ZX Format #07
05 декабря 1997

Toys - 3D construction kit: a detailed description of the editor of 3D games such as Castle Master. The article describes the internal language sistemmy, which in fact, makes a set of locations and objects in a full game.

<b>Toys</b> - 3D construction kit: a detailed description of the editor of 3D games such as
Castle Master. The article describes the internal language sistemmy, which
in fact, makes a set of locations and objects in a full game.

music by Volga soft
(C) Gil-Gelad


So, having admired pretty zastavochkoy with a proud inscription 
3D CONSTRUCTION KIT, you get to the rich

choice of management tools:




That, accordingly, is translated as:

  Kempston JOYSTICK


  Cursor keys

 Poking in your favorite button (DO NOT RESET!), You vyvaletes 
in operating the program menu, if one can call a bunch of 
obscure squares, rectangles and a few words that I've seen on 
the casements Moranona.

 So come along as it should be: left to right,
and top to bottom.

    File General Area Condition

  FILE-Who said food? No nepravda.Eto

  menu file.

  LOAD Upload file number 0-9
 In the absence of a file is issued from the communication 
error with the proposal of repeated pa. 

  SAVE Save the file under the number
 0-9 on the disk (DISK) or tape (TAPE). K
 Regrettably who diskoversi roval 3D did not care about the 
function OVER WRITE, that truly great tribulation dos decent. 
Thank you though, because in general  we are working with the 

   NEW erase all data from memory
to set up the game. The team completely destroys any memory of 
the existence of you have the computer itself.

 GENERAL Do not worry, it's not from the Army for

   you. This is a simple installation of all

  program parameters.

  RESET option that returns you to
  region, declared the original (see

  START AREA of the menu), and
  chalo program, if something is already


  SETUP Setting Submenu


       CLIMB ABILITY. Height of obstacles

          overcome by the hero.

- FALL ABILYTLY. Height from which

          the hero can fall without much

          harm to themselves and the computer.

          (About the height of the couch.:))

       WALK SPEED. Travel speed

          back and forth.

/ TURN SPEED. The speed of rotation in
             circle on its axis.

, START AREA. The initial location.

. START ENTRANSE. Initial output.


  INSTRUMENT extremely useful option,

    Allows you to assign seats and rooms

    the displayed variables. Has

    following form:

  NUMBER - number of "instrument". Depends
 what kind of position you have chosen
 previous menu.

  TYPE - type of information.

    can be:

       NUMBE - numeric

    H BAR - horizontal bar

    V BAR - vertical bar

    BLANK - this "tool" is not used

    X KOORD X-and Y-marketing marketing coordinator
       is the output value of variables
    Y KOORD variable on the screen.

    LENGHT - length of output information

  from 0 to 5.

    VARIABLE - variable number, which

  output data instruG cops.

    COLOUR - and this is just a color. Could

  and guess yourself.

  WINDOW No need to rush into the monitor utyu
  gami. This is not MIKROSOVT is measured
  equation output settings window.

    X pos - cm X KOORD

    Y pos - sm Y KOORD

      X size - the size of X

      Y size - the size of Y

. TEST most pleasant and necessary option in
 all programme.Ona allows field retical you just created
 program, to which (and in this you
 can be honest), every
 DOOM-am or zadripanym Duk-s puff aunts and puff.

  AREA. Menu that allows you to perform all
   Kie Tricks with locations. Eg
  measures - to edit them.

  ADD AREA Write another location.

  EDIT AREA Edit location.

         Range (number)

  OBJECTS. number of objects in
 - Location.

  SCALE. Scale

  GOTO AREA Changing the current locally

  COLOUR AREA color change of location.

      INC. ink color (for those

       who do not know)

      PAPER. color of the paper.

      BRIGHT. brightness.

      BORDER. Border color.

  ADD ENTRNC Add output.

  At H & M A N I E!


   Output number must match

   number, location, where it leads.


  EDIT ENTRNC Edit output.

 CONDITION most desired menu throughout

    program. It and it alone

  will write you all the locally
  the boom and berate a player!

  GENERAL It is written that part of the prog
  rummy which should perform
  Xia, regardless of the number of locations

 LOCAL And this, as you already knew that

  the part that holds only

  in this location.

 PROC routines which are called from

  anywhere (even from the bathroom:)).

  MESSAGE messages, greetings to friends and
 other text displayed in the
 game. For example "You're dead,
 boy. "

 So, if you've read this far, then either
You have absolutely nothing to do, or large
need in this editor. For the second to continue.

All of the above for the upper strings. Now move the eye in the 
center of the screen. There you can watch a lot of things 

 On the left are two (2) windows:

  VIEW (angle of view on the picture)

NORTH [north], SOUTH [south], WEST [with
west], EAST [east] and PLAN [top])

  MODE (type of movement: FLY1,

FLY2 [flights] and WALK [walking on foot])

 Located in the center will control your position in the 
location. Think here and everything is clear.

 Now consider the inscription at the bottom

  GLOBAL. Obscenity, which allows no
extra works to create walls and ceiling.

  COPY. The most terrible curse. creates
Another object of those that already exist.

  CREATE. Clicking on this icon, you will fall in the creation 
menu items, which can create:

 EXIT! - Just go back to CREAT'u
 SENSR - When selecting this option on the screen
point appears, spitting in a player laser.
 RECT - Rectangle.
 PYRMD - a truncated pyramid.
 CUBE - cube.
 LINE - the line segment.
 TRI. - Triangle.
 QUAD. - Square.
 PENT. - Pentagon:)
 HEX. - Hexagon.

 EDIT. Choosing this option will be (with
Use the arrow keys) to move the selected object (MOVE), stretch 
it into three dimensions (STRETCH) pull the same information in 
five izmeteniyah (SHRINK), rotate at all as

anything (TURN), and seems to be even mutilate
in every (move vertices) (POINT).
. LOAD, RESRT and SAVE duplicate similar teams top line.

  SHADE. Shadow. Allows you to change the fill
walls of the subject.

  DELETE. Allows you to kill too
mutilated figure.

  ATTR. An option to determine
How the object was originally (INITIAL):
- Visible (VISBLE), or invisible (INvISIBLE), as well as its 
current status: visible, invisible, crushed (DESTROYED).

 Well, like with all the menus. Now
it would be good with the language to understand. Who wants to 
do it myself, or someone does not like the proposed version, 
can safely to reap the "magic button" and typing DUMp

# E850, personally acquainted with the dictionary. AND
if he finds anything, lost me
let them tell me about it through the magazine

 Larry 3DCK make available to the programmer 255 flags (that is 
to say variables) that are produced and

almost all operations. In further consideration:
 = Number
 = Flag
 = Number of subject
 = Number of locations
 = Number of messages

 SETV ab - Set the flag value of b a.
 For example: SETV 001,002 record
 the second variable to 1.
- ADDV ab - add to the value of the flag b
 number as well. Works with three time series (0-255)
- ADCV ab - add to the value of the flag b
 number as well. Works with five times the series (0-9).
 SUBV and b - Subtract from the flag and the number of b

   Works with a byte (0-255)
 SBCV ab - Subtract from the flag and the number of b
 Works with 5 digits.

 WARNING! These arithmetic operations
somehow spoil the values ​​stored in
nearest lower the flag. Can I have
version is buggy?

  ORV ab is just a logical OR operation

   XORV a b XOR

 CMPV ab - Compare the value of the flag with b
 number and
 IFEQ - If they are equal. (Condition)
 IFGT - If greater.
 IFLT - If the less.
 THEN - Then (the word after all conditions are satisfied.)
 ELSE - Otherwise (the branching
 in the subject.)
 AND] - AND, OR, for testing several
 OR] conditions.

 IFSHOT c - If you were getting into the subject
 with the number of.
 IFHIT - If the hero was a hit.
 IFCRUSH - If the hero has fallen from a height
 greater than that specified in the GE NERALSETUPFALL ABILITY.
 IFVIS c - If the object is to be seen.
 IFTIMER - If the timer.
 IFACTIVE with - If the object is activated

  (The condition occurs in the game application [file 0] 
location  with the computer. )

 ENDIF - Mandatory word at the end of condition.
 VIS c - Make the subject with a visible
 INVIS c - Make an invisible object.
 DESTROY c - Destroy the object with.
 GOTO de - Moving from location to location d e.
 MODE a - Type of vision. Programming analogue

   windows MODE main menu.
 SETWPOS af - Position game window.
 SETWSIZE af - Size of the game screen.
 COLOUR af - Change the color of the location.
 - That the dye (001 - Wall
 003 - border), a-color.
 SOUND a - A single sound such as "Tu".
/ SYNCSND a - sound with increasing frequency
 and amplitude.
 DELAY a - delay. Analog PAUSE in
 TEXTCOL a - text color.
 PRINT afz - Printing messages z
 REDRAW - redraw the screen.
 CALL a - a procedure call.
 END - Mandatory word at the end of each
 module. Put automatically
 its creation (CREAT).

  Well, that's like and all I wanted you
tell. And if I had missed, then please
excuse me, because it is not by design, the villainous, but 
merely for its dullness and ignorance. 

For sim bid you farewell.
 Your G-G.

Other articles:

From the authors - a few words about the next issue.

Ator magazine - ZX-Format No.7

Content - short contents of the magazine ZX-Format No.7

Toys - an overview of new products: Los Angeles Drugs Bust, Jungle Warfare, Dragonia, 3D Starfighter, Rock star ate my hamster, Star Cobtrol, Malstese joe's pool challenge, Dynamite dux, Blood Brodthers, Galactic Games, Motor Masscre, International Kickboxing.

Toys - Tai-Pan: a masterpiece of classic ZX Spectrum. The game that combines the quest and the manager. Interesting story and a rather detailed description.

Toys - Operation R.R. Opening a new graphic novel from quest'u GALAXY.

Toys - Adventyury: description of the game-parody "Bored of the ring" - "sick of the Rings" can be used as a description, but can simply be read as a parody of JRR Tolkien.

Toys - 3D construction kit: a detailed description of the editor of 3D games such as Castle Master. The article describes the internal language sistemmy, which in fact, makes a set of locations and objects in a full game.

Programmers - Basic - 7: The End of the description of Beta-Basic.

Programmers - library of mathematical procedures. Series of articles for those wishing to learn how to program in assembly language.

Programmers - algorithms and examples of procedures for quick calculations on asemblere: multiplication and division of 3-byte numbers

Programmers - Mod Format files. Describe the format of the standard MOD file used in the General Sound.

Programmers - BMC 2. Esche few words about the conversion of PC-shnyh images in 3-color.

Review - An overview of the passage of the regular Demo-party ENLiGHT 1997 with photographs of some of the guests.

Review - A few moments with the exhibition of video and audio Video FAIR, held in autumn in Saint-Petersburg.

Iron - Captain Nemo invites to share technology KAY all willing to do production.

Iron - Information on a new project by Scorpion - motherboard expansion graphics and memory GMX.

Iron - An article about the audio amplifier and a price list (for those wishing to buy a ready-amp or kit assembly).

animated cartoon - Description of a new turbo-assembler from STORM X-Trade.

animated cartoon - Riff Tracker New Music Editor for General sound.

animated cartoon - Description tekstovgo editor of ZX-Winword, allowing to make graphical inserts in the text, and its utility Sprite Cutter - Cutting these insertions.

animated cartoon - Head Ball - Golovobol: Description of a new game.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Digital Reality.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Extreme.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: MMA, ALK.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Flash inc.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Progress.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Felix / Softland.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Slash.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Vyacheslav Mednonogov.

It was you - Lord of the teeth - 2. Continuation of the adventures of the brave Hobbits.

It was you - Switch - A small philosophical parable.

Mail - A masterpiece. Another interesting letter - "the majority of applications and system software - complete nonsense, and Labuda!

Mail - readers' letters: Nikolai Sergeyev, Jobman, Nikolai Parfenov, Dmitry Zalissky.

Mail - free advertising and announcements.

Miscellaneous - prospects for the software. A new RPG game from Odessa Group "Oberon" - an unknown world.

Miscellaneous - prospects for the software. STATE OF THE ART: a new graphical editor for the Spectrum.

Miscellaneous - Electronic Samizdat: A few words about a new kind of software - Electronic books.

Amiga Club - A new article of the former Spektrumista Max Petrov on Amiga.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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