ZX Format #06
29 июля 1997

IS-DOS - users: how to copy the system disk IS-DOS and stay with the dead.

<b>IS-DOS</b> - users: how to copy the system disk IS-DOS and stay with the dead.
  Category "IS-DOS - users" No.6

music by DNK
(C) V. Eliseev

Hello, dear readers!
Today, on your many
request, we will tell you how to properly
make up the system drive, how to perform the initial setup of 
the system IS-DOS for a specific model of computer and

for your specific problem. Today, our
topic consists of several articles,
the first one devoted to the most frequently
specified by your question, namely:

 HOW TO MAKE A working copy


PPri work with the IS-DOS programs should always be created for 
the daily work of copies of a disc, leaving the originals in an 
archive in case of emergency. 

     In this article we will consider with you
detail the process of creating a working copy
drive system IS-DOS.

I. Creating a working copy by

         potrekovaya Copy

Create a working copy of the disc can be
several ways. The first and necessary
say, the easiest way - is to use potrekovaya copy. When
This sequence of operations is as follows:

1. Boot the system IS-DOS basic disk and run the program 
format.com, which is located at S: SERVICE You will see your 
Speccy menu appears as follows: 

  Drive: A iS-DOS Start: 0

  Double Disk Quan: 160

  Verify Formatter Retry:

  Format 1996 Rd '& ampWrt: 1

  Configur Verify: 1

  Save Format: 1

  Exit Exit

If you have two floppy disk - insert
in the second blank disk drive, place the cursor on the line 
Drive: and select drive B:

     If you have a floppy drive - leave
everything as it is, but do not forget to remove the system 
disk from the drive and insert there blank disc.

     Start formatting (click
ENTER on line Format).

2. Once you have received a clean formatted disk, run 
potrekovaya copy. For two drives this can be a program abba.com 
or, in the new version 4.5, - abc.com. 

     If you have only one drive -
have a little bustle, removable disks, while copying is 
completed. In This program will help copy_all.com. She

remind myself, when you want to change
drive, you just have to remember that the SOURCE
is the drive source, from which you are copying and DESTINATION 
- means receiving the drive on which you are copying. 

     Generally, the system IS-DOS much
easier to work on a computer that has two
(And larger) drives, one of which
installed system disk, and from another zgruzhayutsya your work 
files, although no fundamental limitations on

this point.

     So, after copying you
get an exact copy of the original disk with
all its features, including the location of files. No 
"connection system" and other operations in this case is not 
necessary to. 

3. Further, if you confuse the fact that
drive is not enough free space for your work files, you can 
delete most of them without apparent harm to


     Delete files with the help of system utilities delete.com 
(the one that caused the key 8, and removes all marked files).

     You can also use the program remote.com to delete an 
entire directory with all files located in it (Do not forget to 
then run a program or arzt.com arzt +. Com for card recovery 
employment units drive, otherwise vacant place will not be 
available for the system) 

     Happy owners of a new version
IS-DOS 4.5 can delete entire directories
using the new tools eradicat.com,
with the map of employment units is corrected automatically and 
arzt.com run no longer required. Simply select directory that 
you want to delete, move to monitor the command line (press M) 
and type eradicat and ENTER. Then he will only answer "Y" to 
the request 

            "Eradicate CAT:


            (Y / N)?

and the directory will be safely deleted along with all 

Now let's talk about what imnno
files you can safely delete.

     The first is, of course,
help-files - all files with extension
-*. Hlp and subdirectories HELP in all major directories and 
directory advertising IS-DOS ADVERTISING. This will give you 
have more than 1500 free blocks, ie, about 380K. If

You is not enough, you can delete all directories:

EDITKRYPTON (15 blocks)
MSDOS (137 blocks)

  RESTRANS (115 blocks)
RESBASIC (87 blocks)
PRINTPL (113 blocks)

but, naturally, provided that these
You do not need the program. As a result of the above 
manipulations on your drive will be about 2000 free blocks,

you can take your programs and files.

4. Finally, you can run
program arzt +. com to collect all the free blocks at the end 
of the disc (about how do you read

in the last issue of ZF).

   II. Creating a working copy by hand.

1. Take a blank disk and format
it as already described above.

2. On this disc, using the system
Utilities mkdir.com need to create basic catalogs IS-DOS: 
SHELL, UTIL, RES, SERVICE, as well as desirable to EDIT and 

     Actually, we can no directory
not to create and place all in the root directory or a 
directory with any name, but we strongly recommend that comply 
with established traditions, to avoid confusion. In addition, 
standard directory names are written in the configuration file 
in order to be able to call frequently used programs one-touch, 
of course, if the system can not find the files where they are 
should be, system performance will be rather difficult to use.

3. Copy the following files to disk:

in the root directory of the new disc -
file extent.txt,

     the directory SHELL - files extkey.txt, extview.txt, 
extprint.txt and exebat.com, 

     the directory SERVICE - files boot.com, con.com, system 
file is_dos.sys, will also be useful, and team file connect.bat

4. Can then be removed from the current system disk drive, 
install it place the one you just created

and run the batch file connect.bat.

     If you did everything correctly, you
get a completely workable system disk bootable IS-DOS.

5. Now you can write to the appropriate directories of the new 
drive you need a program from the directory SHELL, UTIL, RES, 
SERVICE, and a program to print a text editor. If Need software 
to convert texts, works with MS-DOS disks, etc.

- Create the appropriate directories and
place them in the file you want.

     When copying is convenient to use
utility coca.com, which copies the
drive, open the alternate panel
sodzherzhimoe current directory with all
subdirectories and files.

Minimum recommended composition tools
Hot-swappable IS-DOS:

Root directory

autoexec.bat extent.txt

coca.com copy.com copy25.com
delete.com exebat.com exepak.com
exescr.com extkey.txt extprint.txt
extview.txt filecopy.com gmen.com
mkdir.comrename.com tv.com

 abc.com arzt +. comcd +. com
copy_all.com date.com eliminat.com
eradicat.com fdir.com free.com
mon.com path.com path.txt
qu.com show.com sort.com

bat.res calc.com calc.res
ch.com ch.res date +3. res
gmen.res indi.res junc.com
mkdir.resmon +. res ren.res
scan.res set.com standart.bat

boot.com check.comcon.com
connect.bat create.com demon.com
doctor.com format.com is_dos.sys

Well that's all. Now, we hope to have
You will not be a problem with the creation of a working copy 
of any IS-DOS disk, and in the next article in this issue we 
will talk a bit about customizing the system IS-DOS. 


Other articles:

Today in the room - the contents of the magazine.

Authors - The authors of the journal ZX-Format No.6

From the authors - the long awaited event finally happened ...

Toys - The last iron (short story on the game 48 irons).

Toys - Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Part Two.

Toys - the game description The Crypt (Castle Master 2).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 1).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 2).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 3).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (part 4).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 5).

Programmers - Beta Basic: continued talking about BASIC (Part 2).

Programmers - General Sound: Programming Guide.

Programmers - MMD - the driver. Description of the structure of the modem driver for the terminal program MMD.

Programmers - AI on B. Mednonogova. A detailed description of the "wave of the algorithm" trace (automatic calculation of optimal) path, with an example implementation at Basic.

Programmers - Artificial Intelligence. Continuation of a series of articles about "AI". General basis for finding the way to goal.

Programmers - Tr-Dos for programmers. Max Petrov concludes his story about nontraditional methods of work with the disk.

Programmers - sharing experiences: "3-colour". Description of the effect of colors on 8-point ", help to the viewer, and how many words on the conversion of images in format "3-colour".

Programmers - sharing experiences: "3-colour". A few words about converting images in the format of RGB.

Programmers - the exchange of experience: programming Multicolor effects.

IS-DOS - users: how to personalize your system IS-DOS on a specific model of ZX Spectrum-compatible PC and to perform your tasks.

IS-DOS - users: how to copy the system disk IS-DOS and stay with the dead.

IS-DOS - the programmer: a short course - programming in IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - news: new software IS-DOS.

Iron - A short story about the capabilities of the processor Z-180.

Iron - Multiviewer. Description dorabotochki allowing to measure the speed of programs to curb without climbing in the codes - an easy push of a button.

Iron - A new project the firm Peters - "Sprinter". New Spectrum-compatible PC with a new generation of Speccy.

Iron - Opinions about skorpionovskom controller IDE HDD - SMUC.

Iron - SuperSpectrum: one project Spectrum-compatible machines. Its feature is compatible with the PC.

Iron - X-Trade FAQ. Answers to frequently asked questions on the GS and XTR-modem.

Premiere - Flash tracker. Description 4-channel editor of digital music, working with SoundDrive, from the author SoundDrive - Flash Inc.

Premiere - Description of the latest version of the universal terminal program used in SpbZxNet.

Premiere - Mortal Kombat: what awaits you in the full version of the game and some comments to the demo version.

Premiere - XReversy: presentation of a new toy from the popular family of "Solve puzzle - see the picture."

Interview - An interview with one of the most famous spektrumistov - Andrew Larchenko.

It was you - The story "Absolute Power".

It was you - The story "The Road".

It was you - Lord of the teeth: a parody of a popular trilogy ...

Mail - Contact us: an e-mail Alex'a from Nizhny Tagil, exhibited in the last room at the Corner of lamer. "

Mail - Letters from readers: Andrei Yakovlev, Denis Tokarchuk, Alex Garkulim, Alexander Gordeev, Evgenii Shumilov Nitochkin Vadim, Michael Larkin.

Mail - free advertising and announcements.

Miscellaneous - Scarecrow.: Nemo talks about the place of the PC and Spectrum in the modern Russia.

Miscellaneous - Review of Nemo in the book on digital circuitry. For anyone who has ever ever been tempted to turn on the soldering iron and ...

Miscellaneous - Questionnaire: Results of our poll spektrumistov.

Miscellaneous - Competition. A brief account of our contests.

Miscellaneous - The problems of the software market: when zagnetsya Spectrum. All over whether to blame hackers?

Miscellaneous - Outlook software. A brief overview of the forthcoming software: Fast Tracker, Pro Sound Creator, Black Crow.

Miscellaneous - Outlook software. Adventyura From Beyond or outside. "

Miscellaneous - A Memoir of the Peter modem network for ZX Spectrum - SPbZXNet.

Amiga Club - Between Us, by users: a comparison of characteristics of the Amiga 1200 with the IBM PC.

Amiga Club - compare the performance of Amigo and PC. As far as Amiga relevant in today's games?

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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