ZX Format #06
29 июля 1997 |
Miscellaneous - The problems of the software market: when zagnetsya Spectrum. All over whether to blame hackers?
PROBLEMY ON or KOGDA ZAGNETSYA SPEKTRUM codenamed nazvaniem "SMEH Crying" music by DNK (C) 1997 XL-Design inc. _______________________________ Predislovie. Almost a year we dumali nad tem that napisano nizhe. Besedovali with Yuzerami, Prodavtsami, Hakerami, analizirovali all nearer approached that izrechenie: "In all vinovaty hakery "will not sovsem verno ... Then nachali padat prodazhi, zagibatsya The project of perspektivnye, treydery stali leave the rynka or pereorientirovatsya nA drugie platformy, yes and proizvoditeli medlenno but verno go nA PC and Amiga. Teper can uverennostyu skazat: ALL SOVSEM BAD! Posle ENLiGHT'96 passed prakticheski year ... And all this za TIME DO NOT DO NOT happened one proekta, povtorivshego uspeha UFO or ZVEZDNOGO NASLEDIYA ... Timeout neskolko logicheskih igrushek that DO NOT nadolgo nasytish izgolodavshegosya Polzovatelya that all chasche vybiraet PC nA mesto Speccy. Prichina poslednego vovse DO NOT "Deshevizna" PC, and DO NOT dazhe obilie "deshevogo" softa, a pretty vysokie tseny nA Avtorskoe software and krayne redkuyu periodichnost vyhoda the plug. All vysheopisannoe touched and nas ... And skazhem straight: This is not a NAS USTRAIVAET! All nizhenapisannoe - razmyshlenie aloud nA dannuyu temu ... Edinstvennoe we mozhem - pisat poka Apartment belongs forces ... We DO NOT DO NOT God and the devil ... We skromnaya redaktsiya ZX-Format ... Glava. Itak, HOW we uzhe skazali in predislovii, that prichina medlennogo but vernogo upadka Spektrumskogo rynka - it prezhde vsego maloe count of the new software. Poprobuem razobratsya this situatsii. HOW nor banalno it sounds, but that the ON appears, the plug someone dolzhen napisat. If the posmotret nA current situatsiyu, you can sdelat conclusion, that "someone" or otsutstvuet naproch, or he simply DO NOT zhazhdet pisat it samoe software. If the least This "someone" (DO NOT tell anyone budem a title), just DO NOT naprosto was - would you just DO NOT chitali this stati, posemu sleduya budem logic to figure out the reason, pochemu this zagadochnogo "someone" (nazovem the plug for kratkosti Proizvoditelem) netu goryachego zhelaniya zavalit market new, kachestvennym software. DO NOT talk about budem mankah-odinochkah. Itak that's what we imeem ... Suppose we sobiraemsya napisat kakuyu or programmu, and get to nego the n-th sum deneg. For nachala sleduet reshit, kakogo zhanra budet programma and sootvetstvenno nA kakoy layer obschestva Us neobhodimo raschityvat ... 1. Sistemnaya. Sistemnye programmy delyatsya nA 2 podguppy: a) For Razrabotchikov software (assemblery, graf.redaktory, muz.redaktory, konver tery) - Samy pozhaluy malenky about tsent polzovateley nuzhdaetsya in takom RESIDENCE ON. Chasche vsego it Programmisty, Kodery, Grafiki, Muzykanty that coc tavlyaet menee 10% of chisla vseh Paul zovateley. b) For Polzovateley (tekst.redaktory, copiers, pechatalki, etc.) In takom tipe softa nuzhdaetsya 80-90% protsentov polzovateley but zaplatit za nego deneg ready to 5-10% ... 2. Igrovye. Bolee 90% polzovateley nuzh dayutsya in takom software, but only 30-40% ready platit za them dengi ... 3. Demki. Dannym klassom ON interesuetsya menee 50% polzovateley and deneg of dannoy products get prakticheski nevozmozhno ... Vybrav this spiska, what we budem pisat, neobhodimo obdumat is HOW we a budem rasprostranyat. U nas Apartment belongs varianty ... 1. "Freeware" - Beri Vse who hochet, Shall I not only dayu reconcile garanty rabo petitiveness, and If the mine detische zag Robit unto you screw or disk I sie za to vetstvennosti nesu DO NOT ... Reconcile with were, but horoshaya samoreklama, If de tische ispravno rabotaet ... 2. Bez zaschity, za simvolicheskuyu oplatu (Protsent with prodazh) bez ogranicheny nA rasprostranenie ... Praktika pokazala, that the author poluchaet on average 100-200 thousands rubley, a dalee prog quietly rashoditsya on rukam ... itak 6.5 mesya tsev raboty, a 100-200 in rezultate you syach. Prichem in dannom variante huge role igraet chestnost and decency prodavtsa ... 3. "Shareware" - Vypuskaetsya urezanaya versiya proga bez zaschity and ogranicheny nA rasprostranenie while soobschaet Xia that If the cheloveku ponravilsya prog, he mozhet za 5-15 get $ posled nyuyu versiyu programmy, zaregistrirovan nuyu personally nA nego ... But alas, danny VA riant poka DO NOT suitable for Russia, as narod DO NOT nauchilsya platit real nye dengi za realnye veschi ... 4. C DO NOT fizicheskoy zaschitoy ("Levye" sek Torah, bitye CRC, pustye track and etc.), ogranicheniem nA rasprostrane nie. One of the popular samyh varian Comrade, DO NOT isklyuchayuschy rasprostranenie distribyutivov. Apartment belongs and temnaya storona dannogo varianta ... Well in pervyh prog You can skopirovat nA Amige, PC, and nA kopirovschikah just smart, a in second the plug-tak zhe slomayut quickly, but Unlike predyduschego varianta, TE Who can skopirovat - will be copying vat, a lomat DO NOT ... rezultate in prog razoydetsya though, would be in avtorskom RESIDENCE ... 5. With fizicheskoy zaschitoy from kopirovaniya (Holes nA diske, etc.) with direct cont rolem za rasprostraneniem. In principle - not a bad option, but It has the following limitations: a) Experience has shown - in 3-4 times higher returns than immunities not physical. b) What can not copy - more just break down. A break can be anything and disagree with that only fools. - R) completely cut off the possibility of trade distriburivami. From which it follows: , D) Vendors are more likely to sell locally manym product, because pokupat disks have avtora another gorode emu usually DO NOT TO GO AND DO NOT CONVENIENT !!!). , E) the author himself is extremely inconvenient product light up in large numbers. 6. Prodazha programmy someone from trey derov za n-th hundred baksov. Takie VA rianty praktikuyutsya, but it's hard nayti pokupatelya. DO NOT date every otdast takuyu sum za prog that rano or postural Where are something appears ... Yes and nyneshney ekonomicheskoy situatsii voobsche difficult nayti cheloveka, which budet in something vkladyvat dengi ... 7. By zayavkam with fizicheskoy or DO NOT physically cheskoy zaschitoy ... Information about St. Prinimayutsya nA programmu with predoplatoy. Kogda nA biraetsya noe n-count kind of booking prog raz daetsya zakazchikam. Takie varianty praktikovalis and printsipe way ochen nA like "shareware", but HOW and "Shareware" malo who are willing to platit pe alnye dengi, za realnye veschi. Exit proga mozhet zatyanutsya ma neogranichen LIMITED time, and za is the author TIME vzvoet from whining teh, who zakazal prog one of pervyh ... At the same time to reconcile net ha rantii that voobsche kogda a nabe retsya udovletvoryayuschee avtora count zakazchikov ... Of all these options, the most frequently Use 1 - "freeware" - for demos and 4-5 for Bole-smaller projects. In Saint-Petersburg incidence and prevalence of option 2 - not too ambitious programs. However, as once again shows practice, the price of the product on options 4.5 many users seems overly high. (On this subject we shall return). It is worth mentioning that nA segodnyashny Day of market Speccy nahoditsya on menshey mere in plachevnom state: new softa net 2.3 uzhe mesyatsa ... prodazhi HOW softa, tak and harda upali ... in periodicheskih izdaniyah nachali go pissimistichnogo haraktera stati ... kodery DO NOT zhelayut pisat sereznoe that either, because DO NOT VERYAT in uspeh nachinaemogo proekta ... (In dannom sluchae uspeh imeet vpolne opredelenny denezhny ekvivalent) ... Well-zhe, nachnem iskat guilty takoy situatsii (Pravitelstvo, PC and Amigi DO NOT in schet ...): Accepted schitat that the main culprit - Haker, nA samom zhe dele it - DO NOT tak. Tk haker - only porozhdennaya obstoyatelstvami svyazka mezhdu temi who hochet get soft podeshevle and temi who hochet pobystree navaritsya za schet proizvoditeley. Itak, haker - ispolnitel and osnovnaya prichina low income proizvoditelya DO NOT in nem. Yes, and DO NOT date every printsipe product be sure to lomat ... Lomaetsya togda, kogda DO NOT possible (difficult) skopirovat. If the DO NOT hakery, then DO NOT CHISTYE HA HAND prodavtsy. In printsipe - takoe zayavlenie it-would verno. "Nelzya buy levoe software If the takovoe DO NOT prodaetsya. But HOW it says: "Dengi - DO NOT pahnut !!!". Almost kazhdogo treydera Houses cost PC, Amiga, or inoe something, and they, in printsipe deeply naplevat HOW nA sam Speccy, tak and nA yuzerov the plug ... Prodavat CD'ki kuda vygodnee ... Tak-they teryat nechego ... A possible they spetsialno "gasyat" Spektrum, daby yuzery svalili nA, and another platformu nachali would pokupat BOLEE DOROGOE software. When They pytayutsya vyzhat of Platformy maksimum profit due to large sales at attractive prices. It is not casual, some users prefer the "left" soft - he's a lot cheaper! Consider, for example raspredelenie arrived at prodazhe one avtorskogo ZX-Format-5 nA S. Peterburgskom rynke: 14000 - Prodazhnaya tsena. -1000 - Kopirovanie, nakleyka, reklama, dostavka. -2000 - Disc. 0 -5000 - Torgovaya natsenka. (Income prodavtsa) = 6000 - Income redaktsii ZF. These are dengi nA gonorary Avtoram Statey, Muzykantam, Hudozhnikam, nakladnye rashody, and what remains after all this - nA zarplatu redaktsii. That zhe samoe but levoe: 7000 - Prodazhnaya tsena. -1000 - Disc. (Since writing the usual nA Second Hand) = 6000 - Income prodavtsa. In the second sluchae no Redaktsiya or Authors - DO NOT poluchayut profits. A prodavets gets a big profit, low-za schet tseny has a big sale. In St. Petersburg in printsipe mount to bolee-menee normalnoe because prodavtsam DO NOT bezrazlichno (Slava God!) Buduyuschee Speccy. But HOW izvestno "Client page vsegda prav !!!". Posemu If the you hotite lomanny software - you the plug can find the, and somebody, yes soglasitsya unto you prodat the plug. Here we come to glavnoy prichine: "Who ischet - the vsegda naydet. A ischet usually Polzovatel. Posemu: Edinstvennoy cause of low incomes author yavlyaetsya nezhelanie polzovatelya platit dengi za avtorskuyu products. Anyone who sells the "left" software - a thief, and he Who buys - PARTNER. If all vysheskazanoe not made on Your experience, you can get up and in a firm voice say: "Farewell Speccy, I spit on you. " Summer, St. Petersburg, August 14, 1997. _______________________________
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