Adventurer #14
30 июня 2003

Scene - Interview with Mayhem taken on CAFe'2002.

<b>Scene</b> - Interview with Mayhem taken on CAFe'2002.
Interview with Mayhem
elph / CPU

Seeing Fyrex'a on partyplace, I
was very pleased - Mayhem
such a composition are infrequent in
demoparty. In recent years, from
They observed a small
burst of activity - the first crack
over the past couple of years, the emulator
AY on Amiga, some information on the work of the resources 
devoted to Spectrum stsenovoy music, in general, sufficient 
number of reasons for the interview. 

Elf> You first tell me, what
your plans for the future, what projects are now engaged in 

Fyrex> Well, speccy we do not plan to do demo making'om not 
want to compete with people who are more enlightened in this 
matter. Certainly crack'i on Spectrum'e. A Here on the Amiga, 
where we want to make music collection. Well, spectrum'ovskoy. 
And to compete with already bourgeoisie, who are trying 
something there, too, they project AY ... 

Elf> But enough is not the same level.
Not that they do.

Fyrex> Exactly. Not that it does not
so, they removed the games out there, yet from somewhere. The 
idea of ​​what is a complete collection of our muse muzakerov. 
Ie spektrumistov, roughly speaking. For example, the Ironman'a

dohera any tracks, just nemerenoe these disks, shit, I'm still 
with talk to him, can still pump.

Elf> Triumph, incidentally, was brought to
compact all of his music.

Fyrex> Yes, they said, damn,
be compact. Here Sair00s,
Incidentally, I did player PSC for
his music.

Elf> Specifically, what do you want

Fyrex> resource dedicated stsenovoy spectrum'ovskoy, namely
Russian music.

Elf> Wait, that is, you say,
Baze/3SC there will not be fundamentally spread?

Fyrex> Not that principle, but do not try, so to speak,
highlight it in any way. In principle,
can be anything. But here at
We like "Russian AY bank" called. Ie Russian, it's all 
relative, you know, so it can anything to be there. That, and 
the truth We know there exists the ovary,

Amiga, somewhat. I do not know, you may not like it. Pisishniku 
​​just do not like, and spektrumisty can not vedut. There 
format is Amiga. 

Elf> And what it is

Fyrex> Well, there's header in the beginning, damn, Amiga.

Elf> No, for me is interesting, so I could download it, and I 
have to Spectrum'e it once played.

Fyrex> None. Need for this player to do.

Elf> Hey, here you have to think about how something on this 

Fyrex> Yes, I thought, but nothing
invented yet.

Elf> Ie how you will store everything?

Fyrex> Well, basically, it's all in the
Amiga packs. Ie a zx-ay
format. There are, in principle, clings to
beginning of the title, which is written,
in which the editor written by the muse ...

Elf> And you do not want to do then
2 options: download amigovskuyu
version and download just

Fyrex> Yes, look a good idea -
2 the speakers ...

Elf> Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, because
to me it would be of little interest. Y
I do not Amiga.

Fyrex> How would the man who had done it here is the emulsion 
that is played now, the components of (AY-emulator), he 
allegedly said, that he plays Amiga Format

on the PC. In fact, no dick is not
played. There's simply stating the format, but not play them.

Elf> I think you should immediately
already done so, it's just to attract people who you are
send some music, as I
I think, to move your
portal further.

Fyrex> Well, you know, me too
Emulsion little doing.
Just more Amiga direction, but it does throw
spektrumistov is not very good ...

Elf> This is generally bad, yes, easy.

Fyrex> Ie they go, zip swing ...

Elf> And most of the breaks off. Well, when you plan to run in 
general, the project? 

Fyrex> You know, like to party.
Advertise it's all fun
but failed. After the party. In the near future. Emulsion we 
Amiga did a new version already, PSC

played there before everything else.
And here I am now tired of it
translation, actually in formatat Amiga, although it certainly
nonsense. The main pack of Mouzon,
it seems to be lying dead

Elf> Listen, I understand, the last of your crack, old intro
was used, right? Or a new something coded? For example, in 
"Bride of Frankenstain". 

Fyrex> Yes, I can not dissemble,
that, well, we're all supposedly dwelt on
spec, there certainly have been used developments. Bulk,
Of course, as usual.

Elf> What do you think you'll be
something new to coding. Cracktro
what else?

Fyrex> Cracktro, yes. There is already a blueprint, but the 
basic idea now portal.

Elf> The last time we spoke Raid that you have a lot undone
game projects for Spectrum,
is it true?

Fyrex> Dohera simple.

Elf> Yes! And tell Che at all?

Fyrex> You know, nothing super original no. It is impossible, 
again the same cunning, we have the projects been

Doha sometime. But now
HRC just all went.

Elf> And do you plan to still
some spectrum'ovskie projects?

Fyrex> You know, it is very difficult
do it, and hardly possible at all. Here is that din
"Farspace" - yes, it is released

Elf> And in general in Mayhem for
Spectrum is now the ratio of those who
has? Well, here on Raid'a over the last year I did nothing
seen, except for "TurtlesDreams".

Fyrex> I think that the current projects - is enough.

Elf> Well, yes, the main thing - to make it
promotion of some kind.

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Editorial - Our Time Machine.

Editorial - Editorial.

Editorial - Seven years of the magazine, the fourteenth number. Magic numbers.

Editorial - a new shell magazine.

Editorial - addresses editors and authors of the magazine.

News - news from: Alco / Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk +4 d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft , Stefano.

News - News from: Alco / Anarchia, Studio Stall, Hooy-Program, Tbk +4 d, C-jeff, Colour of Magi, Skrju, Triumph, n-Dicovery, Perspective Group, Cronosoft , Stefano.

Scene - demokoderov survey about their favorite demah.

Scene - Democoders Questionnarie: best zx demo.

Scene - the current trends in demomeykinge.

Scene - Modern tendencies in demomaking.

Scene - Adventure Finns in Russia: Report on a trip to the Russian party CAFe'2002.

Scene - The Scene Behind A Curtain.

Scene - an epic trip report on the CPU CAFe'2002.

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Scene - Interview with Yerzmyey / Hooy-Programm.

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Scene - an interview with the Color of Magic taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - Interview with Mayhem taken on CAFe'2002.

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Scene - an interview with Screamer'om taken on CAFe'2002.

Scene - an interview with the organizers CAFe'2002 - xPasha, Adam Bazaroff and Unbeliever.

Interface - Forever Music compo psychology.

Interface - psychology of voting for the music on the example of European demopati Forever.

Interface - The problems of Russian spekovskoy news scene. Review of the modern press.

Interface - the history of creation in the form of demos Summermilk IRC log.

Interface - the story of creating a virtual party of Antique Toy.

Interface - History of Antique Toy.

Reviews - an overview of demos for 2002: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Reviews - 2002 year demo review: Alter Ego, Reject, Laya, Lovemaker, Harm, Abyss Of Madness, Losing Victoria, Inbetween, Summermilk, demo21, Black & White, Traffic Of Death, Invasion, The Loop.

Review - Review sovrennogo Spectrum iron.

Reviews - ZX Spectrum 2002 year Hardware Review.

Review - zhelezyachny retro Fetishizm.

Review - Hardware Retrofetishism.

Tutorials - a new word in demomakinge: chankovy engine 2x2.

Tutorials - New trend in demomaking: Chunks 2x2.

Ottyag - observing life.

Ottyag - the secret places of my mind.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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