ZX Review #5-6
04 ноября 1997 |
Studies - The procedure for turning the symbol 90 degrees clockwise.
(C) S. Mealing, Tatarstan, Bugulma The procedure for turning a character on 90 degrees clockwise This procedure I did for his editor character set. 140. LD HL, ADR; Address Sim, an ox, which is necessary to turn LD IX, OBL PUSH HL PUSH IX LD B, 8 LP LD (IX +0), 0 INC IX DJNZ LP POP IX LD B, 8 LP1 PUSH BC PUSH IX LD B, 8 LD A, (HL) LP2 RLCA PUSH AF AND 1 OR (IX +0) RRCA LD (IX +0), A INC IX POP AF DJNZ LP2 POP IX POP BC INC HL DJNZ LP1 PUSH IX POP HL POP DE LD BC, 8 LDIR RET OBL DEFB 0,0,0,0 DEFB 0,0,0,0 2 *
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