ZX Review #5-6
04 ноября 1997

Adventure Project - Russification adventyur.

<b>Adventure Project</b> - Russification adventyur.

(C) Berezin, g.Kolpashevo

   Friends! I am sure that very
Many worried about today theme adventyur Russification. Topic 
is raised in the "Revue" (N3-94, p.23) there were also 
identified key areas that need

"Spin," however, "things are there." So I stand on the court
readers of its draft standard Russification adventyur (call
its ARS - Adventyurny Russian
Standard). Describes the version
ARS is proposed to assign the number

   Anticipating an angry rebukes and
questions like "Why do we have these
standards, it's creative
Work! Is it possible to standardize the flight of thought? "- 
In advance answer. So, why? Indeed, the flight of thought - a 
good thing, but sometimes very good idea can lead to

not very successful results. K
example, in a collection "ARCADIA-2" is the program "MESSAGE
FROM ANDROMEDA "(translation of Hermann
Myasnikov). Comparing English
version of the game with the mentioned Russification, have 
found an inaccuracy in the translation. Is it is in the use of 
an object "ROD" ("rod" in the Russian version). In the original 
game - POINT ROD AT PLATE, in Russian - touch the rod to the 
plate. Sounds, it would seem quite normal. However, if you look 
at the English-Russian dictionary, then will not find among the 
values words "POINT" nothing like

the word "touch"! In this
case "POINT ROD" must have meant "RETURN STEM"
or, at worst, "INSERT

   And now imagine that people will enjoy description of the 
game made up to the English version. If it is to guess how to 
interpret the word POINT - his good fortune, but if

No? Climb into the machine code games
"The doctor" and look there, what
command, it understands? Another
interesting fact - in one of the locations the program reports 
that Nearby is the pound, and in

list of nouns playing her
corresponds RESHOTKA! This,
as they say, no comment ...

   But frankly, even stronger than I posmeshila program
"DANGER MOUSE" in the Russian version. When you log into one of 
the locations program gives a list of items that are here: 
shovel, ax, a hacksaw and a bottle. The list of items that can 
be to lift, clean hacksaw is missing, but her place is ... 
pitchfork! I would like to ask author's translation: a tried 
whether You saw something through

fork? Incidentally, note also
Author: combination of letters "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!" translated 
into Russian, not as "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH" but rather as "AAAY!

   But all the problems of pure
grammar - what can you do
Russian man is not very
knew the Russian language, not to mention English. There are
There are other omissions.

   That is the essence. If you do not translate the game 
SEXMACHINE, and something more cultural, you

should be thoughtful, not to
offend the sensibilities of future players. Again take the 
example of the Russian version of the MFA On request explore 
some subjects For example, to investigate the ATV,

program meets the "no fuss" ... What does "no fuss"? Man 
explores the unknown planet, finds himself in a whole new 
world, trying to investigate a strange object, and him to 
respond "do not fuss!" I do not I know that meant a respected

German Butchers, when he wrote
referred to the phrase, but I personally
consider such an appeal to the user outright rudeness.
Really could not write, "You
can not do this "or even" That's impossible? "and the phrase" 
do not fuss "could be issue, for example, a request

explore the apple core ... Yes
and in a more respectful form:
"Do not fuss."

   This, incidentally, is another major problem. Why consumed 
treatment "you"? Why not "You"? Why not instead of, "You

dead, "write" you will perish "Or
Speaking of the hero in the third
person: John (Jim, Jack, etc.)
died. "You can, however, to resort to another method: to 
establish something like a dialogue with program (or a user with

character), for example: "Take
AXE - "I can not."

   However, this method has certain disadvantages. For example,
the phrase "I am dead," sounds like something
strange. And if you translate this
it is doubtful that the user wants to communicate with the 
blunt character of most The team is responsible "can not", "not

I understand this word, "etc.

   Taking all the above, you will find that
kill two birds at once. First, your program will
just a pleasure to work with. Do not forget that adventyury 
created for pleasant and useful entertainment and not for to 
expose players fool in front of him as their own. Secondly,

respectful treatment to users to ensure your program widest 
user audience, regardless of age and even sex (unlikely

to become a great sex play
the game is nice and solely on the outstanding men and the 
phrase "You took, You're gone", etc.). 

   Well, now talk to
another topic. She is, thank God, no
is orthographic character, and hence easily solvable.
All the above applies to
cultural content of Russification. Now let's move on
itself to standardization, with
what we started. So, in addition to
Standardization of culture programs, come to the fore
two directions:

   1. QWERTY keyboard.

   2. Standard for verbs.

   On the first point I can say the following:

   a) Russification should
adhere to the standard keyboard YAVERTY;

   b) propose to replace the letter J is not on J, as is often 
done, and the letter Y. It that the letter U is usually placed 
on the symbol '(lb), ie it has to gain from SYMBOL

SHIFT. This, of course, creates
some inconvenience to the user because "You" - an abbreviation 
of "South" (one of the most frequently used commands.) A

time to use it will have
frequently, then put it better
among the main characters. On the other
hand, the letter J is relatively rare and may be successfully 
replaced by the letter I. It is also necessary to take into 
account the fact that many games do not

able to print any characters,
addition to the basic 26 letters and 10 digits
(This is, in particular, play, written by the editor QUILL);

   c) the other keys determine the following letters:

A = A G = G M = M S = C
B = B H = X N = N T = T
C = C and I = O = O U = U
D = D J = U P = U V = F
E = E K = K Q = I W = B
F = F L = A R = P X = b

        Since Y = Z = Z

   Thus, the letters R, G, H,
E, b and b fall out of a common set. They can be placed on any 
characters, or even numbers, if the game does not involve (not 
issued the number of moves made or the result of wearing 
glasses, the program does not asks for number entry). Otherwise

will have to opt out of
these characters when translating the game (that
is, they can meet,
For example, in describing the locations, but
user to enter them will not).

   Given all the above on
the first paragraph, we propose the following verbs as standard:

LOOK - look, see
NORTH - north from
EAST - east,
UP - up to
NE - St.
TAKE - take, take
LOAD - load
EAT - is
USE - use
OPEN - open
READ - read
SHOOT - shoot
PUSH - push
TIE - tie
FIGHT - fight
TOUGH - touch
POINT - send
ENTER - enter, go to
ROW - rowing
GO - go, go
SOUTH - south st
WEST - West, is
DOWN - Down, Mr.
DROP - drop
SAVE - unload
DRINK - drink
CLOSE - close
LOCK - lock
TURN - turn
PRESS - Press
CLIMB - climb
PAY - (a) pay
BLOW - (to) blow
RIDE - ride (ride)
SWIM - swim
JUMP - jump
RUN - to run away, run away
INVENTORE - inventory, and
EXAMINE - explore, explore
HELP - help, help
WEAR - wear, wear
SAY - say
TALK - (to) talk
ASK ABOUT - ask about ...
PULL - pull
MOVE - move, move
BREAK - break, break
DIAL - call (phone)
GIVE - give, give
START - start, run
FLY - (VB) years (a) et
KILL - kill

   Russian counterparts teams picked by the possibility of 
such, which are not used the letters W, U, e, b, H and I. If we 
consider that for most programs

important only 4-5 first letters
typed word, it is me
managed (except for teams
Read and listen to) of course, this
list of verbs is not complete, but I hope that readers
"Revue" will complement it.

   It is very important to
the fact that the preposition "in" and the reduction of the 
verb "east" have the same form: it may

become a serious obstacle in the translation. For example, it 
becomes impossible phrase "climb B. ..". The most successful is 
the method used in MESSAGE FROM ANDROMEDA: guidelines are given 
on cursor klavischah: 6 - "U", 7 -

"C" 5 - "Z" 8 - "B", but this
method is applicable not always.

   That's all I wanted to say
adventyur of Russification. I will
glad if you can find comments, additions and suggestions for
this article.

   All are invited to write to my address: 636420, Tomsk 
region., G.Kolpashevo, ul.Lazo, 7-28, Alexey Berezin.


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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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