ZX Format #06
29 июля 1997

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 5).

<b>Toys</b> - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 5).


  Technical manual


music by DNK
(C) 1986 Gilsoft International Ltd.
(C) 1996 Alex ASP, Translation

 XII. Collection of essays.

This part dwells on 9 different topics that are related
with a whole range of properties PAW, so they
it was hard to put into any of vyshepredstvalennyh departments.

 1) Thinking about 128K.

When loaded with PAW, used only
page 0, which is free 25500
bytes. Pages 1 - 7 are not used, but
each can contain at 16K.

Message tables, descriptions of locations,
Compounds, graphics and colors by default
can be placed on pages 1 - 7, and
all the others - only in page 0. All
rows of tables related to location, will be stored on the same 
page as the herself.

When you enter a description of location, nulstroki recorded in 
the connection table, Graphics and colors by default, which

will refer to this line. Option I
Menu Location Text (description of location)
inserts a row in the highest of the used pages. Option B of the 
same menu is used to initialize a new page ie inserts a row to 
a new page. You must decide when you need

will use this option, but we can
advised to use a compressor,
podnostyu to utilize the available
memory, and only then start a new page, because Start a new 
page, you do not be able to insert rows to the old page, and 
can only make changes. 

In the initial database location 0 is located in page 0, and 
you have to decide whether a location is located at new page, 
thinking about the fact that many of the tables can be located 
only in page 0. We can advise you store messages and locations 
is not below the page 1, because Page 0 can be completely

occupied by the dictionary, etc.

The same goes for text and tables
Message: I insert a row at the highest
available pages, B starts a new
page, if it was inintsializirovana
by placing it in the location.

If you want the game was at 48K
machines, then naturally, you should only use page 0.

 2) The boundaries of colors.

One of the main problems with
graphics on the Spectrum is a problem
color attributes.

One problem is that in a familiarity (the matrix of 8x8 pixels) 
can not have more than two colors. Familiarity clearly visible 
when using the option GRID a photo editor. These two colors -

PAPER and INK - color on and off pixels. How PAPER, INK and can 
prinisat one of eight values ​​for each familiarity.

Teams FILL and SHADE fill area
texture units, consisting of on and off pixels, so if you use a 
different INK and / or for PAPER two adjacent filled areas, you 
can get colored squares instead of a smooth mix of colors. This 
is due to the fact that the second texture color familiarity 
change in the color of the original texture. 

There are several ways to combat
of the problem:

 a) Ignore it. Such a method used
   was used in some pictures of the game

   TEWK. The effect can be minimized

   if you do not fill in adjacent areas of tech

 b) take full advantage of

   texture. Even using two colors and

   textures of varying density, we can

     get great pictures.

 c) Accurately position all domains
   T: draw the line on the adjacent values
   COMEST. You can get a picture in
the style of cubism.

 g) to mix colors. This allows two

   filled with team-FILL (but not

   SHADE!) Areas with different colors

   be in one of familiarity. First

   place boundaries for areas A and B.

   A round-ups filled using INK

   the first desired color. Area B

   filled, using the second INK

   the desired color. Command is executed

   BLOCK to the rectangle C, where INK 8

   and PAPER - the second desired color. QS
   three Annex 2.

 3) The program to parse

Work parser is that
it scans the input string (up to 125
characters) for the presence of words stored in
dictionary, removing "phrases" that it can convert a logical 
proposal (LS). 

After the phrase has been extracted,
scanning the table of replies and
Compounds for recognition of LS.
If the LS has not been recognized, then printed
-SM8 ("I can't do that" "Can not it sde.lat") or SM7 ("I can't 
go in that di-rection" "I can not go there") depending on the 
number of the verb (ie , if he less than 14, then printed SM7), 
and then requested a new line. Request new line is also in the 
case, If the action for any reason

may occur, for example, the object is too
heavy, or the creator of the game itself put
action NEWTEXT. The results can be
Otherwise, the player is very katostrofichny. Example: GET AXE 
AND ATTACK -TROLL (take a hatchet and attacked the troll)

If you do not have an ax, then you do not want
run into a troll.

If LS is successful, then either released a new phrase, or 
sought a new line if the buffer is empty.

Phrases separated by unions (usually
"AND" and "THEN" ("And" and "NEXT")) and any
punctuation marks.

Pronoun (usually "IT" ("IT", "TO"
"THIS", etc.)) can be used
to refer to the noun / adjective used in the previous sentence, 
even if it was administered separately in previous times. Nouns 
whose number is less than 50, are the names of their own and do 
not have any impact on the pronoun. 

The format of the logical proposal is as follows:

(Adverb) Verb (Adjective1 (Noun1)) (preposition) (Adjective2 
(Noun2)) (Adverb), verb (Prilagatelnoe1 (Suschestvitelnoe1)) 
(preposition) (Prilagatelnoe2 (Suschestvitelnoe2))

In parentheses are optional words, thus minimum sentence:

Verb (or Conversion Noun)

Verb (or noun Conversion - is a noun with the number
less than 20, which in the absence of the verb will be 
converted into a verb, for example, NORTH NORTH). If the verb 
is omitted, the the LS will be assumed the previous use verbs 
such as, GET SWORD AND SHIELD (take the sword and shield) will 
be processed correctly. 

Note that the format of phrases typed
player does not need to strictly conform to this. Thus, phrases

(Taken from a small sword FAST)

(Quickly take a small sword)

(QUICK TAKE a small sword)

are equivalent and generate the
the same LS. In fact, the sentence imposed by a player might be:


and create five (5) LS:


OPEN DOOR: THE omitted because not in

SOUTH: GO omitted because not in

, LOOK BUCKET: BUCKET obtained due to IT,

               IN - preposition is omitted.

Note that DOALL will not generate an object described by a noun
(Adjective) 2. It provides ease of command EXCEPT EXCEPT, for 
which has the side efvekt that does not allow processing such 

To thrust ALL EXCEPT fish in the bucket, because
there are three nouns.

 4) On-Screen Display.

Character sets are switched in the text by selecting colors 
0-5, press DELETE to generate ESCC (control codes to print on 
the screen) 0-5, will work only if the character set with this 
number has been inserted into the base data.

ESCC 7 is fulfilled as CR (or VC)
but resets the color, because is part of the message.

ESCC 6 operates as TAB (tabulation)
but you must use caution and be patient, because
often suppressed text formatter
during printing.

Color and character sets are included
in the text, will remain in force until the implementation of
action NEWLINE. For example, to print the number of coins that 
a player is (contained, for example, flag 100), if take into 
account that the message must contain control code for the red 
color of the paper, the row in the table of responses would 
look like this: 

COINS MES 1; "<RED> You are car
                       rying "

 _ PRINT 100

          MESSAGE 2; "coins."


All communication will be on a background of red. Such messages 
are called components, and can be used for brief descriptions.

 5) Objects.

Emphasizes in the text will be replaced in
while playing on the description of the object which was made 
last reference commands GET, DROP, DESTROY, etc. It is mainly 
used to GET, DROP, etc. can inform about the successful (or 
unsuccessful) performance, but can be used for research facility

(EXAM) and dpugih automated generation of reports.

Flag 53 is used to control species
display on the screen when using the LISTOBJ And LISTAT. If
its value is 64 (including 6 bits), then
objects are displayed without line breaks between them, thus 
forming normal proposal - component list. Possible formats:

SM53 ("nothing" "nothing") - can only occur with LISTAT

object SM48 (".")

object SM47 ("and") object SM48 (".")

object SM46 (",") object SM47 ("and"
"And") the object SM48 (".")

In addition, bit 7 of the flag 53 will be installed (the value 
is greater than 127) if at least one object has been printed. 
This will determine whether or not required

NEWLINE to reset colors.

LISTAT action usually precedes

Description of the object is composed of a complete description 
of which is in the table descriptions of the objects. The 
preferred format for the description: 

indefinite article (adjective) noun. extra text

indefinite article (adjective)
noun. additional text

where the indefinite article "A", "An" or
"Some" (in s what language articles otsutsvuyut). Adjectives 
and nouns should be lower (in Russian - is optional). Examples:

, "A small key" "Little Key", "Some
/ Sand "" A bit of sand "or" An orange. Rather mouldy "" 
Orange. Fairly covered As mold ". PAW extracts describe the 
following ways: 

 a) For a GET, DROP, etc. (Ie, "_"), the indefinite article is 
omitted, and description printed before the first point, it 
does not include, for example, "I now have the small key. "" I 
now have a small key.. "

 b) For a composite list of objects the indefinite article of 
the title altered in line and description of printed to the 
first point, it does not include, for example, . "In the bag is 
a small key." "In the bag on   hoditsya small key.. "

Obviously, if you do not use
emphasizes or constituent lists, you can write descriptions of 
objects as You will.

Note that if the object is a container, there must be an unused 
location with the same number to PAW could use it

as "content", ie object objno. 1
will need a location locno. 1, not forgetting
Mark this object as a container (C)
in the table of weights of objects.

 6) Creating mnogochastevyh adventyur.

To create a adventyure
more (accent on first syllable), and therefore more 
interesting, play space without sacrificing quality 
descriptions of locations, you can share the game on several 
smaller areas. Better just do it in the game, which contains

several separate gaming areas with
single connection point (this point
, Is called the "bottleneck" - translated
As the "bottleneck" (literally "Bottled
neck ")). Example - the game where the lifting
You sail a boat swims from the first
part of the game in the second.

In order to glasses, the number of moves
and other information as to reach the next part, you should use 
actions SAVE and LOAD. To download state one part of the game 
to another, you should use both sides of the same number of 
locations and facilities. Moreover, those objects that can be 
transferred from one part to another, should have the same 
description in both parts of the game. 

Take the game with 120yu locations, we divide it into two 
parts, each part will be contain 60. Location 60 will exist on 
both sides as a transit (Where the player starts and where it 
ends), as well as free flag will be used, such as 26, which 
will indicate what part of the game shipped. When a player 
finishes the first part, it is transferred to location 60, and 
26 in the flag set to 1. 

Part 1 will contain the line:

FLocation 60
The end of the first part - ready to ship the game state. (You 
can save multiple copies.) After the second part of the load 
dispatch and follow the instructions. 

Process 1

END _ AT 60; End Game?
 _ LET January 25, Shipment of Part 1.


Part 2 will contain the line:

Location 0
Part Two - Prepare the boot
ostoyaniya game.

FLocation 60
Any introduction to the second part.

Process 1

START _ AT0; just started the game?

          LOAD; Then let the other

                   ; Location

START _ NOTEQ 26; Shipping not the first
                   ;-Hand side

          GOTO 0; asked to upload

                   ; Another shipment


START _ AT60; download the appropriate from the
                   ; Load

          ANYKEY; Wait for read

                   , Introduction

          RESET 1 start the game in localized
                   , A function

RESET action automatically triggers
DESC new starting area after the installation of all the 
objects that are not the player is not wearing it and are not

in location 60, to their starting positions.
Note that between ANYKEY and RESET can be
if necessary, put a CLEAR, because RESET
does not affect the flags.

 7) Light and Darkness.

Currently, the presence of darkness
became something of type a cliche for adventyurnoy
game. At the same time, if used wisely opportunity to get dark, 
then it (darkness) can dobavt realism

Your game.

In PAW darkness created by setting a 0 value other than 0. Such 
a re-installation of the flag should occur whenever the player 
enters / exits to / from a darkened area. Movement should be 
carried out using a GOTO table answers to be able to produce 
actions SET or CLEAR. 

If a player can be given a light source
the easiest way to do it with
object 0. In this light source is not
have to be a torch or candle.
In the presence of fantasies they may be
infra-red glasses or shirokoluchevoy laser.

For example, consider the cycle
day or night. In the process table 2 will

 _ CYCLE EQ 5 0; LoopEnd

           LET May 24, begin a new cycle

 _ NIGHT EQ May 1918; Night falls

           SET 0

           MESSAGE X

 _ DAYEQ May 6, came the day

           CLEAR 0

           MESSAGE y

If part of the game will be held in a vault or inside a 
building, do not forget decide whether a player to see the 
shift of the day and night, before going to print

appropriate message.

 8) EXTERN and downloading pictures.

   EXTERN command can be used
to call or your mashkodovyh programs
or lines of BASIC. This feature can be
Use only in a completely made
game, because then freed earlier 4K
memory capacity (the remaining 2K need for
of PAW, why not try to use them). An important address is 
EXTVEC, which is printed at boot PAW. You must use the value 
obtained after the recording finished the game, otherwise it 
may cause trouble. 

For those who wrote in mashkode: in order to carry out 
mashkodovye PAW program, you need three bytes for the Record

at EXTVEC with JP at the start
address. IX register should be maintained,
the rest can be used without restrictions, but SP has to be 
balanced. Register A contains an option from the EXTERN.

If you save two bytes of address
EXTVEC +1, then they will point to a subroutine which performs 
BASIC'ovskuyu line with the number indicated in A.

For those who wrote on BASIC'e: team
POKE EXTVEC, 195 will provide an opportunity to perform on 
EXTERN BASIC'ovskuyu line with the number 100 + parameter, ie 
EXTERN 10 is made line 110 BASIC. To go to the next kondaktu 
line BASIC at the end should contain a command STOP. Can not 
use BASIC'e (and mashkode) command CLS, but at EXTVEC +3 
contains the procedure that performs a similar function, ie 
Team RANDOMIZE USR EXTVEC +3 clean your screen. Address EXTVEC 
+12 contains the line number in which to publish the names of 
database files, and address EXTVEC +9 is the address of 
subroutine database load and start playing.

As an example, the contents of the BASIC-loader for the game, 
it can be (No REM'ov) save on tape (for the disk version will 
need a small alteration, and in general, is just an example, so 
the loader can not be similar): 

 10 REM load game
- 15 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 0: REM This is not
see the file name
. 20 CLEAR 29856: REM maximum value for RAMTOP
25 LET extvec =?????: REM Insert the desired
30 LOAD "" SCREEN $: PRINT AT 19,0;: REM
Georgia's image and not trash it
. 40 LOAD "" CODE: REM ship interpreter
- 50 POKE extvec, 195: REM include EXTERN
60 POKE extvec +12,20: REM file names
database - in line 20
- 70 RANDOMIZE USR (extvec +9): REM load the database and start 
the game 100 REM line caused EXTERN 0

110 PRINT "hello from BASIC": STOP
355 REM line caused EXTERN 255

Lines 100-355 may, if necessary
contain the command GOTO.

Immediately behind this program, save the splash image. After 
her from PAW save the game (option A).

Note: To work correctly, PAW
requires at least 2K of free working space, otherwise
BASIC will begin to fade, making room for PAW. RAMTOP can be 
reduced if you use your mashkodovye program, but must in any 2K 
If left open. 

 9) pseudo-intellectual.

The main thing you need to remember this
that character (PSI) - a word from
dictionary (usually a noun with the number
less than 50, which means that it is a noun - proper name), some
flags, a few posts and a few
rows in one or more tables
processes. One flag indicates where PSI
is, the messages provide information about
their actions, and the process table bind it all together.

  Imagine a character named Sanec, which itself can not walk. 
The dictionary He is described as SANEC (number 25, a noun). 
Flag 20 is used to specify its location. Table

Processes 3 works with speech, reversed
to him, and table 4 describes the processes
his actions and movement. The following line will allow him to 
walk if You ask him about it. After a

time it bored him, and he dissolved
in a cloud of smoke.

Message 1

Sanec did not seem to understand what you
It seems that Sanya has not understood what you told him.

Message 2

No one of that name here.
No one here by that name.

Message 3

Sanec replies "hello" in a gruff voice.
Gruff voice Sanya said: "Hello."

Message 4

Sanec wanders that way as he has nothing
better to do.
Sanya wandered in the wrong direction, as more than
interesting lessons from him at the moment is still not there.

Message 5

Sanec the wizard is here.
There is also a magician Sanya.

Message 6

Sanec 'politely' ignores what you say.
, Sanya 'politely' Your words are missed by

Message 7

Sanec turns to face you and in his gruff
voice announces: "I'm bored with all
this, I'm off to a bigger game "and
, Promptly vanishes in a puff of green smoke!
, Sanya turned to face you and your rough, bovatym voice said: 
"I'm sick of all this, and you, and all this demovuha, so I 
wind up here in a normal adventyuru. "He said this and the 
noise disappeared clubs disgusting green smoke.

To begin to be announced
the presence of Sanya. To do this in a table
process 1, which is called every
times when describing the location, check to see if it is in 
one of our locations, ie whether the value of the flag 20 (the 
location), the value of the flag 38 (our location). Notice that 
the want to test whether we are in locations 0, as Typically, 
this location provides an introductory text.

SANEC _ SAME20 38; Sanya here?

       _ NOTAT 0; not in location 0?

          MESSAGE 5; prints that

                        ; Sanya here

To work with the speech, turned to Sanya, the rows in the table 


                        ; Omitted to

                        ; Understood before
                        ; Lozheniyatipa

                        ; Verb Beings.

          SAME20 38; Canek here?

          PROCESS 3; Speech Processing



          MESSAGE 2, there is no one with

                        ; This name


Strings in the process table 3:

* * PARSE; To convert

                        ; Imposed strict
                        ; Key in the LS

          MESSAGE 1 comes here

                        ; PARSE, if not

                        ; Can skonver
                        ; Be interpreted that
                        ; A correct
                        , Noah

          DONE; LS flawed

                        ; Can not continue
                        ; Reap further

                        ; Execution


                        ; HELLO is a

                        ; Dictionary, therefore
           DONE; th SAY TO SANEC

                        ; "HELLO" srabo
                        ; Melts

_ _ LT 34 14; Caneku said

                        And the word of movement, motion?

          MOVE20; Do pass

                        ; In the wrong direction?

          MESSAGE 4; Onperehodit

                        ; There, as u
                        ; Rock notified

_ _ MESSAGE 6; He does not go there

Obviously, you can enter many lines,
to Sanya could properly understand human speech, but even a few 
horoscho thought-out lines may give a large

variety of responses.

At the end of Sanya will give a chance to disappear.
when he is tired of wandering without a trial to
which in the process table 4, we introduce the following lines:

SANEC _ EQ on Feb. 20, in locations 2?

          CHANCE 10; 10% chance

          SET 20, location is not 255

                        And there is

           AT 2; There Are we where

                        ; Sanya (a localized
                        ; Tion 2)?

          MESSAGE 7, he flew away ...

And yet another string in the process table
2 To call a regular call to the table
process 4:; disappears


That way, you can create a completely
a real character. It is they who give the game 
chuvstvorealnosti happening, especially when communicating with 
them gives clues to the passing game.

 XIII. Appendix 1.

 1) Team graphics editor.

Sometimes, during a quick preredvizheniya
line it may disappear because of the
redrawing the screen.

The movement of the second end of the line (tied point PT) 
carried out the keys: 

 Q W E

 A D

 Z X C

Displacement occurs at the pixel at
depression. You can use the Interface 2 /
Plus 2 joystick port 2 or Kempston (tm)
interface (SYMBOL SHIFT and J).

Holding down while clicking
moving the keys keys CAPS SHIFT
accelerates the movement of 8 times (8 pixels
in press).

Editing commands droustringa:

CAPS SHIFT and 8 - to the top of droustringa
CAPS SHIFT and 6 - the following command
CAPS SHIFT and 7 - the previous command
-CAPS SHIFT and 0 - to remove the previous
/ CAPS SHIFT and 9 - to remove the following commands

All of the following commands require holding SYMBOL SHIFT key 
while you click the button. 


I Inverse switch inversion
O Over switch overlay
Y Grid Grid Switch
, J Kempston (tm) joystick switch

Teams that have entered into the database:

A shift of the Absolute (PLOT (dot) with you
  brane I and O)

B rectangular block is filled with attributes
  Tami. Line defines the diagonal block.

F Fill domain. The starting point filling
  equation - the end of the line (see note).

G GOSUB to the number of locations with scaling

X produces a query-colored ink (INK).

L Draws a line

C Produces request paper color (PAPER).

P Builds a point at the end of the line, the line is not

-R relative shift of the point at the end of the line

S Completion of texture. Point

  Start filling - the end of the line (see


V Produces a request flicker (FLASH).

Z Produces a request brightness (BRIGHT).

T Prints the selected symbol from the selected

  character set on the screen.

Note: Fill (F) and Shade (S) are not fully vhodimymi again - 
can not be fill the already filled area. Fill

is the Shade, which has a texture all
pixels are included.

By ENTER exits the editing.

 2) System reports.

Most system messages contain ESCC 7 for correct placement in

SM0 - is used instead of describing the location, if it's dark.

SM1 - printed action LISTOBJ, if
there is at least one object.

SM2 .. SM5 - four prompta input, selected sluchayo up until
the flag 42 is not a valid number ENTERED

SM6 - printed by the parser, if no one

  phrase he could not understand.

SM7 - print, if no action
has not been fulfilled (or was performed
NOTDONE) in the table answers to the verb with
number is less than 14.

SM8 - print, if no action
has not been fulfilled (or was performed
NOTDONE) in the table answers to the verb with
number greater than 13.

SM9 .. SM11 - printed action END.

SM12 - printed kondaktom QUIT

SM13, SM14 - printed action END.

SM15 - a message of OK.

SM16 - a message of ANYKEY.

SM17 .. SM20 - messages of TURNS.

SM21, SM22 - messages of SCORE.

SM23, SM29 - the first of many messages, printable activities 
manipulation objects.

SM30 - a positive response, the expected
kondaktami END and QUIT.

SM31 - a negative answer, the expected
kondaktami END and QUIT.

SM32 - printed in completing all
tap the text.

SM33 - the token input.

SM34 - the cursor.

SM35 - printed when an empty action (timeout).

SM36 .. SM45 - a few more messages
printable activities manipulation of objects.

SM46 - ligament between objects at long list.

SM47 - the final linkage between the penultimate and last 
objects at long list. 

SM48 - the ending is a list of objects (printed as the action 

  so be careful).

SM49, SM50 - a few more that are printed actions manipulate 

SM51 - the ending is a composite Deals

SM52 - Last Post, the printed
manipulatsy actions with objects.

SM53 - a message for the action LISTAT, if you did not find any 

With the SM54, and further system messages
free and you can use them.
PAW for other machines can use
increasing number of reports, so take
With this in mind when porting programs from
one machine to another. For example,
PAW for CP / M uses the SM54 .. SM60.

 3) The functions of flags PAW.

Normal flags can be freely
used in the game. Reduced automatically flags can also be 
freely used, but check whether you know, in what situations is 
to reduce them. The remaining flags are mainly to

established only by specific actions, but the necessary checks 
out that they contain can be conducted without


0 flag - when not equal to 0, means that
deep in the game (see object 0).

Flag 1 - contains a number of objects
held by the player, but not on the

The next group of flags is reduced
PAW'om if their content is not equal to 0:

Flag 2 - when describing the location

Flag 3 - when describing the location and simultaneously dark 
(Flag 0 is not equal to 0) 

Flag 4 - when describing the location, while the dark, while 
there is no light source (object 0) 

Flags of 5 .. 8 - each time frame
(Each introduced by a phrase or empty action)

Flag 9 - each time frame, while the dark

Flag 10 - each time frame, while the dark, while no
object 0

Flags from 11 to 28 can be freely used in the game.

Flag contains 29 flags of image control, set the action GRAPHIC:

Bit 7 - Sets the forced

        rendering images (LOOK)
. Bit 6 - Sets of constant
         showing off pictures (PICS ON)
. Bit 5 - Sets a constant not
        drawing pictures (PICS OFF)

Flag 30 - Flag of Scoring

Flags 31 / 32 (LSB / NSB) contain a number of
moves made by a player (usually - number of
phrases extracted from the injected player)

Flag 33 - contains a verb of the current LS

Flag 34 - contains the first noun of the current LS

Flag 35 - contains the first adjective

  noun current LS

Flag 36 - contains an adverb of the current LS

Flag 37 - contains the maximum number of portable objects 
(initially 4), set the action ABILITY 

Flag 38 - contains a number of the current location

Flag 39 - contains the current top line

Flag 40 - contains the display mode (0 .. 4),
set by the action of MODE. Bit 7
force does not change the color of the screen frame, bit 6 to 
fill the screen initializes the inscription "More .." "Next 

Flag 41 - contains a line number for the division (if not in 
the range from 4 to 24, then 12), set by the action of PROTECT

as the current line of the screen

Flag 42 - contains a number prompta to use (if set to 0, then 
randomly way from the SM2 .. SM5), set

action PROMPT.

Flag 43 - provides an excuse of the current LS

Flag 44 - contains a second noun
current LS

Flag 45 - contains the adjective second

  noun current LS

Flag 46 - contains a pronoun, a noun (usually "IT" "IT", etc.)

Flag 47 - contains a demonstrative adjective (usually "IT")

Flag 48 - contains the frequency of empty actions (timeout)

Flag 49 - contains the flags of empty control actions that are 
installed using the INPUT and TIME (like the flag in 1948), 

  checks the 7 bits of this flag:

Bit 7 - set if blank

          action has occurred during at
          The latter frame

  Bit 6 - set if available

          data for the callback

          (Not the creator of an IG

  Bit 5 - set to automatically
          electric callback login
          Nogo buffer empty action

  Bit 4 - is set for printing will
          Fehr at the output (used

          conjunction with bit 3)

  Bit 3 - set for input from

          bottom of the screen

  Bit 2 - set to empty

          action could occur at


  Bit 1 - set to empty

          action could occur at
 "More ..."

  Bit 0 - set to empty

           deystviemoglo occur

            only at the beginning of the input

Flag 50 - contains locno. for loop

           DOALL, ie value, the following

          a DOALL

Flag 51 - the object contains the latest references
          Key commands GET / DROP / WEAR /

          WHATO etc. Printed instead

            any underscores in the text.

Flag 52 - contains a power player (maximum
          mum total weight of objects

          being a player and put on

          on it - originally 10)

Flag 53 - contains the flags of printing facilities:

  Bit 7 - set if at least

           one object is printed as

           Part LISTOBJ or LISTAT

  Bit 6 - is set for the formation
          of a long list

          objects, ie LET 53 64 will force
          vit PAW displaying a list of objects
          defects in the form of continuing to build
          ki, forming a proposal.

Flag 54 - contains the location of objects
          That last link

Flag 55 - contains the weight of an object last


Flag 56 - equal to 128 if the object is the last
          It links a container

Flag 57 - equal to 128 if the object is the last
          references therein dress

Should avoid the use of flags
58 and 59, as they will be used for

Flags from 60 to 255 are available for free use.

 4) Kondakty.

 4a) Conditions:

AT locno
NOTAT locno
ABSENT objno
ISATobjno locno +
ISNOTAT objno locno +
NOTZERO flagno
EQ flagno 0-255
NOTEQ flagno 0-255
GT flagno 0-255
LT flagno 0-255
SAMEflagno flagno
NOTSAME flagno flagno
ADJECT1 word
NOUN2 word
ADJECT2 word

 4b) Actions (at the beginning of the type of):

GET 4 objno
DROP4 objno
WEAR4 objno
REMOVE 4 objno
CREATE 5 objno
DESTROY 5 objno
SWAP5 objno objno

  PLACE 5 objno locno +
PUTO5 locno +
PUTIN 4 objno locno.
TAKEOUT 4 objno locno.
AUTOP 4 locno

  COPYOO 5 objno objno
COPYOF 5 objno flagno
COPYFO 5 flagno objno

  WEIGH 5 flagno objno
SET 5 flagno
CLEAR 5 flagno
PLUS5 flagno 0-255

  MINUS 5 flagno 0-255

  LET 5 flagno 0-255
 ADD 5 flagno1 flagno2
 SUB 5 flagno1 flagno2
COPYFF 5 flagno1 flagno2
RANDOM 5 flagno
MOVE5 flagno
GOTO5 locno
WEIGHT 5 flagno
ABILITY 5 0-255 0-255
MODE5 0-4 0-3
LINE5 0-20
PROMPT 5 sysno
INPUT 5 0-7
TIME5 0-255 0-7
PRINT 5 flagno
MES 5 mesno
MESSAGE 5 mesno
SYSMESS 5 sysno
PICTURE 5 locno
PAPER 5 0-9
INK 5 0-9
BORDER May 0-7
CHARSET 5 0-255
PRINTAT 5 0-20 0-31
LISTAT 5 locno +
OK 3
RAMLOAD 5 flagno
PAUSE 5 0-255
BEEP5 0-255 0-255
PROCESS 5 procno
DOALL 5 locno +
RESET 1 locno
EXTERN 5 0-255


locno. the correct number of locations

locno + the same as locno plus locations

       252 (not created)

       253 (wearing)

       254 (is the player)

       255 (current location Player)

mesno. the correct number of messages

sysno. the correct number of system considerations

flagno any flag (0 to 255)

procno correct number of subprocess

word word of the desired type, the presence of
       yuschee in the dictionary, or "_" any words

Other articles:

Today in the room - the contents of the magazine.

Authors - The authors of the journal ZX-Format No.6

From the authors - the long awaited event finally happened ...

Toys - The last iron (short story on the game 48 irons).

Toys - Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Part Two.

Toys - the game description The Crypt (Castle Master 2).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 1).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 2).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 3).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (part 4).

Toys - description editor Adeventyur - PAW (Part 5).

Programmers - Beta Basic: continued talking about BASIC (Part 2).

Programmers - General Sound: Programming Guide.

Programmers - MMD - the driver. Description of the structure of the modem driver for the terminal program MMD.

Programmers - AI on B. Mednonogova. A detailed description of the "wave of the algorithm" trace (automatic calculation of optimal) path, with an example implementation at Basic.

Programmers - Artificial Intelligence. Continuation of a series of articles about "AI". General basis for finding the way to goal.

Programmers - Tr-Dos for programmers. Max Petrov concludes his story about nontraditional methods of work with the disk.

Programmers - sharing experiences: "3-colour". Description of the effect of colors on 8-point ", help to the viewer, and how many words on the conversion of images in format "3-colour".

Programmers - sharing experiences: "3-colour". A few words about converting images in the format of RGB.

Programmers - the exchange of experience: programming Multicolor effects.

IS-DOS - users: how to personalize your system IS-DOS on a specific model of ZX Spectrum-compatible PC and to perform your tasks.

IS-DOS - users: how to copy the system disk IS-DOS and stay with the dead.

IS-DOS - the programmer: a short course - programming in IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - news: new software IS-DOS.

Iron - A short story about the capabilities of the processor Z-180.

Iron - Multiviewer. Description dorabotochki allowing to measure the speed of programs to curb without climbing in the codes - an easy push of a button.

Iron - A new project the firm Peters - "Sprinter". New Spectrum-compatible PC with a new generation of Speccy.

Iron - Opinions about skorpionovskom controller IDE HDD - SMUC.

Iron - SuperSpectrum: one project Spectrum-compatible machines. Its feature is compatible with the PC.

Iron - X-Trade FAQ. Answers to frequently asked questions on the GS and XTR-modem.

Premiere - Flash tracker. Description 4-channel editor of digital music, working with SoundDrive, from the author SoundDrive - Flash Inc.

Premiere - Description of the latest version of the universal terminal program used in SpbZxNet.

Premiere - Mortal Kombat: what awaits you in the full version of the game and some comments to the demo version.

Premiere - XReversy: presentation of a new toy from the popular family of "Solve puzzle - see the picture."

Interview - An interview with one of the most famous spektrumistov - Andrew Larchenko.

It was you - The story "Absolute Power".

It was you - The story "The Road".

It was you - Lord of the teeth: a parody of a popular trilogy ...

Mail - Contact us: an e-mail Alex'a from Nizhny Tagil, exhibited in the last room at the Corner of lamer. "

Mail - Letters from readers: Andrei Yakovlev, Denis Tokarchuk, Alex Garkulim, Alexander Gordeev, Evgenii Shumilov Nitochkin Vadim, Michael Larkin.

Mail - free advertising and announcements.

Miscellaneous - Scarecrow.: Nemo talks about the place of the PC and Spectrum in the modern Russia.

Miscellaneous - Review of Nemo in the book on digital circuitry. For anyone who has ever ever been tempted to turn on the soldering iron and ...

Miscellaneous - Questionnaire: Results of our poll spektrumistov.

Miscellaneous - Competition. A brief account of our contests.

Miscellaneous - The problems of the software market: when zagnetsya Spectrum. All over whether to blame hackers?

Miscellaneous - Outlook software. A brief overview of the forthcoming software: Fast Tracker, Pro Sound Creator, Black Crow.

Miscellaneous - Outlook software. Adventyura From Beyond or outside. "

Miscellaneous - A Memoir of the Peter modem network for ZX Spectrum - SPbZXNet.

Amiga Club - Between Us, by users: a comparison of characteristics of the Amiga 1200 with the IBM PC.

Amiga Club - compare the performance of Amigo and PC. As far as Amiga relevant in today's games?

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Web - Modems on the Spectrum.
organizing presentations - organizing presentations game "Mortal Kombat".
Artique - Kejser_Soze: about why the flaw, inattention, and sometimes even negative relation to ascii-art to Spectrum'e.
From the Editor - the latest events in the life of newspaper publisher.
the new millennium - reflections on the fate of the platform.

В этот день...   18 February