IzhNews #0D
28 февраля 2003

lyrics - The article is dedicated to those who know what love is.

<b>lyrics</b> - The article is dedicated to those who know what love is.
          A & R A & K

(C) a romantic

    yubov is, love - this is what warms our hearts and 
illuminates the path to dark path of life. Who ever loved, he 
never lived and will not be able to understand the very chief. 
This article is dedicated to those who knows what love is.

   Here are my thoughts, love poems ...

          O T K R O V E H & H. ..

               How strange. I sit alone in silence,

               Not a soul around, and only in darkness

               Your image of a beautiful whispers faintly:

               "Take a pencil and write their thoughts,

               All that would like to say, write,

               Open svoe srdtse and doors of the soul ... "

               Of course, I know it's a mirage

               But still I sit down, take a pencil.

               I want to understand their feelings,

               While I was in the end does not get lost in them 

               Umpteenth day my heart is aching,

               Silent screams and heart-rending sniffs.

               Only one word that he knows of any ...

               Thereby piercing my heart with a needle ...

               But not all of it, though, given -

               Understand my feelings, and their depth ...

               All this in vain. However, all the worse

               I live without you in my little puddle

               What stupid people call life,

               Not realizing that this is it here

               My chest beating continuously,

               Trying to recapture your gentle name ...

               Knocking stronger, as if to

               Blow their way through piles

               Are threatening stand in the way.

               Break and come close to you.

               So close, so that they could hear you,

               As this word is beating me ...

               That word, that he knew anyone

               Know it can and German, and Greek ...

               But that's just a pity that not all of them

               Understand my feelings, and their depth ...

               I know a poet out of me no,

               But the feelings just flow like a river

               And I really can not understand them

               And do not even know where I go ...

               Drive my soul into a closet can not,

               And it is unlikely I'll help myself.

               Your wonderful image is everywhere with me,

               All day long I wander, like a sick man.

               That do not know where to go?

               Perhaps my life with his part?

               This is how to end this misery,

               Do not say goodbye, leave without embarrassment 

               Given into the hands razluchnitse death

               Forget everything, turn forever

               And do not remember the agony of his,

               Forget you, and myself, the others ...

               Forget that stupid word LOVE

               That cut my heart, cutting it in blood,

               That word, that he knew anyone

               Carrying its meaning is not the first century 

               Now my own, it is clear the time has come

               Carry this burden, and even wine

               Its bitter taste of datura consciousness

               Does not allow to forget about the pain.

               On the sweet languor that tickles the soul,

               On his feelings that morning and at night

               They come in advance without giving ...

               Come and torment me in anticipation,

               With surrender, relax, forget

               And here they are and I will achieve ...

               Ah, autumn, dead time of year you are,

               Because then not only wither nature.

               Why the way you met a my

               At a time when the soul is too rushed?

               Now do not forget you never.

               And suddenly, even if through the years

               Another somebody's face no less dear

               Go down to my soul, and even then

               I will remember you ...

               You're a star in the sky that its light

               Lights up the road ...

               When I get old, you know, by golly,

               Your beautiful image, even if

               In my heart will live on, as always ...

               Well all I can say though for all eternity,

               But only because my soul is like a candle.

               Brighter and brighter it glows ...

               You dunesh and quiet wind wave will extinguish 

               And will break a string ...

               That's just a pity that not much has been given

               Get to know my feelings, and their depth ...

              Available immediately ...

          Moments float away through the fingers of the hand,

          And my heart is very sore with longing.

          How strange that out of my chest heard a groan?

          Probably because I love you.

          Frightening loneliness difficult days.

          What a pity that in this life, they often.

          And the tears run over the bloody stream,

          Only reason anyone at anything.

          And I want to say, but no one hears

          How about empty, and the soul could hardly breathe,

          And my feelings are only needed me

          Wasted words I tell you.

          You do not understand them, do not want, probably

          But as time goes on, and I fly on the nerves,

          Where the love, I do not know, go,

          And easier, of course, I give up with life.

          But I'm still waiting, hope and trust

          That you answer me with his love.

          It is naive, perhaps, but as yet have

          After all, without you I can not now live.

          Because you are my joy, my dear boy,

          Running from the eyes of tears as the rain runs off 

          When you leave, everything goes in me

          In the eyes of all the dark and are drawn to you.

          It is impossible to convey in words my pain

          And only the eyes eats me the salt.

          You're so beautiful, gentle as a flower.

          Ah, if only all my life I could be with you!

          Look at you in his arms to hold,

          That's just you have to run again.

          But I'll wait, let me eat the pain,

          I love you, love still exists!

   The room is empty, around twilight,

   In the heart of the anxiety in his soul is not so,

   Day, waiting for night in anguish,

   I carved a heart the words of you.

   Yes, it's painful, but sweet pain

   Sleep does not, spraying everything to zero.

   Quiet voice whisper into the void,

   In the haze of the night you see one:

   You're so sweet and pure as a flower,

   All my life I could admire.

   Could you hold me to wear,

   Tenderness of their balance without giving,

   The sun with you at dawn to meet,

   The fact that I love, the whole world to cry.

   Light without thee is darker than night,

   But you do not want to see the light to help me.

   I wait you to spite himself,

   Just the love I give to only you!

           Where words come from inside me?

           And the heart of soul back into flame.

           When I think of your favorite face,

           Then all stops at this very moment.

           And you want to get cute in his arms,

           And tear out a wild passion

           But it is not close, and svrtly rush

           Like an angel without wings, slips into a precipice.

           And there shall be broken on the edge of the rocks.

           So wants to love, that I was hurt.

           But as time passes, she will return,

           And again in the spring will revive the soul.

 I close my eyes, revealing himself
 And maybe in my dreams I see you,
 When you do come to me through the thickness of emptiness,
 Look up the eyes, you read them in dreams.
 Embrace me, pressing more firmly,
 And even in a dream in my heart flash fire
 And I fall to the bottom of emptiness,
 But, fortunately, as the beam pierced her you.
 Perhaps naively, I believe in love
 But it accelerates my blood.
 I always want a lot to say
 But just do not know, but you can understand?
 And may not be here the words
 After all, you already know, is love.
 And closing the eyelids, in the hope of waiting for sleep,
 Let them dream about it last night ...

  All that is published in this section, you
can use for their purposes. An exception is the profit. Give 
your favorite verses, they deserve it ...

Other articles:

Shell - A small guide to the use of new shell of our newspaper.

Introduction - Our Spectrum is still alive and his health is only slightly dependent on natural disturbances and wars.

IzhNews - ascii'01 necessarily take place, Himik's ZxZ started a real Spectrum, a group of TRG is no more intense war with the X-Team Himik's ZxZ and Brutal Creators continues.

IzhNews - report ASCII 2002.

IzhNews - pre CAFe drink party: Izhevsk visited the organizers of future CAFe'2oo2.

IzhNews - about a group of Brutal Creators: for the good of the group are only two people - NoViS and RTD.

Scene - number 13 is ready zhuranala "Adventurer", a new game MoorHuhn: First Blood, zarelizhena old game NetWalker, is in full swing Preparations for ASCII'02 DemoParty.

Mail - readers' letters: Sergio, Macros, Batko Archaea, moroz1999, Oleg Groskow / Arhon.

Marasmus - The view of the newspaper on its publication.

Thoughts - a letter from the city of Riga from the Warlord / CRUSHERS.

Report - a report of Hsc St.Pete Computer Festival Chaos Constructions 2oo1.

Demo'gogiya - Small and review of the recent dem: Stellar contour, LIFEFORMS, Love Gun, Jaundice.

Report - Report from Izhevsk NoViS festival of computer art ASCII 2002.

Report - Report - Report from the Kazan NoViS festival of computer art CAFe'2oo2.

Thoughts on stage - waiting times better than the awareness of the reality of life.

Thoughts on stage - demoscene - a place, range, scope for creativity. We will understand how it is arranged.

Thoughts on stage - GAMERZ MUST DIE! Hit a gamer.

Thoughts on stage - Spectrum scene today, much like a pipe wrench.

torture room - Interview with the Petersburg programmer and author of Dizzy FT editor - WL / WAR Group.

torture room - An interview with the author of Pro Sound Creator and other well-known programs - KVA / E-Mage.

torture room - An interview with the organizer and editor Funtop known newspaper Nicron - Wlodek Black.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Body, Black Crown 6 and 7, ZX-Time, Insanity # 10, Paragraph # 10, Bird, MSF 23 and 24.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 6-C, Scream 2, Generation Z 1-3, Adventurer in 1913, DownNews 17.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 9-12, HeresY 8-10, Buzz 20, Target 10, Ebelka, ZX-Guide # 4.5, RIP 15, Promised Land 2.

IS-DOS - setting up and operating IS-DOS 2000.

IS-DOS - The macros in the IS-DOS.

Iron - scheme of the three drives in the Scorpius-ZS 256.

Iron - technology improvements for the Pentagon's screwing the system slot.

Soft - discussion on information security Copy to ZX Spectrum.

Soft - SOUND AGRESSOR v1.01 packer extreme music.

Life outside the Spectrum - WL / WARgroup about music: music as a generator of creativity, music, Spectrum, my favorite picture and a melody.

Life outside the Spectrum - crazy story from WL: SPIRIT PREZREHIYA.

Life outside the Spectrum - the continuation of the story RULEZNIKI (Part 5).

Life outside the Spectrum - Today I bought myself a SecondHande a brand new jacket!

Life outside the Spectrum - KITAMIH: I'll live!

Life outside the Spectrum - UFOs: Are there other civilizations?

Life outside the Spectrum - Is there life on Mars?

Life outside the Spectrum - Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

lyrics - The article is dedicated to those who know what love is.

lyrics - poem of his own world. "

lyrics - the poem "The reality ..."

Present - a supplement to: releases of Korund'a and Gus'a.

Application - RRoM v.2.01 - functional version flash ROM.

Application - Find it in your application.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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