Inferno #09
31 июля 2006

Advertising - Ads by V. Bogdanovich.

<b>Advertising</b> - Ads by V. Bogdanovich.
 Ads by V. Bogdanovich

   Introducing a new version of my spec
vskoy collection Nostalgia ZX SPECTRUM "
v3.22 (August 1, 2006) on one DVD
(Volume 3,84 Gb). Volume rose sharply in the basis
vnom by adding unsorted
archives in different razdelah.Vse zapakova
but (zip, rar), except for graphics and small tech

           The collection contains:

  - Spectrum of the entire CD "Emulyato
 algebra "(1997);

  - All part of the Spectrum ZXCD v0.81
 (Samara, 2000);

  - Almost all the software part of the site Vir
tual TR-DOS as at 01.08.2006
 (Then suddenly missed, and not downloaded);

  - Added some software from ZX-collector
 tion, sent by Roman Mindlin;

  - Added some software from ZX-collector
 tion sent by Andrew Baglan;

  - Almost all of zxsoft fido ekhi
 ZX.SPECTRUM (1997-2006).

  - ROMs and books on computer ATM Site

  - A lot of what esche.Uvidite everything yourself!

     Changes from v3.21:

  - Added 2,7 Mb of music with the extension
. Ay from the collection of A. Baglai

  - Added 270 Kb music with extension
. Zxs from the collection of A. Baglai

  - Added 800 Kb animation from TAP
collection of A. Baglai

  - Partially ordered replays of the count
lectures of Baglai (over 300 Mb file) in the
Sections SCL'TRD, TAP, Z80 (including archive
Demotopia - all zx demos), the remnants of the archive

  - Section TR-DOSSCL'TRDSYSTEM organizations
nizovan sub-ARCHIVE for nerassorti
doped programs (170Mb)

  - Section TR-DOSSCL'TRDDEMOS organization
call of sub-ARCHIVE for nerassortiro
Bathrooms programs (165Mb)

  - Section TR-DOSSCL'TRDGAMES organization
call of sub-ARCHIVE for nerassortiro
Bathrooms programs (727Mb)

  - Section TR-DOSSCL'TRDGFX organized
van subsection ARCHIVE for unsorted
grammes (91Mb)

  - Section TR-DOSSCL'TRDSCHOOL organizations
nizovan sub-ARCHIVE for nerassorti
doped programs (6,6 Mb)

  - Section TR-DOSSCL'TRDMUSIC organization
call of sub-ARCHIVE for nerassortiro
Bathrooms programs (11,8 Mb)

  - Added description of electronic journals
and sorted out some demos
from images. td0 from the collection of Roman Mind

  - Download 134 Mb of VT (from March to July
2006), including game CD TIME GAL
(88 Mb), as well as a collection of music TR SONGS
v4.0 (12Mb), emulator UNREAL v0.35 (428Kb)

  - Download 5,6 Mb from the archive fileecho SPECT
RUM, including RGBVIDEO in TAP format

  - Added some fresh programs and info from fidoehi
ZX.SPECTRUM to 01/08/2006 inclusive

   Contents of the collection of this version:

 GFX - 188,2 Mb (photo iron spektrumistov,

                          screen savers, party)

   Hardware - 14,9 Mb (photo spekovskogo


   Inlay Card - 1,2 Mb (covers spekovskih


   Party - 116,2 Mb (photo from computer


   Peoples - 20Mb (Photo Spectrum

           groups, individual spektrumistov)

   Posters - 2,6 Mb (posters on the theme


   Screenshot - 10,6 Mb (savers and not


   Software - 22,7 Mb (schedule of programs)
 INFO - 185,4 Mb (text descriptions, diagrams,


   IMP - 8,9 Mb (information mainly

                      in English)

      Hardware - 614Kb

      Misc - 4,2 Mb

      Party - 21,5 Kb

      Software - 3,4 Mb

      ZXFAQs - 651Kb

   RUS - 176,5 Mb (information in Russian


      Books - 5,5 Mb

      Hardware - 60,7 Mb

      Misc - 1,6 Mb

      Party - 1,2 Mb

      Peoples - 1,6 Mb

      Software - 105,3 Mb

      ZXHistory - 190Kb

      ZXFAQs - 322Kb
 MUSIC - 33,8 Mb (Spekovskaya music

                     emulator formats)

   AU - 493Kb

   AY - 3,1 Mb

   IT - 75Kb

   MOD - 1,41 Mb

   PT - 185Kb (see also TR_SONGS)

   S3M - 822Kb

   SBK - 57Kb

   SID - 74Kb

   STC - 30Kb

   TR_SONGS - 23,5 Mb (music archive

                 Sergey Bulba v4.0 in zip)

   VTX - 1,1 Mb

   XM - 45Kb

   YM - 2,5 Mb

   ZXS - 401Kb
POKES - 334Kb (the immortality of the games)
 SOFTWARE - 2,6 GB (spekovskie program

                     emulator formats)

   ATM - 17,8 Mb (programs for computers


      CPM - 14,4 Mb

      PC - 230Kb

      TASIS - 1,5 Mb

      TRDOS - 1,3 Mb

   IS-DOS - 1,1 Mb (only small


   MIRAGE - 272Kb (for Amiga zx emulsion)

   PLUS3DOS - 3,6 Mb (Program for

                  Computer Spectrum +3)

      DSK - 1,1 Mb

   PROFI - 842Kb (Program for

                        Computer Pros)

   ROMs - 3,9 Mb (ROM collection for Speccy)

   SNAPSHOT - 84,4 Mb

      SEM - 192Kb (snapshots)

      SLT - 1,8 Mb (snapshots)

      SNA - 4,0 Mb (snapshots)

      SP - 223Kb (snapshots)

      Z80 - 77,7 Mb (snapshots)

      ZX - 283Kb (snapshots)

      ZXS - 191Kb (snapshots Emulator


   SPC - 229Kb

   SPRINTER - 6,9 Mb (Program for

                     Computer SPRINTER)

   TAP - 133,2 Mb (cassette copies


   TR-DOS - 2,28 Gb (images tr-dos floppy)

      FDI - 27,1 Mb (images nonstandard

                            tr-dos floppy)

         DOMEN OS - 241Kb

         GAMES - 3,3 Mb

         IS-DOS - 20,1 Mb

         MAGAZINEs - 2,4 Mb

         MUSIC - 276Kb

         VIDEO - 845Kb

      SCL'TRD - 1,98 Gb (images programs

             SCL and TRD, the best sort)

         ANIMATION - 66Kb

         DEMOS - 218,8 Mb (demos, intros


            ARCHIVE - 165,3 Mb

            DEMOSIMP - 10,7 Mb

            DEMOSRUS - 42,0 Mb

         DMA - 954Kb (program

                  support DMA card)

         EMULS - 2,2 Mb (emulator


         GAMES - 1,13 Gb (game)

            ARCHIVE - 727,5 Mb

            DEMO_VER - 12,9 Mb

            FULL_VER - 40,5 Mb

            GAMES_CD - 107,0 Mb

            GAMES_GS - 10,8 Mb

            GAMESCVX - 212Kb

            GAMESIMP - 173,6 Mb

            GAMESRUS - 59,6 Mb

            MODEM_GM - 144,2 Kb

            REMIX_GM - 1,9 Mb

         GFX - 93,2 Mb (graphics)

         MUSIC - 25,6 Mb (music)

         PARTY - 50,1 Mb (with

                  Computer Festival)

         PRESS - 218,2 Mb (magazines, newspapers,

                           advertising, etc.)

            MAGAZINES - 122,2 Mb

            MISC - 842Kb

            NEWSPAPERS - 95,1 Mb

         SCHOOL - 10,3 Mb (training


            ARCHIVE - 6,6 Mb

            ASTRO Omiya - 164Kb

            BIOLOGY - 84,2 Kb

            GEOGRAPHY - 454,5 Kb

            LANGUAGES - 653,4 Kb

            MATHEMATICS - 1,1 Mb

            PHYSICS - 25Kb

            SDA (ROAD) - 65Kb

            COMPUTER - 862Kb

            ONCE DE - 303Kb

         SYSTEM - 226,1 Mb (systemic


            ARCHIVATORS - 2,1 Mb

       (File packers and unpacking)

            ARCHIVE - 170,3 Mb

            ASMs-MONs - 4,0 Mb

                   (Assemblers and monitors)

            BASE - 852Kb (base


            DEVELOP - 51Kb (for


            GAMES EDITORS - 1,9 Mb

                           (Eds. games)

            GFX PROGs - 8,0 Mb

             (Graphics software)

            HARDWARE - 520Kb

                  (Descriptions, diagrams of iron)

            LANGUAGE - 852Kb (Languages


            NETSOFT - 2,1 Mb (network


            OS - 831,8 Kb

      (Operating system for the Spectrum)

            SHELLs - 8,9 Mb


            SOUND PROGs - 14,8 Mb

               (Program audio processing)

            TESTs - 317Kb

                      (Test program)

            TEXTPROGs - 6,3 Mb

              (Word processing program)

            UNSORTED - 181Kb

            UTILS - 3,9 Mb

                    (Various utilities)

         USER - 1,9 Mb (Applied


      TD0 - 12,9 Mb (images protected

                            tr-dos floppy)

         CPM ZS - 2,5 Mb

         GAMES - 2,1 Mb

         IS-DOS - 7,5 Mb

         PRESS - 369Kb

         MBMB - 423Kb

         TERMINAL - 130Kb

      TRD - 261,9 Mb (images of standard

                            tr-dos floppy)

         DEMOS - 37Mb

         GAMES - 84,4 Mb

         GFX - 4,8 Mb

         GROUPS - 19,8 Mb

         MUSIC - 29,9 Mb

         SCHOOL - 3,2 Mb

         SYSTEM - 17,9 Mb

         ZXFIDO - 64,2 Mb (1997-2001)

      UDI - 1,02 Mb (images tr-dos with a floppy


   TZX - 34,6 Mb (branded cassette copies


   X-DOS - 1,1 Mb (operating system)
VIDEO - 728Mb (with video

                  Computer Festival)
 ZX-AMIGA - 3,3 Mb (spekovskie emulators and

             Center for Amiga computers)

   ZXEMULS - 2,9 MB (Archive LZX)

   ZXTOOLS - 407KB (Archive LZX)
 ZX-PC - 134,7 Mb (spekovskie emulators and

                           Utilities for PC)

   DEMOS - 13,5 Kb

   GAMES - 3,7 Mb

   NEWSPAPERs - 789Kb

   SYSTEM - 50,8 Mb

   ZXEMULS - 79,4 Mb

   The collection is going since 1989 and
this day. Since 1999, the collection is written in
CD. Since the autumn of 2005 - DVD (on request
- On CD). If you want your prog
Ramm was included in the collection, send
it echoes ZX.SPECTRUM or my soap or
e-mail. There is still much work to archive
12,19 Gb.

   DVD NZXS v3.21 - 200 p (including supersaturated
lku mail). Price for Ukraine and Belarus
$ 7. COD can not send only
prepaid. Everyone who sends the specified
amount, be sure to get the latest
version of this collection, regardless of what
of which fresh advertisements you have read
(If very outdated advertising, it is necessary
Dimo first contact to refine
thread will send the amount). Do not forget to
I shall circulate your full address, index and
Name Completely without abbreviations (all must
but be clearly written).

   My postal address:
Russia, 660097, Krasnoyarsk, POBox 22443,
Bogdanovich Eleanor Konstantinovna.

   My address at FIDO:
2:5090 / 108.21 Vladimir Bogdanovitch

   My web address:

zx trader Bogdanovitch (vBv)

Other articles:

Likbez - Batteries. History, such as the advantages and disadvantages.

Likbez - Batteries. Practical application of various types.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Gamedev - The history of the game Ball Quest.

Gameland - Description of the Game Ball Quest.

Others - Twelve methods of literary polemics or benefit from newspaper discussions.

Others - Questions about the Conservatory of Music.

For Coderz - Suggestions for improving the disk utilities.

Inferno - Entered from the editor.

Likbez - Common techniques incorrect reasoning and simple logic errors.

Sound - tube amplifier. Stereo lampochnik 2x5 Tues of old TVs. Part 2.

Repair - Repair Radios Panasonic.

Inferno - Letters to the Editor.

Advertising - Advertising NedoPC.

Inferno - On the shell.

Others - O orienteering.

Iron - The Story of the Pentagon 1024SL.

Likbez - Characteristics of pn junctions at low current.

Repair - The story printer repair DAEWOO DP-2210.

DIY - The scheme to protect your computer from the surge.

Softinka - Music Editor Pro Tracker v3.7. Revision history.

Softinka - Archiver ZXRar v0.29. Revision history.

Advertising - Ads by King Of Evil.

Advertising - Ads by V. Bogdanovich.

Others - On roller skates. Choice toeriya ride.

Others - On-roulette machines in gaming clubs.

Inferno - On the voxel flying elephant IG # 5.

For Coderz - On the sort of array elements.

Others - System Drive Alone Coder'a.

Gamedev - Answers to questions about the game Time Gal.

Gameland - the game Time Gal, the first CD-game for ZX!

Softinka - Video Player for ATM.

Future Spectrum - Reflections on the gaming console ZX-Box based on the Spectrum.

Future Spectrum - The Dialogues of the game console ZX-Box based on the Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   23 November