IzhNews #0D
28 февраля 2003

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Body, Black Crown 6 and 7, ZX-Time, Insanity # 10, Paragraph # 10, Bird, MSF 23 and 24.

<b>destroyer</b> - an overview of fresh media: Body, Black Crown 6 and 7, ZX-Time, Insanity # 10, Paragraph # 10, Bird, MSF 23 and 24.

                                   here could be your newspaper.


   Since the release of izhnews # 0c came to light as a regular 
set of numbers already existing newspapers and magazines, and

New stars on the stage of Esme. In this
article you will find probably the most complete
List left for posedny year of publication.
Of course, not all authors are described below
Newspapers and Trade Magazines from like my reviews
their creativity, but it's the way it should
be, as I have stated only their
the opinion, trying to disengage from personal
likes and dislikes. And I think I have it
happened. I purposely did not get in directly to the content of 
the publications, confining ourselves to general remarks, 
stressing only the explicit advantages and disadvantages of a 
Esme. I believe that each article in Kadoma edition worth it to 
attend, if so decided to do the editor, because surely someone 
would be interested. I singled out only what was interesting to 
me. In general, everything that you read below,

Dear authors and readers - just my
personal opinion, and you decide whether to send
I was in a certain direction or take
my criticism of the note.

   I wish you luck and prosperity!

                 body # ...

              Smockers Team

   Flipped through the stack of regular rooms body.
Impression that the authors of the newspaper
everything sideways. They do not care or someone else's opinion 
about their newspaper, or the extent to which its content is 
appropriate moral, universal principles. And anyway, apparently 
for "smokers":) is important only himself the process of 
creating the body, and of why and how way it slepleno - the 
case of secondary importance, would result. 

   And what do you think I think about this? I think this 
approach has place to be just like any other, because

thanks to him we see so often
new body:). The newspaper, in principle, the gay, but if you do 
not have access to networks, then quite informative. One In 
short, networking newspaper with all its attendant 
implications. :) 

              Black Crown # 6

   A very unpleasant fashion! Whether the author
was simply nothing to do, whether he published an edition 
specifically to undermine their snotty speeches (that 
everything is bad) encouraging others. It seems to me this way: 
if Since you decided to leave, you have to do it beautifully, 
leaving a good memory, and do not mind, gathered in haste, 
handicrafts, which will spoil the mood of anyone even the most 
optimistic person (spektrumistu in particular) ... In general, 
if you have not seen this number 6 magazine, you can not take 
the trouble of searching, nothing particularly useful where you 
do not find. A real spektrumist, I think, never does not allow 
to create something in a similar style, is a full

leym ... (Lame in English. - Lame, lame, weak.:) Lazha some, in 
general ... :) 

              Black Crown # 7

   Replaced by the editor, the magazine continues to live. What 
can you say about the next issue? In principle, it was 
difficult to expect something supernatural, the new man (or 
rather, large screen) without much experience in esmistroenii 
could hardly surprising ... Style magazine has remained 
stagnant, no special innovations new chapters.

Ed. not introduced, but in vain. The magazine is clearly 
suffering from the material, I would suggest to the authors 
more serious approach to software reviews, as well as try to 
make the magazine more news, because until now is nothing new 
in the life of the Spectrum and spektrumistov, both Ukrainian 
and Russian, from the "Black Crows" was to learn hard news 
department is not in principle, but because it is news and 
reviews are the most popular and interesting articles in the 
computer (and not only computer) media. I think we should wish 
success to new authors, and really want to believe that they 
will do everything much better than it was in bygone, betrayed, 
and indifference to the editor. 


               K. C. Software

   Novaya Gazeta, growing with astonishing speed, has a fairly 
strong competitor Body. Although these papers compare

quite difficult, but periodicity in
both of them quite often.

   Well, personally I liked the newspaper, and
I think it has a future, but with each
new number of visible progress, and felt that the authors well 
versed, at least in programming and hardware and

can quite competently express their thoughts. I particularly 
liked number four, he was the most informative and interesting. 
Although, in my vzgyad, information about pc, which the 
newspaper paid a fairly decent place, is superfluous in 
spectrm'ovskom edition and spoils the whole picture. A plus to 
all - glitches with the shell in the fourth room, apparently 
all due to the same incorrect extraction of text, very much 
spoil the impression from reading the newspaper. Personally I 
had to run a newspaper 4 (very symbolic:) time to finish 
reading it before end. But despite this and other minor flaws, 
I would like to wish authors of luck in their nelogkom business 
and make further progress. Reytig newspapers slowly but surely 
coming up, and with each number reading it is no less 
interesting, but quite the contrary, everything in moderation 
competently and clean. Minimum waste and no mud.

True, the seventh ZX-Time suggests that the pace of professional
growth begins to gradually subside, and already
more or less loom features formed e-paper. Yet I am confident 
that authors can, and most importantly, they want

to their newspapers become better.

   Tenth, the latter on this point,
edition of the newspaper rests on the same level.

               Insanity # 10

              Insanity Org.

   Here it is, really is 100% stsenovaya newspaper. I have to 
say, the newspaper for a long time I really like, and I'm not 
inclined to pay attention to some disadvantages in its 
envelope, thereby underestimating its evaluation. Therefore 
registration of newspapers will not touch, let's say: it is 
peculiar and quite suitable for a newspaper (but still fine 
print destructive effect on the reader's eye, and

would be nice to take care not only about his
steepness, but also the health of readers imho).

   As for filling the information
newspapers, then, quite honestly, for such a long time to wait 
out this issue I hoping to see something more interesting.

Of course, interesting articles in the newspaper
there, but I thought that number is greater
devoted to modern technologies and pc, than
of the platform on which it was created.
Just such information, which simply is abundant in this room, I 
personally and did not want to see in stsenovyh publications on 
zx. Although the trend is that many of today's newspapers and 
magazines for speccy sin that try harass score a free place 
like infoy. But allow this is stupid, because thus the authors 
are propaganda pc, prnizhaya dignity as zx,

and those who are truly devoted to him.
Of course, only a fool or a real fan
not understand how today pc bypasses
zx, because such a conclusion can be made by opening any pc 
magazine. But why make think about it spektrumistov, reading 
spektrunovskuyu press? Do not you think it only accelerates the 
process (you know what:)? And it's us you want? I think this is 
the main drawback tenth number Madness. Although 
self-destruction - is too insane, maybe that's the essence of 
such publications. But anyway, I'm against any propaganda pc 
pages Esme on Spectrum, the more propaganda undermine the 
dignity of the zx. In general, the room was not bad, and the 
presence in it podderki General Sound make the newspaper more

a little more advanced. Well, stsenovaya
newspaper, what else %)...

                Passage # 10

          2oo2 Perspective group

   After reading the tenth paragraph numbers, I still
decided to step back a little from the main thrust of the 
section destroyer, the name itself, which suggests that it is 
under review only the electronic media. In This time I want to 
pay attention and one of the few that almost the only 
periodical printed edition for Spectrum.

   This newspaper is beautifully decorated and
has a very friendly content, which causes only positive 
emotions than can not boast of any current

zx-Esme. In the newspaper there is a news and information about 
the hardware dorobotkah, and studies for coders. In general, 
all that must present in a good newspaper. And, despite the 
fact that the volume of the newspapers is not great, and news 
is not all quite fresh, I personally got from reading her great 
pleasure and not regret it spent on purchase of 15 rubles. In a 
word, I urge everyone to support publishers and buy a new issue 

   Everything you want to learn about the newspaper, you
can ask the editor by writing to
address: 160035, Russia, Vologda, PO
136, Shushkova Alexander Dmitrievich. Phone: (8172) 25-28-71. 
e-mail: axor@mail.ru 

    By the way, about the 11 number, I can say
All the same, and that about 10. A good newspaper, in general 


               Z-Club 2oo2

    Here is another Spectrum printed
edition, which I was privileged to check out (in
sense, to read). The newspaper also low
by volume, but terribly patriotic, I
really liked about it. Although
that the authors are abundantly used in the presentation of his 
thoughts obscene words, it is the only newspaper that fiercely 
protects our favorite zx, strongly underestimating the hated pc 
(oh, and it seems I caught:) pc - sux 'must die). Gazetku fun, 
I liked. All the simple but tasteful advise you to read, 
especially if you're a rabid amateur zx. Have already appeared 
at least 5 rooms, this amusing a newspaper. 

    Those who wish to regularly receive fresh bird numbers, 
write about it at: 344038 Rostov-na-Donu, ul. Tekucheva,

112, kv.205 Klimenko, Gregory (for birds)

                 MSF # 23


   The next issue of hilarious journal
all occasions. As always, lots of funny stories and all sorts 
of information for hams. I personally in this issue

like like nothing on earth (at least on the Spectrum) shell 
design. Emanates from it some kind of novelty is in it

zest. And as always, almost all in
journal made by one person. This is
proves once again that there is a will, you can
and mountains. Although, of course, would like to see in a 
magazine more info directly and spektrumistah and

while the total mass Spectrum Esme he
distinguished only by their design and small
number (or complete absence) of the Spectrum-compatible:) 
material. Prikolnoto fun, but also about platfome should not be 
forget. Give us more information about the zx%). 

                 MSF # 24


   Once again, MSF pleases its entertainment-themed, though 
entertaining - this is the main criterion by which to evaluate 
this Trade Magazines from. In 24 room you are, as usual, will 
find plenty of materials, only a small proportion of which will 
be relate directly to the Spectrum.

The magazine aims to create a hilarious reader
mood, and with that he copes well. Other destinations MSF, 
except to entertain, I do not see. The shell log

Released 23 rooms has not changed. It is good enough, and 
probably very good for this edition. Especially to find fault 
with anything in this magazine does not make sense, since its 
function it performs perfectly. Therefore, if you want to relax 
the mind and have some fun, just download the MSF ... 

Other articles:

Shell - A small guide to the use of new shell of our newspaper.

Introduction - Our Spectrum is still alive and his health is only slightly dependent on natural disturbances and wars.

IzhNews - ascii'01 necessarily take place, Himik's ZxZ started a real Spectrum, a group of TRG is no more intense war with the X-Team Himik's ZxZ and Brutal Creators continues.

IzhNews - report ASCII 2002.

IzhNews - pre CAFe drink party: Izhevsk visited the organizers of future CAFe'2oo2.

IzhNews - about a group of Brutal Creators: for the good of the group are only two people - NoViS and RTD.

Scene - number 13 is ready zhuranala "Adventurer", a new game MoorHuhn: First Blood, zarelizhena old game NetWalker, is in full swing Preparations for ASCII'02 DemoParty.

Mail - readers' letters: Sergio, Macros, Batko Archaea, moroz1999, Oleg Groskow / Arhon.

Marasmus - The view of the newspaper on its publication.

Thoughts - a letter from the city of Riga from the Warlord / CRUSHERS.

Report - a report of Hsc St.Pete Computer Festival Chaos Constructions 2oo1.

Demo'gogiya - Small and review of the recent dem: Stellar contour, LIFEFORMS, Love Gun, Jaundice.

Report - Report from Izhevsk NoViS festival of computer art ASCII 2002.

Report - Report - Report from the Kazan NoViS festival of computer art CAFe'2oo2.

Thoughts on stage - waiting times better than the awareness of the reality of life.

Thoughts on stage - demoscene - a place, range, scope for creativity. We will understand how it is arranged.

Thoughts on stage - GAMERZ MUST DIE! Hit a gamer.

Thoughts on stage - Spectrum scene today, much like a pipe wrench.

torture room - Interview with the Petersburg programmer and author of Dizzy FT editor - WL / WAR Group.

torture room - An interview with the author of Pro Sound Creator and other well-known programs - KVA / E-Mage.

torture room - An interview with the organizer and editor Funtop known newspaper Nicron - Wlodek Black.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Body, Black Crown 6 and 7, ZX-Time, Insanity # 10, Paragraph # 10, Bird, MSF 23 and 24.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 6-C, Scream 2, Generation Z 1-3, Adventurer in 1913, DownNews 17.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 9-12, HeresY 8-10, Buzz 20, Target 10, Ebelka, ZX-Guide # 4.5, RIP 15, Promised Land 2.

IS-DOS - setting up and operating IS-DOS 2000.

IS-DOS - The macros in the IS-DOS.

Iron - scheme of the three drives in the Scorpius-ZS 256.

Iron - technology improvements for the Pentagon's screwing the system slot.

Soft - discussion on information security Copy to ZX Spectrum.

Soft - SOUND AGRESSOR v1.01 packer extreme music.

Life outside the Spectrum - WL / WARgroup about music: music as a generator of creativity, music, Spectrum, my favorite picture and a melody.

Life outside the Spectrum - crazy story from WL: SPIRIT PREZREHIYA.

Life outside the Spectrum - the continuation of the story RULEZNIKI (Part 5).

Life outside the Spectrum - Today I bought myself a SecondHande a brand new jacket!

Life outside the Spectrum - KITAMIH: I'll live!

Life outside the Spectrum - UFOs: Are there other civilizations?

Life outside the Spectrum - Is there life on Mars?

Life outside the Spectrum - Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

lyrics - The article is dedicated to those who know what love is.

lyrics - poem of his own world. "

lyrics - the poem "The reality ..."

Present - a supplement to: releases of Korund'a and Gus'a.

Application - RRoM v.2.01 - functional version flash ROM.

Application - Find it in your application.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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