Inferno #06
03 декабря 2004

Events - Serpukhov Festival ParaDiGMus party 2003. As it was.

<b>Events</b> - Serpukhov Festival ParaDiGMus party 2003. As it was.

           ParaDiGMus party 2003

            Cusick / Sinclair Club

   About Serpukhov festival, I learned more in
Year 2002, but decided not to go there for
two reasons. First - I had nothing to
take place. Secondly - the festival, who announced himself two 
weeks before the start of at least, does not inspire any 
confidence. Such frivolity is inherent rather frivolous 
activities, rather than vice versa. 

   This year, everything was different. On the impending event, 
the inhabitants of the internet to know at least three months, 
and perhaps more, but users Fido not been notified at all.

   Organizers did not have direct access to the
Fido, and exit via the Internet would be unnecessarily 
wasteful. Perhaps only Now it becomes clear that this 
thoughtless decision led to a small minority of participants on 
the ZX-platform. After clear to everyone in a network of real 
Spectrum'istov more, and in some less. 

   I, for example, learned the exact date of the festival 
ParaDiGMus'2003 on the phone, and frankly, it cost a lot of 
effort. In the end, called home Vladimir Anshukova (Mitchell / 
Hardwave Crew) with specific questions: When and where will 
ParaDiGMus party?! ". Only after this conversation, my heart 
was calm and peaceful.

   The days passed quickly, the picture was drawn
slow departure date was already scheduled. As always, I went on 
the road the traditional way - on the chaise

trains. For me it's the most affordable
mode of transport, since the money for tickets
spending is not necessary. It is only necessary to have
nerves of steel to the stubborn prepiratelstva
with supervisors and auditors.

   In general, the evening of June twenty-sixth,
semidesyatilitrovy stuffed a backpack with everything you need, 
right down to toilet paper, I went to the station. Waving a pen 
to his fiancee, said goodbye to home town and plunged into the 
maelstrom of adventure. 

   Went without too much difficulty. The only tricky part was 
not planned out on the godforsaken station Kochetovka-5.

This is approximately six stations after Michurinsk in Ryazan 
direction. Stubborn, a fat woman-revizorsha landed right four 
people, including me. I had to sit under a canopy for three 
hours, until dawn. Morning dew, cold wind, boundless desire to 
fall down and sleep but the cold paralyzed and did not let to 

   No, I do not regret that it happened. In such a journey the 
traveler lurk various difficulties. Frankly, all

These misfortunes of fate I take it as an adventure and bear 
their safely, without hassle, and experience. 

   To Serpukhov I got much earlier,
than planned. Passing through the station
area and asking for the direction of the cherished
Firsov streets, went to the venue of the festival. Card was not 
and the indicative direction I did not know. Had little

wander in search of the Moscow Regional Pedagogical College, 
which was very similar to ordinary types of schools built under 
a socialist regime. 

   At the entrance to the college there were two young lady who 
could not tell me what address is their school. Address plaques 
on the building found no was.

   Once inside, and turning to vahtershe with
question about tomorrow's event, I got quite a stunning 
response: "And on all over, and tomorrow there will be nothing! 
" Oddly enough, I was not surprised by this answer, since I too 
work in such a structure, where the porter had nothing do not 
know, do not want to know and to avoid any misunderstanding, 
try to send everyone home. 

   After a brief interrogation of me
allowed to pass in the assembly hall, but only
without a backpack, because of special vigilance in the fight 
against terrorism. Of course, my appearance did not cause much 
optimism: long hair, mustache, beard, ragged

pants, old shoes and a faded shirt.
This whole set is the apparent resentment.
In this form, I burst into the auditorium.

   Were not many people, no more than eight
people. Nobody loiter all
fussing with computers that are not paying any attention to my 
appearance. Immediately it was clear that everything is just 
beginning, and not Conversely, as assured me wary

vahtersha. Confident gait, I went
that fell to the first young man: "You do not podskazhesh who 
is Dmitry Didenko?" He stared at me, and carelessly

pointed to the opposite side of
words: "That one tall, wearing a suit!".
Dmitry greeted me kindly, but with
surprise: "From Voronezh? And we planned that all will come 
tomorrow." Referring to extreme form of transport, I suggested

him to get to Grandma and to confiscate what
rightfully belongs to me. Accommodations offered in a local 
hotel, "only" 150 rubles or in the hall for a time, until

in preparation technique. Looking ahead,
I want to note that sleep I did not

   To begin, I occupied the local toilet, namely washstand and 
mirror. It took some time for the reincarnation of sweaty 
tourists in the "advanced sceners. "Disguised and combed out in

corridor and headed back into the hall. By the time he returned 
Mitchell, and we're a little communicated.

   By sending a short message to the e-mail at
Voronezh, told his girl that arrived safely and everything is 
normal. In this day I was the first foreign participants,

arrived at the party.

   Desire to register and take the competitive job has been 
temporarily dismissed. Organizers have referred to are still 
not prepared ZX Spectrum, over which puffed younger brother 
Vladimir Anshukova, Dmitri (Dimedroll). There was nothing, and 
I went to the nearest telegraph to

make a few long distance calls,
including in Voronezh.

   Time quietly approached by two o'clock nochi.Ya slowly 
eating food supply, brought with them, watching as the 
organizing committee is already preparing for today's event. 

   It is time to disperse to sleep at least
four hours. As there will be for me this
night, it was still unknown.

   On the street, we said goodbye to seven in the morning.
A few people went in different directions to their homes. Most 
got into car and drove to g.Obolensk. As was later explained to 
me Obolensky guys, namely Mitchell, Dimedroll and Pr0mus, to 
hold the festival in their city at As simply nowhere. The city 
is very small and nothing there. Didenko Dmitry works

Serpukhov, in college, so it is possible to organize such an 

   All this, of course, is good, but at the
moment I am most interested in a
problem - where to find a quiet haven to
am. Brisk walk, I headed toward the station. After going half 
way, ran into a guarded parking avtomobitey. 

   I remember that was with me one case in
Rostov, when I came to Paradox'99.
Also hanging around the city in search of quiet
corner where they could prisnut a little bit, at least for a 
couple of hours. Wandered into parking lot, but I was advised 
to apply to watchmen guarding the nearby construction equipment 
and machinery on site. The watchman looked at my passport and 
courtesy invited to spend the night in the locker room on the 
bench. Using jackets as mattress and pillow, I slept peacefully

six o'clock in the morning and went to the festival.

   Here, in Serpukhov, me as well
accepted, but the couch was already occupied by some
an alcoholic. The second room was so cluttered that it was 
impossible to go there. Well, this time I had no luck. Had

go to the station.

   Sleep at the station - not the best option, since there 
scurrying all sorts of vagabonds, petty criminals and thieves. 
In general, the situation not calm, and there better not sleep.

But there was nothing on the street will soon become cold, and 
can and will rain. 

   Station was closed until six in the morning.
Such an attitude I've never met. In Kazan, though the station 
is also closed, but nearby were two more open, select:

a charge, the other - free of charge. In this
the city had no choice, and I went aimlessly. Going into the 
entrance of an apartment house and quietly climbed to the fifth 
floor, I sat down on the dirty stairs, put his head on his 
knees and tried to sleep. 

   The time was later, more than three hours. In the sitting 
posture to sleep did not, and the sill was too narrow. So I

whiled away the night: then sat, then stood. About sleep
had forgotten, though very much wanted to sleep, because I have 
not slept for two nights. 

   Suddenly, the apartment keys to rumble
door. Someone looked out, hesitated, female voice whispered: 
"Do not go there some bum. "I was outraged and I'm unhappy

growled: "What a bum?" No I'm not a bum! "
Scuffling briefly settled down, the door opened and out came a 
man of middle age and began hurrying down the stairs at

toward me. Drew level with me
He smiled nervously and said: "I'm sorry
a little confused. "I replied, nodding his head. Midnight 
resident walked down the stairs and out into the street. A few 
minutes it was not. Then he returned with a printed pack of 
cigarettes, offered me a cigarette, but I refused, citing a 
healthy lifestyle. Apartment door quietly shut. 

   Again there was silence. I have already been relaxed, hoping 
that this all ends, but no hopes were dashed. The door opened 
and I went to a woman of forty, a dressing gown and slippers. 
Without waiting for the questioning and unnecessary talk, I was 
ahead of her: "I do not understand. Can not worry, I'm 
leaving!" The woman was surprised, but not lost: "No, no, I do 
not gonyu. I just want to know, do you really sit comfortably 
in a dirty, spit-covered porch where you can spend the night 
... well, for example, in a hotel?". I grinned: "I'm not rich 
enough to pay 150r.." The woman did not retreat: "But you can 
also rent a room, finally ..." The phrase I finally withdrew 
from itself. I already was angry and tired to even hold the 
intellectual struggle: "I arrived yesterday and will leave 
tonight. I do not have time and opportunity, to look for a room 
in a city where I generally the first time. Thanks so much for

advice. I went. And if you're upset
bums, then the future would recommend that you close the door 
in the entryway, the more it is with a coded lock !!!". I was 
coming down hard the stairs when he heard the last remark: 
"They know the code number of our door!". But I already did not 
want to talk. I walked out, muttering to himself different


   Perhaps this woman wanted to help and
to offer its own modest shelter, but such
way to offer - not for me. Even if
Had she offered free lodging, I
would not have agreed.

   After two unsuccessful attempts to take a nap
on the bench, fighting off mosquitoes stubborn, had to send in 
a blank area and again to stay in a quiet entrance. So I 
promayalsya to six in the morning. Sleepy and morose, he went 
to Teachers College, organizers expected. 

   For a quarter of the eighth, and the organizing committee has
not stated. Can only wait and hope for their early appearance.

   Suddenly the door opened and vahtersha
invited me to go inside. She regaled
I have hot tea and a sandwich with sausage. Asked about my 
city, as they live there, how many earn, etc. In general, a 
little chat. 

   Before I had time to drink the cup to the bottom of the door
 the street was opened ...

   "Wow!" Whom do I see? Same AlCo! This
can not be! How did you decided on a similar trip? "- I said in 

   An interesting conversationalist time flies
quickly. That long-awaited Organizers
arrived, was late for half an hour. Pr0mus
at my request, has opened a class where I was trying to sleep 
on three ottoman. Slept through the whole thirty minutes. 
People coming, and what there were more people, the louder they 
yelled. Sleep longer failed. Appeared AlCo

and announced the opening of the festival.

   In the corridor with me flew a noisy boy, Vladimir Karpenko 
(Cr0acker): "And it's you  "Birdie" sell? "

   - Generally, do not sell. Was only
three numbers, they sold out yesterday. There are "Ab zatsy, 
from the tenth to the fifteenth number. 

    - And they where?

   - There will be a little later.

   The festival has really begun, but
more formal than real. Arrived
participants and visitors strolled through the hall. Someone 
sat quietly on a chair and watched proishodyaschim.Nebolshaya 
crowd builds up at the entrance, waiting for the start of any 
compo. Around familiar litsa.Predstaviteley ZX-platform can be 
counted on the fingers. Of the guests participated in only one, 
pleading preparation for CaFe'2003. It is sad that most of the 
works only once a year. Sad statistics, but nothing of this has 
to be done. 

   Asked the oganizatorov on the number of submitted papers to 
the nomination ZXGFX compo, I did not get a clear answer. 
Nobody knew exactly how many sent work. Why, there's more I can 
not pass its grafiku.Menya calm: "Here, now

ZX will set up and copy your MIG-floppy. "

   In the corridor there was a roar: broken
door, the key to which someone forgot to bring, and Dmitry 
Didenko adopted radical solution. Thus, stereo system was 
released, and in that moment it became clear that the musical 
category will be held. 

   After graduating entertain guests old PCdemo, the chief 
organizer, broke the door appeared before the audience, saying 
a few hackneyed phrases, greetings and thanked the

for coming and participating, announced PCmusic compo. 
Suddenly, from the first row went dark and the guy in the 
infinitely friendly form asked for the microphone to

say a few words to all those present.

   Frankly, I did not expect
that of the ZX Spectrum computer can tell
so full of optimism tenderness.
STS tirelessly went on to say: "How
well, that we all, these Spectrum'isty gathered here to show 
your Arts and prove that ... "etc., etc.

I listened to it, and it hurt. It seemed that everything is 
just empty words from which are in the hall just ridiculous.

Then I asked him: "Have you anything
made on ParaDiGMus, or cook something
on CAFE'2003? ". He's a little verse:" No, I
a long time ago do not do anything for ZX,
even, perhaps, have forgotten everything. "Frankly, I did not 
expect any other answer. seen enough already from" the great 
scenery. " 

   Noise ovation verse, STS handed the microphone
Leschukovu Eugene (D-Juice), which, without
superfluous conversations announced AYcompo: "Job number one!".

   In the darkened hall, armed with orange crayons, the 
students put scores on the sheets for a vote. Someone once

out into the fresh air, someone is just bored indifference. Yet 
most listened attentively and did not remain indifferent. 

   Dmitry warned that there is no preselekta, from which all 
present a little upset. Andrei Isayev (KANO) began waving his 
arms and shouting: "This is wrong!" It is necessary to conduct 
preselekt not to torment the voting! ". As later admitted 
Pr0mus: "In this KANO absolutely right. The selection of works 
is needed, but now Time has not happened. "

   Music was really a lot. How exactly, no one knew. According 
to preliminary calculations, the words of Demetrius, of all 
melodies were more than a hundred. I offered to make a 
half-hour break, during which time and spend preselekt. My idea 
is not dismissed, but did not support. In the final After all, 
the selection was not, and voting on the sheet remained blank 
cells. There were rated a small number of papers.

Where are the others and whether they were in general? About 
this I do not quadrupeds. 

   Announced a half-hour break, asking
all but the organizers, free assembly hall, ostensibly to 
ventilate the room. In fact, this emergency measure I 
suggested, to weed out those who have passed besplatno.K 
Unfortunately, adequate control was not. The wisest sceners 
simply did not buy tickets. Gone are free of charge, to obtain 
a badge, sheet for a vote and a few PC'shnyh

magazines. They expressed their attitude
short and selfish: "I never for a ticket
I do not cry. At CaFe and CC did not pay, let alone to
some zanyuhannom ParaDiGMus'e the more
not going! ".

   Everyone who wanted to attend party, began
its way from the street door, on which hung a small color 
poster in A4 format. Oddly, the entrance fee of nothing

written was not. Further, by going inside, the visitor will 
come across a hairy-looking guy sitting at the table with the 
expansion of the tickets. It seems that everything is normal, 
but from that moment and begin organizational blunders. On 
Saturday, the twenty-eighth day of June, the College was open 
not only for those wishing to attend the festival, but also for

students. In the bustle and confusion of any quick-witted 
subject could pass for a student. Classes are, of course, were 
not carried out, but you can was easy to pass by ticket 
collector to familiar with the schedule or more

for anything.

   Outside the auditorium there were two
computer for the registration of all arrivals.
Registration takes underage boys, which was not to control.
None of them would disagree with healthy, alcohol-befuddled 
stsenerami.Kak admitted to one of the boys: "And we no

said that we should check
Ticket! ". These tickets are promptly inserted my
on the keyboard a whole bunch. So that all the rider receiving 
a badge and magazines world PCs, feel at ease.

   The main organizer, Dmitry Didenko,
all these "little things" looked carelessly.
Yes, and it was too late to do something.
So I had to take control
after the break. Nothing better than
let all of badges, we do not come up with.

   Badges were all, almost everyone. The other six had to pay 
40 p. On the background of residue 2000 y. out of pocket Dmitry

it's a little bit. I am sure the loss would be minimal if all 
purchased tickets, thereby forming the fertile ground for 

   Break is over. They sat down on mesta.Priglushili light and 
continued to vote a music contest, being distracted by

screensavers, shimmering on the TV screen. Still spinning the 
old ZX-demo, on emulator, of course. Maxim Timonin brought

a bit of intrigue, uttering words of praise
to the authors and all the ZX-platformy.Kto something
shouted from the audience: "And when will be dancing!".
Those who want to dance really were.
Andrei Isayev (KANO) was already warmed up the order of strong 
drinks and show off without too much embarrassment. Armed with 
a bottle of expensive vodka, he periodically yelled something 
not temu.Na gentle request organizers to withdraw from the room 
Isaev reacted defiantly turning to viewers and othlebnuv vodka 
straight from the bottle. 

   The audience was excited, and at times it seemed that I was 
not in Serpukhov, and in St. Petersburg on SS. Unfortunately, 
no people looking for order not bylo.No KANO still get them.

He was removed from the premises, and for a while
he was absent from what has become much calmer and more 

   After another dose of musical izmuchannye students went to 
the next pereryv.Chtoby no one had gone away or at all, 
organizers announced: "After the break, will be PC-demo!". 

   People slowly dispersed to their business. Someone without 
unnecessary delay, went to the ice-cream to slightly improve 
his physical sostoyanie.Kto something went into the smoking 
room, guided by signs, pre-pasted on the walls. Also there were 
those who went to drink beer, or something stronger.

   Hall was empty, the long-awaited peace. Monotonically noisy 
air conditioners, looking surprised the keys are still being 
received PC-work and setting Spectrum. More precisely, the real 
car had to forget. Even brought Sprinter has not solved the 
problem. All business were in a modulator. Somehow, he 
stubbornly refused to work. Manifest image, but very little, 
hardly could parse the text among the ripple noise.

   Organizers had to seriously tinker, to take my competitive 
work. Could not read a floppy 5'25 - not was proper software, 
and emulators with no one really could not work. In general, we 
had to be fidgety. At times it seemed that to participate I 
will not succeed. It is common, that there was a man, seriously 
otnesshiysya to my problem and did everything possible and

impossible to read a floppy disk. They
Max was Timonin. He also largely
helped the organizers. I would say that the whole
ZX-platform "hung" on it. That such
scenery, unfortunately, is not enough. True, he himself
not be good.

   Before you start PC-demo compo Pr0mus uttered a few words 
and thanked the journal "Xaker" for the sponsorship, but I

an opportunity to inform visitors about the printing edition 
Passage. " 

   Dimedroll launched the first DeMouy. Me
approached by several people wishing to acquire Spectrum'ovskoy 
a newspaper. As it turned out, many of them do not see any one 
room, so buy several different editions. Complained about the 
publisher, Perspective group, because up to now not been able 
to arrange a subscription. 

   So we proobschalis in the corridor, passing all the PC-demo. 
Frankly, no one sorry. Were sold: "Bird" # 1 - 1

pcs., # 2 - 2. "Paragraph # 10 - 2., # 11 -
3 pc., # 12 - 4 pcs., # 13 - 6., # 14 - 6.,
# 15 - 6. Total: Thirty copies.
It is a pity that more was not, someone could get them. 
Negotiations are underway with Alexander Shushkova (XOR) to 
continue this shares - party'ynomu spread newspapers


   After the PC-demo people still pomuchali muzykoy.K died by 
the time stereo system, there was only a TV.

   Organizers noticeably tired, but especially their 
performance brought the drunken STS'a. He is seizing the 
moment, asked to speak to refer to the audience. From the words 
of the speaker I wanted to get out of the room, plugged ears. 
In the end, after the words: "So let's drink to that!" Dmitry 
Didenko was no longer able to endure this shame and

tried to grab the microphone, but not STS
give up and never gave. He began to pace from side to side, 
running away from Dmitri. All this seemed like a game of cat 
and mouse. Room just burst out laughing. Microphone taken away, 
but unfortunate not stop continuing to yell. Generally, it was 
some sort of nightmare. Yeah ... I thought, this was not

even on the SS ...

   Tired and satisfied STS fell asleep on
second-row chairs, knocking over beer on the floor. Again 
became calm and peaceful. Dmitri was depressed and

gladly handed over the microphone in my
disposal. Reassure the audience and declare the work entrusted 
to me now. Bungle referring to the microphone, I continued to 
torment Persistent PC-music listeners, promising

that soon will be ZX-graphics. But the graphics was not in two 
tones, either through tri.Organizatory long time to deal with 
the emulator. Also prevented the confusion with files - 
Spectrum'ovskaya graphics and music were carelessly dumped in 
one directory. It turned out that in fact the ZX-graphics

there were only four work, rather than nine.
Frankly, such a number of papers
very upset. But doing nothing, four
still better than zero.

   Turning to the audience, I asked to vote carefully, because 
the graphics are very small. Someone shouted: "And your picture

 have? "

   - Yes, my picture is there.

   The experience of other party I knew for a vote pretty 
content signature of the boys. Then, looking through sheets

to vote, I once again convinced of its
right. Without remorse, some
voters put a high score work
"Madonna", but any artist held
understand that this picture is very ordinary, "washed" 
konversiya.Pro own I want to say that no one party I did not 
put conversions. If anyone has doubts,

I can show all intermediate versions of their works.

   During a ZX-graphics someone tried to arrange an 
interrogation: "But it's your picture?". To which I replied in 
the affirmative: "The voice calm and not get distracted!". Then 
I tried to charge in advertising their own work, supposedly the 
only reason and managed to come out on top. Well, If anyone 
thinks that the picture "PYKA" not best, these people I just 
really sorry. One hurt - can not compete with the great 
artists, such as Paracels, GAS 13, Diver, Rion and Pheel.

   Was still a PC-graph, approximately 15 works.
It is noteworthy that not all the pictures shown at once. The 
last four works somewhere lost. Perturbed by the artists had to 
leave their homes double and deal in place with Dimedroll'om, 
sitting at the compo-machine. Do not think bad - All part of 
decency, no physical abuse was not. 

   Competition AY-music passed quickly and without
too much difficulty, perhaps because it was
only 5 rabot.Na my opinion, decent work, although I am a 
complete music profan.Priyatnoy news was the participation of 
EA, which, without doubt, worthy of respect. 

   Another showed ZX-video with my
Person and Dimon'a. It is not clear why
it started a probably for accuracy. Program
called "Dimon128" and irrelevant
to the ZX-demo compo had not, although it has been presented in 
this nomination. [The fact that on the rules of acceptable 
ParaDiGMus'a demo consisting of a single animation. More nor

some parties are not razresheno.Vot I decided to have fun:). By 
the way, this program shows that any effect can be

animation, and no one noticed the size of demos.]

   But this party is not over. Dmitry went Didenko, and 
recalled that remained nedoslushannaya PC-music, which I asked 
him to say it myself. I do not wanted more tormenting weary 
people. After such a reminder hall boomed and most jumped out 
of places to retire away. In order to avoid removal and further

throwing sheets of voting, I announced
into the microphone: "If someone can no longer
to vote and forced to let pass the
their scores to me. "Thus 80% of visitors went away 
dissatisfied. have the most stoykie.Golosa were sohraneny.Na 
some leaflets were roughly outlined stsenerskoe

the word "SUCKS".

   Finally finish the last song and started counting. For some
technology has been done, I especially do not vnikal.Schetovody 
seated at three computers, and slowly was added figures. 
Counting vote lasted less than an hour. [I might add that the 
numbering works were confused when they ad, and counting it 
restored in my vote-sheet.] 

   For some reason, only now I remembered that
I forgot today for breakfast and lunch. Dinner was a must.
Kettle boil them water, he went to
his "apartment", but rather, in
class, which tried in vain to sleep in the morning. Digging in 
a backpack, dug up the noodles, tomatoes, bread, bacon, chips 
and something to.Poka Noodle brewing, I walked into the hallway.

Spoke with sober STS'om with EA and
his sister. None of them wanted to take
my nochleg.Bolshinstvo Muscovites - people jittery, suddenly 
I'm a maniac, or, more What is worse - sceners the high road.

   To my humble meal joined
Alone Coder.

   Votes counted. Someone told me
I'm in first place. Without unnecessary delay, going for his 
diploma. The official ceremony was not, by the time the hall 
was not More than ten people, almost all - the organizing 
committee. "Who has a beautiful handwriting?" - Asked 
organizers. Nobody wanted to admit, so as to complete degrees - 
it is responsible. Ticket Seller has agreed to help and without 
unnecessary delay, proceeded to spelling. 

   After seeing his blank diploma, I
found some inconsistency: on the letterhead of flaunted two 
letters "MP", but the seal was missing, and this disorder. 
Didenko proposed to replace the print on the signature 
organizers that I was not happy with. I asked: "And when you 
can slap nut seal?" 

   - Not before Tuesday.

   Wait three days - it is unreal. Had
leave a mailing address, to hope for the postal service and 
decency of the organizers. Looking ahead, we want to note that 
battered envelope with the long-awaited diploma found its owner 
in a month. Put in frame, he paints on the club wall.

Nothing that wrinkled, and that everyone is asking,
why ugly and distorted handwriting
my name. It's all the little things, most importantly -

Other articles:

Inferno - Entered from the editor.

Interview - Interview with AIG - coder from the group MKHG.

Softinka - ACE 0.888: different from 0.666

Softinka - macro assembler debugger ALASM 4.47: difference from 4.44

For Coderz - Arithmetic coding.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Softinka - BGE 4 graphical editor for ZX.

Events - The Compo 2: The results of the vote.

For Coderz - Decompiling programs - the revival of the old prog.

Inferno - Errors in the previous numbers.

For Coderz - Small programmers' tricks.

DIY - The scheme of my elektrofumigatora.

Gameland - about passed games: Imperia 2, Hexagonal Filler, From Beyond.

Iron - device extended keyboard (58 keys).

Gamedev - Gaming cycle - a cycle within which caused all the sub games.

Gameland - the passage of Lords of Time on Level 9.

For Coderz - Macros Part 2 - makes your life in programming.

Inferno - Letters to the Editor.

Gameland - passing a level playing Raven Black.

For Coderz - Description of the modular structure of programs.

Inferno - On the shell.

Softinka - the benefits of packing algorithm Optimal LZH.

Events - Serpukhov Festival ParaDiGMus party 2003. As it was.

Events - Serpukhov Festival ParaDiGMus party 2003. Afterparty.

Gameland - the passing game The Price of Magik by Level 9.

Iron - Description of a block of memory from the printer Robotron CM 6329.01 M. Part 1.

Iron - Description of a block of memory from the printer Robotron CM 6329.01 M. Part 2.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

DIY - advice on repair hours, Dream Cast and joystick.

Interview - An Interview with Shaitan / Stars of Keladan: Interred Inferno.

Gameland - the passing game from the Level 9 Snowball.

Iron - Video GoldStar RN800AW Art vision. The history of repair.

Iron - Video GoldStar RN800AW Art vision. Tips on disassembly and repair.

Interview - an interview with musician Visual ^ Extreme (Sergei Agapov).

Gamedev - the assembly of the game Wolfenstein 2004. Part 1.

Gamedev - the assembly of the game Wolfenstein 2004. Part 2.

For Coderz - How to get the sound device more bits.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   2 May