Info Guide
03 декабря 2004 |
Gameland - прохождение Lords of Time от Level 9.
LORDS OF TIME (Level 9) Это прохождение тоже удалось проверить. К сожалению, в игре нет графики. LOOK (You are in your Living Room), EXAMINE PICTURE (it comes to life and Father Time explains your quest), TAKE HOURGLASS, N, TAKE CANDLE, TAKE MATCHES, LIGHT CANDLE [Ред.: До этого LIGHT MATCH ] EXAMINE CLOCK, WIND CLOCK (the door opens) IN (You are now in the the 'time machine' the centrepiece of the adventure), TURN COG 1 (to proceed to Zone 1), SWING PENDULUM, N (You are now on a Gravel Drive). ZONE ONE: THE PRESENT W, W, OPEN DOOR, OPEN DOOR [Ред.: Думаю, опечатка. ], W, UP, N, TAKE RUCKSACK, WEAR RUCKSACK (this increases your carrying capacity), TAKE ROPE, EXAMINE RUBBISH, TAKE TIN OPENER, S,W, TAKE JEWELLERY CASE, E, DOWN, TAKE SPEAR, OPEN DOOR, E,E,E,N,N, TAKE PICK,TAKE PLANKS, S,S,W,W, OPEN DOOR, W, S, OPEN CUPBOARD, TAKE CATFOOD, W, TAKE LOOKING GLASS, TAKE METRONOME, OPEN DOOR, W, NW, TAKE VALERIAN, SE, W, UP, S, WAVE VALERIAN (the willow tree explains why it wants to die in fact it MUST be chopped down to retrieve a treasure), N, N, TIE PLANKS TOGETHER, DROP PLANKS (a bridge is formed across the stream), W, EXAMINE NARCISSUS,GIVE LOOKING GLASS (you now have a 'magnetic' lodestone), ACROSS, S, UP, E, SW, WAVE LODESTONE, UNLOCK DOOR, IN, TAKE AXE, TAKE SHOVEL, OPEN DOOR, OUT, NE,W,UP, S, CHOP WILLOW, TAKE TEARDROP, DROP AXE, N,UP,E, SW, E,E, EXAMINE COMPOST (a silver coin is revealed, but you cannot take it yet), EXAMINE COMPOST (a mushroom ring is revealed this is used to summon the Tooth Fairy, later), E, EXAMINE PORSCHE, TAKE PETROL, DOWN (you are now back inside the clock), DROP LODESTONE, DROP JEWELLERY CASE, DROP TEARDROP, DROP HOURGLASS, DROP METRONOME, DROP VALERIAN, SCORE (should be 150/1000 ), TURN COG 2 (To proceed to Zone 2), SWING PENDULUM, N (You are standing on splintered ice in a Deep Valley). ZONE TWO: THE ICE AGE N, N, N, POUR PETROL, LIGHT MATCH, LIGHT PETROL (the wood burns fiercely and the Mammoth is frightened out of it's skin!), TAKE COAT, WEAR COAT, TAKE TUSK, E, UP,UP, TAKE BONE, UP (you see a hungry tiger with toothache), OPEN TIN, GIVE TIN, TAKE TOOTH (the tiger trots happily away), IN, [Ред.: Вы зажгли свечу в начале? Если нет (или она погасла),то LIGHT MATCH,LIGHT CANDLE ] S, SHOUT, TAKE ICICLE, N, E, E (you meet a silver fox), GIVE BONE, E, BREAK WALL, S, TAKE CANDELABRA, N, W, S, DROP ICICLE (the lake freezes enabling you to cross it), NW,NW, BREAK CUBE (the Snow Queen is freed and gives you a sword), S,IN, W, DOWN,DOWN (you are now back inside the clock), DROP TUSK, DROP CANDELABRA, DROP SWORD, SCORE (should now be 225/1000 ), TURN COG 1 (to return to Zone 1), SWING PENDULUM, N (you are on the Gravel Drive). ZONE ONE: THE PRESENT (Second visit) W, W, OPEN DOOR, W, W, OPEN DOOR, W, SW, E, E, EAT MUSHROOM, LOOK (The Tooth Fairy appears) [Ред.: Зубная Фея - из забугорно- го фольклора - меняет детям молочный зуб на монетку (детали способа обмена мне не- известны). Придумана для того, чтобы дети соглашались дёргать шатающийся зуб. ] GIVE TOOTH (the Tooth Fairy offers the silver coin in return), NO (the Tooth Fairy increases her offer to include a firefly), YES, E, DOWN (you are now back inside the clock), DROP SPEAR, DROP SILVER COIN (that was the only time you have to return to a particular time zone the remaining zones are tackled in chronological order) [Ред.: Не то,чтобы совсем хронологический...:) ], TURN COG 3 (to proceed to Zone 3), SWING PENDULUM, N (you are below a Small Hill). ZONE THREE: THE STONE AGE [Ред.: Я замечаю это не в первый раз. Неу- жели кого-то в школе действительно учат, что динозавры и пещерные люди жили в одно время? ] W,W (you meet an Allosaurus), E (the Allo- saurus follows you), E,E,E (the Allosaurus fights with the Tyrannosaurus Rex and leaves you alone), W,W,W,W,W, TAKE LEAVES, TAKE MIRROR, WAVE LEAVES (the Brontosaurus will grasp the leaves and lift you out), E (the Brontosaurus blocks the way!), WAVE MIRROR (it is a magic mirror and the Bron- tosaurus is sucked into it!), E, UP, IN, DROP MIRROR (it smashes and the Brontosau- rus emerges from the broken glass to chase off the cavemen), N,TAKE EGG, N,TAKE STONE POT, N,TAKE PEBBLE, E,SE, TAKE STONE CLUB, E,THROW PEBBLE, E,TAKE FIGURINE, W,SE (you see a Caveman dragging a Cavewoman by her hair), THROW CLUB (it knocks the Caveman off the bridge and the woman gives, you a gold nugget), S, SAY EUREKA, IN (you see a sign spelling 'JWAAMTETS', unscramble the letters to spell 'JAMES WATT' ), SAY JAMES WATT, IN,TAKE WHEEL, DOWN (back inside the clock), DROP FIGURINE, DROP NUGGET, DROP EGG, DROP STONE POT,DROP TIN OPENER, SCORE (should now be 350/1000 ), TURN COG 4 (to proceed to Zone 4), SWING PENDULUM, N (you are now on a Beach). ZONE FOUR: THE VIKING ERA N (you see a shivering Viking Guard), GIVE FUR COAT (the Guard gives you a Lur), S, SE, E, E, DIG (you are in a hole), DIG (you uncover a piece of parchment), TAKE PARCHMENT, W,READ PARCHMENT (it is a verse giving advice on your next moves), SW,PUSH STONE, W,W,W,W,UP, UP,DROP LUR (to prevent Pirate Pete from stealing it), E, OPEN CHEST (Pirate Pete leaps out and steals one of your possessions), W, TAKE LUR, [Ред.: После этого надо обратно E] (Pirate Pete leaps out again and steals something else but rarely the Lur!), PLAY LUR (the Vikings arrive and drag Pete off they give you an olive branch as a reward), IN CHEST, TAKE <object> (whatever has been stolen from you), PULL HANDLE (the floor slides away and you are back inside the clock), DROP LUR, DROP OLIVE BRANCH, DROP PARCHMENT,SCORE (should now be 400/1000 ), TAKE NUGGET, TAKE SWORD, TURN COG 5 (to proceed to Zone 5), SWING PENDULUM, N (you are now at the End of a Road). ZONE FIVE: THE TUDOR ERA N, EXAMINE MILESTONE (it reads "HOPE VILLAGE", this is the 'Hope' that you will be asked to abandon in Zone 9!), TAKE MILESTONE, E, OPEN DOOR, IN, TAKE ALE (the Bartender tells you that you have to pay for it), GIVE NUGGET, TAKE ALE, OPEN DOOR, OUT, E, E, E (you meet the King's Messen- ger who is very thirsty), GIVE ALE (he gives you some food), EXAMINE FOOD (hot stuff!!), W, W, N, E, E, GIVE FOOD (the Dragon eats it and asks if you want a ride on it's back), YES (you and the Dragon fly over the moat, landing on the South Bank just!!), TAKE WING, TAKE FROG, KISS FROG (the frog turns into a handsome Prince who will now follow you), S,IN, TAKE GAUNTLET, SE,W, TAKE ARMOUR, WEAR ARMOUR, S (you see the Black Knight), W (the Black Knight draws his sword), W (the Black Knight attacks you but the Prince springs to your defence and kills him, then removes his body), W,DOWN,DOWN,DIG (you enter a hole), DIG (you unearth a jewelled coffer), TAKE COFFER, DIG (back to the clock), DROP COFFER, DROP ARMOUR, DROP GAUNTLET, DROP WING, DROP MILESTONE, SCORE (should now be 475/1000 ), TURN COG 6 (to proceed to Zone 6), SWING PENDULUM, N (you are in an Entr- ance Hall). ZONE SIX: THE MEDIAEVAL ERA N,W,S, TAKE DRINKING HORN,TAKE SWEETMEATS, N,E,E,S, TAKE PLAYING CARDS, SHUFFLE CARDS (you find the Joker), TAKE JOKER, TAKE BELL, RING BELL (the Jester appears), GIVE JOKER (he places the Jester's cap upon your head!), N, W, UP, UP (you notice that the panels here are hollow, but you cannot do anything about it yet!), N [Ред.: Тако- го хода из прошлой комнаты нет,но он рабо- тает как U. ], W,S, TAKE RUG, S (the guard dogs bark and are likely to awaken the owners), GIVE SWEETMEATS (the dogs eat them and sleep it off), OPEN OTTOMAN, EXAMINE OTTOMAN, TAKE JEWELLED CROWN, N,N, E, E, S, S, TAKE LUTE, PLAY LUTE (you hear ghostly footsteps plod to the short stairs and fade away), N,N, W, S [Ред.: То же,что D. ], PLAY LUTE (a panel moves revealing a secret door), E (you have now entered the hedge maze!), W,W, SW,E,N [Ред.: SW,E,N не нужно.], SE,IN,DRINK WATER (this makes you strong enough to remove the grate in the Roman Baths,later), N (back to the clock), DROP DRINKING HORN, DROP BELL, DROP CARDS, DROP CAP, DROP RUG, DROP JEWELLED CROWN, DROP LUTE,SCORE (should now be 625/1000 ), TAKE GAUNTLET,TAKE SILVER COIN, TURN COG 7 (to proceed to Zone 7), SWING PENDULUM, N (you are now on a Flat Rocky Plain). ZONE SEVEN: THE FUTURE W, W, GIVE SILVER COIN (the Android gives you a Galactic Groat which will buy you a 'Day Pass' at the sports Arena), E, N, UP, UP, WEAR GAUNTLET (because the Star is white hot!), TAKE STAR, DOWN,DOWN, S, E,E, N,N, OPEN DOOR,N,W (you enter the Swimming Pool and instantly cool the white hot star before it burns through your gauntlet!), TAKE EMERALD, E, N, TAKE MATTRESS, TAKE ROCKET, S, OPEN DOOR, S,S,S, E, DOWN (the mattress cushions your fall), S, E, TAKE LIGHTSABRE [Ред.: SABRE ], W,S, OPEN DOOR, W, TAKE PHIAL (NOTE DO NOT DROP THIS ITEM ANYWHERE AS IT WILL SHATTER!!!), FIRE ROCKET (the rocket shoots up and you climb its rope), N (you are stopped by the Guard), GIVE GROAT (you now have access for ONE DAY ) [Ред.: С таким же успехом грош можно было выбросить,от этого дальне- йший сюжет не изменится.Вам всё равно надо зарезать кибера. ], N, FIGHT CYBERMAN, E, EXAMINE WORKBENCH,TAKE SCREWDRIVER, W (you see some broken robots but don't touch them yet), S,IN, DOWN (the mattress breaks your fall), TAKE RUBY,UP,OUT,N,OPEN ROBOT, EXAMINE ROBOT,TAKE SILICON CHIP, S,IN,DOWN (the mattress breaks your fall again), DOWN (back to the clock), DROP RUBY, DROP SCREWDRIVER, DROP CHIP, DROP ROCKET, DROP LIGHTSABRE [Ред.: SABRE ], DROP MATTRESS, DROP STAR,DROP EMERALD,DROP GAUNLET, SCORE (should now be 775/1000 ), TAKE DRINKING HORN, TURN COG 8 (to proceed to Zone 8), SWING PENDULUM, N (you are on a Road Lead- ing North). ZONE EIGHT: THE ROMAN ERA N,W,IN,KNEEL,PRAY (The God Mercury appears and gives you a pair of winged sandals), OUT, E, N, N, N, TAKE BUCKLE (A Gladiator steals the buckle and runs south to the Arena), S, S, S, NE, E, IN, TAKE NET, TAKE TRIDENT, OUT, W, SW, S, S, IN, THROW NET (it entangles the lion), THROW TRIDENT (it pins the net in place holding the lion securely), WEAR SANDALS, TAKE BUCKLE, OPEN DOOR, OUT, E, N, NE, NE, NE, FILL HORN, S, PULL GRATE,S,S (you are getting too hot!), DRINK WATER, W, W, S (back to the clock), DROP SANDALS, DROP HORN, DROP BUCKLE, DROP MATCHBOX, DROP WHEEL, SCORE (should now be 825/1000 ). (You should now collect the eight ingredi- ents gathered so far for the final zone!) TAKE TEARDROP, TAKE TUSK, TAKE EGG, TAKE OLIVE BRANCH,TAKE WING,TAKE CAP,TAKE CHIP, TAKE BUCKLE,TAKE MILESTONE, TURN COG 9 (to proceed to Zone 9), SWING PENDULUM, N (you are in a field of flowers, which could be paradise but definately isn't!!). ZONE NINE: THE FAR FUTURE S (you see a notice which reads "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here"), DROP MILESTONE (Father Time appears and says "Do not be afraid. What you are about to see is the future if the Timelords win. There is still time to defeat them". The door opens), S, S, S, DOWN, W, S, DIG (you loosen the bottle), TAKE BOTTLE (poison!), N, E, S, UNLOCK CAGES (the animals bound away), S, UNLOCK BARS (the people are free and hurry away, handing you a reward it is the box with the evil eye and is the final ingredient needed to complete your quest), E,E, IN, DOWN,DOWN (the plant is digesting you!), DROP BOTTLE, (it smashes and relea- ses liquid paraquat which kills the plant) E, E, UP,UP,UP, TAKE CLOAK, WEAR CLOAK (it renders you invisible), OPEN TRAPDOOR, UP (you are now under the table of the nine Timelords!), UP (you are behind the Time- lords, but they cannot see you!). (YOU HAVE ONLY TWO MOVES IN THE MISTS OF TIME SO THROW JUST TWO INGREDIENTS, SEPA- RATELY, INTO THE CAST IRON CAULDRON!!) E, THROW TEARDROP, THROW TUSK, W, E, THROW EGG, THROW OLIVE BRANCH, W, E, THROW WING, THROW CAP, W, E, THROW CHIP, THROW BUCKLE, W, E, THROW BOX. FINAL MESSAGE "The recipe is complete! Your surroundings fade away as the structure of time is repaired. You have won!..........You score 1000 out of 1000 ".
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