City #31
01 октября 1999

Likbez - full diassembler ROM (part 25).

<b>Likbez</b> - full diassembler ROM (part 25).
   ***************** ************** LIKBEZ

(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


Address 5360. Check availability of disk space for a 
team-priemike COPY B. Set 23775 and put it in drive 
drive-receiver. Sets 23770, 23783, 23773 and 23841 zeroes.

5360 XOR A; zeroing 23841

      LD (23841), A

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      CALL 15889; take the drive mode

      LD (23770), A; save it

      LD A, (24072); save disk type

      LD (23783), A

      LD HL, 640; calculation of the number of sectors

      CP 25, the disk-receiver

      JR Z, 5407

      LD HL, 1260

      CP 1924

      JR Z, 5407

      CP 1923

      JR Z, 5407

      LD HL, 2560

      CP 1922

      JR Z, 5407

      JP 7540, when as a type of disc one hundred
                   um undefined value, then

                   * ERROR *
5407 LD (23773), HL; preservation of the number of sectors


      LD BC, (23,775), take the number of copied ce

      SBC HL, BC; room enough?

      JP C, 7237; if not, NO SPACE

      RET; Returns

Address 5420. Runs the command COPY B. Set
5420 CALL 7541; if there is a check on the syntactic
                    system, then return

      CALL 5743; reserve space in memory

      LD HL, 10105; print BACKUP DISC

      CALL 9991

      LD HL, 10154; print INSERT SOURCE DISC

      CALL 9991
5438 CALL 4173; input keys

      CP "Y"; is Y?

      JR NZ, 5438, and if so, repeat

      CALL 7583; cleaning the bottom of the screen

      LD A, 255, the first pass

      LD (23841), A
Attention! This variable is already taken. It stores the first 
3 letters of the command line. 

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      CALL 15889; take the drive mode

      LD (23769), A; save it

      LD A, (24072) take the type of disc

      CP 25, drive 40-track one-sided

      LD HL, 640; all sectors on the disk 640

      JR Z, 5493, and if so, copy

      LD HL, 1280; all sectors on the disk 1280

      CP 24; disc 80-track one-sided

      JR Z, 5493, and if so, copy

      CP 23, drive 40-track bilaterally

      JR Z, 5493, and if so, copy

      LD HL, 2560, all sectors on the disk 2560

      CP 22, 80-track disc bilaterally

      JR Z, 5493, and if so, copy

      JP 7450, otherwise * ERROR *
Attention! It is better to give a message DISC ERROR.
5493 LD BC, (24,074), take the number of free seconds

      SBC HL, BC; calculate the number of employees


      LD (23781), HL; set number of sectors

      LD (23775), HL

      LD HL, 0, 0 sectors copied

      LD (23777), HL

      LD (23779), HL

      CALL 5560; copying sectors

      CALL 1029, setting the disk

      LD A, (23783), installation of a new type of disc

      LD (24072), A

      LD HL, (23773), take the total number of sectors


      LD BC, (23,775), take the number of copied sec

      SBC HL, BC; calculation of the number of free seconds
                    operators on the disc - the receiver

      LD (24074), HL; install it

      CALL 5348, setting a floppy disk

      LD DE, 9; recorded sector 8 track 0

      LD (23796), DE

      CALL 7747; record sector

      JP 993; O.K.

              to be continued ...

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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