ZX Review #5-6
04 ноября 1997

Retro - 40 best procedures: Merge images, rotation of the symbol clockwise Inverting character, changing the attribute, fill circuit construction templates (Dzh.Hardman, E. Hyuzon.).

<b>Retro</b> - 40 best procedures: Merge images, rotation of the symbol
       clockwise Inverting character, changing the attribute, fill circuit construction templates (Dzh.Hardman, E. Hyuzon.).

Dzh.Hardman, E. Hyuzon

       40 best procedures

Continued. Beginning in the ZX REVIEW
1997 NN 1-2, 3-4.


     6.1. Merging Images

  Length: 21

  Number of variables: 1

  Checksum: 1709

  Purpose: This program
combines the image stored
in RAM, the current screen display.

  Attributes are not changed.


   Name: screen_store

   Length: 2

   Cell: 23296

  Comment: contains the address
images in RAM.

  Calling the program:

     RANDOMIZE USR address

  Error Checking: None.

  Comment: To join
Images must be used on the reduced program listing. However, 
interesting results can also be obtained by replacing OR (HL) 
at XOR (HL) or AND (HL).

   LISTING machine code
Assembly label NUMBER FOR INPUT

       LD HL, 16 384 33 0 64

       LD DE, (23296) 237 91 0 91

       LD BC, 6144 1 0 24
NEXT_B LD A, (DE) 26

       OR (HL) 182

       LD (HL), A 119

       INC HL 35

       INC DE 1919

       DEC BC 11

       LD A, B 120

       OR C 177

       JR NZ, NEXT_B 32246

       RET 201

  How it works:

  In a couple of registers HL loaded starting address display
file, and a pair of registers, DE -
its length. Register pair BC
used as a counter.

  As the battery is loaded bytes
with an address in DE and holds the logical OR (OR) of this 
value with byte display file. The result is then placed in the 
display area. 

  HL and DE are moved to the next position, the counter 
decreases. If the counter is not 0, then subroutine returns

to repeat the process with the next byte.
 The program returns to BASIC.

   6.2. Invert screen

  Length: 18

  Number of variables: 0

  Checksum: 1613

  Purpose: invert all
system on display file: If the pixel
included, it is reset (OFF),
If the pixel is off, it is installed.

  Calling the program:

     RANDOMIZE USR address

  Error Checking: None.

  Comment: This program can be used to obtain the effect of the 
outbreak. This effect is enhanced if done call several times 
and added sound. 

   LISTING machine code
Assembly label NUMBER FOR INPUT

       LD HL, 16 384 33 0 64

       LD BC, 6144 1 0 24

       LD D, 255 22 255
NEXT_B LD A, D 122

       SUB (HL) 150

       LD (HL), A 119

       INC HL 35

       DEC BC 11

       LD A, B 120

       OR C 177

       JR NZ, NEXT_B 32247

       RET 201

  How it works:

  In a couple of registers loaded HL address display file, and
BC is loaded its length. In
D-register value is placed
255. Whenever the routine returns to NEXT_B, in
battery load value
of the D-register. This method is preferred over instruction LD
A, 255, as LD A, D holds
approximately 2 times faster
than the instruction LD A, 255. Byte value stored in cell
the address listed in the HL, is subtracted from the 
accumulator and the result is loaded into the same byte. Thus, 
is inverted. 

  HL increased, indicating
next byte, and the counter BC
decreases. If the counter is not 0, the program returns to
NEXT_B. If the counter is 0
the program returns to BASIC.

  6.3. Inverting character


  Length: 20

  Number of variables: 1

  Checksum: 1757

  Purpose: This program inverts the symbol vertically.
For example, the arrow pointing
up should be an arrow
downward, and vice versa.


   Name: chr_start

   Length: 2

   Cell: 23296

  Comment: The address of the symbol in
Memory (ROM).

  Calling the program:

     RANDOMIZE USR address

  Error Checking: None.

  Comment: This program is useful in games, because You can 
change individual characters without affecting the adjacent 
areas of the image. 

   LISTING machine code
Assembly label NUMBER FOR INPUT

       LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       LD D, H 84

       LD E, L 93

       LD B, 8 6 8
NEXT_B LD A, (HL) 126

       INC HL 35

       PUSH AF 245

       DJNZ NEXT_B 16251

       LD B, 8 6 8

       LD (DE), A 18

       INC DE 1919

       DJNZ REPL 16251

       RET 201

  How it works:

  In a couple of registers HL loaded address of the data 
symbol. The same address is then copied to the DE. In

Register B is loaded to 8
to use the register as a counter.

  For each byte in the accumulator is loaded currently 
available value. HL increased, pointing to next byte and the 
contents of the battery is placed on the stack. Counter is 
decremented and if it does not is equal to 0, the routine 
returns to repeat the process for the next byte. In the case

B re-load value
8, to re-use it
as a counter. Symbol image stored on the stack.

  REPL procedure returns data from the stack on the same 
familiarity, but in reverse order. 

  Byte by byte is taken from the stack and through the battery 
placed on the address contained in DE. DE increases, to 
indicate the next byte, and the counter decreases. If it is not 
0, the program returns to REPL. Otherwise, it

returns to BASIC.


  Length: 19

  Number of variables: 1

  Checksum: 1621

  Purpose: This program inverts the symbol horizontally.
For example, the arrow pointing
the left becomes the right arrow.


   Name: chr_start

   Length: 2

   Cell: 23296

   Comment: The address of the data

  Calling the program:

     RANDOMIZE USR address

  Error Checking: None.

  Comment: None.

   LISTING machine code
Assembly label NUMBER FOR INPUT

       LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       LD A, 8 August 1962
NEXT_B LD B, 8 6 8
NEXT_P RR (HL) 203 30

       RL C 203 17

       DJNZ NEXT_P 16250

       LD (HL), C 113

       INC HL 35

       DEC A 61

       JR NZ, NEXT_B 32243

       RET 201

  How it works:

  In a couple of registers HL loaded address of the data 
symbol, and a battery load number of bytes that need to be 
inverted. The register B is loaded the number of bits in each 
byte - it is used as counter.

  Bytes with an address in HL shifted to the right so that
rightmost bit is copied into
carry flag. C-register is shifted to the left so that the carry 
flag is copied into the rightmost bit. Meter (B-sensitive) 

  If the counter is not 0,
transition to NEXT_P for
work with the next pixel.

  Inverted byte, which
in register C, is placed in a cell, from which he
was taken.

  HL increased, indicating
next byte, and the battery
decreases. If the battery is not
is 0, the transition to
NEXT_BYTE, otherwise -
return to BASIC.

      6.5. The rotation of the symbol


  Length: 42

  Number of variables: 1

  Checksum: 3876

  Purpose: This program rotates the symbol by 90 degrees 
clockwise. For example, the arrow pointing up, becomes directed



   Name: chr_start

   Length: 2

   Cell: 23296

   Comment: The address of the data

   Calling the program:

     RANDOMIZE USR address

  Error Checking: None.

  Comment: This program is useful in games and for serious
purposes, such as in the schedule.

   LISTING machine code
Assembly label NUMBER FOR INPUT

       LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       LD E, 128 30 128

       LD C, 0 14 0

       LD B, 1 6 1
NEXT_B LD A, E 123

       AND (HL) 166

       CP 0254 0

       JR Z, NOT_S 40 3

       LD A, C 121

       ADD A, B 128

       LD C, A 79
NOT_S SLA B 203 32

       INC HL 35

       JR NZ, NEXT_B 48242

       POP HL 225

       PUSH BC 197

       SRL E 203 59

       JR NC, N_BIT 48231

       LD DE, 17 July 7 0

       ADD HL, DE 25

       LD B, 8 6 8

       LD (HL), E 115

       DEC HL 1943

       DJNZ REPL 16251

       RET 201

  How it works:

  Symbol consists of a group of 8x8 pixels, each of
which may be able to
ON (1) or OFF (0). Consider
any bit byte B1 B2 in Figure 1.
Data is stored in the cell (B2, B1)
in the form:

            N1 N3

            N2 N4


  N1 = B, in which pixel

  (B2, B1) will be inserted after


  N2 = bit in N1, in which he

  will be inserted.

  N3 = value that represents the current value of the bit.

  N4 = bit value of N2. Each
byte characters will be rotated
formed by adding the values ​​of all bits of N2, which will be 
a new byte. 

  1 128 2 64 3 32 4 16 5 8 6 4 7 2 8 1 1

  0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

  1 128 2 64 3 32 4 16 5 8 6 4 7 2 8 1 2

  1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

  1 128 2 64 3 32 4 16 5 8 6 4 7 2 8 1 3

  2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4

  1 128 2 64 3 32 4 16 5 8 6 4 7 2 8 1 4

  3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8

                                                      Byte (B1)

  1 128 2 64 3 32 4 16 5 8 6 4 7 2 8 1 5

  4 16 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 16

  1 128 2 64 3 32 4 16 5 8 6 4 7 2 8 1 6

  5 32 5 32 5 32 5 32 5 32 5 32 5 32 5 32

  1 128 2 64 3 32 4 16 5 8 6 4 7 2 8 1 7

  6 64 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 64

  1 128 2 64 3 32 4 16 5 8 6 4 7 2 8 1 8

  7 128 7 128 7 128 7 128 7 128 7 128 7 128 7 128

   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit (B2)

         Figure 1. The key to the routine rotation of the symbol

  In HL load address of the first byte of the character. In the 
case E load byte value, which has a 7-bits in the state

ON and 0 to 6-th bits - in the OFF,
ie 128. HL is stored in the stack. The register C are sending 0.
Further, it will be added
data, giving new meaning to
formed by byte. In case B
load byte value, zero bit is turned on and
Bits 1-7 - off, ie, it

  As the battery is loaded content, E-register (N3). This
value multiplied logically (AND) with a byte whose address is 
stored in the HL. If the result is 0, the transition to NOT_S, 
because pixel addressed register E and HL register pair is 
cleared (OFF). If it is set (ON), in

battery is loaded with the value byte (N1). Register
B (N4) is added to the battery and this value is loaded into
register C. Register is then set to indicate
the next bit of N1. HL increased, pointing to the next
B (B1). If the N1 byte is not completed, the routine returns to 

  HL recovered from the stack,
again to indicate for the first
byte characters. BC is preserved in
stack to remember the importance of
last byte to complete the
in the C-register. E-register is set to address the next bit
each byte. If the rotation is not
completed the transition to

  In DE loads the value 7, and
This value is added to the HL.
HL now points to the last byte of data. In case B
load number of bytes that must be taken from the stack.
For each byte of the new value
copied to the E, and this value
placed in a cell with an address in
HL. HL decreases to point to the next byte, and counter 
(B-register) is reduced. 

  If the counter is not 0, the transition to the REPL.
 The program returns to BASIC.

     6.6. Change Attribute

  Length: 21

  Number of variables: 2

  Checksum: 1952

  Purpose: This program changes the value of the attribute of 
all characters on the screen given by,

for example, can be changed
colors of all the characters or the whole screen may blink, etc.


   Name: data_saved

   Length: 1

   Cell: 23296

  Comment: immutable bit

   Name: new_data

   Length: 1

   Cell: 23297

  Comment: The new bits input to the attribute byte.

  Calling the program:

     RANDOMIZE USR address

  Error Checking: None.

  Comment: The individual bits
attribute of each character can
be changed by using the AND and OR.

   LISTING machine code
Assembly label NUMBER FOR INPUT

       LD HL, 22 528 33 0 88

       LD BC, 768 1 0 3

       LD DE, (23296) 237 91 0 91
NEXT_B LD A, (HL) 126

       AND E 163

       OR D 178

       LD (HL), A 119

       35 INC H

       DEC BC 11

       LD A, B 120

       OR C 177

       JR NZ, NEXT_B 32246

       RET 201

  How it works:

  In a couple of registers loaded HL address field attributes, 
and pair of registers BC - the number of

characters on the screen. In case D
loaded value new_data, and
E is loaded into the register value data_saved.

  As the battery is loaded bytes
to address in HL, and
bits are set, respectively, the values ​​of registers D and
E. The result is placed back
in a cell in the address stored in
HL. HL increased, indicating
the next byte, and the counter BC
decreases. If the contents of BC
to equal 0, the program returns to NEXT_B.
 The program returns to BASIC.

      6.7. Change Attribute

  Length: 22

  Number of variables: 2

  Checksum: 1825

  Purpose: This program seeks
attributes with a particular value, and replaces every 
occurrence found another value. 


   Name: old_value

   Length: 1

   Cell: 23296

  Comment: The value of the byte
to be replaced.

   Name: new_value

   Length: 1

   Cell: 23297

  Comment: The value of the replacement byte.

  Calling the program:

     RANDOMIZE USR address

  Error Checking: None.

  Comment: This program is useful for highlighting areas
text and graphics.

   LISTING machine code
Assembly label NUMBER FOR INPUT

       LD HL, 22 528 33 0 88

       LD BC, 768 1 0 3

       LD DE, (23296) 237 91 0 91
NEXT_B LD A, (HL) 126

       CP E 187

       JR NZ, NO_CH 32 1

       LD (HL), D 114
N) _CH INC HL 35

       DEC BC 11

       LD A, B 120

       OR C 177

       JR NZ, NEXT_B 32245

       RET 201

  How it works:

  In a couple of registers loaded HL address field attributes, 
and BC boot on the number of characters

screen. In the E-register is loaded
old_value, but in the D-register nev_value. As the battery is 
loaded bytes whose address is stored in

pair HL. If the battery keeps
value, which is equivalent to
Content E-Register, in
byte of the address available in the HL,
put the contents of D-register. In this case HL increases
pointing to the next byte, and
BC count decreases. If BC
is not equal to 0, the transition to
NEXT_B, otherwise the program returns to BASIC.

    6.8. Fill path

  Length: 263

  Number of variables: 2

  Checksum: 26647

  Purpose: This program fills the screen area bounded by a line 
of pixels. 


   Name: X_coord

   Length: 1

   Cell: 23296

  Comment: The X coordinate
starting position.

   Name: Y_coord

   Length: 1

   Cell: 23297

  Comment: Y coordinate
starting position.

  Calling the program:

     RANDOMIZE USR address

  Error control: if the coordinate Y> 175 or POINT (X, Y) = 1, 
then the program immediately returns


  Comment: This program is not
Flexible, its start address - 31955. When painted over a large 
area of ​​complex shapes, you need a large number of free 
space. If this is impossible can happen


   LISTING machine code
Assembly label NUMBER FOR INPUT

       LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       LD A, H 124

       CP 176 254 176

       RET NC 208

       CALL SUBR 205 143 * 125

       AND (HL) 166

       CP 0254 0

       RET NZ 192

       LD BC, 65535 1 255 255

       PUSH BC 197
RIGHT LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       CALL SUBR 205 143 * 125

       AND (HL) 166

       CP 0254 0

       JR NZ, LEFT 32 9

       LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       INC L 44

       LD (23296), HL 34 0 91

       JR NZ, RIGHT 32236
LEFT LD DE, 0 17 0 0

       LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       DEC L 45

       LD (23296), HL 34 0 91
PLOT LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       PUSH HL 229

       CALL SUBR 205 143 * 125

       OR (HL) 182

       LD (HL), A 119

       POP HL 225

       LD A, H 124

       CP 175 254 175

       JR Z, DOWN 40 44

       LD A, E 123

       CP 0254 0

       JR NZ, RESET 32 16

       36 INC H

       CALL SUBR 205 143 * 125

       AND (HL) 166

       CP 0254 0

       JR NZ, RESET 32 7

       LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       36 INC H

       PUSH HL 229

       LD E, 1 Jan. 30
RESET LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       LD A, E 123

       CP 1 254 1

       JR NX, DOWN 32 15

       36 INC H

       CALL SUBR 205 143 * 125

       AND (HL) 166

       CP 0254 0

       JR Z, DOWN 40 6

       LD E, 0 30 0

       JR DOWN February 24
DOWN LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       LD A, H 124

       CP 0254 0

       JR Z, NEXT_P 40 40

       LD A, D 122

       CP 0254 0

       JR NZ, REST 32 16

       DEC H 37

       CALL SUBR 205 143 * 125

       AND (HL) 166

       CP 0254 0

       JR NZ, REST 32 7

       LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       DEC H 37

       PUSH HL 229

       LD D, 1 22 1
REST LD A, D 122 1

       CP 1 254 1

       JR NZ, NEXT_P 32 14

       LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       DEC H 37

       CALL SUBR 205 143 * 125

       AND (HL) 166

       CP 0254 0

       JR Z, NEXT_P 40 2

       LD D, 0 22 0
NEXT_P LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       LD A, L 125

       CP 0254 0

       JR Z, RETR 40 12

       DEC L 45

       LD (23296), HL 34 0 91

       CALL SUBR 205 143 * 125

       AND (HL) 166

       CP 0254 0

       JR Z, PLOT 40129

       LD (23296), HL 34 0 91

       LD A, 255 62 255

       CP H 188

       JR NZ, L_JUMP 32177

       CP 1189

       JR NZ, L_JUMP 32174

       RET 201

       PUSH DE 213

       LD A, 175 62 175

       SUB H 148

       LD H, A 103

       PUSH HL 229

       AND 7230 7

       ADD A, 64 198 1964

       LD C, A 79

       LD A, H 124

       RRA 203 1931

       RRA 203 1931

       RRA 203 1931

       AND 31 203 31

       LD B, A 71

       AND 24 230 24

       LD D, A 87

       LD A, H 124

       AND 192230192

       LD E, A 95

       LD H, C 97

       LD A, L 125

       RRA 203 1931

       RRA 203 1931


       RRA 203 1931

       AND 31 203 31

       LD L, A 111

       LD A, E 123

       ADD A, B 128

       SUB D 146

       LD E, A 95

       LD D, 0 22 0

       PUSH HL 229

       PUSH DE 213

       POP HL 225

       ADD HL, HL 41

       ADD HL, HL 41

       ADD HL, HL 41

       ADD HL, HL 41

       ADD HL, HL 41

       POP DE 209

       ADD HL, DE 25

       POP DE 209

       LD A, E 123

       AND 7230 7

       LD B, A 71

       LD A, 8 August 1962

       SUB B 144

       LD B, A 71

       LD A, 1 January 1962

       DJNZ ROTARE 16253

       RRA 203 1931

       POP DE 209

       POP BC 193

       RET 201

  How it works:

  This program draws the horizontal lines of the adjacent
pixels. We call them lines.
Limit the filling of the lines is limited to enable (ON)
pixels. Each line is stored by entry into
stack coordinates of the rightmost
pixel of this line.

  Starting with a certain
coordinates, the program makes the filling in each line, noting 
the position of each of the outstanding lines above or below. 
By end of a line of recent value is restored and marked the 
coordinates for respective lines are filled. This process

repeated until, until
remain unfilled lines.

  Figure 2 illustrates the technique
process. Squares represent
pixels, X denotes the start
position within the field of the hatch, and * denotes extreme
right pixel lines.

            / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 
/ / / / / / 

            / / / / 0 / / / / * / / / / / / / / / / / /

            / / / / 0 / / / / X / / / /

            / / / / / / / / / / / / * / / / /

            / / / / * / / / / * / / / /

            / / / / * / / / / / / / / / / / / * / / / /

            / / / / * / / / / / / / / / / / / * / / / /

            / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 
/ / / / / / 

         Figure 2. Illustration art fill the area

           X - Starting position * - the beginning of lines,

            0 - remaining unshaded area

  Program-stroke horizontal line containing the start position, 
and stores stack position at the start line

lines directly above and
below. She further stroke line
above, then below, noting in
the latter case that two
lines start at the next lower line, etc. Any
position within the region for
shading can be chosen as
starting position. But note
that two pixels, labeled with zeros, untouched, because they
separated from the shade area.

  In case H is loaded Y-coordinate, and L-Register - 
X-coordinate. If the value is greater than Y than 175, the 
program returns in BASIC. SUBR procedure is called, returning 
the address bits (X, Y) in memory. If this bit is in a position 
to ON (enabled), program returns to BASIC.

  The number 65535 is placed in a stack,
to mark the first stored value. Later, when
number recovered from the stack, it is interpreted as
pair of coordinates. However, if
number is 65535, is
return to BASIC, because program

  In case H is loaded Y-coordinate, and in case L - 
X-coordinate. SUBR procedure is called, returning to the HL-bit 
address (X, Y). If this bit is set

(ON), the transition to the LEFT.
Otherwise the X-coordinate increases
and a transition is made to the RIGHT, if
X does not equal 256.

  The procedure LEFT DE set to 0. Registers D and E are used as 
flags: D - down (DOWN), E - up (UP). X-coordinate decreases. 
SUBR is called and the plotted point (X, Y). If the 
Y-coordinate is 175, subroutine goes to

DOWN. If this flag is set to UP, the transition to the RESET.
If the bit (X, Y +1) is reset, the value of X and Y +1 is 
stored in the stack and flag up is included.

  In the process of RESET, if the flag
UP is enabled, a transition to DOWN. If the bit (X, Y +1)
enabled (ON), flag up off. The procedure DOWN, if
Y-coordinate is 0, the transition to NEXT_PIXEL. If
flag down on, is
transition to REST. If the bit (X, Y-1)
reset (OFF), then the values ​​of X and
Y-1 stored on the stack and flag
DOWN included.

  The procedure for REST, if the flag
DOWN off, the transition to NEXT_P. If the bit (X, Y-1)
set (ON), then flag down
off. The procedure NEXT_P,
if the X-coordinate equal to 0, the routine goes to RETR.
X-coordinate decreases, and if
a new bit (X, Y) is reset (OFF),
transition to PLOT. In
procedure RETR X-and Y-coordinates are retrieved from the 
stack. If X and Y equal to 255, - return

BASIC, because filling area
completed. Otherwise routine
returns to the RIGHT.

  Procedure SUBR should calculate the address bits (X, Y) in 
memory. In BASIC this address will be:

16,384 + INT (Z / 8) + 256 * (Z - 8
* INT (Z / 8)) + 32 * (64 * INT (Z /
64) + INT (Z / 8) - 8 * INT (Z/64))

  where Z = 175-Y.

  Pair of registers BC and DE are stored on the stack. In 
battery send the number 175, and from this

subtracted Y-koodinata. The result is copied into H-register. 
Then HL is stored on stack. Five left-wing bits accumulator set 
to 0, and then it is added to the 64. The result is copied to 
the C-register. When multiplying by 256 we get:

   16384 +256 * (Z-8 * INT (Z / 8))

  In the battery load Z,
This value is divided by 8, the result is copied into register 
B. This result - INT (Z / 8). Installation of the three 
rightmost bits to 0 when the rotation gives the value

8 * INT (Z/64), which is loaded in the D-register.

  As the battery is loaded and Z
6 rightmost bits off, which gives 64 * INT (Z/64).
This value is loaded into the E-register. Value of C-register
copies of H. In battery
loaded X-coordinate is
value is divided by 8, and the result is copied to the L.

  In the battery and then load the value of E-register and for 
him added to the contents of B. The value of D-register is 
subtracted and the result is loaded into the DE. This

value is multiplied by 32, DE
recovered from the stack and
added to HL. Thus HL now stores the address bits (X, Y).

  In the battery load the initial value X. Installation of five 
left-wing bits to zero yields value of X-8 * INT (X / 8). The 
B-register and then loaded minus 8 value of the battery to use 
it as a counter. The battery is set to 1 and is multiplied by 2 
(B-1) times. 

  At this point in the accumulator
you must install the bits, which corresponds to a bit (X, Y) 
with address in HL. DE and BC are then recovered from the 
stack, and SUBR and return to the main


    6.9. Building Templates

  Length: 196

  Number of variables: 2

  Checksum: 20278

  Purpose: This program traces the pattern of any size on the 
screen. The pattern is understood Any previously defined figure.


   Name: X_start

   Length: 1

   Cell: 23296

  Comment: X-coordinate of the first pixel.

   Name: Y_start

   Length: 1

   Cell: 23297

  Comment: Y-coordinate of the first pixel.

  Calling the program:

     RANDOMIZE USR address

  Error checking: If the string variable that stores 
information on the pattern A $, there is a zero-length or does 
not contain any information the program returns directly to the 
BASIC. This occurs as if the Y-start

more than 175.

  Comment: this is a useful
program for keeping figures in
memory and quick tracing
them on the screen.

  Using this program:

  (I) LET A $ = "information
pattern "

  (II) POKE 23296, X-coordinate
first pixel

  (III) POKE 23297, Y-coordinate
first pixel

  (IV) RANDOMIZE USR address

  Information Template - a symbol that has the following

  "0" - to put the point

  "5" - to reduce the X-coordinate

  "6" - to reduce the Y-coordinate

  "7" - to increase the X-coordinate

  "8" - to increase the Y-coordinate

   Any other characters are ignored. The program includes the 
ability to "wrap-round", ie, if the X-coordinate goes

the left side of the screen pattern
appears to the right, etc.

  To change the program to
use a string variable instead of A $, need to change the 65 * 
(code letter A) to the code other characters.

   LISTING machine code
Assembly label NUMBER FOR INPUT

       LD HL, (23627) 42 75 92
NEXT_V LD A, (HL) 126

       CP 128 254 128

       RET Z 200

       BIT 7, A 203 127

       JR NZ, FORNXT 32 23

       CP 96254 1996

       JR NC, NUMBER 48 11

       CP 65 254 65 *

       JR Z, FOUND 40 35

       LD E, (HL) 94

       INC HL 35

       LD D, (HL) 86

       JR INCR May 24

       INC HL 35

       INC HL 35

       INC HL 35

       INC HL 35

       JR NEXT_V 24225
FORNXT CP 224 254 224

       JR C, N_BIT 56 5

       LD DE, 18 17 18 0

       JR ADD 24236
N_BIT BIT 5, A 203 111

       JR Z, STRING 40228

       BIT 7, (HL) 203 126

       JR Z, NEXT_B 40251

       JR NUMBER 24228

       LD C, (HL) 78

       INC HL 35

       LD B, (HL) 70

       INC HL 35

       EX DE, HL 235

       LD A, (23 297) 58 January 1991

       CP 176 254 176

       RET NC 208
AGAIN LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91

       LD A, B 120

       OR C 177

       RET Z 200

       DEC BC 11

       LD A, (DE) 26

       INC DE 1919

       CP 48254 1948

       JR NZ, NOT_PL 32 78

       PUSH BC 197

       PUSH DE 213

       LD A, 175 62 175

       SUB H 148

       LD H, A 103

       PUSH HL 229

       AND 7230 7

       ADD A, 64 198 1964

       LD C, A 79

       LD A, H 124


       RRA 203 1931

       RRA 203 1931

       RRA 203 1931

       AND 31 230 31

       LD B, A 71

       AND 24 230 24

       LD D, A 87

       LD A, H 124

       AND 192230192

       LD E, A 95

       LD H, C 97

       LD A, L 125

       RRA 203 1931

       RRA 203 1931

       RRA 203 1931

       AND 31 230 31

       LD L, A 111

       LD A, E 123

       ADD A, B 128

       SUB D 146

       LD E, A 95

       LD D, 0 22 0

       PUSH HL 229

       PUSH DE 213

       POP HL 225

       ADD HL, HL 41

       ADD HL, HL 41

       ADD HL, HL 41

       ADD HL, HL 41

       ADD HL, HL 41

       POP DE 209

       ADD HL, DE 25

       POP DE 209

       LD A, E 123

       AND 7230 7

       LD B, A 71

       LD A, 8 August 1962

       SUB B 144

       LD B, A 71

       LD A, L 62 1

       DJNZ ROTARE 16253

       RRA 203 1931

       POP DE 209

       POP BC 193

       OR (HL) 182

       LD (HL), A 119
NOT_PL CP 53254 1953

       JR NZ, DOWN 32 1

       DEC January 1945
DOWN CP 54254 1954

       JR NZ, UP 32 8

       DEC H 37

       LD H, A 124

       CP 255 254 255

       JR NZ, SAVE 32 19

       LD H, 175 38,175

       CP 55254 1955

       JR NZ, RIGHT 32 8

       36 INC H

       LD A, H 124

       CP 176 254 176
       JR NZ, SAVE 32 7

       LD H, 0 38 0
RIGHT CP 56254 1956

       JR NZ, SAVE 32 1

       INC January 1944
SAVE LD (23296), HL 34 0 91

       JR HERE 24215

  How it works:

  To find the address of a string variable, use a slightly 
modified the first part of program "Find the string".

  The length of the string variable
loaded into the BC, and the address of the first character is 
loaded into the A $ DE. In the battery is installed

the initial value of Y, and if it
more than 175, the routine returns to BASIC. In the H-register 
is loaded Y-coordinate, and L - X-coordinate. If the value of a 
pair of registers BC is 0, the routine returns to BASIC, as 
reached the end of the string variable. BC is reduced to show 
that the processed the next character. The next character is 
loaded into the accumulator and DE increases, indicating

next byte. If the battery does not contain a code 48, a 
transition to NOT_PL. Point (X, Y) is drawn using

procedure SUBR from the program
"Painting the path." Then
the program returns back to

  The procedure NOT_PL, if the battery contains a number of 53,
X-coordinate decreases. The procedure DOWN, if the battery is 
not contains the number 54, made the transition to the UP. 
Y-coordinate decreases, and if its value becomes equal to -1, 
Y-coordinate set to the 175.

  In the process of UP, if the battery does not contain 55, is
transition to the RIGHT. Y-coordinate
increases, and if it is
176, then the Y-coordinate is set to 0. The procedure RIGHT,
if the battery contains a value of 56, X-coordinate increases. 
The procedure SAVE X and Y coordinates are placed in memory, 
and the program makes the transition to HERE.


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ethidium - The calculation of addresses in the file attributes. Program scrolling specified window 1 pixel to the right. Cleanup of the specified window. Procedure display images from the buffer.

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Studies - New themes for development.

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Studies - processing program @ BASIC files.

Studies - The procedure for turning the symbol 90 degrees clockwise.

Studies - The procedure for searching text files.

Studies - Screen procedure "UP HL".

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В этот день...   18 February