IzhNews #0D
28 февраля 2003

Thoughts on stage - Spectrum scene today, much like a pipe wrench.

<b>Thoughts on stage</b> - Spectrum scene today, much like a pipe wrench.
          ... RUN ...

(C) Surv! V0r/PoS-WT, 2003

    We all know too little to
say anything with all the
categorical. Questions to ask a lot
easier than to search and find them
Answers. Seen - a man loves a simple
solutions. Their number depends on
how this simple sticks and shouting.

    Unfortunately, the frequency of such simplicity
led to the fact that one of the features
Spectrum lifestyle of the day
today was the desire for errors.
It flows into the mercury beads from a single
extreme to another, from one of unwashed
corner to the other unlit.

    What surprises me? Perhaps, there is little
that Spectrum and most of all new
this area of ​​knowledge I have more
disappointing. Therefore, with respect to
separate categories of people, I got
stable and insoluble by any acids
the belief that their understanding of the scene
absolutely tasteless. Although their work
fruits and expiration dates of their products
quite comparable with the fossil record
Dinosaur dung.

    They're hot, they are seemingly even pairs
is, these figures salt in your soup pour,
maturity for these sets, the hormones are raging,
but this abundance of life in their stsenovoy
interpretation of some alien, already
breaking with Spectrum. And the heat from them is
because they were huddled together like negros
in the pub, it's hot it was, from its own
not breathe fumes. On treatment
Darwin such homo sapiens evolved from
monkeys. Planet, a small
Pocket scene of apes. Them if at the time
in the face not to give those a father in a ravine
with weeds leave. To the conscience of their call
does not make sense, but to point to the drain tank
not interfere.

    Some of the wise men of this
category of persons for individuals of the opposite
is the embodiment of hacker genius.
It also had to invent hack site
Power Of Sound at the time of his move to
another physical server! And crank
this trick was not to be easy
even an idiot with a crutch. True, they believe
that accomplished a feat. Here, as in no one's
other acts, felt especially
style and rhythm of women's prose and the blue
fat bugger Sorokin. So we will not
prevent them skinned porn ...

    Judging by the reviews the logical dead
A majority, Spectrum scene today
much like a pipe wrench. AND
Some do not realize that it is important to make sure
in this case. Some day and night to chip
cubic meters of theses, couching them in a mask
e-press, invented cloning
names. Others, like ghosts, hanging
on every lamppost and broadcast from there
about the values ​​of old school life without
any idea of ​​its historical
value. Their limit encroachments
directed not "for", but in spite of and on every
case. White noise in the scattered belching
silent void of emotion. Life
lost in search of its meaning to
pimples on her forehead, until turbidity in the bones, before 
ringing in the ears and the blood from his nose. Their field of 
research covered with a layer of weak boundless

imagination, where the ball ruled infirmity
envy, lies and passion for this

20 GOTO 10


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Scene - number 13 is ready zhuranala "Adventurer", a new game MoorHuhn: First Blood, zarelizhena old game NetWalker, is in full swing Preparations for ASCII'02 DemoParty.

Mail - readers' letters: Sergio, Macros, Batko Archaea, moroz1999, Oleg Groskow / Arhon.

Marasmus - The view of the newspaper on its publication.

Thoughts - a letter from the city of Riga from the Warlord / CRUSHERS.

Report - a report of Hsc St.Pete Computer Festival Chaos Constructions 2oo1.

Demo'gogiya - Small and review of the recent dem: Stellar contour, LIFEFORMS, Love Gun, Jaundice.

Report - Report from Izhevsk NoViS festival of computer art ASCII 2002.

Report - Report - Report from the Kazan NoViS festival of computer art CAFe'2oo2.

Thoughts on stage - waiting times better than the awareness of the reality of life.

Thoughts on stage - demoscene - a place, range, scope for creativity. We will understand how it is arranged.

Thoughts on stage - GAMERZ MUST DIE! Hit a gamer.

Thoughts on stage - Spectrum scene today, much like a pipe wrench.

torture room - Interview with the Petersburg programmer and author of Dizzy FT editor - WL / WAR Group.

torture room - An interview with the author of Pro Sound Creator and other well-known programs - KVA / E-Mage.

torture room - An interview with the organizer and editor Funtop known newspaper Nicron - Wlodek Black.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Body, Black Crown 6 and 7, ZX-Time, Insanity # 10, Paragraph # 10, Bird, MSF 23 and 24.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 6-C, Scream 2, Generation Z 1-3, Adventurer in 1913, DownNews 17.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 9-12, HeresY 8-10, Buzz 20, Target 10, Ebelka, ZX-Guide # 4.5, RIP 15, Promised Land 2.

IS-DOS - setting up and operating IS-DOS 2000.

IS-DOS - The macros in the IS-DOS.

Iron - scheme of the three drives in the Scorpius-ZS 256.

Iron - technology improvements for the Pentagon's screwing the system slot.

Soft - discussion on information security Copy to ZX Spectrum.

Soft - SOUND AGRESSOR v1.01 packer extreme music.

Life outside the Spectrum - WL / WARgroup about music: music as a generator of creativity, music, Spectrum, my favorite picture and a melody.

Life outside the Spectrum - crazy story from WL: SPIRIT PREZREHIYA.

Life outside the Spectrum - the continuation of the story RULEZNIKI (Part 5).

Life outside the Spectrum - Today I bought myself a SecondHande a brand new jacket!

Life outside the Spectrum - KITAMIH: I'll live!

Life outside the Spectrum - UFOs: Are there other civilizations?

Life outside the Spectrum - Is there life on Mars?

Life outside the Spectrum - Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

lyrics - The article is dedicated to those who know what love is.

lyrics - poem of his own world. "

lyrics - the poem "The reality ..."

Present - a supplement to: releases of Korund'a and Gus'a.

Application - RRoM v.2.01 - functional version flash ROM.

Application - Find it in your application.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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