ZX Format #06
29 июля 1997 |
Programmers - Tr-Dos for programmers. Max Petrov concludes his story about nontraditional methods of work with the disk.
TR-DOS programmers. -= II = music by DNK (C) Max Petrov (hpm) _______________________________ Prodolzhaem razgovor of Tr-Dose. Za paru mesyatsev with pervoy chasti moego opisaniya (ZF-5) You nadeyus, nauchilis famously obschatsya with the drive and uzhe napisali neskolko copiers (napomnyu, I opisal chtenie / zapis sektora, pozitsionirovanie and opredelenie znacheniya registra # 1f). I want to add an koe that of zapisi: I showed opredelennuyu smelost, skazav that zapisi sektorov nA drive srazu posle pozitsionirovaniya head pauzu nA ee uspokoenie delat DO NOT need. Odnako, experience pokazyvaet that nA nekotoryh diskovodah (takih malo, but they Apartment belongs) may fail. Therefore, If you hotite to Vasha programma rabotala nadezhno nA any diskovodah, unto you sleduet podobrat zaderzhku posle pozitsionirovaniya but tak to, DO NOT zapis tormozila. Ha my opinion, samy good variant takoy: If the motor DO NOT spinning, then either , A) raskruchivaem the plug programmkoy for op redeleniya nalichiya diska or b) delaem pozitsionirovanie. Zatem pauza nA 0.3-0.7 sek. (Chem bolshe, tem nadezhnee). Teper budem pisat sektora tak, HOW skazano nizhe. Predpolozhim, nado zapisat 71 sektor nachinaya Track 2n sektora D: n - fizichesky nomer track (sootvetstvenno, 2n [+1] - logichesky nomer) Nad and under znakami '-' are the numbers pokazyvayuschie posledovatelnost zapisi sektorov nA dannuyu track (for track naprimer 2n +1: snachala zapisyvaem sektor D, then E, F, 0, 1, etc. (DO NOT zabyvayte only izmenyat znachenie registra HL, that he vsegda ukazyval nA desired sektor in the memory is). sektora nA dorozhke: 0123456789ABCDEF 2n 002 n --------------- 2n +1 0123456789ABCDEF 2 (n +1) F0123456789ABCDE n +1 --------------- 2 (n +1) +1 F0123456789ABCDE 2 (n +2) EF0123456789ABCD n +2 --------------- 2 (n +2) +1 0123 The idea is that we kazhduyu fizicheskuyu track krome posledney, nachinaem zapisyvat nA 1 sektor pozzhe, chem predyduschuyu, obespechivaya neobhodimuyu pauzu nA uspokoenie head (as the SH vynuzhdena zhdat 1 sektor poka under head appears sektor with the necessary nomerom). DO NOT zabyvayte only that formate Tr-Dos numeratsiya sektorov nA dorozhke dates from 1, a DO NOT to 0. Ostanovka motora. You zamechaete that posle chteniya / zapisi Motor diskovoda esche nekotoroe TIME prodolzhaet cool? (This sdelano order to kompyuter uspeval sformirovat dannye for sleduyuschey komandy SH, while DO NOT would have to snova raskruchivat motor). Apparently, you have the plug hoteli ostanavlivat srazu, HOW fashionable uzhe dolgoe TIME. Togda sleduet remember sootvetstvuyuschem bite porta # ff. Yes podozhdite kodit! Delo in that ostanovit If the motor komanoy out (# ff), 0, then there are bolshie problemy with the plug raskrutkoy because deteriorate Vse registry SH (kstati, nA this osnovana PROTECTION from magica: out (# ff), 0, Vse ...) Therefore programma ostanovki motora dolzhna vyglyadet sleduyuschim obrazom: out (# ff), 0; estestvenno using ROM TrDos, pauza neobhodima xor a q inc a jr nz, q 4 out (# ff), # 3c; or # 2c, HOW unto you bolshe nravitsya : Out (# 3f), x; nomer track nA which stoyala golovka ; Pered ostanovkoy motora. Programma raskrutki motora. Zachem esche it? - You ask, Lo kogda SH daesh komandu pozitsionirovaniya, ona sama turns the motor! AN DO NOT vsegda ... Ha particularly inhibitory diskovodah, a thereto kstati refers Teac, inogda motor DO NOT raskruchivaetsya in itoge posleduyushie komandychteniya / zapisi DO NOT executed (In moemu this happens, kogda golovka uzhe is that dorozhke nA, nA to you hotite pozitsionirovatsya). Exit - podozhdat poka raskrutitsya motor vospolzovavshis indeksnym momentum. Ie neobhodimo nekotoroe TIME zhdat of climate indeksnogo impulsa, kotoroe oznachalo would that the drive povernulsya and dyrka nA nem or poyavilas under svetodiodom or vyshla from under nego. If the period of climate za nekotory DO NOT happen, then either the motor on kakim any prichinam DO NOT spinning, or diskovode diska net voobsche. (Motor mozhet DO NOT spinning in sluchae, If the plug posle ostanovki DO NOT been vosstanovlen registr SH # Ff). Indeksny pulse - signal, soedinenny with fotoelementom that nahoditsya bottom from malenkogo otverstiya in kozhuhe diskety. Sverhu this otverstiya nahoditsya svetodiod. In itoge at vraschenii diska, kogda otverstie nA nem sovpadaet with otverstiem in kozhuhe, signal prinimaet znachenie logicheskoy Unit of (he nuzhen to SH znala, vde nahoditsya nachalo track at formatirovanii). If the net diska voobsche, he tozhe = 1. When komande pozitsionirovaniya znachenie bita B1 registra # 1f povtoryaet znachenie indeksnogo impulsa (Znachenie ostalnyh bits at pozitsionirovanii can nayti, naprimer in knige Larchenko and Rodionova). di ld d, nomer track 6call pos; pozitsionirovanie, but DO NOT menyayte D : Ld bc, pause; pauza zavisit from konkretnogo diskovoda, ; Nadezhno something about # 1000. call rd1f ld e, a l01 call rd1f cp e jr nz, ok dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, l01 ; If the come syuda, znachit net diska rd1f ld (# 5cd8), not 0 push de, bc ld ix, # 2740 call dos ld a, (# 5ccd) > And 1; zdes can esche opredelit zaschitu zapisi (bit 6) pop bc, de ret <Ok, the disk spins, teper, If budet zapis, zhelatelno ; Sdelat pauzu nA 0.2 .. 0.7 sek. Programma DO NOT proverena, glavnoe - ideya. DO NOT zabudte that # 2740 snachala chitaet of # 1f znachenie, a zatem delaet pozitsionirovanie, so nachale programmy worth kazalos would once call pos. Formatirovanie. Metodov large screen: - 1) Sformirovat in bufere track pozitsionirovatsya, dat komandu 'zapis track' (# f0), vyzvat podprogrammu ROM 'zapis of (hl) to kontsa' proverit, zhelatelno, nalichie mistakes 'PROTECTION zapisi' and 'Poterya dannyh' (although veroyatnost takoy Error chrezvychayno mala, If you konechno, DO NOT get staraetes ee spetsialno, naprimer include preryvaniya). Izmenit in bufere track nomer track nA new and repeat as nado. HOW sformirovat You can track posmotret, naprimer in knige Larchenko and Rodionova of Spektrum and TR-DOS nA stranitse 208 tablitse 17. Velichinu probelov mozhete podbirat sami from kakih some of their soobrazheny. di ? call pos; pozitsionirovanie and rasrtavlenie in bufere nomerov ; Dorozhek ld hl, format_buffer ld a, # f0 call out1; a conclusion in the registr # 1f ld c, # 7f ld ix, # 3fca jp # 3d2f 2) Ispolzovat podprogrammu ROM formatiruyuschuyu track on tablitse, zadannoy Vami or zhe on svoey tablitse from ROM. Predlagayu unto you nayti ee samomu. DO NOT sleduet pytatsya sformatirovat track in formate FM, because If the dazhe Vash kontroller and podderzhivaet the plug, mnogie shemy this DO NOT predusmatrivayut. Vosstanovlenie polozheniya head. HOW I uzhe said VH DO NOT kontroliruet diskovoda mount to head, so, If they move the arm, Vse budet ravno dumat that they cost HOW nado, a now dorozhka chitaetsya a mistake, because it ee nomer with soderzhimym registra # 3f DO NOT sovpadaet. Kakoy out? Tr-Dos, to primeru at oshibke daet komandu # 08 (vosstanovlenie) kotoraya obnulyaet soderzhimoe # 3f (?) and otgonyaet head nA track 0 (edinstvenmoe mount to, kontroliruemoe apparatno), a zatem pozitsioniruetsya kuda nado (kstati, edinstvenny way vosstanovit mount to head nA neotformatirovannom diske or absence of the plug). Bolee ratsionalny metod takoy: at oshibke, naprimer, zapisi sektora, daem komandu reading adresa (# c0) - June bayt, which dana informatsiya nomere tekuschey on track and that chitaetsya bez check sovpadeniya nomera walkway # 3f - and chitaem the plug (naprimer, podprogrammoy 'chtenie in (hl)', or that zhe programmoy that chtenie sektora). Zatem berem ottuda pervy bayt - nomer track - And naprimer, cravnivaem the plug with nomerom tekuschey track, which we Where are some zapominali. If the they DO NOT sovpadayut then zapihivaem schitanny bayt in # 3f and daem komandu pozitsionirovaniya. Inache proveryaem nA nA lichie kakih any other errors. Tekstov nA Assemblere DO NOT dayu because kodit something you should umet, a eksperimentirovat, If chego something DO NOT clear unto you DO NOT meshaet nothing. About predotvraschenii poyavleniya nadpisi Retry Abort Ignore ... Conclusion nA ekran, the poll you press the break and drugie protsedury podprogrammy ROM Tr-Dos vyzyvayut from ROM Basic48 using codes rst # 20 defw address Where are address - adres programmy in ROM Basic48. Because ROM Basic48 vklyuchaetsya only at any moment ispolneniya komandy on adresu> 16383, then ispolzuet perehod snachala on adresu # 5cc2, Where are dolzhna stand komanda ret, kotoraya uzhe osuschestvlyaet call podprogrammy adresu to address ROM Basic48, zatem in steke worth adres # 3d2f for vklyucheniya ROM Tr-Dos and adres vozvrata in programmu, vyzvavshiyu rst # 20. For perehvata attempts vyhoda on adresu # 5cc2 You can postavit, naprimer, komamdu jp, a tam uzhe razbiratsya that Tr-Dos hotela vyzvat and whether ey allow sdelat it. For opredeleniya can ispolzovat adres protsedury ROM Basic48 of steka. For simple zatykaniya attempts vyvoda nA ekran can postavit in # 5cc2 komandy pop af ret pravda, I DO NOT remember that togda proizoydet sluchae in error. In moemu, Tr-Dos simply vstanet and budet zhdat poyavleniya in a code letters r, a or i, that dannom sluchae beznadezhno. About vremennyh tsiklah. Znaya speed vrascheniya diska - 5 rev / s and length of track in baytah with vsemi probelami - Primerno 6250 bayt can poschitat TIME, za kotoroe drive povorachivaetsya nA A bayt or TIME chteniya / zapisi obnogo bayta - primerno 32 ms and the speed obmena c disk - about 30.5 Kbps. Otsyuda sleduet that nA chtenie / zapis one bayta y protsessora z80 3.5MHz Apartment belongs vsego 112 taktov. DO NOT putayte, speed chteniya vsey track and speed chteniya 16 sektorov the track. They raznye, Lo formate in Tr-Dos nA one dorozhke nahoditsya 4096 bayt, so TIME obmena with the drive for chteniya / zapisi sektorov can schitat ravnym 20Kb / s. Well, that znal - rasskazal. Ced 3.5. Max Petrov (hpm) 1996-97. _______________________________
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