Inferno #06
03 декабря 2004

Gamedev - the assembly of the game Wolfenstein 2004. Part 1.

<b>Gamedev</b> - the assembly of the game Wolfenstein 2004. Part 1.
               Notebook on the assembly Wolfenstein 2004.

In brackets - add to the reader. What was okvadracheno in a 
notebook, here in the curly brackets. Text in the slashes - 

WaterSun [one of chip'ov Moran'a] free = # 4200, ie player = # 
6000 etc. Put menu Nikfe X-Color.

Downloader universal. First look at the disk, then archive
{Then to other disk archive}. How to load files> 32k (the menu
HELP ...)??? Everything is OK, through the buffer.
IMVEC = # 5b00 - bad! [Now] CHNMAP-512. SBPL [placement
5-sectoral WAV-player under the Sound Blaster, out of my game
2000] is not deposed, but it would be necessary.
SCALTAB [table containing the height and texture all 
polustolbtsov screen] is populated LINES [the scan the walls 
for a new frame] is not through the INC H. .. DEC H [for the 
upper and lower walls of this in SCALTAB match], and by LDIR 
after SCAN. From p / n SCAN [n / n Scan cards in certain areas] 
are excluded Correction DXNOW, DYNOW [vector scanning. Now

adjusted from the outside - to use SCAN to view
monsters. But it appeared uncomfortable because of the 
variables of procedure. Sight monsters must be called an 
interrupt, and scanning walls - past the break, while the 
variable n / n lie in specific location]

[Button] N [later thrown out] = nomonsters (+1 fps) [measured at
 map Entering the castle, the monsters of intelligence was not 


      128k 256k 1M
 menus: {AY??? (FD!)} COVOX FB SD

      NO DIG
turbo: ~ 100% ~ 140% = 200%
 video: small big big

      i-lace i-lace full
 [I-lace - only the calculation of each 2-nd line]

      interscan interscan full
[Interscan - calculation of each 4-th column, rather than the 2 
nd. Customize "Ray precision"] [side of the sign: "almost as 
expected", "quadrascan 13xii "," full with nokey "] [quadrascan 
- calculation of each 8-th column, as in DooM-B]

 speed: 80% (6 frm) 100% (5 frm) 120% (4 frm)

      {3d13 turboload 3d13}

      mono mono color walls / goods / monsters
 / Countmonsters = 10 = 20 = 40 /

      - Screenmsgs screenmsgs + digisound
 menu: load memory (packed) memory

       no handmove yes handmove yes handmove

       - Cached cached (detect?)

      - Moused moused (detect?)
music: / off / on on on
troops off on on
[There were buttons I (current R) and H. V and T (the current 
M) already were]

+ Extrapolation quad [rascan] with the message. Quadrascan: 
extreme Four right extrapolated:

C = 2B-A. Overflow. Murder [overflow]: Porting
Shear JB is the transfer of the subtraction. [This is about the 
height. Overflow in the texture coordinates fixed 16viii04]

+ Waiting. vacation. keys.
Why RL sometimes slow? along with the music
/ A) lost the tail of the chain of monsters /
/ B) the wrong number of missiles /
/ A) systems. registers? FIXED /
g) SCMONS0 wrong exit FIXED.
Need a time out.
Vistula in suicide FIXED (EI).
Rocket blows strongly in the direction of where you look. 
13xii: ADD-> SBC (KR).

Spontaneously appears scull key FIXED: everywhere XOR A / OR D.
FIXED divtab (instead of eight 1,2) [table size balls]
When do bullets and guns can be seen, punch acts on the
distance FIXED:
/ Push bc /
/ Pop bc /
=> LD C, A
Acts and disappears star (under her protection is reduced, as in
Quake), IV, QD. Believes until 8bit numbers without attributes 
[a Quake IV, QD and the star player's field of view stained 
with each in his own way]. But flickers at vanishing.

[Procedure] CROSS, AYOFF, / OUTME / [now] in the module.
In a series RL - monster (RLMONS0) no Restore-Xia address HL 
FIXED. Total killing monsters with the correction of QD. You 
can beat the wounded [Previously it was impossible]. 
Interesting effect: if the shoot out PERFORATOR'a up corpses, 
the bullets spent more than if time to stop. Good! / With the 
murder PERFORATOR'om can hang / Looking scatter power hitting.

When nevzyatii heal [because of the energy of> 100], the energy 
decreased to 100 FIXED. VASE gives 1% heal. VASE and TREAS 
[URE] make money (they are not visible). If you knock the 
protection, having a star image disappears, and if protection 
no longer exists, it is still displayed after vanishing Star 

                            [Page 2]
[On this day, the texture of monsters and things were finally
placed on two pages. Zombieman - in PGSPR, others
Monsters - in PRSPR2. Monsters were drawn at different times in
the following order: zm, cacodemon, commander, herr major (by 
shiru otaku), dog (skonverchen from the original Wolfenstein), 
ogre, hitler (made out of herr major'a) The Notebook arrows 
indicate What phase corrected coordinates in the table MONSTAB, 
where the number of different format and therefore contain 
errors. Corrected 4i, 15xii, 20vii, 28vii, 14viii. Numbers 
mean, who for some X-coordinate lies in PGSPR2]

shiru (lord) [herr major]
attack: 0-16
move1: 17-25
move2: 36-53
scared: 54-71
caco: 72-83 - attack?
scared: 84-95 - norm? Simm [etrichny sprite]
dying: 96-107 - scared? /
troop: 108-119 - only the bottom 15xii
lamer [commander]
move1: 120-133
move2: 134-148
scared / attack: 149-162
move1: 163-174
move2: 175-185-low
attack: 186-199
scared: 200-211 - low
ogre = demon [demon sprite is not drawn. Ogre and demon differ
from each other energy]
move1: 212-226
move2: 227-240
scared: 241-255
6 monsters, demon (N16 [for numbering items in WolfEd])
change in the ogre (N19). Take time of QD, IV and 666 of the 
card OK 17xii. FIXED: was prizes, must be got.

SETACNT [keep time] in the game loop?
 SPR [N12-13] N17 N18 N15 N14 N19 N16

    zm shiru caco lamer dog ogre demon

   E = 70 E = 200 E = 250 E = 120 E = 50 E = 150 E = 250

    0 3 6 9 CF 15 December 1918 1B
0 move1 / 2 G bigAM col <3 {move2} R gun {boom} |
6 back MegaH rifle table |
9 attack RL heal rock | in zm
C wounded ammo IV Tree |
F dying bull 666 {cell} |
12 troop roc vase50 $ QD - that is here
 1915 - key chest500 $ |

           ^ ^ ^ <----- Logically here [to n / n COLLnM]

        (No more than 1)
though ... let CLOSED. doors open forever! and keys
decremented. ORG '($ +255) * 256 = ORG $ +255 / 256 <8 = DS 
.(-$) The dog does not fit in the bottom. part of the [texture] 
FIXED 17xii Hangs sometimes when I caused. of RL + QD FIXED

Last to finish. page graphics + QD
MONSTR [process unfolding in SCALTAB monsters and items
by their coordinates]: in T10MONS [Table of monsters, which 
should thinking at the moment. A maximum of 10. Subsequently

eliminated] all types of monsters, except for the corpses. 
Paced all. Addresses 4! While a dog can not kill, except from 
RL. 16xii

To finish L3. When you call MONSTR important depth and content
stack. Bullets fly across all subjects (low), except for a 
corpse Cacodemon'a. You can kill a dog, but to hand. Hand can 
not. 17xii

When you add no overflow. The problem with dead bodies - they 
can fill up the passage! You can count the stones and the 
corpses of various (done) all the dead bodies passable. In 256 
[k], you can add extra sprites. ???? Up-tuning. MAIN "WOLF *". 
At boot. ur. ATR = color, keys, shots, killed, got, timer = 0. 
At start-up SETATR = ATR. Lowered dog. Suffered PRSPR etc. in 
PP [source W3D? PP *. H]  NoGet POP AF - or AF, or address of 
the curves. from p / n ADD100 

         POP BC - at the beginning of [n / n], it was POP DE, 

        PUSH DE: RET
In RL now 0 cartridges. Zap [ertye] doors open forever,
keeps track of keys.

                            [Page 3]
(John) should clean up the sight with RL and his hand too 19xii 
FIXED. Must [Chip Tracker] player with IM2, but it hangs. And 
EXX not identify. Wall [before starting WolfEd] revolve 
themselves [from vertical sprite is horizontal]. Files 
[transferred] to [Directive] DD: TILE, ICONS!, Removed ORG $-...

WED [aka WolfEd]: in the catalog quick hands, Demon = 250 
units., rights [yl] def [edelenie] mouse [was through the port 
# ff, now through the interrupt vector], FIXED bug: CS / Z - 
erase, [CS /] X - erase buffer FIXED 19xii, [CS /] C - to take 
[, V - insert]. CALL SCRLCONT: LD A, E! SEL_TRI: 0 - select, -1 
- has already been allocated (Ex. Comp.) S-kill sel., 
D-beg.sel., F-end sel. CLICK1 - why 4 ADD A, A?

It is hard to catch a break right in the main loop [digital
player] - because may arise nedoinkrementirovannye address.
Better define the number of cycles in a frame and after Ch. 
cycle to EI: JR $ [HALT] Time floats ...

Removed from TOPO.CHI unnecessary sample - for HELP? MB This is 
the remix old Mouzon Moran'a? MAX SMPLS = # 9900

WaterSun: # BB00-# 4200 = # 7900 SMPLS. Nestab. SM [data bus on
my pentagon]? I = 59 is not a slave. [Later revealed that the 
computer not guilty] was able to make a hanging interrupt, with 
warning, it just go c / o tail sample. But where more clicks?

Perhaps because of the super-offset'ov. Fixed PLAYER10: do not 
ship on a blank sample. But the playability is not guaranteed 
Xia ... Hangs on WaterSun (!) If samples are 0,2,3 ,..., is 
bad. With "1" - better. Click on [position] # 18-1c. Sample 7 
did not help against whistling in the "6". / 6 th place 1 is no 
longer whistling: - glitch on G-1F # 1 6070. / Whistle on any 
bad # FFXX! [Version player under Covox when calling 
interrupts] may confuse DE <> HL FIXED 23xii - just less 
gurgling. 22xii

To finish menus [corrected in the picture NIKFI "Greetings" on
Glitch in the player - not decoded samples of the spoils # FFFE.
Rulilku made in options [with digital music in the background]. 
SD play (Not tested). Was a difference of SD-COV = 33-8, was = 
33-16. It is necessary to PLAYER'e and in the CHIP'e kill LD E, 
A: ... A, E of INCD2 / 4 (SDPLAY) FIXED 24xii

WED10 in one file (the font to 2 bytes in one). Trial
boot # 3d13 - works. AYPLAY [player sound effects
WOLF]: L-frequency, auto-channel B / C to ooh / aah ([selected
channel], where there ENV), avtovkl. TONE (was not).
Music MUZ # ... C, without the initia-tion (PT Util). Backbone 
for the SAVE / LOAD "WOLFSAV #" They d / b the same size 
(currently 1k: ENDMONS-GAMEDATA, plus the need to load muz, gfx 
and maps) and d [listed should] be written over. Necessary to 
provide DISK FULL [at free  overwrittenfilesize or loadfilesize> BC].

+ Selector type of company, music = SHARMY. Music & Graphics -
loadable. The driver and the player (?) In the general address 
for all? and font too? Booting from CS = safe mode? firstrun 
mode? Time must flow into the game cycles everywhere. [Network] 
sharing the same of game cycles, then do not gb different rates.

Options [should be]
game speed
music ON / OFF ... - OFF / SELECT (for level 1 to play)
AY effects volume ... +0
window BIG / SMALL
precision HI-MED-LOW
high memory gfx ON / OFF
title screens lace OFF / PLAIN / WAVE [gigascreen impossible - 
to screens diamond hatching]

digital music [AY] / COV / SD / NONE - port ...
loader # 3d13/turbo
reinit disk model - disk A / B / C / D
reset to defaults (for def. type companies - 3 pcs)
Prizes are? FIXED. Kill level, muznr, gfxnr. In their place, 
the field "WLF" [then had to return back]

TURBO SOUND for the effects?

                            [Page 4]
Save to DEMos packages such as exchange (of the same?) Each
game series. Not scroll back, forward - to accelerate the 
frequency of games. cycles. In an exchange of only the full 
acc-e slot spaces!

angle - at the moment of firing, ie, the end of games. cycle
# Weapon
shot Y / N
open Y / N
armor-up of the monsters or after?
armor type /
QD, 666, IV}
global time and others - in the title to the same table. 
MONSTRS? How to destroy unexploded balloons? Control only at 
the end  cycle?

          PL1 PL2

          ... ...

          game play

       --------- ----------
        shot / my shot - CURMON (Mid)

         exchange / here is to know them!

                  / Exchange - or LOAD / SAVE.Zdes same 

     his shot / shot monsters - a conflict? ^

     --------- ----------- |
 processing of energy-energy treatment - or is interrupt-th |

          ... ... (Equivalent?) |

                             (Only OPEN, FIRE, LOAD, SAVE 8i4)
When you change the speed of games. cycle is necessary to 
change the speed MOVE [n / n Player movement] and MOVEKR [n / n 
of the ball / missile] or move balls smooth. Doors: controlled 
(rough) coordinates that change each cycle. For the map I use 
refinement counter + = 51 (So, for the second cycle for the 
[now there's no meter, and the table in frame +1 bytes s -1 at 
the end]) Cycle = 5FRM. A shot at it. FPS, LEG, QD, 666, IV, as 
amended [enenie] color screen, too. Ism [enenie] color screen 
in HARMME, and time in the head. on the strength of 
povrezhdeniya/16. Interlevel pictures should hide and at the 
same time improve Compression ... in WOLF1 without 
zaXORivaniya, and then you can invent. AY digiplayer buggy: 
(RECODE and so did not need ... Because C48 <> C48A FIXED 3i4. 
First UNILOAD'er: a resident of the 2 operations: INI and LOAD. 
Theoretically, you can use the Extended Features of floors 
exchange screens UNILOAD then be able to do disk operations 
from any memory without a resident.

Must INIC [ializa] function / with a black screen / - is not 
necessary, there is 1k buffer. Reading directory RAR and bring 
names to the 8.1. Depaker through the buffer 1k in the same 
page - then do not need paklen. In handle only one extra byte - 
a position in sector (instead of secsz, during a bit7 in sect 
#). Ie missing 14 bytes. If you prefer, you can load files and 
c / o buffer 1k, then there will be blending east. part of the 
sector (but several. slowly - but such File small => 
unnoticed). HISCORE, SETUP and shipping should be keep c / o 
the same p / n - fixedsize, overwrite. HISCORE encrypted and 
not text? SETUP in the end achieves Enter'ami to 1k? You can 
limit the catalog only those files to e- appear in the SETUP 
(can not call them by name, but the code in the SETUP).

Killed mashing # 5b00 in INI.
AYPLAY - [more soon] circumcision no sound on VOL = 0, and by
VOL = 6.
N / n we download files level. If you enter the SAVE / LOAD 
OFF. Music and put IMER = EI: RET.

Address monster, if it is not under the gun, = # 00XX. 
Considered shots'killed, late in the game - totalsh and 
totalki, and TM. totalgo and totalti, shown Xia time. [On the 
button C] show-Xia total time, in level - without the time 
level. All files are uppercase [because that lower case letters 
in the font - Russian]. Why in the MSG include PGICO?

Why hang # 3d13 in the game? IM1, EI, BASIC almost clean (except
# 5E00), stack = # 5FF1 ... IY shot down!

Balls disappear in the summer?
Messages are not overwritten - are a continuous flow even when
blacked-out screen (top 1 / 3 is not clean). TCHREC [one of the 
two tables for the construction of a large table, chunks], 
MAKCHTB [n / n construction of the table] is not overwritten.

[Do] shipment.
While not preserved, Xia options doors and balls - they must 
still null at boot. Level FIXED. Not pererisuy-Xia gun FIXED.

Why no posts, I have NO FILE? FIXED. When loading is verified
overflow-e-length! [In BC indicate max. length] When the 
exchange is not need to pass parameters to bots - they each PC 
can drive independently. It is only necessary to combine the 
RND-generators (not Liabilities .= 0).

Had [in the interrupt handler to remember] PUSH: POP
[Contents] (CURPG) [included current page is updated
n / n OUTME], because F66 [6x6 font for numbers] is now in the 
page. Killed 7 bytes at the end of the 4 th and 8 th-th scaling 
procedures [of those which are generated in the # 0000 or # 
6000]. PGLOAD [page disk driver] = PGICO [Home weapon sprites 
and icons]. Why close the door again sealed? At the opening of 
a step it was not.

JR Z, NOclEX here is
... # BF ...-# BF /
The doors are closed tightly (killed JR Z. .. in OPEN) 8i4.
In the SAVE / LOAD at the end of DI: IM 2, but _do_ this NOKEY 
[n / n waiting release the keys] 8i4.

If a locked door in the open, but open the other door,
locked up close! (A key anymore) FIXED 8i4
(BIT 5, A: JR Z: XOR A in OPEN2).
After loading the screen flickers: (but did not seem to reset 
... fold may, if LOAD with unfilled SCALTAB. FIXED

8i4: SCALTAB in shipping, which was originally in it PGWALL.
Back font for numbers in the PRS [n / n print print 8x8, deja on
address FONT] (in [n / n] FPS [enabled] PGICO [where is this
If the conflict in the IMER, then either delete it never has 
been, or in lieu of removal - to set bits distance (you can 
with cleaning at the end frame - pretty hard - you can not), or 
the construction of Table. vimimyh monsters in the IMER (the 
rate at ~ 10FPS worse will not, but problems ...). Pts. 
convenient RES 7, Y - in SCMONS0 [cycle enumeration monsters to 
display and control their counters injury / death] itself is 
filtered, but in circles - it is necessary 9i4 artificially 
until the prairie st. [Znakomestnye] 4.7 erases the line 
together with the bottom of the screen when LOAD - there are 
only 0-3 9i4. QD, IV, 666 disappear ugly (/ # 3D00 does not 
contain nine zeros?? / No was inc. PGICO) FIXED 9i4.

At 666 take protection of washing asterisk FIXED 9i4.
When SAVE / LOAD / / EXIT / will not turn off the cache FIXED 
9i4 n / n IM1, then IM2. TRUP [out of the game - the defeat] is 
called after the frame on HEAL = 0 9i4. Monsters have handled 
the case. QD did not work on monsters FIXED 9i4 and the player 
also FIXED 9i4. Once when the QD during the suicide to the 
lower RL. half of the screen in the middle was a piece of 
levoty: (Another levota slipped under boot - to the top. part.

There is no SP in COLLIS and TRUP. Made handling of conflicts 
in the IMER - rubber goods:) yx, YX - to interrupt, I, LBC / 
LDE / LHL - for OFF-INT.

FPS is correct (for after. Several. Seconds) - kopyatsya NFPS
and the AFPS, when overflow - divided in half. "DISK OVERFLOW"
like to be displayed. We need to accelerate in derar UNILD 
(FIXED 25i) and fixed (not constructed an empty tree) (FIXED 
25i). Quickened scan when searching for collisions. Still 
9.8fps <10fps (I [ray precision] = 3, V [video size] = 16)

CURPG = # 5B5C. MONSTERS [allocation table items and enemies -
8 bytes per piece] at div8 <3 (ORG - $ '7) [for walking on
command table INC L]. Still <10fps. Does not see the 2-nd file
Archive - FIXED. Random motion monsters. But sometimes conflict
Comp hangs% (. Why? page is not to blame (PGMAIN). Monsters
honestly removed installing RES 7, Y (it is checked).
Made N10MON [the current number of monsters in the now-defunct
Table T10MONS] = 0 when the loading level. / Excuse LD (IX), A, 
but Why? or / DB "---- it again on TAB <> 8! [with TAB <> 8 and

Closure quotes alasm compile extra bytes RST # 38] FIXED.
Absolutely synchronous motion (options: 4frm, 5,6).
Should not move the bodies, etc. Only FASE = 0! But to think
(See back) for FASE = 6, and shoot through the time when FASE = 
9. From FASE = 0 should periodically go to the FASE = 9. Do not 
shoot have to go around for the player and attack there.

It is necessary after each call to check on MOVKR explosion; it 
and there.

Table. T10MONS not be OFFINT - you can not do
demos! FIXED 1ii
Correct overlapping objects of different heights. The site is 
also now be seen only if it can be seen mid-(speed up). INKEY

[Poll keys movement], CHVIDE [change screen size for kn.V] -
in the module. Only reason there is little FPS: (It should be 
an objective timedemo. In the standing position (no keys, and 
rotations) picture constructed with QSC [ray precision] = 1. 
Must otklyuchabelno (FIXED 18ii Button B [when building games 
removed]). More linear movement of enemies. Proc. RND = 
RAND/256. RAND = RAND * 17 20 981 [number taken from the lamp]. 
At the start of the level of (Not LOAD): = 0.

FIXED T10MONS (table is destroyed). Gone, not even a
aims. Were killed (CURMON +2) = 0 before SCMONS0 FIXED. Can not
record a demo for CURMON: (We'll have him, and distance e in 
the (Mid) store too.

Duplex for AY would be faster? Hardly ...
Availability CACHE and K. MOUSE testing [should!] Startup menu
Quit to:
CACHE pg0 -> 0
CACHE pg0 -> # 66
CACHE pg1 -> 0
CACHE pg1 -> # 66
GLUK (through the CACHE. Can we not?) CACHE: 1910: IN A, (# 7b) 
for inc. 128pg1 and DOS (and come to QC2.82 - where the top # 
38). NOCACHE: OUT (C), A / at the beginning of DOS / or the end 
(# 3FD1 = OUTI). Then the transition on the RST # 38 [who gb 
lot at the end of page Gluk'a and which contains a command Gluk 
Service] RET (SP = ROM). Naturally, DI. And how to get into 
DOS? Or if inc. pg1 enter into # 3D44 (RET). [Actually, only 
with a knowledge of the contents of # 3dxx in page Gluk 
Service. There's a certain place to be RET (Conditional or 
unconditional)] 128 MENU

48 BASIC / 48k {/ 128k}
ASM # 51
STS # 57
DOS / 48k {/ 128k}
{Quick # 17?} - Saved in TOPMEM or should not?
Hit [the monster], and attempt a shot RL [monster] to
count procedure SCAN in the direction of the monster-> player 
(step is equal to this vector / length (sqrt (dx ¤ + dy ¤)) * 
k. or divide by 2, until it reaches the range).

What is the radius of contact of the ball to the wall? should 
be <128. Seem, generally at the wall.

In PLAUTO2 [digital player] speed detection
PC to 8 interrupts. Somehow the numbers in Table. Frequency
turned out not calculated: (
The monster must turn when he squared / clipping /
conflicts of X, Y {+ -1}. Then there is no need to once again 
sort out. OK, but until the cycle HODMONS. How would still 
speed up the strumming? A. Scanning;

B. move monsters;
B. collision.
The cycle of conflict now without IX! MONSTERS = 7.35fps, 
NOMONS> 9fps with music. Wherever possible, RET, and JR, JP at 
the optimum, are avoided rare action ... 10fps = 350.000 t / 
frame (music ~ 17500 t = 5%) Button B ON-OFF refinement 
quadrascan / interscan for FPS ... If neberuschiysya object 
lies on the taker, then in half cases can take.

                            [Page 7]
So, for a shot (ON-INT): SCAN works with respect to: DXNOW
(Dx = + -. 15 [bit]), DYNOW (dy = + -. 15), LBC +2 (y = 16.), 
LDE +1 (X = 16.) And LHL +1 (adres!) [and the flag Z]. Result: 
D = scale (here do we need it), C = texX, E = ID, B = pg. The 
result should be compared in the D with the distance to the 
target. Why delete seemingly unnecessary commands in the new 
CHIP player'e spoil samples? FIXED 19ii. Do not put 0 in the 
frequency of "R -". Now played without interruption (with a 
per-Stu optimization ON-INT and under the OFF-INT). Error in 
speed is more tolerant: -1.5% +. 28ii

Translated Soars in MAIN # C6 [before some sources on my drives
were set to # C6, others - at # 46. Now everywhere # C6]. When
im2 player plays COVOX 7bit [this is not true 7bit: Feeds
are added in pairs, divided by 2, then again and sklydyvayutsya
divided by 2], it sounds better.
When DI tried 7bit - a little better, but on the verge of 
hearing: ( [A sampling frequency less]

Other articles:

Inferno - Entered from the editor.

Interview - Interview with AIG - coder from the group MKHG.

Softinka - ACE 0.888: different from 0.666

Softinka - macro assembler debugger ALASM 4.47: difference from 4.44

For Coderz - Arithmetic coding.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Softinka - BGE 4 graphical editor for ZX.

Events - The Compo 2: The results of the vote.

For Coderz - Decompiling programs - the revival of the old prog.

Inferno - Errors in the previous numbers.

For Coderz - Small programmers' tricks.

DIY - The scheme of my elektrofumigatora.

Gameland - about passed games: Imperia 2, Hexagonal Filler, From Beyond.

Iron - device extended keyboard (58 keys).

Gamedev - Gaming cycle - a cycle within which caused all the sub games.

Gameland - the passage of Lords of Time on Level 9.

For Coderz - Macros Part 2 - makes your life in programming.

Inferno - Letters to the Editor.

Gameland - passing a level playing Raven Black.

For Coderz - Description of the modular structure of programs.

Inferno - On the shell.

Softinka - the benefits of packing algorithm Optimal LZH.

Events - Serpukhov Festival ParaDiGMus party 2003. As it was.

Events - Serpukhov Festival ParaDiGMus party 2003. Afterparty.

Gameland - the passing game The Price of Magik by Level 9.

Iron - Description of a block of memory from the printer Robotron CM 6329.01 M. Part 1.

Iron - Description of a block of memory from the printer Robotron CM 6329.01 M. Part 2.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

DIY - advice on repair hours, Dream Cast and joystick.

Interview - An Interview with Shaitan / Stars of Keladan: Interred Inferno.

Gameland - the passing game from the Level 9 Snowball.

Iron - Video GoldStar RN800AW Art vision. The history of repair.

Iron - Video GoldStar RN800AW Art vision. Tips on disassembly and repair.

Interview - an interview with musician Visual ^ Extreme (Sergei Agapov).

Gamedev - the assembly of the game Wolfenstein 2004. Part 1.

Gamedev - the assembly of the game Wolfenstein 2004. Part 2.

For Coderz - How to get the sound device more bits.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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to thinking - Who will win the computer war.
Meet - Vladimir Bulchukey (Wlodek Black)
Version - 3 versions of the game: SLY SPY SECRET AGENT.

В этот день...   28 April