ZX Review #5-6
04 ноября 1997

Crossing Dragon - Promotion of the game Finders Keepers.

<b>Crossing Dragon</b> - Promotion of the game Finders Keepers.

         FinderS KEEPERS

      Finders - keepers

        1985 Mastertronic

   Among the programs of the series of Magic Knight Finders 
Keepers occupies a special place, dating

rather to the genre of Arcade, than the Adventure. No, a 100% 
arcade it can not be considered, but from Classical adventyury 
virtually nothing left. About her recall only three additional 
commands GET, DROP / LIST, EXAMINE, a large number of various 
subjects, and a few puzzles relating to the mutual the impact 
of these items. But there were small elements of the business 

   1. The command "swap" (TRADE), allowing to go along
get rid of low-value items and buy expensive.

   2. Assessment of subjects in terms of money (pounds 
sterling). Is the soul of Magic Knight seized the golden calf?

Why he needed the treasure? Has he decided to become rich?
No, no, do not worry, your hero still remains unselfish, but ...

   He decided to become one of the knights of the famous Round 
Table King Arthur, and now as a

tests he had to go to scary castle Earth
Spirits (Castle of Spriteland).
And the king ordered the Magic Knight as evidence of his stay 
in the castle to bring the treasures stored there.

   Treasures are protected by a huge number of angry ghosts who 
want to stop our hero, but he has absolutely no weapons, and 
the button FIRE on the joystick is only

to enable GET command
(Take). You can, of course, skip
all by hand, and, taking on
the way a couple or two items
(Especially since more than five all
will not carry out), quickly found
out of the castle. But is this worthy of a true knight? Reply
there can be only one, and
therefore, to take its rightful
place at the Round Table, you
with Magic Knight to go full of dangers and
Adventure path through the castle of the Earth
Spirits and put at the feet of the King
Arthur as many treasures.

   It all begins in the palace of King Arthur (The King Palace).
Magic Knight is enough
step right, and teleportator spread it to teleport room of the 
castle of the Earth Spirits. In the way you have supplied is 
not very elegant. Penny, sorry, no pence in cash

pocket (Cash), but there is a reserve five attempts and Life 
koechto of the things (Objects), total cost 36.16 pounds (and 
on the thanks, will have at least that the alloy

retailers in a difficult moment).
To better orient in
system of property
games, not be amiss to ask not only the total price,
but also by the subjects using the command DROP:

A Lump of Cheese - a slice of cheese.
An Olimpic Medal - Olympic
A Chunk of Catmeat - a little food for cats - very strange, but 
maybe not quite useless set.

   From what can be seen on
first game screen, it remains
just mention about the sensor Room
(Room), which gives% covered
gaming space, and the line of Strength (power), showing the 
state of health of Magic Knight. Try to keep it too quickly 
shortened, and To achieve this, avoid

as you can direct contact with ghosts,
inhabiting the castle. The instruction
the game indicated only four species
These vile creatures at the same
actually they are much more, and you
see for yourself in this way you will find yourself in a castle.

   So, we settled on the fact
teleportator that you moved in
lock, or rather, his teleport room. Take a look at
the upper right platform: first, on what is necessary to pay 
attention - the small open triangles - so in a game marked all 
the items and to learn some of them specifically is behind this 
or that triangle would have to get to it and use the EXAMINE 
command or GET. If you take a game seriously, can be very 
helpful list subjects made approximately

following type:


A Lump of Cheese (slice of cheese)

   There since the beginning of the game.
An Olimpic Medal (Olympic

   There since the beginning of the game.
A Chunk of Catmeat (a little food for cats)

   There since the beginning of the game
A Bar of Lead (Lead bar)

   Becomes a Gold Bar (gold bar), if you have
Sorcerer's Stone (A Philospher's Stone).
A Carving Knife (knife for carving
on wood)
A Philosopher's Stone (Sorcerer's Stone)

   Provides the transformation A
Bar of Lead in Gold Bar.
A Tube of Glue (tube of glue)

   Take does not make sense: it is necessary
Glue a little, and get rid of it

   Table are quite
long, but without it will be difficult, given that all
items in the game are denoted by

   The second feature of the teleport room - the presence of 
not one but two teleportatorov. The second is at the top

platform to the right of the triangle, denoting the subject. 
This teleportator also turns on automatically when the Magic 
Knight stands on its platform, and brings our hero into a room 
for sewing (by THE Needlework Room). 

   Although the gaming space
Finders Keepers is not too confusing, a map for it is better to 
be at least in order to avoid unnecessary

legwork to find the right items.

   Where does the extra running around? The fact is that, unlike
other games of the series Magic Knight, this program
is not provided to save the current state of the game (not the 
best feature of the vast majority of arcade games!), and 
failing, you have to start all way from the start. It was then

very useful and can be
map. But drawing it you may have to: if you remember, this book 
is devoted to adventyurnym games, and Finders Keepers found it 
too a lot of space.

   Mapping, please
attention to the location 7 and select the dotted line. Case 
that this is not a game screen, and

big maze with lots of
items and enemies. This part
the game is very different from
others, and most likely a program series Pac-man.
Card for her too (if you deem it necessary) to do better on a 
separate sheet, and a somewhat different style. 

   If we are talking about the types of
card, you should probably say that you can choose the easiest 
options. But it's much more convenient to have card for arcade 
games, consisting of the game screens. For This requires: first 
- at least a little bit to learn programming, and secondly - to 
master any image editor;

third - have access to a printer in the fourth - to acquire
goodly patience, because without
He does not need either first or
Second, no third. But
result of all these efforts will
look very impressive.

   However, the right to decide when and
what card to be (if
make it at all), always
belongs to the player. That
Now it is up to you, and
book only suggests possible

   A few words about trade.
To maximize the hands-free Magic Knight, all low-value items, 
or even valuable, but not too necessary in the current

moment, you can drop into the shop trader Gordon (Gordon 
location the Trader's Room). For this

should stand to the right of the counter and use the command

   The amount you receive from
dealer handed over things will be
taken into account and displayed on the screen in the indicator 
Cash. Subsequently, the money can be used to purchase a single, 
but very expensive goods (Gordon's Foot), or ransom surrendered 
your items. However, please note that some

items in the game are very
unpleasant property - forever
stick to your pockets: thus,
taking a tube of glue (A Tube of
Glue), you can not either throw it or give the merchant.
Since the "carrying capacity" Knight is limited to five items
such acquisition is very
severely limit its actions, so try to remember (and better 
somewhere tag) dangerous objects and not to fall twice on the 
same bait.

   Finally a few words about
management game. The menu offers you a virtually complete set 
of joysticks and two sets of control keys (standard and 
appointed). Standard control keys of the program is rather 
convenient and easiest way to not change them.

   Joystick control requires
destination after each failed attempt, and provides, besides 
movement, the command GET. All other commands entered from the 
keyboard by pressing the appropriate keys, so that

may ultimately prove to be
appropriate to control the game
without the aid of a joystick.

   In general, the game Finders Keepers
leaves a positive impression and can give you
many pleasant hours of fun
arcade adventure.

Other articles:

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TR-DOS for beginners - Continued.

Authoring - Scorpion 2000 (S. Zonov).

Authoring - Trampoline (S. Veremeenko).

Business Card - a new electronic humor magazine "SpectrofUn".

Crossing Dragon - Promotion of the game Finders Keepers.

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Retro - 40 best procedures: Merge images, rotation of the symbol clockwise Inverting character, changing the attribute, fill circuit construction templates (Dzh.Hardman, E. Hyuzon.).

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ethidium - The calculation of addresses in the file attributes. Program scrolling specified window 1 pixel to the right. Cleanup of the specified window. Procedure display images from the buffer.

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Studies - processing program @ BASIC files.

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Studies - The procedure for searching text files.

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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