ZX Format #06
29 июля 1997 |
Iron - A short story about the capabilities of the processor Z-180.
Z-180. music by Jaan _______________________________ The proposed description is not intended to precision reference. This is a discussion ideologues Z80/Z180 line with positive function of designing computers. Probably the most convenient for the reader will be a representation in the form of a comparison with the all familiar Spectrum'ovskim Z80 and describe a number of differences that, in fact, define the line of the family. The architecture of any computer (including Spectrum'a) is closely related to the structure and ideology of the processor. Development of hardware on any platform is closely associated with the development of this ideology. Exceptions to the author unknown. Therefore I would like to discuss here is conceptual features CPU Z180 with respect to Z80. A bit of history. (If you can not wait - scroll down this passage Ed.) Company Zilog was founded by former employees Company Intel (this fact has resulted in Later in the litigation). Conventional wisdom is that they just wanted money. However, we can assume that this is true, but not all. Do not want to spawn another myth, and the following should be considered as an attempt to Possible reconstruction of what happened. I. People working in the inner sanctum corporation, ie, - Have a real Know-how and can thus influence the conceptual aspects of the designed processors are rarely hurt money. - II. Takes an entire team of extra-class, with the intention to establish his own firm. For such a monumental task requires not only money and Know-how, but having our own concepts of development of processors, m-k, otherwise the competition can not either with Intel, either with Motorola. Luchsche to understand the situation, recall that Intel and Motorola produce processors that are used respectively, in the family of PC computers and Macintosh. Probably the concept of microprocessors Intel - highly specialized devices that have concentrated extreme performance (productivity, the amount of addressable memory ...) - - Proved to be unacceptable for this group. With this approach, the computing power identified with memory and proizvoditelnstyu, ie - Purely technical characteristics, without regard to peripheral issues, architectural requirements, process complexity and create Software, the complexity of the user interface. The concept of Zilog: Moderate speed and volume of addressable memory. Specific difference is the integration of on-chip core architecture, understood a few wider than the actual processor. This manifested already in the Z80: a mechanism to support regeneration process in memory (the output RFSH), automatic application of clock cycles waiting loop input-output. Foremost, at the time, clocking a one CLOCK sequence. Enhanced system commands, approximating the assembler to high level languages. Block the I / O and transfer equivalent macros processors of other firms. In Z180 deepen these trends. 1. Changing the clock mechanism. The prehistory of the problem - that says Horwitz: "For example, for microprocessor I8080 (prototype Z80, domestic analog - 580IK80) requires three power supply and two coming from outside the clock signal with a level of 12c and precisely seasoned delay between them. Arising in connection with the inconvenience of the plant worked with the microprocessor 8080 Designers in such traps as the notorious "problem of ticks, which accompanied the MITS Altair 8800, and (initially produced amateur mini-computers) and arose in cases where stringent requirements for the two clock input of the microprocessor, do not met soon enough. Several companies (rather than one IBM) advertised in amateur magazines kits designed to address "Problem bars." In those days we were glad everything worked. However, the designer of our day demand (and gain) is incomparably greater ease of use of microprocessors. " In Z180 timing problem is solved in more broadly than just the reliability and reproducibility of the technological circuit solutions. Adopted in the Z80 agreement on reference delay times from the front input (CLOCK) is replaced by an agreement measure the time of the output signal Processor F. That is, in fact, the whole system Spectrum is not external but internal clocking - the entire system is clocked CPU. This allowed us to throw out the inevitable cycles of time delays and significant squeeze machine cycle time. From the point of view designer's Spectrum - architecture, this means a complete rejection of traditional computer synchronization in whole. By the way, having a moderate speed (eg 14 Mhz) can be waived by buffering the tire and getting extremely simple, cheap and technological nodes on the bus, because tolerances for the "collapse" signals on the bus on time, even increase. (Although, proektiuya synchronization system, we have to count them.) 2. Changing the concept of the machine cycle. Architecture Z180 is no longer rigidly set (as in Z80). A designer can programmatically through the system software, to change the architecture of the nucleus. If given that Z180, in essence, is an architecture, rather than actual processor (a concentrated processing power), we can talk about expanding the range of opportunities and reconfigurable. In practice, this is as follows: In the Z80 refresh cycle hard, "let into" the cycle of M1 (recovery package operations). In Z180 regeneration cycle exists independently at full machine cycle. Frequency of occurrence of such cycles can be varied within wide limits, or just cancel. This will unify all the cycles on the bus duration. (So-called "inner loops" do not require sharing the bus, duration equated to beat.) The Z180 has been supported the idea of arbitrarily set the length of the signal IORQ. (In KAY256 TURBO It had to do with a special external circuits.) In the machine cycle there were additional signals - information and gating - they can be used, for example, to facilitate the sharing of RAM. 3. Extension mechanism of interruption. Familiar to all Spectrum'istam group interrupt NMI / INT received priority levels 2-3. At level 1 nahoditsa so-called "TRAP" interrupt - interrupt incorrect code operation. This is exactly wherever will depart the program with undocumented commands. Interrupt transfers control to 0-th vector. There is a special bit, allowing the processor to distinguish between "cold start" (at RESET) on the "hot" (for TRAP). Ie is the possibility of macro (which is equivalent to a macro of any reasonable size) "Blanks" aces programming Spectrum'a. There are still two feet, bearing obligations "bdit" (in addition to INT) - INT1 and INT2 (4-5). Ineetsya also has a 7-m pieces of interrupts that can request On-chip peripherals (timer, DMA, serial ports) with the lowest priority (6-12). 4. Expansion of the system commands. Team SLP - spat.Protsessor falling asleep ... MLT - multiplication of two eight-registers with the result in reg. pair: H * L -> result - in the HL. 17 cycles. Three teams testing on the battery without destroying its contents. Seven special teams to access internal devices Z180 (DMA, etc.). Teams expose 00h in the high byte address port. A curious subtlety is that experts of firm Zilog vnutrichipnye devices are called registers, but Indeed - it's the same ports as corresponding cycles are identical. Therefore, if the program meets the traditional team, for whatever reason, that displays value to the port with zero high byte address, it risks falling into vnutrichipovye ports, the consequences of which are the most fun ... For the programmer, these ports represent from a "bank" Long 40h, in the interval Long 100h. (8 th lowest bit addresses) Bank can be placed in one of 4 places: 00h 0 Pre follows ustano0 3Fh vit current situation of the bank. 40h 1 For RESET bank is put in "0" 7Fh 80h 5. Inland ports. 2 They can be divided into BFh a group of service (exchange with vnu1 C0h friction devices (half 3 algebra, DMA, and so on. ) And group 1 FFh architecture that define the configuration of the kernel and features vzaimodeistviya chip with the outside frame on the constructive hardware plan. There are registers that define the frequency timing, number WAIT'ov in IORQ, frequency following regeneration. There is even a register, allowing changes to the logic of the bus and duration of the output edges of some signals. (Other than register a "double appointment of "such a cell and can not be named). From the perspective of a programmer using such a register is very easy to make the program fail." authors, he conceived as a saving. ___ The above information are basic for a family of Z180. Further development - - Z180-> Z181-> Z180 given rekurentno. Ie take the Z180, add something - we Z181. Take the Z181 and something else add - have a Z182, etc. For service supplements used "emptiness" in the bank 40h. (The situation is similar to the undocumented commands - the company leaves itself a foundation for the future, not reflected in those. documentation, but the open craftsmen and once this groundwork to float its hosts, putting an end to creativity, "folk art".) ___ Readers were first ZF questions by TR-R'u. A reader from Pskov, has decided that (C) Nemo has invented a new processor. Unfortunately, this landmark accomplishment we can not do. We are talking about a commercially available off-chip firm Zilog. Some readers agreed that the TR-R no later What tomorrow will be released in rodazhu. This is also not so. Ability to implement this idea directly linked to market development Spectrum. If it is possible to de-monopolize, to create an effective structure (Clubs, network), make the market ringing transparent - then it becomes possible. Major efforts are now directed specifically in this direction - otherwise This architecture is just hanging in the air. I would like to wish the programmer only support the well-established and generally accepted architectural components - a ensures that the platform of sharahanya and dispersion of efforts and resources (and ask the stable development of the vector), which is already there are not many, it is also impossible and it will be split. At the moment, author's opinion, such architectural components of a Turbo-mode and 256Kb memory. Machines with less memory and speed (1.43 - equal to laggards) vypuskatsya no longer. _______________________________
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