IzhNews #0D
28 февраля 2003

Life outside the Spectrum - Is there life on Mars?

<b>Life outside the Spectrum</b> - Is there life on Mars?
    Is there life on Mars?

reprinted from scientific journals

  In 1996, the Americans suddenly
found traces of life in a Martian
meteorite found in Antarctica. True
with any of our specialists on space I have
spoke on the topic, all smiling and
said that the accident even a pimple ... and so
on. Well, even if podgadat nasovtsy
at a time when money is allocated to
planetary studies - what to do! Y
American space industry are the same
problem as that of our: budget cut and
zealous administrators require immediate
recoil. And here - here you are! If even a small stone,
overcome the millions of miles, you can
find traces of life, what will be on
place, which consists of these stones?


  Of course, the device is Mars Pathfinder,
Mars Reconnaissance launched from Cape
Canaveral in late 1996, will not
answer all questions completely,
concern of humankind. His task -
pave the way for others. On it,
actually, and scout. "Other" for
the next two and a half years will be like
at least four. Following the first to come
ships equipped with naisovremenneyshimi
means of surface exploration,
air, magnetic and radiation fields.
Finally, sooner or later will be executed
main task - to deliver a sample to Earth
Martian soil.


  What is a self Mars
Pathfinder? Programme "Discovery", in
within which he worked, elected
its motto three words: "Less, less,
faster! ". Almost Chinese slogan. On
Each project spend no more than 150
millions of dollars. And not because of money
lacking. There is this idea - do
large project in small parts - reason.
Started a small machine, look
whatever it is. If all goes well, flies
another. No risk of losing in one fell swoop
everything as it happened with us six months
ago, when the death of "Mars-8" died
work of thousands of people ...


  When in 1979 on board the satellite
Viking did a snapshot: "photograph"
strange Martian Education
reminiscent of a female face.

  And when a computer print out the results, all
dumbfounded: Fully optical illusion disappeared
- With pictures really looked

Channels were craters

  Italian Schiaparelli opened preuslovatye Martian canals. 
They, of course, the majority of enthusiasts saw

work hand slum closest to
Earth planet. Irrigation
Martian fields, turning the rivers "...
Opening of the Italian astronomer gave
beginning of the "Martian boom, and it made noise
almost a hundred years. Remember, on what
specialized lecturers Society
"Knowledge" earn their
cooperative housing for rural clubs?
Well, of course, the hit of the season - the lecture, "Is there
Life on Mars? "One argumanetov" for "
was zagadochnoya network of straight lines, which
called channels. But after many years
found that some channels and no!: (A
what is? There are chains of craters, there is
fractures of Martian crust. That's all.

  Dejection was the same strength as the
initial enthusiasm. If
Confirm artificial origin
channels would hope that life is not
a unique phenomenon and we are not alone in
Universe! But ...

Who out there is shining in the night?

  August 2, 1894 English Journal
"Nature" reported: "Glow in the protrusion
the southern region of the terminator of Mars
Zhavelem observed on July 28 in 14 hours. "And
Further: "... we can expect rebirth
old ideii that the Martians send
signals. "Earlier, in 1783, the famous
astronomer Herschel saw a bright glowing
point on the background of the polar cap of Mars. In
1881-82's white sparks in one of
regions of Mars - Hellas observed
Schiaparelli, the same city in 1896 saw them
Englishman Offord. In 1900, an unusual
strip of light on the planet within an hour
watched the Englishman Douglas. A strange white
spot in the southern part of Greece, and watched
discoverer of Pluto Tombaugh. February 18
1948 vspushku on Mars observed
Soviet astronomer Tikhov.

  Hypotheses explaining the nature of light,
was more than enough. Reliable -
Not one! Especially Mars a long time ago
not "light". What was it? Unknown.

And on top of us watching a female sphinx

  1979. The American program
"Viking" in full swing. Thousands of pictures
arrive at the Martian surface
Land. On one of them, numbered 35A72,
strange contours, something akin to
head. Specialists have not paid for
photo of attention. Fancy man
rich and the story of the "Martian
channels was still fresh in memory.

  After a while the picture has got to
German programmer, who made
image into the computer to "look"
it is not from the height of the orbit, and miles of

  ... Feed printing slowly crept out of
printer. And savvy progera all
wider and wider open eyes. Woman ...
Ancient Egyptian hair, a mysterious
view, looking to the sky, on the cheek
tear. Journalists who converted from the findings
sensation, dubbed it "the Martian
Sphinx ".

  Program manager for Viking Snyder
with irritation, said that a picture -
is the result of interactions prichudlivayh
rock formations with the game world.

  However, break the archive specialists from
NASA found another snapshot of the woman. "
Dimensions "sphinx" were huge!
The length from chin to crown - and a half
km, width - 1 km 300 m
height of about five hundred meters.

  Later, seven kilometers from the giant
women found four small and seven
the great pyramids. The highest of them -
Central - ten times the
Pyramid of Cheops! In November 1994, followed by
NASA official recognition: the pyramid
really exist. Their age - 9
thousands of years. Recent computer
study "of the city Kydonia, christened
so entuziaztami showed that between
pyramids have survived the road and a large
circular area.

  Researchers say that it is necessary
A closer look at the area. AND
blizzhayshee in time, apparently, it
will be held.

                             Andrey Pavlov

  The author thanks the Institute koslicheskih
Research, club Propeller (MAI) and
Vadim Chernobrov personally for any


In 2016 people have settled on a red

  Employees Space Center of
Johnson, starting in 2007 are going to
Mars to launch twelve expeditions to
so that by 2016 open on Red
planet habitable base-colony.

  The launches will be made in both
nazayvaemye "starting windows" - when Mars
is as close to Earth. They
"Open" every 26 months. Three
first launch in 2007 will be the cargo.
In 2009, okolomarsianskuyu orbit
deliver spare "return" the ship and
spare take-off stage. And only then
surface "primarsitsya" a crew of six
astronaftov. Researchers will remain on
planet 18-20 months and will be replaced in
2012 expedition.

  According to NASA, the implementation of this
the project will depend on the success of
long-duration missions on Mir and then to
International Space Station Alpha.
For delivery on Mars could
need a Russian super-heavy
vehicle - a rocket Energia.

                         Alexander Milkus.

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Life outside the Spectrum - Is there life on Mars?

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lyrics - The article is dedicated to those who know what love is.

lyrics - poem of his own world. "

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Present - a supplement to: releases of Korund'a and Gus'a.

Application - RRoM v.2.01 - functional version flash ROM.

Application - Find it in your application.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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