Inferno #06
03 декабря 2004

Softinka - BGE 4 graphical editor for ZX.

<b>Softinka</b> - BGE 4 graphical editor for ZX.
 BGE 4: Manifesto artists
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   burial graphics / | editor v.4.00 |

  "My world is art

   with every push of a brush or stroke of a pencil

  i design my life ... "
--- Contributors ---------------------------------------------- 
Dimidrol, Ironlord, Voodoo, kq, Stanly, Schafft, Raynoa, 
Spenser Winset, Jerri, Luka, pROF, Rion, Deadie, Miguel, Plaid, 
Alexey Tarasov, Relict, Cannibal, Spiro and Diver. Paracels and 
have not found their file with the comments, Pheel, Survivor - 
outside, Kacuk - say, a He finally can not soaps, but they only 
come to mind: Newart, Keyser Soze, Stigma, Alone Coder, Breeze, 
Psychotron. About Gas13  and Klown and do not recall t.k.ih 
wishes should already be accounted for. 

   Lyrics by Susan H. Elkhart "My World Is How I Create It"
--- Bugs (?) ------------------------------------------- 
--------- cannibal: last summer I found a bug in the malicious 
Burial GFX Editor'e v3.01, leading to fatal consequences. Its 
essence is this: when you try to draw ellipse given attributes, 
everything will be fine, but if the same attributes of 
transparency, then when you try to draw this unfortunate 
ellipse Editor hangs and the screen fills cute attribute 
shahmatka ... Treated only reset and restart the editor.

- Plaid: incorrect error handling when reading / writing 
(seemingly Fixed in seq. version).

- Jerri: arrow accelerates wrong: you harvest the left - hand
accelerated, then up at the same time - is still accelerating;
then to the right and downwards - it is at a maximum speed 
rulitsya on the screen, no matter what. When blocks 
invertiruesh, is uncomfortable [diver: might be worth to 
introduce a setup off the continuity of the acceleration?]  --- 
Global things --------------------------------------------- 
"... when i take that pencil in my hand a wave of images flow 
through my head at high speeds i design my life into every 
drawing and painting all the intensity, all the fire, relieves 
this pressure art clears my mind but congests it at the same 
time this insane way of thinking in my head

is me with no sound, a mute intensity ... "
a. loading
- To do so after the download options BGE ink-paper-bright
installed by default in a "transparent" attitude! And live
becomes immediately easier:) [diver: then easier to make a 
record of current color save setup, and booting still stand 
border = paper] b. tool panel

- Automatic clean dashboard with the screen (as in
edp), it is logical to make it optional and store in setup'e.
diver, deadie:
- LED color panel (although this is more for a loop, but in the 
x1 also possible).

c. context menu
- Menus that appear when you right-click on the picture. Item 
"die" there is clearly superfluous. The remaining items placed 
in this order: Magnifier Exchange Cart View Save And most 
importantly, to menyuha appeared so that the item "loop" 
appears under the cursor, so as not to fail him in the hand, 
because Magnifier most yuzaemaya vesch in this menu. Ideal - to 
make this menyuhu tuned to user himself could add, delete 
items. Can someone often draws a circle and it will be easier 
call them from this menyuhi, not sharitsya icon. [Diver: rion 
rights, entrance into a magnifying glass should be as fast as 
possible, so You can do this on a hotkey, as in the EDP - enter]

d. additional tools'fx
- Would be nice to make a smear (brilliance / photoshop)
- Implement missing spray can, I mean gun. Maybe he's not so 
necessary, but for a set poydet.Hotya in some cases, it gives a 
cool result. Sieve:

- Kq: in the loop to be turned into pixels in one (I think it's 
even been implemented). - Luka: the tools: drawing of lines 
through the point, both horizontal and vertical. - PROF: brush 
with the texture uncomfortable implemented. Ideally, we 
proposed and as implemented in grafx2 on PCs, there is such a 
tool Sieve, it works as follows: screen (all) like initially 
screened a certain texture, that is, wherever you poked, the 
texture will always be fixated! A BGE'shnymi tassels looped 
texture normally try to get ... You can, of course, but how 
much time it takes, it's easier to make hands. - Relict: sieve 
in grafx2 - when you draw the pixels are placed only on the 
chess field, 2 versions, it helps when drawing transitions 
between colors. - Cannibal: return a very useful feature that 
allows you move the cursor over the point. (Nuzhno!) diver: The 
usefulness of features in the loop is not very obvious, because 
all have have a habit to put a texture pixel to a fiche in the 
loop still have to get used to. [In 8col already run-in, it is 
convenient] The people have not yet realized that the whole 
force of sieve in the integration of a filled, brush 
primitives: but this is the feature section <Fantasy>. up to 
Sieve: - Complicated version: full sieve with an arbitrary 
cycle of textures within a 16x16 (analog grafx2 on pc), 
integrated (well at least with anything), or

- A simple option: two sieve simplified regime for piksellinga
through the screen: either:
e. hot keys
- Hotkeys helpscreen.
miguel, plaid:
- Hotkeys contrary to the options menu.
diver, spenser winset:
- Hotkeys editor.
diver: people really steamed with memorizing hotkeys and 
getting used to it. summarize:

- Complicated version: hotkeys editor (external, see grafx2).
- A simple alternative: a signature menu and pop-up (optional)
tips over icons.
--- Improvements ---------------------------------------------- 
1. file diver:

1.1. box save / load to do more (EDP, for example, shows
even the entire disc) - less scrolling, faster load / save.
1.2. headlines windows save / load - no file manager, and 
operations, respectively. spenser winset:

1.3. keep a list of 5 recent figures, as in BW! Poke
them, for example, always in the top directory Load.
1.4. reload last pic.
1.5. Exit icon from BGE to remove once and for all !!!!!!! This 
glitch it is not needed, and it is unlikely someone is using, 
and click randomly You can, killing all rabotu.Punkt out to do 
in the "File" menu in the end, as in any normal proge.I icon 
freed under chtonit right:) plaid:

1.6. reduce the file menu to: load save merge ram-disk
1.7. ramdisk to make compatible with the same in the real 
commander. 1.8. Support *. tap format.

1.9. sorting in files directory by name, extension and no 
sorting 1.10. memorizing the names of the picture on each 
screen, and it turns out sometimes accidentally overwrite the 
wrong file. 1.11. mouse does not work in approving the 
filename, as is often writes files to disk, and the name is 
changed, the old version can be it was simply by pressing the 
left mouse button as enter, and the right - cancel, and the 
latest version should reach to the clave. Aleksey Tarasov:

1.12. very inconvenient to do something that you can not save 
the picture on the another disk, rather, to specify a different 
drive for sohraneniya.Neobhodimo first from the menu to change 
the disc, and then enter the name. General it would be easier 
to make menus load / store in the likeness of vindovskogo.Ochen 
convenient: you can choose the name of any existing file by 
simply clicking on it, easy ways to preserve choice, it is 
possible delete or rename a file (which is also sometimes 
necessary). !!!!! Plaid: sprite-scan, do not think it is very 
necessary with this easy and more qualitative cope recognized 
sprite deluxe.relict: sprite scan in a plug ... more RAM'a, and 
need not to paint, and for ripping:)

!!!!! Plaid: unify the output of save as. cannibal: if I 
accidentally poked a * save as *, it is still not bring the 
name back did not return. You can make out on a key Edit.

- Exit the save as do the usual, according to Edit
- Sprite scan to throw in the plug-ins
- If not difficult, but to minimize the file menu
2. plugins
2.1. plug-ins I have not used, it seems, generally not even 
once. plaid:

2.2. plug-in "wizard" to revise the detail (it is buggy) and
still move as a permanent feature is enabled.
Aleksey Tarasov:
2.3. return plugin work with vector images, it works
only one old version.: (By the way, is to determine the
a set of standard delivery and constantly maintain it. And then
there is no guarantee that future versions will work the old 
plug-ins that you desperately need. Actually, so does.: ( The 
fact that the need to develop an editor, I have no doubt. 
relict: 2.4. in wizard'e invert the X and Y would be nice

2.5. packing 2scr pictures, and then take up much space on the 
floppy cannibal:

2.6. With internet'a I merged version of the BGE 3.01. Could 
not find module "Zygzager" by Lester. This useful module, it is 
unclear to what reason otutstvuyuschy in v3.01, you must enter 
into the next version, also modified so that you can not turn

only the whole screen, but a window.
2.7. Built-packer by Hrumer. - Everything is fine, only to be
add another box for messages: window title name
pictures. Just about everything should look like this:

        Screen Name: Triumph of justice!

        Author: Cannibal / Techno Lab'XXXVI a.s.
- No comments. I almost agree with kq, except that you can work
over the laser compact'om in parts of sentences and relict'a 
cannibal'a 3. text

3.1. Menu vector fonts. All there "to open, search, browse,
etc. "When all this is as much reduced to an ordinary file menu 
with a simple font preview in the window. relict:

3.2. CHR fonts would have been better as a plugin, I think that 
they rarely need an artist, I enjoyed voobsche once to find out 
how it works:) Of course, RAM'a more:). 3.3. print proportional 
fonts. Aleksey Tarasow:

3.4. do not fill in Chr fonts, although echo flew Information
that it has a chance. Could make it
3.5. There is a very nice feature to write text, but, 
unfortunately, it is very rarely used, because it inscribes in 
the text box fills it completely. In the resulting text is 
almost always is disproportionate, and in this form can not be 
used. It would be better to choose the nearest proportional to 
size, even in the window remains blank. 4. windows

4.1. to make the switch to "color" affect the scaling of 
windows, and the color sprite uvilichit humanly impossible, not 
to mention the reduction, even in the art studio ashamed. rion:

4.2. point to change colors in menyuhe windows x8 "vesch 
useful, but there are not enough replacement bright'a, are 
lacking. And change bright'a separately or together with the 
ink-paper. plaid:

4.3. to do something like check boxes: x8 or x1, and we would 
have one menu for an attribute / pixel window.

4.4. nodules in the corners and edges of windows, and it is 
very difficult (especially in windows x1) just to get

4.5. make a second version of the selection of windows in pc 
gfx editors, when push a button mouse, hold it, to choose less 
clicking mouse should be;) [here and in your hands to off-scale 
up and left] 4.6. bright grid to move into windows x8, since it 
is not always necessary grid on the screen.

4.7. When choosing a per-pixel window for zooming, for example, 
is very inconvenient to catch him up to the point, and if In 
the opposite corner hung a sort of uvelichilka that under the 
cursor, it would be more convenient. diver, spenser:

4.8. discrete movement of familiarity, this has been done in a 
loop, it is logical to extend this to all the tools, such as 
windows, placing them thus on one icon. If the selected window 
does not multiple of 8 pixels on which a line, then make the 
menu inaccessible to the options. In my opinion, it is 
convenient. Convenient it would be and primitives to insert 
into familiarity, holding caps, etc. summarize:

- Complicated version: discrete motion, integrated with all 
instruments - A simple option: discrete motion, integrated with 
windows 5. colors:

5.1. I would add that the choice combination ink / paper from 
the palette (with the record thereof to the disk). This feature 
in the EDP (choice of color) so very convenient. 6. magnify

6.1. loop mode icon on the right to make a three-column, rather 
than four, so that between the block icons and editable 
screenshots was promezhutok.Inache they are right next to the 
site editing screens, and drawing constantly upon them by 
chance to climb, push, that terribly angry. [And the cursor 
should be targeted, rather than an arrow] plaid:

6.2. unreasonably much space is right menu.
6.3. implementation of realtime magnify poor: too little, and 
yes even "outlined" pane. 6.4. implementation of all available 
options to magnify, faster and a convenient menu magnify.

6.5. flic preview, flic magnify (for ifli painting).
6.6. cells would be cool to magnify, invert, and especially
6.7. second button mouse to do erase or too as well as home
button mouse, you can choose from or / xor / and / nop, and 
then magnify that vylitaesh of the second button - sucks: 
quicker to draw when 2nd mouse button also works for 
pikselinga. btw, for this reason benefit BGE v2.41.

6.8. button view fullscreen from magnify can throw and move the 
function to preview.nazhal to preview, and shows the entire 
screen. could also do that out of magnify the same, but with (second button mouse), as it reduces the possibility of
inadvertently leave magnify.
6.9. in an enhanced mode to introduce a new feature: changing 
the brush. A ie: when you press the fire on the screen is 
placed one pixel (the a small brush), and can be done as a 
"big" machines: draw not only by one point, but also various 
other brushes (max. the size of brushes for ZX - one of 
familiarity). Have to introduce new icon. (For example, instead 
of unnecessary * NOP *) Aleksey Tarasow:

6.10. a magnifying glass introduced primitives and fill - it's 
good, but why Still magnifier and full-screen mode - two 
different things? By idea, a big difference (although, of 
course, is only an idea:) just instead of one pixel is 
displayed 4. And in the loop do not have half Editor features 
that are not comfortable (again begs a comparison of 
Photoshop). It would not hurt to work there with dedicated 
windows (at least to me). 6.11. enter a navigator in the loop, 
but what if the screen is nothing lost.

schafft, plaid:
6.12. magnify x8.
6.13. magnify x3, x2 [diver: the implementation of the current 
BGE still features highly questionable, because knowingly x2/x8 
were removed earlier, but nevertheless Still, people asked, I 
subscribe to both items]. 6.14. comfortable color pixelling:

- Cannibal: swap ink / paper hotkey.
- Stanly: take the attributes of a button fire + shift. 
och.udobnaya chip IMHO!

- Relict: to make the palette onto the stage, because it needs 
so that zaUHyvaet climb in the selection of colors, as you draw 
very often require a pipette, and a submenu in which it 
resides, slows down the job.

- Cannibal: (number rulez) sadly, I have a black and white
telly, so when working with color feature "take" is simply 
irreplaceable, but if you did not just reference to a specific 
shade, but also signed each palette that there is at least 
number! Then intuitively clear that if the 5 - it is blue, if 3 
- pink, etc. Ideally, it is desirable to still sign under each 
icon color, what color it is. (Something like Tips: brought on 
the icon, and after a few seconds a small Tip climbed:)

- Rion: Mozhayev esche a magnifying glass mode to add an icon 
invert familiarity, or the type of your swap ink-paper, the 
meaning is identical. - Diver: if you long to draw in the loop, 
then catch myself unconsciously thought that there are a couple 
of long chains of actions, which are often 
povtoryayutsya.Naprimer: we want to draw a familiarity with the 
same attributes that in another close familiarity (C, TAKE, 
fire, fire, fire, a lot of cursor movement), or occasionally 
confused with paperom Inc. in familiarity (C, swap ink / paper, 
fire, fire, C, swap ink / paper, fire, fire, movement of the 
cursor) - zaUHyvaet. subtotal comfortable pixelling:

- An icon of a pipette + hot button (caps + fire)
- Icon swap ink / paper + hot button
- You can make the palette (see relict_bgerzoom.scr)
7. chunk
8. mixing
8.1. Menu Dither, Overlay, Dop.ekran -> to plugins
8.2. the submenu "dithering" and "imposition" on the main menu 
can not see persuasion. Maybe it's better to free RAM and stick 
to the plug-ins, I doubt that they have a lot to enjoy. 9. 2nd 
screen diver:

9.1. remove the menu item "exchange" of the "second screen", 
why is it needed, if the screens are equal? The remaining 
paragraphs of this menu is logical throw in a "Overlay", thus 
freeing up another icon. relict:

9.2. in the main menu, there is little sense of the menu 
"second screen" because all this can be done in the "windows", 
except that the function "Switch screens" can be left

10. fill
10.1. Shading the windows
10.2. simplify the menu fills
10.3. implement a fill in the box. Both homogeneous and 
textured, it's not always necessary to fill only closed items. 
Committed pixel by pixel box filled. Comfortable. (The main 
thing is that the mode "Magnify" works!)

10.4. textures and brushes can be 4 or 8 times smaller, all
well they are rarely needed. Yes, and more RAM'a.
diver, raynoa, relict:
10.5. existing fill is really just ink fill (or
fill), so we fill zeros units, why not fill the unit with 
zeros? that is to make paper and ink equal to fill.

 11. primitives

  "... I live for color
i live for line
i live for shape
add those elements together and you have me
art is the blood that runs through my veins
tough canvas makes my skin
break that lifeline and you break me
because art makes me want to live. "
11.1. the most basic drawing tool, that is the point of a 
hard-coded razmera.Est brush, but again no more attribute. Why 
not make a choice of line width and thickness selected to 
extend to all guys drawing primitives, as this, for example, 
made in Artist2. plaid:

11.2. implementation of the "outline" ("Feather") - Selects 
line width Drawing as primitives, and in magnify

11.3. make one more point to draw lines, as in Cont.Line
ArtStudio. When stavsh starting point, led the line, put
endpoint, and the next segment automatically begins
predyduschego.Nu end, you understand:) To draw the contours of 
thing it Alex Tarasov:

11.4. You can not specify the thickness and type of line 
primitives, only one Size Sturkie.

11.5. very difficult to draw a big long line of his arm, she
usually jerks from side to side. In Photoshop for this
need to press the Shift key and just lead your mouse to the 
side, will be drawn perfectly straight line, regardless of how 
choppy mouse.

11.6. If you press ... key and keep the line, the line will be 
drawn in a straight line, regardless of the reel mouse. 
schafft, pROF, cannibal: 11.7. when you draw a BGE pencil and 
move it very quickly (Especially when working with a mouse), 
then the screen is not a linear trace, and points ... if you 
change the procedure so that these pixels connected to the 
appropriate line, then it would be nice ... dimidrol, ironlord, 
relict: 11.8. arc (art studio)

11.9. arc (grafx2)
11.10. continuous arc
11.11. arc needed to draw the contours of quality (better
Of course, splines:)))
up along the arcs:
- Complicated version: splines
- A simple option: arc / continous arc
12. brush
Alex Tarasov:
12.2. very difficult (for me at least) to put a brush
time, 60% of the fire triggered twice, and the figure is 
deleted (if is XOR).

13. cells
13.1. Transfer of familiarity with the second screen there, but 
what about Transfer attributes? [Why not transfer to an 
inactive page to active? Maybe it's better exchange?]

14. misc
14.1. save setup: select a repeat in windows x1 and x2; whether
"Cell shower" to magnify; mouse with mask or no; etc.
15. undo
15.1. free RAM you can use to undo and new features
I do not understand what all the time complaining about the 
lack of RAM'a, but at the same time used for the unnecessary 
(to me;) chips, but I think that I'm not the only one: the type 
of "second screen", "dithering", "CHR Fonts "," overlay "

Alex Tarasov:
15.2. undo more than one action, I have 1 MB of memory, still
empty. [Do not have the confirmation button (Y) in primitives, 
etc] --- If you do really quite something, then: 
-------------------------( Voodoo) 1. make editing a magnifying 
glass, so to speak, on real Picchu. Say, ride a square 8x8 on 
the screen, it increases image Picchu, and draw. IMHO handy 
thing. (Aleksey Tarasow) 2. a full text editor window, as

on the PC.
3. full of sprites editor, with support for multiple formats 
and animation. 4. the ability to edit images more standard.

5. support for automatic file conversion when opening /
save bmp, pcx, tif, etc. Say, the disk contains several
converters, which can be downloaded as needed. This
will without much to work with the haemorrhoids bmp, pcx, grf, 
etc. files. Format converter must be open, everyone can write 
one that he needs if he is not in the standard package. 6. 
layers. 7. if you will still be automatically cleaned, enter the

top row of menus such as File Tools, etc., it will take all
A familiarity, a lot can be put there.
8. and again exotics: I have a IBM Claudia and screw on 
standard Profi very bad to have their support. I do not know 
about propeller, but Claudia is very desirable. Now a lot of 
different standards to connect IBM fold, and not to support 
them all, you can try enter keyboard driver, which transfers 
the program code of the pressed key. 9. Work with vectors, even 
after they are transformed into raster. (Schafft) 10. rotation 
of the selected window to a certain number of degrees.

11. gradient fill (chunks) at a given angle (from light to
(Deadie) 12. I'm really looking forward to the editor 
_interleysnyh_ screenshots (Spiro) 13. said part of the screen 
and was able to copy it to another, well, out of habit call 
Clipboard:) [diver: a buffer for any fragment, IMHO, a luxury] 
(Plaid) 14. realization of a smooth gradient with the 
installation angle and step, using dithering

15. perhaps ideally still would like to see a new Engin,
faster and more convenient. Yes, more serious be taken in 
drawing icons / font / windows /

(Luka) 16. the first thing like this to listen to muse. (This 
is for those who have real. That is me.)

(Cannibal) 17. if so, write a version for iS-DOS - BGE on
screw juzat very even rulno.
18. if the car has the brains of more than 128, it is possible 
to realize Output in Real Commander as follows: before 
initializing editor to check whether the launch of the RC, and 
if so, then pack it by some method and then throw to the far 
bank memory to avoid interference. Then, when a user wants to 
leave in dos (the good regime is:), the Real Commander copied 
back to the right bank, unpacked and run. Naturally, user with 
the brains of 128K this pleasant function loses. 19. and 
similarly with the screen saver'om. If the brain is 128k, then 
seyver be simple, in 128 bytes, but if the brain is a little 
more, then we can seyver screen display via the kernal (sorry 
if lamer with koderskimi terms, I'm not a coder: '(), and the 
user will be able to connect your. 20. the ability to play 
music, as in the Modern Word, do not worth t.k.Burial GFX 
Editor is not a demo and Gift, but a serious package program, 
an employee for professional gfx-Mayking. It would be better 
including tape and put some doom or black! [Diver: a no brainer 
that playing music - it's an extra bank of memory, and besides, 
someone most of it, but someone categorically No]

------------- "... my world is art in every sense my world is 
something no one understands or even cares to know ... "

Other articles:

Inferno - Entered from the editor.

Interview - Interview with AIG - coder from the group MKHG.

Softinka - ACE 0.888: different from 0.666

Softinka - macro assembler debugger ALASM 4.47: difference from 4.44

For Coderz - Arithmetic coding.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Softinka - BGE 4 graphical editor for ZX.

Events - The Compo 2: The results of the vote.

For Coderz - Decompiling programs - the revival of the old prog.

Inferno - Errors in the previous numbers.

For Coderz - Small programmers' tricks.

DIY - The scheme of my elektrofumigatora.

Gameland - about passed games: Imperia 2, Hexagonal Filler, From Beyond.

Iron - device extended keyboard (58 keys).

Gamedev - Gaming cycle - a cycle within which caused all the sub games.

Gameland - the passage of Lords of Time on Level 9.

For Coderz - Macros Part 2 - makes your life in programming.

Inferno - Letters to the Editor.

Gameland - passing a level playing Raven Black.

For Coderz - Description of the modular structure of programs.

Inferno - On the shell.

Softinka - the benefits of packing algorithm Optimal LZH.

Events - Serpukhov Festival ParaDiGMus party 2003. As it was.

Events - Serpukhov Festival ParaDiGMus party 2003. Afterparty.

Gameland - the passing game The Price of Magik by Level 9.

Iron - Description of a block of memory from the printer Robotron CM 6329.01 M. Part 1.

Iron - Description of a block of memory from the printer Robotron CM 6329.01 M. Part 2.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

DIY - advice on repair hours, Dream Cast and joystick.

Interview - An Interview with Shaitan / Stars of Keladan: Interred Inferno.

Gameland - the passing game from the Level 9 Snowball.

Iron - Video GoldStar RN800AW Art vision. The history of repair.

Iron - Video GoldStar RN800AW Art vision. Tips on disassembly and repair.

Interview - an interview with musician Visual ^ Extreme (Sergei Agapov).

Gamedev - the assembly of the game Wolfenstein 2004. Part 1.

Gamedev - the assembly of the game Wolfenstein 2004. Part 2.

For Coderz - How to get the sound device more bits.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Congratulations - Birthday editor.

В этот день...   18 February