Adventurer #12
31 января 2001

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. MADCAT / THE MAD MAILMEN LEAGUE.

<b>Interview</b> - An Interview with CC'000. MADCAT / THE MAD MAILMEN LEAGUE.
     Elf> ... so that means a demo version, we
have seen, - JACKALS, but as you have a team called?

     Madcat> So, the team is now virtually non-existent, I'm 

     Elf> ... how ...?

     Madcat> This can be translated as LIGA
Freaky Postman, I did not organize myself, were friends who, 
what they did, they just met in the mail, one of Belgorod, like 
me, with the area, the second from Nizhny Novgorod, so they ...

     Elf> Well, that is, long-distance team?

     Madcat> Yes, but now it's the sort of thing
problematic, one married, one year gone, and the second on 
pisyuk now all cheto climbs ...

     Elf> Listen, and the last demo when I got something?

     Madcat> Demo fresh, just
That is - the third, most new, which I
brought ...

     Elf> Pogadi-ka, and what we saw?

     Madcat> Have you seen the first ...

     Chasm> Come on, and we can ...?

     Madcat> Of course you can ...

     Elf> Pogodi, then let's copy,
you are, you're going to stay here permanently, then, I hope?

     Madcat> I have a couple of days ...

     Chasm> Well, here we spend the night?

     Elf> Night copy ... In short,
this, and what has changed at all ...

     (On the background of a cry, like, O-OO-OO-O - drives a 
limousine, a white, long) 

     Elf> ... in the demo version of something ... pogodika ...

     Chasm> This Random arrived ...

     Elf> take pictures, take pictures!

     Madcat> Who is it? ...

     Elf> Duck who - Random ...

     Madcat> Cool, yes, even look
at this Maine.

     Elf> More behold ...

     Madcat> I told him to e-mail 'have never
time to ask questions, no time ...

     Elf> Listen, tell me what has changed in this demo version 

     Madcat> Well, completely changed the graphics engine, ie, 
it used to be, sprite size 3 * 3 ...

     Elf> Yes ...

     Madcat> Dap much the same way that 9 * 9
Was it, no 8 * 8 size game board
was, and now a cool thing, as
uh-uh, now tell ... Field Size 8
on ... how much it turns out, at 12,
ie, the sprite like 3 * 2 ...

     Elf> Well ...

     Madcat> Although they are 3 * 3, and
the upper part is superimposed with a mask, three-dimensional 
effect is created ... 

     Elf> A-ah, well, well, well ...

     Madcat> is, he quite a fancy turns. So, then, is 
completely all the buildings are ready, all the sciences, 
swill, I do not know, in my opinion, science You can also learn 
all ... Then, there's no only unit magician, all other units

ready, slingshot out there ... What else come from? Well, the 
schedule changed a bit, too, of course, the engine was replaced 
by the schedule had changed, the buildings had New paint ... 
What else have it is it ...? I'll remember ... Well, artificial 
intelligence is still there, but now the left is fully playable 
demo version, you can even develop, though resources are not 
enough ... He showed me, at him and then attacked, smashed, 
bastards, they are not attacked, the type of, like, not even 
type, n-oo-oo, a computer now have some type of units - the 
guards would be considered as they properties such that they 
are, if attack one of them, it seems to notify all the others, 
and they're all in this place go where attacked, and then come 
back if the enemy destroyed, and so they just stand guard as it 
were a certain zone. And here they are so scattered around the 
map, they even, in my opinion, built there, but they did do so

can not, in my opinion, they have working there,
can they hack something, I do not know, I do not
watching ...

     Elf> Duck, while you something concrete than zanimaeshsya? 
Working with this project? 

     Madcat> I'm working on this project do not work, 
unfortunately, that's so, well, there a few good ideas tossed, 
and all This makes Kim Bondarenko, his BC -

alias, well, anogramma obtained, and
So he sent me here for a demo version to show, show, but the 
truth, do not know magazine probably will not pass this ...

     Elf> No, but you come on a game-com
Options Options ...

     Madcat> Neto demo mode ...

     Elf> And do not care. There, in my opinion, were such 
possible, in short, if a person present that can manage it all 

     Madcat> I can ...

     Elf> In short, the organizers have
will just come up and all ...

     Madcat> Ok, and now a bug
was seen, can in my Pentagon
just does not work, in the first version
mouse was ...

     Elf> Well, well ...

     Madcat> In this - the keyboard for some reason
passed out, ie I was unable to get rid of his Pentagon, at 
home, I had only look, well, a mouse is - thank God ...

     Elf> There are now at the Pentagon by the way,
I do not know, is there a mouse ...

     Madcat> There have promised ...

     Elf> here, and Scorpion and the Pentagon have ...

     Madcat> Mednonogovsky ...

     Elf> Well, yes, and mednonogovsky Pentagon there is ... 
Duck Well, actually, it is worth wait for the full version of a 

     Madcat> Of course, well, the third demo is out now, and 
the second was just missing, it does not hit the 'Net, it just 
I, mud, eat, and he, as already very soon ...

     Elf> Hello ...

     (Suitable Buder ...)

     Buder> Hello, say you're unhappy with my work ...

     Elf> Who told you?

     Buder> It seems like kind of like
do not want to continue ...

     Elf> No, we are still nothing
not spoken, in principle ...

     Buder> I lie there still unsold ...

     Elf> Well, well ...

     Buder> What can I say, if
city ​​of nobody buys, in general ... most
large - 15 pieces I was able to
ZX-POWER to sell, I do not know from Kharkov
a living creature, money transfer ... Bull
this is ...

     Elf> From Kharkov? Bull - there's no ...

     Buder> No, it is yes, no ...

     Elf> From Ukraine, in fact, someone
there, but that's to accurately from Kharkov, nothing you can 
not say ... 

     Buder> comrade who took the money
the last time on SS'999, I handed him,
whether Maksimov, or something there is,
I do not know came up to you?

     Elf> At SS? It's in the sense of ...

     Buder> For realization ADVENTURER # 8 ...

     Elf> Yes, yes ... That's all we got ...

     Buder> And yet I sent a floppy disk, I had some with him, 
well, that is, return, and yet I have unrealized, I

just ...

     Elf> You can also bring them to us, you
tomorrow it will approach ...?

     Buder> Of course, if you will
here ...

     Elf> of course we will ... But in general, that
you have to appear in St. Petersburg from the new software
that the way out?

     Buder> What have we come from? Too
thing as you ... We, here, Black
Raven definitely do not want to do ...

     Elf> final?

     Buder> Yes, everything. I give, I give the source code and 
so on, such words. I tried to persuade him, of course, but 
nothing I did not get it now found a good job ... 

     Elf> Moo heard, of course, the
This ...

     Buder> First, he had a bad
work, and now he's found a good ... Here,
finally, this is 100% he will not
Black Crow continue, and the rest
Comrades ... Format collapsed ...

     Elf> Well, we know, talk to them anymore ...

     Buder> I tried to persuade them, let's go on, I'll help as 
best I can the implementation do ... A single copy of these

I was not given to the first issue in general ...
As if it's worse than me ... Well, they then
were good buyers, Zonov there bought 100 copies, they wanted to
I also bought, but I have a small pension ...

     Elf> Well, we'll meet again
Still, I think ... tomorrow ...

     Buder> Please, yes, I want to continue, if you want me to 
be involved in the implementation ... I have to mail one does 
not ask, because these Freestuff All Internet and all these 
things, they destroy us, I'm just outraged and wrote

always all these comrades that this bad job ... Thank you very 
much, I even have calmed down a bit ... 

     Elf> Duck here, we could not agree when is the full 
version of a wait? 

     Madcat> So, well, the author writes in the text that 
accompanies that this winter years, perhaps to come out ... 
Well, I think in extreme cases - in the spring, because

has remained one unit to complete, artificial intelligence and 
a map to draw and everything is almost ready. Another possible

note that it also makes the assembler is now a new ...

     Elf> How it will differ from all

     Madcat> Well, firstly, the bells and whistles such as the 
preservation of this same object file, polukompillirovannogo, 
shorter You can instead connect the text to connect the file in 
which tags are stored, their shift ... It turns out that almost

otkompillirovanny, except that all plaque marks there and 
everything else, which can not say exactly how it will already

When connecting this file. This is the first
then he's going to separate procedures
do to, like, well, as pisyushnom ACME individual procedures and 
their You can arrange local labels, too

quite a handy thing ...

     Elf> This is, in principle, is in the ZX
ASM 's, this feature ...

     Madcat> And, already, well, just slightly behind the 
information ... But apart from this, well, of course, 
convenience XAS 'a, STORM 'and ...

     Elf> Well, I hope to work with expanded memory will be 
implemented at would like to ALASM 'e. ..

     Madcat> And yet this brutal freaks, do not know who 
exactly it suggested or he or I can keep dofiga text in memory, 
and memory pages, etc. , the text is not limited to a 16-KB, and

continuous array as it is ...

     Elf> see ...

     Madcat> Well, of course, drayverok,
to correctly passed through the page
continuous array of ...

     Elf> Yes, it's good ...

     Madcat> That's it ... Well overlays will be more, well, 
even more personal I can not say now. Now I am a disassembler 
to it, ie you can enter text already ... not vice versa, the 
code you write, as a text, he will like the program text. Then 
the bells and whistles such as coloring, as in Pascal in 
pisyushnom, too, he decided to do, looks nice, I wonder came 
true size of the string of 32 characters, which may affect, 
though, I think, You can extend the string, ie make ...

     Elf> For it to be scrolled right / left ...

     Madcat> Yes ... It is the most ... This is
all now have, but no demo
him what the demo version can asma
have now all in the source code ...

     Elf> Well, that is, the percentage
we can say that he is ready?

     Madcat> So, well, it does not matter to
I think 30% is already precisely because
that there is a lot has been done ...

     Elf> Well, that's okay too ...

     Madcat> I did wait until the leaves, because I am now in 
the XAS 's own writing convenience is there, but there are many 
glitches, too. STORM - one page for text - it is my finishes, 
uncomfortable, and others I like would not use it, after the 
XAS 'and the other very difficult to pass, pass all

signs ...

     Elf> Duck and you own a Che writing right now?

     Madcat> I am now, may well have seen
a Gift to him HELP was - this programm hypertext designer, 
which allows from the text, well, color it, change fonts, 
insert the key - it is now is, randomly select a frame, which

will be, well, or even to remove it, scrolled page by page, 
line by line, then move on buttons, hyperlinks, HELP is also 
ours, may have made hot keys to a single output page,

Well with these buttons can now be as
menus do, however, a few buttons
- Menus are already obtained, well, almost the magazine can be 
created ... 

     Elf> There are some fonts can be changed
how many characters per line at all?

     Madcat> Any quantity, and in
one line may be the eighth, 6 th, 4 th ...

     Elf> Normal ...

     Madcat> Yes, that's all there, but it
I also still can not finish, there were
problemki small. Well, screen seyver also possible to insert, 
has also now have already screen seyver ...

     Elf> Well, by the way, can we in
magazine to send in an application include,
when it is already ...

     Madcat> Must ...

     Elf> Jura! Take a photo of a man!
In the magazine put the photo with the interview ...

Other articles:

From the authors - Opening remarks. Proceedings of the journal BORN DEAD.

Programming - Procedures for obtaining the values necessary for creating something on the boarder or multicolor.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from Programmer & GreenPix.

Events - Hurtman Joe reveals organizational jambs on CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from the Paparazzi.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from n00tr0pil.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from Andy Harchenko.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from weIrd.

Events - A list of visitors CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000.

Events - A report by visiting the St. Petersburg party CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 from Tangerine / T-Rex / The SandS / Looker House.


Events - Opinion Editor of the CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 (UnBEL! EVER).

Events - Report the main organizer of CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 - Random ^ CC.

Events - CHAOS CONSTRUCTION'2000 as an indicator of prosperity spektrumskoy scene.

Games - Cheats Times of Lore.

Story - Time Learning.

Iron - Plans for a HD FDD drives and discs on the Spectrum.

Ottyag - Entered from the editor.

Ottyag - Why did the sheep better than women.

Ottyag - 10 things you can do .. if ...

Ottyag - A list of useful things about sex.

Ottyag - A useful about sex.

Events - Report on CC'000 (Elf / CPU).

Events - On the shortcomings and deficiencies CC'000.

Letters - Letters to the Editor: Prog Master, Kristoph.

People - info on creative group Studio Stall.

Programs - The presentation of a text editor HorrorWord.

Games - Game Description LUNAR WIND.

Programs - Description of the Music Player MMC Player.

Games - Game Description Mechanic Wars.

Authors - The authors of the journal and photos.

Authors - The list of authors and journal editorial office.

Programs - HEWLE PECKER - home video studio in your home.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. Editor in Chief ZX Format - Ruster / XL-Design.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. MADCAT / THE MAD MAILMEN LEAGUE.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. FREE ART (EX-FATALITY).

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. Vyacheslav Mednonogov / COPPER FEET.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. Belarusian hangouts.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. VOLGA SOFT AND OTHERS.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. MINISOFT / ASCENDANCY.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. VIRUS / THE HOT HEADS.

Events - Announcement of results CC'000.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. BRAIN WAVE.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. RANDOM / CONCERN CHAOS.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. 4TH DIMENSION.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. PLACEBO (EX-ETERNITY INDUSTRY).

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. EX-LIGHT FUTURE GROUP.

Interview - An Interview with CC'000. LEGENDARY BORN DEAD CREW.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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