs of the chair and got me under
clothing, fumbling in his underpants, running
on the back and strive to get into the ears,
nose and mouth. I began to stomp their feet, pulling at it from
unbuttoned his fly handfuls stirring biomass. But
to do it was not easy, because spider webs started to braid my 
hands and feet. And between the rows of chairs were scurrying 
beasts bigger: the green dog, striped cat, rat, and colorful 
hamsters. "Well, neither his dick!" - I thought, and suddenly I 
feel: someone relieves my web. Revealing

eyes and see the familiar vagabond Valera, branded on the 
forehead "made in USA ", which tries to set me free. I ask him:

"Valera, and what are you doing here and
as you do, the protection here
missed? "And he said:
"Come on, dude, get up, it is necessary to break
hence the claws. By the way, entertain
ducat! "I pulled out
Yefim trivia, RUR 15, and poured into his dirty palm. Valera
immediately disappeared. And then suddenly collapse with crowd 
Fritz Schmeisser and the officer begins to read

death sentence to Bill Gates.
Finished reading, he asks

- Fershteyn? Niht fershteyn?

- Jawohl, dick ofitsier! - Answer

The Germans marched retired.
A behind the scenes someone brutally fuck:
heard screams, moans and sobs. At this time, the screen turns 
porno, singing from the speakers Vasya Square, all writhing 
around whores and fag, and a leading

standing on the stage and huyachit the bell.
Then he turns to me and
shouting across the room:

- You throw a shadow on the Paradox!!!

- Yes I am now a shadow of yourself
Ouro do I jump up and running
on the scene.

But that was then, though I
kill, do not remember. I only remember
that sounded kind of terrible music that I tried to turn off at 
will, and I almost got flashed pictures, any person moving his 
lips, but words were not understood. I woke up the next day, 
early morning in the cab, "watering" of the machine, traveling 
at high speed the empty, early morning streets to the side of 
my house and I found myself behind lively conversation with the 
driver. As it turned out, after the first

Paradox'a day I went to my work (it's two steps away from 
"Titanic") and there was finally "Vystegnulsya. Slept all 
afternoon and night, and at 6 o'clock in the morning I stopped 
by one of the machines, which watering the streets with water, 
and 20 rubles asked to take me home. 

End of day.

Second day.

The second day began with a display of huge count Amiga demos
which caused a real sensation
among viewers, especially
ptsshnikov. Generally speaking, the second day
is a bit muddled and
skomkany. Firstly, because,
that time was allowed only
five o'clock - from 12 to 17, and then
all began to drive out of the room, because
night club operates normally
mode. Once completed
awarding ceremony, immediately
same waiters began to run down the hall,
remove chairs, sweeping, etc.
and the poor girl waitresses that make me an ashtray every five 
minutes, they began clearing the table glasses, garbage, etc. 
Second, because of the universal fatigue: sleepless nights, 
nerves, the abundance of information. Too many events per unit 
time, and many brains stuck. People, "wedge". Degree overload 
demonstrate such cases: Jocker and Klim few nights not 
sleeping, to finish their work. Already under morning, after 
the third sleepless night, Jocker was pouring coffee at

cup and a sugar bowl. And then he looked out the window and saw 
that his Cat sits on the very top of the tree. Thinking about 
how kotyara unable to get out of the locked apartment and

climb up a tall tree,
Jocker came closer to the window and
surprised to discover that before
window there are no trees.

One young member of the Z-Club approached me and staring at
me still. I watched him
for a while, and then ask:

- What are you, brother, you look at me
No patterns and colors do not grow?

And he, quietly so, says:

- Do these tapes with a take off.

Then after a few days
Paradox'a after I had
asked about the tapes he had in
mind. And he told me that he came "glitch", though I
was a cover up, as Red Army commander Schors, machine-gun belts.

And generally people are quite sluggish to react to the other 
components. On mp3 and does half the room dozing. From the 
second day I remember Wild-compo, ZX-demo, and ZX schedule. 
Schedule to talk about nothing, only 6 papers, of which

only had a couple of decent. Their
Pictures I did not bring Paradox
for two reasons: firstly, I
was promised that I will not take more than one job with which I
not agree and I disagree
expressed that did not bring all
nothing. Well, no, really, Paradox it's not CC - works
little, so what is dick do not take
I have a 4.3 work? (Well, nothing, any one of your works would 
take prize. Ca. naborshitsy)

Secondly, in the morning the first day,
going to the festival, I thought that if not taken
more than one work by the author,
probably the work will be very much
and where too caricatured to me with their vain attempts. But 
it's all nonsense, because of these will be published in the 
bird or sent to another party. 

ZX-demo. Only one job! Demo wow, looks good,
like a salad "Olivier", the ingredients are simple, the result 
is excellent. Only here, all these effects have long become 
familiar as folds supruzhninoy ass.

Wild - compo. Three works - one
other silly. First I liked just because it is made on the 
Spectrum. This piece of video, which pisishnik, dissatisfied 
with their PCs Lupit hand on the keyboard and monitor, and then 
throws it the most PCs in the window. The second work pisyukovy 
film with pretensions to a vanguard: meaningless

flashing footage, stupid music ... All of this seems silly to 
me babble, but speaking the standard language-vyebonchik with 
nadryvchikom. The third paper showed all present, which

pederasticheskie terrible manners
prevail among pisyukantsev. Flickering series of photographs in 
the guy women's shorts, which showed the camera her ass. And 
this work is called "Gal." Such work can be fun just perverted 
heart. And indeed such creatures are, except that of nehuy do. 

On this note, a fun and Paradox
completed. During the counting of votes played a young Rostov
group "Mannequin." Played guys
well, the potential they have, here
only the soloist is too much
"Ponte": antics, spasms, lifting one leg and arm, laceration
microphone stand.

Wild did not wait for election results are announced.

- Yes, I have to work (it works
systems programmer in the computer salon) and a further
blyadki - he spoke in the presence of
his wife. In, pancake, relations with
people! I also decided to follow
his example.

After Paradox'a I was in smithereens
ill, slept for two days in a row and
awoke the 10th day with the thought of
what we need to finally get some sleep.

That's such a sad story, which even have nothing to add style
"When typeset in a room", because to say about Paradox'e 
nothing more. 

(Editors wanted to
awarding him a literary

Other articles:

Editorial - Our Time Machine.

Editorial - Editorial.

Editorial - Seven years of the magazine, the fourteenth number. Magic numbers.

Editorial - a new shell magazine.

Editorial - addresses editors and authors of the magazine.

News - news from: Alco / Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk +4 d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft , Stefano.

News - News from: Alco / Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk +4 d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft , Stefano.

Scene - demokoderov survey about their favorite demah.

Scene - Democoders Questionnarie: best zx demo.

Scene - the current trends in demomeykinge.

Scene - Modern tendencies in demomaking.

Scene - Adventure Finns in Russia: Report on a trip to the Russian party CAFe'2002.

Scene - The Scene Behind A Curtain.

Scene - an epic trip report on the CPU CAFe'2002.

Scene - CPU global report on the visit to Belarus to party Millennium'1902.

Scene - a detailed report from Rostov party Paradox'2002.

Scene - a report of the Slovak party for 8-bit Forever Quatro 2003.

Scene - an interview with the famous Polish spektrumistom Yerzmyey / Hooy-Programm.

Scene - Interview with Yerzmyey / Hooy-Programm.

Scene - a conversation Sq, Diver, CJ about the fate of newspapers Insanity.

Scene - an interview with Brainwave taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the Color of Magic taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - Interview with Mayhem taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the Power Of Sound taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group of Antares taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - interview with Triumph the commitment made by CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group of OCA taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group Jeez taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with ukraiskim spektrumistom Looker taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with Kacuk taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the band Phantom Family taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with a group of Master Home Computers Group taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the band Placebo taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with Screamer'om taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the organizers CAFe'2002 - xPasha, Adam Bazaroff and Unbeliever.

Interface - Forever Music compo psychology.

Interface - psychology of voting for the music on the example of European demopati Forever.

Interface - The problems of Russian spekovskoy news scene. Review of the modern press.

Interface - the history of creation in the form of demos Summermilk IRC log.

Interface - the story of creating a virtual party of Antique Toy.

Interface - History of Antique Toy.

Reviews - an overview of demos for 2002: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Reviews - 2002 year demo review: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Review - Review sovrennogo Spectrum iron.

Reviews - ZX Spectrum 2002 year Hardware Review.

Review - zhelezyachny retro Fetishizm.

Review - Hardware Retrofetishism.

Tutorials - a new word in demomakinge: chankovy engine 2x2.

Tutorials - New trend in demomaking: Chunks 2x2.

Ottyag - observing life.

Ottyag - the secret places of my mind.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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