IzhNews #0D
28 февраля 2003

Present - a supplement to: releases of Korund'a and Gus'a.

<b>Present</b> - a supplement to: releases of Korund'a and Gus'a.


      application are two works that emerged from the fruitful 
cooperation I (KORUND'a) and GUS'a. This remixes of old good 

  The establishment of a new version RIPTOFF
was that, until now, this igruha
was known only in cassette form, maimed Polish hackers.

  At first the idea of ​​podiskovke this software, but then we
dig program, found that it provided for the authors of the 
128th mode, which was "successfully" eliminated Polish 
burglars. Find corporate 128-th module not possible, but you can

imagine that there were tunes that
in the 48th mode, play on beeper. Thus,
me as a musician, was to be quite
no easy task - to collect all ears ringing, play the beeper, 
the PRO TRACKER'e. But as they say, the eyes are afraid, and 
hands do. GUS then suggested that I write his short muz.vstavki 
for HIGH SCORES and the NEXT LEVEL, which was done. 

  Then all the work done GUS'om: he
plowed the entire program under the 128th mode
desperately restoring pieces of code, although
something where everything must be redrawn, as places the game 
in such a recovery is not subject.

  After all the upgrades GUS decided to write a game editor, 
because All specialties screens, we have already passed. 
Editor, he wrote entirely himself, I'm desperate to test and 
gave all sorts of tips on improving this useful gadgets.

  I must say that the editor is available only to owners of the 
128th machines, because loaded with the game, and it works in 
close collaboration:), which is even convenient: Edited - 
immediately checked played, found flaws in the new screen -

again called the editor, corrected.

  Well, then, by tradition, was written a plain intro.

  To play a file attached RIPMAIN.S - a set of standard cards 
RIPTOFF. You, by Editor, can now make themselves a compilation 
and upload it instead of the standard screens, although you can 
record and download the game and on one screen (the editor 
allows you to do something, and others). 

  I hope the editor will understand:
we wrote, like, HELP, but find it now, I can not - probably 
died HELP. 

  HIGH STEEL remix due to the fact
too bored to play this game without
music and too difficult without the CHEAT MODE.

Ed.: Annex the same way are
Three more games diskovannye KORUND'om. This
masterpieces such as: Hypsys, Joe Blade 2
Stormlord in 3 parts.

  Well, that's all I wanted to tell.

  Yuzayte to your health!

Other articles:

Shell - A small guide to the use of new shell of our newspaper.

Introduction - Our Spectrum is still alive and his health is only slightly dependent on natural disturbances and wars.

IzhNews - ascii'01 necessarily take place, Himik's ZxZ started a real Spectrum, a group of TRG is no more intense war with the X-Team Himik's ZxZ and Brutal Creators continues.

IzhNews - report ASCII 2002.

IzhNews - pre CAFe drink party: Izhevsk visited the organizers of future CAFe'2oo2.

IzhNews - about a group of Brutal Creators: for the good of the group are only two people - NoViS and RTD.

Scene - number 13 is ready zhuranala "Adventurer", a new game MoorHuhn: First Blood, zarelizhena old game NetWalker, is in full swing Preparations for ASCII'02 DemoParty.

Mail - readers' letters: Sergio, Macros, Batko Archaea, moroz1999, Oleg Groskow / Arhon.

Marasmus - The view of the newspaper on its publication.

Thoughts - a letter from the city of Riga from the Warlord / CRUSHERS.

Report - a report of Hsc St.Pete Computer Festival Chaos Constructions 2oo1.

Demo'gogiya - Small and review of the recent dem: Stellar contour, LIFEFORMS, Love Gun, Jaundice.

Report - Report from Izhevsk NoViS festival of computer art ASCII 2002.

Report - Report - Report from the Kazan NoViS festival of computer art CAFe'2oo2.

Thoughts on stage - waiting times better than the awareness of the reality of life.

Thoughts on stage - demoscene - a place, range, scope for creativity. We will understand how it is arranged.

Thoughts on stage - GAMERZ MUST DIE! Hit a gamer.

Thoughts on stage - Spectrum scene today, much like a pipe wrench.

torture room - Interview with the Petersburg programmer and author of Dizzy FT editor - WL / WAR Group.

torture room - An interview with the author of Pro Sound Creator and other well-known programs - KVA / E-Mage.

torture room - An interview with the organizer and editor Funtop known newspaper Nicron - Wlodek Black.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Body, Black Crown 6 and 7, ZX-Time, Insanity # 10, Paragraph # 10, Bird, MSF 23 and 24.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 6-C, Scream 2, Generation Z 1-3, Adventurer in 1913, DownNews 17.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 9-12, HeresY 8-10, Buzz 20, Target 10, Ebelka, ZX-Guide # 4.5, RIP 15, Promised Land 2.

IS-DOS - setting up and operating IS-DOS 2000.

IS-DOS - The macros in the IS-DOS.

Iron - scheme of the three drives in the Scorpius-ZS 256.

Iron - technology improvements for the Pentagon's screwing the system slot.

Soft - discussion on information security Copy to ZX Spectrum.

Soft - SOUND AGRESSOR v1.01 packer extreme music.

Life outside the Spectrum - WL / WARgroup about music: music as a generator of creativity, music, Spectrum, my favorite picture and a melody.

Life outside the Spectrum - crazy story from WL: SPIRIT PREZREHIYA.

Life outside the Spectrum - the continuation of the story RULEZNIKI (Part 5).

Life outside the Spectrum - Today I bought myself a SecondHande a brand new jacket!

Life outside the Spectrum - KITAMIH: I'll live!

Life outside the Spectrum - UFOs: Are there other civilizations?

Life outside the Spectrum - Is there life on Mars?

Life outside the Spectrum - Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

lyrics - The article is dedicated to those who know what love is.

lyrics - poem of his own world. "

lyrics - the poem "The reality ..."

Present - a supplement to: releases of Korund'a and Gus'a.

Application - RRoM v.2.01 - functional version flash ROM.

Application - Find it in your application.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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