Adventurer #12
31 января 2001

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. Vyacheslav Mednonogov / COPPER FEET.

<b>Interview</b> - An Interview with CC'000. Vyacheslav Mednonogov / COPPER FEET.
     Chasm> ... uh-uh, stantadartnaya phrase: how is Black 
Raven 2? 

     C. F> Rybinsk? ...

  "I'm very tired:) and love you all ..."

     Chasm> Rybinsk ...

     C. F> Rybinsk - nice city, there
cool guys, so about the Black Crow
I must say ...

     Chasm> Well, at least a little bit ...

     Unknown> "Rybinsk Motors" We are particularly interested 

     Chasm> This slop enterprise
it works half of the city ...

     C. F> In short, the theme of this - I mean
desire, but I am not able ...

     Chasm> will not be - simply and
all ...

     C. F> From there I can be of
the other team. Sources I will
selling, will give ... net will not sell,
hence will give ...

     Unknown> This slop enterprise, but the money has ...

     Chasm> Well, of course ... Settling in
sense of ability to pay, money ...

     Unknown> money to pay workers not
wants, of course ...

     Chasm> There salary - tyscha, two maximum, well, four ...

     Unknown> But on the automation of these
Grandma is willing to spend a good ...

     Chasm> Okay, but we do not talk about it, so ... A plan of 
work for Spectrum no no?

     C. F> No more, unfortunately ...

     Chasm> And what is working?

     C. F> For pisi ...

     Chasm> A Th doing?

     C. F> Games, too, but ...

     Chasm> Where?


     Chasm> And what kind of games?

     C. F> FORTH TECHNOLOGIES - a children's obuchalka, VIRTUAL 
REALITY - that three-dimensional flight simulators and racing 
and any xy @ nor ... 

     Chasm> Cool, in principle ...

     C. F> Sam trudge ...

     Chasm> Well, that is, in principle, I duck
all that said, well, Spectrum, in principle, already bent ...

     C. F> No, it does not fold back on
just give way to young ... I mean, can not the same 
grandparents to sit there for 10 years at the Spectrum this ...

     Chasm> I'm 10 years old ...

     C. F> Here, we'll have to leave
we need to be with you @ come on, come on, we give way to young 

     Unknown1> I know it clearly ...

     C. F> I know you ...

     Chasm> And here we take the interview ...

     C. F> Come on, be with @ bit-ka for all @ uy ...

     Unknown1> We will listen, you're obscene ...

     Chasm> Well, actually, thank you to
computer connection is not going to lose?

     C. F> with computers, I'll be bound
anyway ...

     Chasm> And besides toys, both for yourself, do not you do?

     C. F> Duck is no time remains,
Here's a game I sometimes ...

     Chasm> Type HALFLIFE ...

     C. F> Best regards to all spektrumistam city of Rybinsk, I 
love them all, I love ...

Since p

Other articles:

From the authors - Opening remarks. Proceedings of the journal BORN DEAD.

Programming - Procedures for obtaining the values necessary for creating something on the boarder or multicolor.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from Programmer & GreenPix.

Events - Hurtman Joe reveals organizational jambs on CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from the Paparazzi.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from n00tr0pil.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from Andy Harchenko.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from weIrd.

Events - A list of visitors CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from Tangerine / T-Rex / The SandS / Looker House.


Events - Opinion Editor of the CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 (UnBEL! EVER).

Events - Report the main organizer of CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 - Random ^ CC.

Events - CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 as an indicator of prosperity spektrumskoy scene.

Games - Cheats Times of Lore.

Story - Time Learning.

Iron - Plans for a HD FDD drives and discs on the Spectrum.

Ottyag - Entered from the editor.

Ottyag - Why did the sheep better than women.

Ottyag - 10 things you can do .. if ...

Ottyag - A list of useful things about sex.

Ottyag - A useful about sex.

Events - Report on CC'000 (Elf / CPU).

Events - On the shortcomings and deficiencies CC'000.

Letters - Letters to the Editor: Prog Master, Kristoph.

People - info on creative group Studio Stall.

Programs - The presentation of a text editor HorrorWord.

Games - Game Description LUNAR WIND.

Programs - Description of the Music Player MMC Player.

Games - Game Description Mechanic Wars.

Authors - The authors of the journal and photos.

Authors - The list of authors and journal editorial office.

Programs - HEWLE PECKER - home video studio in your home.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. Editor in Chief ZX Format - Ruster / XL-Design.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. MADCAT / THE MAD MAILMEN LEAGUE.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. FREE ART (EX-FATALITY).

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. Vyacheslav Mednonogov / COPPER FEET.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. Belarusian hangouts.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. VOLGA SOFT AND OTHERS.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. MINISOFT / ASCENDANCY.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. VIRUS / THE HOT HEADS.

Events - Announcement of results CC'000.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. BRAIN WAVE.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. RANDOM / CONCERN CHAOS.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. 4TH DIMENSION.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. PLACEBO (EX-ETERNITY INDUSTRY).

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. EX-LIGHT FUTURE GROUP.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. LEGENDARY BORN DEAD CREW.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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