ZX Format #06
29 июля 1997

Amiga Club - Between Us, by users: a comparison of characteristics of the Amiga 1200 with the IBM PC.

<b>Amiga Club</b> - Between Us, by users: a comparison of characteristics of the Amiga 1200 with the IBM PC.

  Between us, the users.

music by Ironman
(C) Max Petrov (hpm)

  Privet vsem! Posle prochteniya ZXF-5, a
a title, otveta nA letter of the capabilities
Amigi (pomnite, tam chelovek sprashival of
grafike and muzyke), I remembered that menya
interesovalo in statyah of Ammy, kotorye
I nahodil in raznyh izdaniyah, esche not imeya
ee nA stole near the Speccy. Opportunities
a glavnoe, sravnenie with, HOW unto me togda kazalos, 
alternativoy (ie PC). But I DO NOT nahodil desired informatsii, 
Lo stati Amigu write about amizhniki for which

question vertikalnom razreshenii ekrana
reshaetsya avtomaticheski, DO NOT zadumyvayas. In
itoge people DO NOT znayuschie about Amige nichego,
but imeyuschie predstavlenie on PC, ostayutsya
'Za overboard. " Zdes I rasskazhu that uznal sam za polgoda.

  Dalshe on prichine ustarevaniya modeley
Amig up to the A600, rech poydet on A1200
(Because priobretenie A600 DO NOT imeet
smysla - ee DO NOT easy and nakladno rasshiryat, a tsena and 
opportunities A4000 nahodyatsya high in gorah And do not suited 
for conventional cheloveka:). 

 1. Ekran.Vse zavisit from Vashego monitora,
rezhimov ochen a lot.
, TV set or monitor with RGB chastotoy
Horizontal razvertki 15kHz (naprimer
takoy, HOW to Speccy): to 1280h512
(1440h566, If schitat ves ekran,
as y Amigi net bordyura, and points
You can risovat Where are you like), prichem,
at vertikalnom razreshenii bolee 256
(283) tochek, gorizontalnye line
izobrazheniya podragivayut that DO NOT ochen
nice, but vpolne terpimo to luchshego monitora of purchase.
-VGA-monitor (he imeet 31kGts): up to 800x600
or skazhem, 640h1024 (720h1100), but
takim to monitor bez spetsialnogo
Charger (scandubblera) you not uvidite demok and smozhete igrat 
because in otlichie from sistemnyh programm, kotorye vsegda 
allow vybrat razreshenie monitora, demki and toys 
ustanavlivayut chastotu lowercase razvertki 15kHz, which is VGA 
DO NOT ponimaet. Outputs: scan-dubbler, which prevraschaet VGA 
almost multisync (approx. $ 40) or just rabotat nA monitore, a 
igrat nA televizore.

Multiscan (multisync) - native amizhny
monitor (he dolzhen podderzhivat 15
to 31kGts), pravda, dorogovat ... Pokazyvaet Vse rezhimy.

  In any rezhime kolichestvo tsvetov mozhet
be any of 2 ^ n, n Where are from 1 to 8 (256
tsvetov) from a palette of 2 ^ 24 (16.78 million). In
rezhime HAM8 nA ekrame mozhet be odnovremenno 2 ^ 18 64 tsvetov 
(262,208). If the unto you This malo (!???), kupite sebe 
graficheskuyu kartu 1280h1024h16.78 million

  Umenyatelevizor "Elektronika"
25tts-421d (25 cm diagonali ...) and I have to
still alive, tak that DO NOT worth bespokoitsya of monitorah: 
while their net, Amiga budet pokazyvat Vse prilozheniya nA 
televizore (And PAL, and NTSC, and at low chastote, and

high, and RGB). Dazhe TV set 'Chayka' which starshe menya, and 
the pokazyva   et (podklyuchenie HOW Speccy).

 Kstati, krome that Amiga umeet pokazyvat nA monitore srazu 
many ekranov raznogo razresheniya (nado mouse only

move them to one of your friend otnositelno
vertikali any kombinatsiyah) ona pozvolyaet opredelyat razmery 
ekrana gorazdo big chem vybrannoe razreshenie. When

priblizhenii mouse cursor to krayu ekrana
monitora (televizora) takoy ekran budet
plavno to scroll. Predely razmerov takogo ekrana - primerno 16 
thousand (!) X 16 Thousands tochek.

  I want to add an I almost uveren that nA
ekran can vyvesti odnovremenno Vse
16.78 million tsvetov programmno. Although again
zhe, nado zachem it?

 2. Sound. 4 kanala of 8 bits instrumenty
igrayutsya APPARATNO, tak that proigryvanie
4 kanalnoy 8-bit music from zanimaet
protsessora least vremeni (nado only
After playing proigryvaniya instrumenta
(Protsessoru skazhut, If it proizoydet)
ukazat adres nachala, length and speed
other instrumenta). Krome, the date every
kanal imeet your regulyator Volume 6 mA
bits, which pozvolyaet programmno igrat
14bitnye sounds pravda is otnimaet y
protsa many vremeni. Nado, odnako, note that an 8-bitnye 
melodii nA Amige zvuchat luchshe, chem nA 16-bit Sound 
Blastere! Programmno kanalov can sdelat as you like, then 
vazhna only proizvoditelnost protsessora. Takzhe 
podderzhivatsya FM-sintez. 

 3. Programmnoe obespechenie. Mnogo.Ochen.
When nalichii vinchestera dostaetsya ochen
simple. In the absence of vinchestera slozhnee because DO NOT 
usually just perevesti programmu nA flops and pridetsya iskat a 
people who nuzhnaya programma Apartment belongs nA flopah. In 
obschem, skoree vsego, DO NOT be available nekotorye novye 
programmy. That Apartment belongs voobsche? Many demok, games, 
chisle, dumovidnyh (what I videl: Cytadel, Gloom - Wolf with 
them, DO NOT sravnit, but Doom DO NOT dotyagivayut with 
akseleratorom can budet igrat in Alien Breed 3D II - igra

nA urovne Quake, with tem otlichiem that ey
nado 4M memory is, a urezannaya 2 metrovaya
versiya idet and nA 'naked' A1200). Tekstovye and graficheskie 
redaktory and protsessory, programmy obrabotki 3D animatsii, 
muzykalnye redakory ... In obschem everything you Apartment 
belongs for PC, only luchshego kachestva and

koe-that from the fact chego nA PC net. Prichem
podavlyayuschee most programs rabotaet
nA 'naked' A1200, a DO NOT asks xx metrov
The memory and xxx MHz. For minimalnoy konfiguratsii available 
emulators Speccy (sozhaleniyu to 48k and bez Tr-Dosa, but their 
zato many). Ha 14MGts bez fast-memory is they rabotayut 2-4 
raza medlennee, but the CLS, and I dumayu, LDIR / LDDR 
performed dazhe bystree chem nA Speccy! In obschem in Batty 
igrat can, in ostalnoe - DO NOT ochen nice. In

otlichie from the PC, Where are Vse kvadratnoe, ekran
an emulator nA Amige to distinguish from
spektrumovskogo nevozmozhno. Apartment belongs C64 emulators 
and chego a tam esche. 86, 286, 486 - strongly inhibit. If the 
y vas bolee 2 metrov memory is then budet rabotat emulator 586.

Imeya much memory is in samy raz for Macintosha, you smozhete 
igrat in originalny Doom, or stuchat on klaviature in 
originalnom MS-WORDe an emulator Mac'a, which rabotaet 
prakticheski nA speed samogo Mac'a with sootvetstvuyuschim 

In obschem, imeya Houses Amigu with akseleratorom,
You can ODNOVREMENNO rabotat nA neskolkih
mashinah ...

 4. Hardware. Grafich. / zvukovye karty (they
can ponadobitsya unto you, only you If the
sobiraetes professionalno zanimatsya
RESIDENCE / sound montazhem) semplery (otsifrovka zvuka) 
genloki (pozvolyaet delat montazh RESIDENCE or smotret the plug 
nA zadnem plane in raboty TIME, DO NOT zanimaya protsessornogo 
врeмeни), Mpeg (smotret Mpeg video, that seychas pochemu 
something schitaetsya kruto nA PC), CD, modemy (PC available to 
Fido, Internet, Amige, krome, the esche and Aminet - Vsemirnaya 
amizhnaya set), zipdrive, energonezavisimaya memory is, 
konechno, akseleratory 'zheleznye' emulators on PC XT to 586, 

 5. Kakaya konfiguratsiya nuzhna? 'Chistaya'
A1200 - rabotaet podavlyayuschee most
programm. A1200 + HD - rabotat nesravnenno priyatnee. To be 
happy, nado imet A1200, HD, Blizzard 1230/50 (akselerator ma 
68030 50 MHz pozvolyaet ustanovit mat. OCAN, brains (1 Simm), 
SCSI-kontroller), 10-18M memory is (to odnovremenno zapuskat 
neskolko large programm). I'd take esche CD, modem, and 
monitor. To catch kayf - Blizzard 1240. For poletov space 
rekomenduyu 1260. 

 6. HOW sravnivat megagertsy? YES reconcile!
Krome that Amiga rabotaet DO NOT tak,
HOW most of the other platform (mnogozadachnost + razdelenie 
truda mezhdu spetsprotsessorami) nA ney programmy spelled 
another. MANY programm, kotorye rasprostranyayutsya besplatno 
(I DO NOT imeyu view theft or piratstvo), a is znachit,

that the author DO NOT budet delat spetsialno
programmu medlennoy and large, And do not be
need hundreds megagerts for ee raboty, inache
programmoy simply DO NOT be polzovatsya!
A people and companies pishuschie programmy nA prodazhu just 
vynuzhdeny delat them to krayney mere, DO NOT bad (again, zhe - 
in smysle speed) inache they DO NOT konkurentnosposobny. Vse 
zhe that svyazano with platformoy PC, napravleno nA vykachivanie

deneg of pokupateley that uzhe And do not osparivaetsya 
pisishnikami because ochevidno (za isklyucheniem nekotoryh 
tverdolobyh).  What you need from mashiny unto me? Poigrat, 
nabit teksty, narisovat kartinki, Vse krasivo otpechatat, 
poslushat in pereryvah music and posmotret demki. Esche, inogda,

zapustit an emulator PC programmu,
napisannuyu prepodavatelem for ozadachivaniya studentov 
laboratornymi rabotami. Estestvenno, nuzhna mnogozadachnost, 
but pravda is ponimaesh only porabotav nA

PC, because nA Amige of mnogozadachnosti DO NOT
ZADUMYVAESHSYA voobsche - obychnoe delo, kogda rabotaet 
neskolko programm. Kogda modem will - go on setyam ... Vse is 
nA Amige, uveryayu you rabotaet luchshe, chem nA

PC. And megagertsy here in obschem something, no matter
chem. Delo only tselyah programmistov.
(Kstati, polzovateli PC that DO NOT ponimayut. They vdolbleno 
that chem bolshe chisla, tem luchshe, pravda figures pochemu 
something DO NOT spasayut any of totalnoy glyuchnosti 
antipolzovatelskoy sistemy, nor from tormozheniya vsego that 
mozhet mozhet And do not brake). 

 7. Tseny (nA yanvar 1997).
 A1200 $ 520
 Blizzard 1230 $ 280

 - It Moskve have nas dorozhe (A1200 -
$ 565) in Germanii primerno in 1.44 raza
deshevle. In other mestah - DO NOT znayu.

 Cord for HD $ 3 (shleyf IDE)

              + $ 10 (perehodnik-2'5> 3'5)

 Expensive only sravneniyu with a PC, but we
DO NOT zhe in deshevku kakuyu dengi vkladyvaem!
Sravnite with Mac'om.

Ostalnoe any praysah.

Pozvolte dat unto you soveta large screen:
- 1) DO NOT nado pokupat A600! Poterpite esche
vozmite and A1200!
, 2) if you not znaete, kakuyu mashinu imet
Houses, PC or Amigu, but vas Apartment belongs dengi
nA Amigu with akselem, DO NOT zadumyvaytes! You
smozhete rabotat and Amige nA, and nA Macintoshe. If the itch, 
then nA PC. If the zhe sredstv DO NOT much poprobuyte poschitat 
much it unto you oboydetsya upgrade Vashey PC cherez year?

 Buying a PC mozhet be obyasnena only
tremya veschami: either chelovek DO NOT be able to
obektivno otsenivat realnost or
stadnoe feeling in nem razvito chrezmerno,
or emu urgently neobhodima 486, to zarabotat ney nA nA your 

 Zvonite with questions about Amigu 598-0159
to 23 takzhe explain HOW stick vinchester, Where are taken 
perehodnik 2'5 - "3'4, HOW to connect Amigu Speccy on 
posledovatelnomu port (2 provoda and Vse Poka ... only kidat 
fayly Speccy. Programmka priema Apartment belongs.) Pochemu 
PC-Task DO NOT like Malaysian letters and HOW the plug from this


P.S. Yes forgive menya polzovateli PC - in
kontse-ends, they DO NOT vinovaty that in
nashey strane just DO NOT let a lot of znali
suschestvovanii kompyuterov krome IBM PC, a
in the mire for several reasons kompanii, shtampuyuschie 
PC-sovmestimye zameniteli pechatnyh mashinok (a Lo IBM PC XT 
byla sozdana HOW office kompyuter a title for zameny

pechatnoy mashinki and kalkulyatora, a mama with
Pentium'om segodnya imeet that zhe structure
that mama with 8,086 for the IBM PC XT-pechatnoy
mashinki ... Veselo, pravda?) Zanyali dominiruyuschee mount to 
nA rynke domashnih (DO NOT office) PC esche repeatedly until 
Amigi nA svet.

iNTEL inside - get it out.

            Amiga rules forever!


Other articles:

Today in the room - the contents of the magazine.

Authors - The authors of the journal ZX-Format No.6

From the authors - the long awaited event finally happened ...

Toys - The last iron (short story on the game 48 irons).

Toys - Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Part Two.

Toys - the game description The Crypt (Castle Master 2).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 1).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 2).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 3).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (part 4).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 5).

Programmers - Beta Basic: continued talking about BASIC (Part 2).

Programmers - General Sound: Programming Guide.

Programmers - MMD - the driver. Description of the structure of the modem driver for the terminal program MMD.

Programmers - AI on B. Mednonogova. A detailed description of the "wave of the algorithm" trace (automatic calculation of optimal) path, with an example implementation at Basic.

Programmers - Artificial Intelligence. Continuation of a series of articles about "AI". General basis for finding the way to goal.

Programmers - Tr-Dos for programmers. Max Petrov concludes his story about nontraditional methods of work with the disk.

Programmers - sharing experiences: "3-colour". Description of the effect of colors on 8-point ", help to the viewer, and how many words on the conversion of images in format "3-colour".

Programmers - sharing experiences: "3-colour". A few words about converting images in the format of RGB.

Programmers - the exchange of experience: programming Multicolor effects.

IS-DOS - users: how to personalize your system IS-DOS on a specific model of ZX Spectrum-compatible PC and to perform your tasks.

IS-DOS - users: how to copy the system disk IS-DOS and stay with the dead.

IS-DOS - the programmer: a short course - programming in IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - news: new software IS-DOS.

Iron - A short story about the capabilities of the processor Z-180.

Iron - Multiviewer. Description dorabotochki allowing to measure the speed of programs to curb without climbing in the codes - an easy push of a button.

Iron - A new project the firm Peters - "Sprinter". New Spectrum-compatible PC with a new generation of Speccy.

Iron - Opinions about skorpionovskom controller IDE HDD - SMUC.

Iron - SuperSpectrum: one project Spectrum-compatible machines. Its feature is compatible with the PC.

Iron - X-Trade FAQ. Answers to frequently asked questions on the GS and XTR-modem.

Premiere - Flash tracker. Description 4-channel editor of digital music, working with SoundDrive, from the author SoundDrive - Flash Inc.

Premiere - Description of the latest version of the universal terminal program used in SpbZxNet.

Premiere - Mortal Kombat: what awaits you in the full version of the game and some comments to the demo version.

Premiere - XReversy: presentation of a new toy from the popular family of "Solve puzzle - see the picture."

Interview - An interview with one of the most famous spektrumistov - Andrew Larchenko.

It was you - The story "Absolute Power".

It was you - The story "The Road".

It was you - Lord of the teeth: a parody of a popular trilogy ...

Mail - Contact us: an e-mail Alex'a from Nizhny Tagil, exhibited in the last room at the Corner of lamer. "

Mail - Letters from readers: Andrei Yakovlev, Denis Tokarchuk, Alex Garkulim, Alexander Gordeev, Evgenii Shumilov Nitochkin Vadim, Michael Larkin.

Mail - free advertising and announcements.

Miscellaneous - Scarecrow.: Nemo talks about the place of the PC and Spectrum in the modern Russia.

Miscellaneous - Review of Nemo in the book on digital circuitry. For anyone who has ever ever been tempted to turn on the soldering iron and ...

Miscellaneous - Questionnaire: Results of our poll spektrumistov.

Miscellaneous - Competition. A brief account of our contests.

Miscellaneous - The problems of the software market: when zagnetsya Spectrum. All over whether to blame hackers?

Miscellaneous - Outlook software. A brief overview of the forthcoming software: Fast Tracker, Pro Sound Creator, Black Crow.

Miscellaneous - Outlook software. Adventyura From Beyond or outside. "

Miscellaneous - A Memoir of the Peter modem network for ZX Spectrum - SPbZXNet.

Amiga Club - Between Us, by users: a comparison of characteristics of the Amiga 1200 with the IBM PC.

Amiga Club - compare the performance of Amigo and PC. As far as Amiga relevant in today's games?

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Tusovka - Let's talk about musical styles.
Premiere - Text designer.

В этот день...   28 April