IzhNews #0D
28 февраля 2003

IS-DOS - The macros in the IS-DOS.

<b>IS-DOS</b> - The macros in the IS-DOS.
       Macros in the IS-DOS.

                                "Catch the wind with all sails! 

                                "Well, if I then decided,

                                then necessarily drink ... "


(C) Sergey Kolesnikov (SKL-KEEPER)

       IS-DOSe I work for a long time - as much as
five years - and that is called, the dog ate
in this case. But macros interested and began to apply them 
only recently. This stems from the lack of information: helrah 
of them referred to as a surfactant, imprecise, and who could 
know that their can be used to greatly ease the

life, authorizing the execution of a computer-intensive work? 
Just keep in mind that work with text files in the IS-DOSe

makes sense only in the electronic drive
otherwise benefit from the Editor
come to naught.

   Let's start with what are called macros
the text editor by pressing "EXTEND
MODE ". At the top of the screen will
the word "MAC". After that, the program will
wait for keypress, calling the macro.
The file must be EDITed_mac.txt
the actions which should produce a macro, and this description 
should begin with, his calling.

   Well, here's a concrete example: You're
great deal of correspondence and some of the words most 
frequently used, you can assign to macros and invoke them by 
pressing only two keys - EXTEND MODE and another key. Here's 


   dDo bye


   In the first example, after calling the macro
and pressing the "z" the computer will write from a position
cursor to the word "Hello" in the second -
the word "bye" in the third - SPECTRUM.

   Only we must bear in mind that the characters
the line should be less than 32 (namely
so much is put into the buffer driver). If
need to write lengthy text
Macros can be attributed to the chain, causing a
end of the first following example:

   1Spektrumisty, # 0E2


   Code # 0E just serves to close
makrosnyh lines. After him, we only
indicate what the line "bind" to the caller. A chain of macros 
can be close and itself to itself, ie if you write a


   1SPECTRUM # 0E1,

   the program will continuously print
SPECTRUM, until you hit the space bar.
That "space" and serves to interrupt
chain macros. Can also be as
tag end of the chain using an empty
row - the symbol "T" on the Latin prefix
SS / SPACE (code # 12).

   We should also mention the combination of # R
(Repeat) - repeater. After it should
stand two figures, the first of which - the number of 
repetitions, the second - the length of the repeated plot. 

   # R38SPECTRUM - this macro prints
SPECTRUM word three times (8 letters).

   # R51 # 0A - and this will move the cursor to the
five rows down.

   In my practice, using a macro to
print "title" of the letter (on another -
corner of the stamp), here's the text:

1.dw1 (a) SKL-KEEPER.dw0.ds1 # 0D # 0E @
@ Aka Kolesnikov # 0D # 0Esh
w Mihaylovich.ds0 # 0D # 0D # 0Esch
sch355042, Stavropol, # 0D # 0E
ul.Dovatortsev 53/2-8 # 0D # 0D # 0Et
ttel. (8652) 77-55-95 # 0D # 0Eyu
th 18.00-22.00 MSC # 0D # 0D # 0Ez
z # R92 Hello, # 20

   And now, a detailed explanation. Macro
called by pressing the "1" (after EXTEND MODE, of course). . 
Dw1,. Dw0,. Ds1,. Ds0 - A printer control codes, allowing 
printing with different fonts, I have not dwell. After printing 
the first line in the end it is the code # 0D, that equivalent 
to clicking "ENTER", ie the next line will print a new line. 
Hereinafter called the line with "@" symbol, printed, again, 
quit, and invoked following the symbol "N". After

it - double-newline and the next challenge for the symbol "u", 
and so on. The last line tells the macro program what to nine 
times to print two spaces, then the words "Hello," and print a 
single space. 

   Using macros you can give the editor a specific task. 
Consider some of them. For example, changing the editor, such 
as the length of the string Format:

3 # 12pr31 # 0Ds; 31 characters per line
4 # 12pr41 # 0Ds; 41 - "5 # 12pr42 # 0Ds; 42 -" 6 # 12pr62 # 
0Ds; 62 - "7 # 12pr75 # 0Ds; 75 -" 

   Causing the macro under the symbol "3", we
specify the program that you need to call the main prefix (SS / 
SPACE), code is # 12, then call the function "p"

 - Setting Editor, set the right border formatting "r"
equal to 31 characters, press "ENTER, and record the 
performance of this business function" s " (SAVE) in the file 
edit.com. As you can see all very simple: alternately indicate 
that to do the program, and all!

   And write macros are not as difficult as it seems at first 
glance. Just at first, do you set yourself the task of manually 
writing at the same time, press any key, and then decorate it 
all as a macro. 

   For reference, here are some key codes
that you may find useful:

     Key Code Function

      CS / January 2007 RUS / LAT

      CS / February 6 BIG / small

      CS / March 2004 Ins / ovr

      CS / April 2005 Home

      CS / May 2008 Left

      CS / 6 0A Down

      CS / 7 0B Up

      CS / August 2009 Right

      CS / 9 0F End

      CS / 0 0C Delete

      ENTER 0D

      SPACE 20

      CS / SS 0E Macro

      SS / Q 15 Page UP

      SS / A 10 Page DOWN

     SS / ENTER 1911 Prefix

     SS / SPACE 12 Prefix

      SS / W 13 Erase

      SS / E 1914 Insert

     CS / SPACE 1916

     CS / ENTER 1917

   Just keep in mind that zero to tens of writing a must!

   Have gone further.

   Let me tell you about the specific case of
my practice. The fact that I svapper,
My directory was compiled gradually over many years and now 
reaches 460 sectors, or about 120 kB. But I made error, and the 
demos I had not in a separate section, and interspersed with 
games ... Inconvenient, I agree! I faced the problem sort of 
game demos, zanesya them separate section. Task a little easier 
by the fact that the title of the demos I wrote DEMOMUSIC 
(otherwise how would I featured demos from the games?). I keep 
putting off sorting, because Manually it would take too a lot 
of time and that I afford not to could :-). So, when I began to 
learn macros, I thought: "Why not entrust all this work to 
them? " 

   How could compose a text macro? Well,
let's order. First of all, we have
overlay to give the job search, we're going to sort (recall 
that the hallmark of the demos - this is a record in the same 
line, the words DEMOMUSIC, and in games of this the word no).

   Overlay search (and replace, by the way) is called by 
pressing "F" on the main prefix (SS / SPACE). Going into this 
overlay, we give shape models - "DEMOMUSIC", then go

from it. This model is now in the buffer overlay.

   What would we do if we had
do the job manually? First we go to the main prefix SS / SPACE 
code # 12 (See table above), then just in case

moves to the beginning of the file, ie press
"T", then again get into the main prefix
and press the "f" to search for models in the text,
then "n" (search for the next model.) Search starts, the 
computer will find a string in which is the word "DEMOMUSIC", 
then we will need to exit this mode by pressing

space, again enter into the main prefix
fix it with a space, erase the line "d" (delete), move to the 
end file and restore the erased line by pressing the "u" 
(undelete). And finally, get of a prefix by pressing space. We 
make this cyclical program, otherwise it will

one line, will bring it to the end of the file and
stop. And it can be done by closing
this chain itself to a code # 0E. Ultimately that's what we've 
got (A macro is invoked by pressing the digit "2"):

2 # 12t # 12fn # 12 dbu # 0E2

   The result of his work will be a
section with a line containing the word "DEMOMUSIC". Wait, why 
do we need a section in every line of which is that word?

This is not the rules :-) We are better this obzovem
the most part "demo" or something in this
kind, and the word DEMOMUSIC remove, but not
hand and not even a separate macro, and
better to let the same macro in the course of their work also 
deletes the word! And to to do this, we need only a little to 
improve an already created macros us. But first need to be at 
the beginning of his work, when we ask the model set yet change 
(by pressing the "M") in the form of nine gaps (number of 
letters in the word DEMOMUSIC). Refinement of macro would be 
only adding three operations: after how complex restored the 
previously found and erased the line, we will need to enter

again in the overlay search and replace ("f"),
"Click" "n" (search for the next model)
program, of course, "find" the same
most line on which the cursor and
we are using mode "S" (S / Cs) will produce
substitution model was found nine gaps! Now the macro will take 
the final form: 

2 # 12t # 12fn # 12 dbufnS # 0E2

   Let me explain just why in front # 0E2 appeared two spaces: 
the first - Exits search and replace, the second - the removal 
of fixation macro.

   Well, as you see, it's not so difficult to
:-) You want us to task, we decided.

   Now let's try to solve the puzzle more complicated: what if 
we need to make a simple sample program from a directory on 
some grounds, without washing them? In Basically, you can use 
the above method, then maintaining that we found, and the 
source directory to delete (on a floppy disk, it still 
remains). But we can address this issue and using a macro,

however, the work he will be greatly
longer than that considered above. Witty
idea for solving this problem proposed Krasnodar e-zine 
"Odyssey" (Now deceased :-().

   So, what are our actions? Load in
editor of the catalog file. Call the main
prefix SS / SPACE, and then overlay the search and
replacing "f", we introduce a model for the search and replace, 
equal to model (!) Total number of characters "@" sign (you and 
others icons, but preferably less often used). Press SPACE, go 
to the top File (# 12t), call the search and overlay

replace (# 12f) and do a global replacement
model in the whole file to that change, that we
introduced earlier ("g"). Then change the model and
change places, that is putting
"0" and exit the overlay code # 10:

a # 12t # 12fg0 # 10 # 0Eb

   The macro is invoked by pressing "a", and
end of line invoke the second line. It
to verify the completion of the macro check empty string ("T"), 
again call overlay search and replace, and give

he set to find the first model in the text, because, by doing a 
global replacement, we returned to the point of entry into the 
editor, ie in beginning of the file:

b # 12T # 12fn

   Remove overlay SS / A and causing the overlay
block operations, marking the line where

b # 12T # 12fn # 10 # 11mm

   We leave at the end of the file and then use the code # 0E 
to call the next line macro according to the letter "c", we get:

b # 12t "12fn # 10 # 11mm # 12b # 0Ec

   Go back to the overlay block operations, call the copy, 
remove mark and invoke the following line:

c # 11c # 10 # 11o # 0Ee

   But the following two lines of the macro to perform more 
complex functions. First, called the letter "e", runs the 
overlay Find and Replace, which searches for the first model 
from the end of the file, and because it's - we copied 
tolkochto row, then, of course, she is chosen. Then overlay 
produces the inverse operation, returning the previous model 
and removing introduced in the first line of the macro 
replacement. Then remove the overlay and return to the top of 
the file: 

e # 12fp # 53 # 10 # 12t # 0Ef

   The last line, called the letter
"F", again starts the overlay search
and replacement, looking for the first model from the beginning
file and produces the same as the previous
string operation, ie exchange and replacement model, returning 
its initial value. 

   Remove the overlay and loops created
macro to a string of letter "b", because first
We need only once.

f # 12fn # 53 # 10 # 0Eb

   In the end, that's what we got:

a # 12t # 12fg0 # 10 # 0Eb
b # 12t # 12fn # 10 # 11mm # 12b # 0Ec
c # 11c # 10 # 11o # 0Ee
e # 12fp # 53 # 10 # 12t # 0Ef
f # 12fn # 53 # 10 # 0Eb

   Try it, it works fine! And you are
this time, go drink of tea or a smoke in the house (smoking is 
bad :-)). 

   And finally, another macro that, firstly, would you even more
understand this fact, and secondly, it has practical value in 
the work. 

   Sometimes it is necessary to divide the text
pages, especially if the text is
tables and do not want to, for example,
Cap it was on the same page, and the rest - on the other.

   On a standard sheet of A4 paper
fits 62 lines of text, if printed in half the interval. Let's 
write a macro that will break our text on pages,

and we call it, for example, the letter

   So, first of all must go
in nachako file, because Suddenly you need
divided into wet-page file? Then go to the second line of the 
macro that is called the symbol "<", where three times to move 
the cursor down the page (which is three times with 20 rows) 
and two more times by one line. Now re-call prefix SS / SPACE 
and place an asterisk separator pages "l".

Process to continue, stuck with this
string macro itself, and the first
line, we need only once at the beginning of the macro. Here's 
what happened in the end: 

r # 12t # 0E <
<# R31 # 10 # 0A # 0A # 12l # 0E <

   And finally - the shortest macro, which enables you to print 

   d # D

   I hope that at boot you have
included in the autoexec.bat line call
date.com and at the beginning of the set date. That is the date 
and print! 

Other articles:

Shell - A small guide to the use of new shell of our newspaper.

Introduction - Our Spectrum is still alive and his health is only slightly dependent on natural disturbances and wars.

IzhNews - ascii'01 necessarily take place, Himik's ZxZ started a real Spectrum, a group of TRG is no more intense war with the X-Team Himik's ZxZ and Brutal Creators continues.

IzhNews - report ASCII 2002.

IzhNews - pre CAFe drink party: Izhevsk visited the organizers of future CAFe'2oo2.

IzhNews - about a group of Brutal Creators: for the good of the group are only two people - NoViS and RTD.

Scene - number 13 is ready zhuranala "Adventurer", a new game MoorHuhn: First Blood, zarelizhena old game NetWalker, is in full swing Preparations for ASCII'02 DemoParty.

Mail - readers' letters: Sergio, Macros, Batko Archaea, moroz1999, Oleg Groskow / Arhon.

Marasmus - The view of the newspaper on its publication.

Thoughts - a letter from the city of Riga from the Warlord / CRUSHERS.

Report - a report of Hsc St.Pete Computer Festival Chaos Constructions 2oo1.

Demo'gogiya - Small and review of the recent dem: Stellar contour, LIFEFORMS, Love Gun, Jaundice.

Report - Report from Izhevsk NoViS festival of computer art ASCII 2002.

Report - Report - Report from the Kazan NoViS festival of computer art CAFe'2oo2.

Thoughts on stage - waiting times better than the awareness of the reality of life.

Thoughts on stage - demoscene - a place, range, scope for creativity. We will understand how it is arranged.

Thoughts on stage - GAMERZ MUST DIE! Hit a gamer.

Thoughts on stage - Spectrum scene today, much like a pipe wrench.

torture room - Interview with the Petersburg programmer and author of Dizzy FT editor - WL / WAR Group.

torture room - An interview with the author of Pro Sound Creator and other well-known programs - KVA / E-Mage.

torture room - An interview with the organizer and editor Funtop known newspaper Nicron - Wlodek Black.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Body, Black Crown 6 and 7, ZX-Time, Insanity # 10, Paragraph # 10, Bird, MSF 23 and 24.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 6-C, Scream 2, Generation Z 1-3, Adventurer in 1913, DownNews 17.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Psychoz 9-12, HeresY 8-10, Buzz 20, Target 10, Ebelka, ZX-Guide # 4.5, RIP 15, Promised Land 2.

IS-DOS - setting up and operating IS-DOS 2000.

IS-DOS - The macros in the IS-DOS.

Iron - scheme of the three drives in the Scorpius-ZS 256.

Iron - technology improvements for the Pentagon's screwing the system slot.

Soft - discussion on information security Copy to ZX Spectrum.

Soft - SOUND AGRESSOR v1.01 packer extreme music.

Life outside the Spectrum - WL / WARgroup about music: music as a generator of creativity, music, Spectrum, my favorite picture and a melody.

Life outside the Spectrum - crazy story from WL: SPIRIT PREZREHIYA.

Life outside the Spectrum - the continuation of the story RULEZNIKI (Part 5).

Life outside the Spectrum - Today I bought myself a SecondHande a brand new jacket!

Life outside the Spectrum - KITAMIH: I'll live!

Life outside the Spectrum - UFOs: Are there other civilizations?

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Life outside the Spectrum - Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

lyrics - The article is dedicated to those who know what love is.

lyrics - poem of his own world. "

lyrics - the poem "The reality ..."

Present - a supplement to: releases of Korund'a and Gus'a.

Application - RRoM v.2.01 - functional version flash ROM.

Application - Find it in your application.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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