ZX Format #06
29 июля 1997 |
Amiga Club - compare the performance of Amigo and PC. As far as Amiga relevant in today's games?
Koe what about AMIGA. music by DNK (C) Yu Kovalevsky _______________________________ By writing this article, I actually have pushed in the first place are numerous and, I would say, rather one-sided publication on the Amiga theme (ZX-Format, AMIGA Guide), and secondly questions which periodically ask me personally about the acquisition of new computer (or replace Spectruma grandfather, or, more generally, for the first time in my life). That As for Amigo Publications, here I was, in fact, a few touches some lopsidedness in the discussion of the Amiga as a gaming machine. Everywhere the same, "no better gaming platform than the Amiga, and as example, there also is or SuperFrog or even some kind of "flat" toy (I am not offended, I mean technical description). My God, nobody does not detract from the merits of these fine stuff, but in the yard in 1996 and half interest in dynamic games are different pseudo (or pseudo) three-dimensional hodilki-shooter-lupilki. That's just on the this theme and would like to talk a little bit. Here's a primer for a small plate, made from various sources and assess the performance of Amigo and the two most popular in our country, PC configurations at compile code (And through the dash, vnutriprotsessornuyu performance in the cache). Touch with reality, all this is very relative, then, of course, should be evaluated by many parameters, but approximate idea of the processing capability of machines you can afford to do: CPU f so. RAM MIPSMIPS / coeff. (See below) A600 68000 8 MHz 1M 0.6 A600 68000 8 MHz 1M +4 M fast 0.85 A1200 68020 14 MHz 2M 1.9-3 A1200 68020 14 MHz 2M +16 M fast 2.3-3 A1200 68030 50 MHz 2M +16 M fast 9.6-18 A4000 68040 25 MHz 2M +4 M fast in 1920 AMD 5x86 133MHz 8M 33-70 (13.2-28) A1200 68060 50 MHz 2M +16 M fast 39-100 Cyrix 6x86 120MHz 8M 75-210 (30.0-84) Data on performance CPU 6x86 120 + (similar to Pentium 150) received no The testing, as All available test results were given in a completely indigestible units, while using the coefficients of modernization firm Elika (increase in productivity when Change the configuration of the computer base is taken 486DX4-100). Data on the Amiga were taken from the description of the program AmiTest, the data of the program SisInfo (config AMIGA-1200) and data unpretentious test, Mr. Mad Max-a (oh, and rebelled it is about this article :-)). Follows noted that experts for hardware is advised when doing such comparisons (since the model's software CPU Motorola and Intel are different and not in favor of the latter) to use for Intel correction factor of 0.5-0.33 (we will reimburse 0.4). Because I myself am in this business do not know much, then leave such statements to Conscience of professionals, and received in result for the PC-clone performance give in parentheses. Note there is a further attempt to assess the situation from the perspective of human who buys a computer in hopes of getting something for their money, excellent in all respects (modest wish buying all kinds of goods). Often often it is not going to perform on it any work (at least the first time), and used for recreation: to play, to mess with any picture (for example pririsovat someone mustache in the picture! Rather, know-whether intellectual pursuits), climb in the InterNet (Do not you dare laugh at me, it's not my words, say so ordinary people to that expression: "the file structure Directory "and" Hyperspace zero-crossing "are one and the same and are confident that E-Mail and WWW is something like that). As an example of such an "extraordinary" the individual is currently rather go up I, and therefore will continue my personal reflections on the theme AMIGA. Especially over the past four months, I had to try several of its configurations (for those interested: "AMIGA-1200, "AMIGA1200 + Blizzard 1260", "AMIGA-1200 + Blizzard 1260 + 16 Mb fastRAM "and, finally," AMIGA-1200 + Blizzard 1260 + 16 Mb fastRAM + HDD "'&" AMIGA-1200 + HDD "/ at off the accelerator.) And since it occurred over a relatively short period of time - I have the audacity to believe that I can objectively compare different configurations (with objectivity of the novice user '& gamer, of course!). At the moment, requisitioned from MAXa Blizzard 1230, I estimate version of "AMIGA-1200 + Blizard 1230 / free FPU / + 16 Mb fastRAM + HDD ". For a start I would like to share some experience gained in the course of my acquisition of the Amiga. I think this may be enough cautionary tale, although I also really hope that does not norm. To do this, go back a little back By that time, when I have not yet been Amiga. That means I was sitting at Spectrum-om thirty years and three years (until 10.06.1996), wrote occasionally applets (not bad, not good, as well - is average) and once I saw that finally saved up enough money, to qualify for this already, "Adult" computer. Naturally, as the true and genuine sinklerovets I the first thing he thought about the Amiga. What else I have thought, prepared the public opinion in the face of editorial ZX-Format-a and Spectrum-other publications. At that moment I was fully convinced that the PC is good-except that on the stand under the flowers. In general, calling a few happy holders of a miracle on behalf of the AMIGA, and finally decided to go out and buy it (oh, I was naive then - go and buy!) So, the saga began. Having made a few calls, I learned that there are only three ways to fuck currently AMIGA, namely: firstly, to buy from someone to 'second hand' (ours, of St. Petersburg or specially brought from Europe / where it is obviously someone was not /). Then once there is an interesting question. When scolded PC, then we say that this second-hand-shny trash, which become someone does not want there, for a cordon and Now it brought us here. Why do then buying someone became unnecessary Amiga appears as an event in the life it has bought. I do not know, I do not know .. So porazdumyvav little on this subject I proudly rejected this path. If you have already taken computer, I thought, at least new and recently harvested. There was also second way to appeal to the firm trading, respectively, amigo. Apart from those who sell second-hand machines, such a city was an AMIGA-Service. Turning to her, I received a very The original response: "Your order is not expensive, so we execute it, Only if you happen to be some surprise and neogovarivaemy term. Or take the fact that we now have (A600/A1200). Here, I think, need a little explanation. The fact that I needed AMIGA 1200 in the housing tower, since I believed (and still think, despite the everything that has happened) that a machine without a local bus, ie without the possibility of expansion and modernization at the expense of added cards, it's, well, not quite convenient. I still do not inspire, when I see the Amiga just hung with the same on provodochkah power supply, the second floppy drive, CDROM-ohm, modem, and if God knows what else. In general, realizing that the firm does not wants to see in me a client, I over there did not return. Thus there is only one way - Acquisition of machines in Moscow (not enough that she's cheaper than AMIGA-Service, both to the same-there were several firms selling the Amiga, and the competition - each buyer). But! Frankly, Firstly I am a lazy, and secondly Still do not understand how it is: go to another town to buy a computer. A If that does not work, does it mean again go there? (Actually, "first" here plays a much bigger role) But I know that you can try to use the services of an intermediary (such as - go What amizhnik to Moscow on his amizhnikovskim affairs, so catch him and ask buy it there is a miracle). Because these amizhniki most people have a surprisingly kind, sympathetic and even markups are devoid of any defects so characteristic of this RiSishnikam bloodthirsty monsters. So I in fact, tried to do. To my profound surprise and disappointment The affair with the participation of different people lasted more than three months! It most consistently attended by three people and to the same tower-a desirable and I never got! Total four months after the purchase decision, I zaimel normal AMIGA-1200 (albeit with the accelerator to the processor .. 60) for the vast Thanks MAXu that is not enough that took the most active and direct participation in this case, so also has the patience to still listen to all the nonsense with which I constantly refer to it. I, however, comforted by the fact that if would- this was not summer, it all went, would certainly be faster, well and tower can be purchased and then, separately and independently to throw in his bowels a1200. So SD-R-RA! In my hands is the most comfortable and friendly car. First a little disappointed: his friendliness to AMIGA showed me in English (I mean, of course, no design programs - what else to expect from a foreign computer, and extensive help-s and proper description of the vehicle). It should be noted with the English in me, softly speaking, the same problems as in Winnie the Pooh with spelling, too, and nothing happened can not be helped. It should also be noted that in this mountain I'm not alone among the inhabitants of Russia, and the desire to have a good computer always coincide with the knowledge in.yazykov. A what some would argue that to learn control of the car can be a purely intuitive, so it is perhaps not quite all the same so. While it is intuitively explore possible SUCH mangled wood! Of course, in the process of developing such a clever machine periodically waved in front of the nose of the user flags with slogans, but they are able to read necessary. And the Amiga periodically issues such words, which even my dictionary to 500,000 words does not know! A vivid example: not As recently as today, I spent six o'clock trying to feed the program prepared I text while Russification "intuitively" I found out that although the comments in the hold allowed, but some lines still prohibited. And I think that somewhere about it for sure it is written, but -I did not know! The second little disappointed - not very much was easy to work with computer whose only is that drive. This is not the Spectrum and then not help even the small size of the Amiga programs, CDs had to change quite often (of course this does not apply to users who have to work maximum of one two programs per session. Y They, indeed, for 1-3 minutes to download and You can have a whole evening in the drive just a data disc). In general, I can not do that, and I urgently needed a hard drive. The third little disappointed - HDD 3.5 'in the Amiga did not climb, too high (or thick, who knows how). Native Amiga 2.5 "hard drives in the first road, and secondly small ob'emu, third are sold in Moscow. Damn! Damn! Damn! Have to buy a 3.5 ', take tool and make the "upgrade" their miserable machine: after removing the screen fees and housing improvements HDD installed. Also - breaking both lomatsrazu did jack for an external IDE-devices (how quickly it became clear over th not found). Четвертоемаленькоеразочарование (Something they have a lot) - the software the machine, as it turns out has a capacity mainly on the standard Home-machine (14 MHz, CPU 680EC20) and despite the installation of related to my processor libraries fully earned only that these libraries drew some attention - the system software. More than fifty percent of the toys and demonstrashek in the form of my sixtieth processor scared to faint, which caused the system or restart the machine at all, even the effect of freezing. Since I myself do not know how, had to ask the one who is able, to climb in toys and attach them to the machine (something that to me resembles the problem PC, however it all seriously - you have to Toys not fit into the car, and change configuration of the machine itself). Well, the problem is gradually resolved, but now I I know that the ease of transfer programs machine to machine in the Amiga provided only horizontally, between identical on the CPU machines. In any other case requires a fairly high qualifications. The fifth problem - the native power supply My Amiga was not targeted at such expanded as my car and had to be replaced. Negative result all this was that I lost my warranty, and positive that I am now I know - and in the "real" computer is to poke a soldering iron (not that it scary, and frankly better than becoming). Of course some people will be outraged - it is not yet able to fully operate the machine, and already climbing to criticize. Well, that it can be argued? CERTAINLY do not know how! Why? All the rest, borrowed the Amiga, right started easily and naturally to her work? Maybe in a year I will also assume that there is no easier and more software, than the Amiga (in fact, I almost began to think so), but I have not yet fresh in memory, as I began. It's as the army: in the course of action - "a rare mess, a couple of years - it was fun, but with age even begin to tell you how about the best years of his life. Now please do not shoot the pianist in, he plays like he can. We compare Still Amiga and PC, as gaming platforms (such as their system and so compare all who are not lazy). For a start I would like to draw attention to the issue until now, for some reason, modestly traversed in Russian Amigo literature: the price. Dlyapolzovatelya ZX-Spectrum (who else is reading this article?), this issue is quite urgent especially since we are talking about fairly large as the initial and subsequent cost. So, let's see what we have. Not everybody knows that the price of the RS understated due to zatovarennostyu market. Well, philosophically, we note that from the point of the buyer computer, it can be welcome. But here's the price of Amiga, we have the opposite - too high (and I do not need about brandname, see many Amiga components are among them, for cordon and how many of us. That they have it, in a price competitive with respect to MS, and here I am discussing a purely local situation! And then some more remembered: as a cool it was when there was a 1200-webs. More would in 1993 cost the A1200 in Germany 1099 marks a "mom" 486DX33 without the "brains" 999 marks. When assembled, the same cost as 486 3298 marks while not standing next to AMIGA-1200, as a gaming machine and a few faster than thought (the data directory CONRAD Electronic). Then think of nothing better. But alas, in our yard in 1996). So, let's assume: 0 Prices Moscow St Petersburg AMIGA-1200 520 $ 565 $ / Accelerator Blizzard-1230 FPU 310 $ 460 $ fast-RAM 8 Mb $ 45 $ 45 840 Mb hard drive $ 150 $ 150 Monitor AMIGA 1438S 480 $ 445 $ TOTAL: $ 1500 $ 1665! Price: Moscow - Journal AMIGA Guide N 1, St. Petersburg - AMIGAService (price as of July months). This, I believe the minimum necessary set to complete the work (especially with graphics) and games (meaning not 2D toys, under which Amiga "sharpened" and modern 3D-toys (or rather, Of course, not true 3D, and the so-called 'DOOMovidnye' because I'm afraid the real Amiga 3D does not pull without proper hardware), where Amiga chip-set is no longer play a decisive role and becomes important performance CPU!). [LOST]: ( Prominent toy, more or less smoothly move only in 320 * 256 in the box the size of a pack of cigarettes. I, personally, it seems that in this case has the right on life and such a statement from the world sinkleristov: "You can fully operate Spectrum 48k on a car with the drive at taped "(of course, we believe that this is said in the circle sinkleristov, you can not really compare Amiga, even if, and only with the flop, and Spectrum, though and with the hard drive). AND You can really only work that it will be for work? No fun. The only exception here an article in the AMIGA-Guide N 1: 'Action 3D' (p.47), where modestly mentions that only by me above configuration of the Amiga can be considered normal for Games of this type. By the way, practice shows that person, who set the machine hard drive already a week without it life can not conceive. Then The same applies to the installation of the accelerator with the fast-memory. Already on that, I do goof as Amiga user, and like anything serious until the start, but then at the moment I am suffering, temporarily replacing 'Blizzard 1260' to 'Blizzard in 1230. " What should just wait for 15-25 seconds until 'PersonalPaint 6.4' conduct image processing, when I used to have it took 2-5 sec. ? And what kind of statement that Amiga do not need a monitor? That can run on TV? Not "can work", and Amiga supports a TV scan mode. On the TV you can play, and the notion of 'Work' means: to read shaped as letters on the screen, and from this lesson on your TV (unless it is connected via RGB) eyes start to hurt and tears. Oh, and in most cases and RGB does not work, the television and the pixels on the screen not much and information, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired (I personally saw the Amiga DECENT picture only on Samsung World Best, to whom she was connected via scart on RGB). Normally work only on a monitor, but RSshnye not suitable because do not support the TV-mode (How, then, to play? "There will have to use ScanDoubler, but the corporate road, not a homemade ochento), and the Amiga monitors in our country are so expensive (see above). If you are not a fig to the money, but sight all the same like keep, then buy for the PC monitor, and play Begaj to the TV as 95% of the toys do not understand what "do not scan TV." Incidentally, in this context, I recall the old adage that every plus has two disadvantages and Amiga here are no exception: a very good thing there are so many different developments, but inflexible on this issue in the game software may lead to some disappointment. For example, I'm just afraid to carry to the TV machine with the hard disk. What if someone on naively pushes it, is not it possible and files on the "dope" were missing! On the other hand. Spending the same money they can buy Packard Bell Hillary CDS (Pentium 75 / 8 Mb EDO RAM / 1 Gb HDD / 4x CDROM / S3-1964 / 16bit SB / 14 'monitor) - this, in my opinion is quite suitable for definition of 'brandname'. (This remark for those who argue that the brandname PC more Amiga. And during the discussion of this topics of practical value has not, all well these machines almost no one buys. And the sound of it, of course, not Amiga). If, however, use the services of local companies are going to computers (I mean DECENT office dealing with this is not the first year and learn to do it fairly reliable) it is has to be: (Cyrix P150 + / 16 Mb EDO RAM / 1 Gb HDD / 6x CDROM Aser / S3-T64 / 32bit AWE32 (though not very fancy)) I assure you that this monster will be chasing 3D-toys faster than the above configuration, the Amiga (Quace graphical PATCNerom just flies on it in the mode of 640 * 480 * 256 colors and full screen / only The frame on the screen '). The truth here is WORK on it, as they say, not as an example duller Despite all of this performance. And one more thought (no doubt - Intelligent) on the soft-e in general. After working a bit with the Amiga, I, in principle, willing to believe that its software is very convenient to use. Is also ready to believe that RSshny soft less convenient, although personally I modest experience of pressing the buttons on the keyboard, the PC will not let me have your opinion on the matter. Still, amizhniki gentlemen! I would like to those of you who are foaming at the mouth reads the entire lecture on the above topic, soft-as had would be private and in-depth knowledge directly with both cars and not 2-3 (Or more) years ago and the current moment. And what happens to people only RS in the shop saw, and wake him up in the middle night, and there also raskazhet how bad a its software. Lets say only that have seen, and preferably also touched hands. And yet, it seems that some users do not know Amiga on what actually works. Anyway If a friend of mine, Paul, told the me that he, in his words, "almost broke" when he was careless in presence amizhnikov say that AMIGA1200 address bus is trimmed from 32 to 24 bits. Here is one of two things: either people do not know (???) and will not tolerate even constructive criticism (and this is a clinical case). By the way, I think, the problem of speed Amiga 3D toys lies in the approach to games on Amiga in general (this is to the question of plus and minus). Due to the fact that home-Amiga has a CPU 680EC20 (no FPU, low productivity - 2 MIPS high / for comparison with PlayStation - 30 MIPS only the CPU, and the overall performance of its chip-set for parallel processing of information exceeds the limit of 300 MIPS (500 MIPS according 'PK_alex.belpak.vitebsk.by') / Amiga toys try to "sharpen" under this minimum configuration that was at least some "dynamics telodvizheny for all users. As a result, the Amiga "Dumovidki" even on my 68 060 does not fall short of the best examples on the PC (I mean just speed perekadrovki). But if-they "understood" it shestidesyatku was, would simply fly away. Funny right, in the court in 1996, not one of the encountered my toys do not understand what the FPU and bringing with him all they do. And, incidentally. Strange things: that the same "GLOOM De Luxe" i-Glasses Hat understands, and no FPU! But because the game is so much helmet, if no more expensive than an accelerator for 68060. Strange ... In light of the foregoing, at the risk incur the wrath of the apologists of inexpensive Amigo, I think, still, for the AMIGA should be considered truly complete, the configuration of 40mi and even 60-mi processors. Especially for working with graphics, even static. Another thing that's worth it so much that I feel like saying that all this is for the rich perverts. And therefore, at the moment, if you decided to upgrade its machinery, the first of all firmly think that going to do with their new computer. If you have tried, like me to write to the files of Spectruma and hope to manifest itself in this field and continue, but now on a different platform, then turn your attention to the Amiga. Only on it, you can create something really needed is not the fruit of monstrous the size of the monsters (in fairness, I note that on the PC may be too small homemade, if you know and use the procedures of Windows 95. The question of the quality of the procedures will not discuss). In this case be prepared for the material costs, but hopefully ease communication with the machine will pay for it all. If you do not have a lot of money, and the computer is needed, mainly for games, but game console abhorrent because of its impenetrable stupidity must still take MS. By the same for He produced a huge amount of literature in Russian, which may be a bit (if you have enough patience to all this read and separate the wheat from the chaff in these "texts") to assist in the development of the machine. True for those who "want but can not" Amiga dawned sunny ray. Judging by latest price list from Moscow, the prices of some components to the Amiga Do you want to little to fall on something, even at 30%. So it is quite possible that the configuration Declared above, cheaper and more accessible, which is good. P.S. As I understand it, now for my poor his head will fall the wrath of fans of the Amiga, which, as I noticed, do not tolerate even the slightest criticism of their favorite cars. It is possible that he will be completely righteous, because over the past 4 months I have hardly if so well studied machine to not do in this essay what ever technical errors. Quite possibly. I, actually, I will be very even happy if I manage to convince that Amiga is a game, understand and use the resources of any machine configuration. (Evidence of "the fool" is not accepted!) And again, please do not forget that the game quality machine with a user's perspective in 1996. In fact, it's a great machine work, no, actually, no doubt. She would still like to be "become Russianized" ... And then something hard to understand the move. Among other things. All of the above quite not unfounded. For some time it was as follows: up to me friend (often not having no computer at all) and Requests to advise that he would get, so to speak, in the light of recent rulings. I certainly like a man honest and say that here is a PC, is sold everywhere, even grocery stores, by weight, but it conflicts with the configuration, with experience, of course, be solved. A Here is a handy AMIGA car, home and play and work can be. Naturally - The following question: How much? 520 I say, but it's no hard drive, or 700 200 MB hard drive. And if necessary (and it is will necessarily have to) HDD larger then buy, do the cord and hang out. Then, if we do not talk with tempered sinklerovtsem should be small dumb (as usual, normal people can not take head like a hard drive outside!) after What conversation usually goes on the PC. Sometimes, people get really stubborn and continue to dig further into the former direction. These typically ask: "and that it is already possible to play? ". The answer is that yes possible, but only in old toys, not imposed on the machine increased requirements, but generally it would be good accelerator, and his memory to the game is not DOOMovidnye feel cramped. Some ask a question about what the monitor in the Amiga. Have to give a lecture on the concept of home-computer and its lack of his monitor, but it usually does not help as Any sane person understands that bezkonfliktno use the TV it will probably only at night, and the monitor will still have to buy (and it is twice as expensive RSshnogo). In general, this kind of talk, I usually end with a story about the processor Cyrix and he is better than Intel-well. But now I can see firsthand what the Windows AS '95, and look at toys Cyrix P200 + (The latter, in fact, look just slaughter and to compete here can only 'PlayStation', or 'SEGA Saturn' but, unfortunately, not Amiga games in which Though clever, but still a little bit the brakes). Produced with the assistance of a text editor: 'MicroEditor V 3.30'. _______________________________
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