Inferno #09
31 июля 2006 |
Likbez - Characteristics of pn junctions at low current.
Characteristics of pn junctions with weak current In practice, sometimes you want to get bias voltage for the job is defined parameters and modes of operation nodes. When This is necessary, its relative stability, and a significant current in the circuit bias is not trebuetsya.Takzhe there are cases when the excess current is not (in the design cost-effective, low-power nodes), and then require more mikromoschny source bias. For the displacement and stabilization Oba chno use zener diodes, and stabistorov simple diodes, and pn junctions transistors tors. Characteristics of these components (I-V - volt-ampere characteristic) has em obstruction and the exponential dependence VCC. This is due to comp NNAC electric field forming potential barrier at the pn transition stroke (a zener anyway), despite the fact that value of the field is very constant. However, in early characteristics at low current / at voltage of the junction, the dependence nestabi flax and poorly suited to permanent displacement scheniya.Vse conventional zener and stabisto algebra work well with currents from milliamperes and unstable part of their characteristics located to a fraction of milliamper.Poetomu for low-current bias is easier to use low-power LEDs with currents of tens of mA, respectively, the beginning of their characteristics will be in microamps. In addition (as follows from the data), the voltage on low-power transition at the same current is higher What a powerful and more stable (abutment elk). But to find a low-power diodes (and transitive blinds) is not easy. Improved technology - and produced more powerful compact and durable "instruments, with good Shimi harakteristikami.Vprochem, endurance import samples gives our (stock strength of our larger), but the parameters our often very inferior to imports. In recent years have become available chip instru of the (small components that have no conclusions transitions), and they are more suited to the role of small schnyh, although their marriage is more common than in the traditional (in modern tiny mikruhah - too), and should once again about believe the device before use. I am sometimes surprised by a large "no literacy is "many mAsterovlomAsterov who put their details to the right and left, confident in their "as applied universality. "They can not normally present advantages and disadvantages of steam meter details and often underestimate the properties sites and work as a whole, although in most cases, the activities of these "masters" op ravdyvaetsya. These are often "open" their ignorance, without knowing it, getting trapped on the simple, classic things. But enough of these "experts". As people are reasonable, we understand that to what, and the search for low-current bias leads leads us to the classical string vyvodu.Lyubaya ktura system and the node optimally serves some golden mean job conditions, and at the beginning and end of the range of these conditions manifest all sorts of negative factors algebra, and therefore use midpoint. In our case, the top features pn junction contains fluctuations of the electric electric field barrier, multiplied by the defects the transition itself, and does not provide the required stabilization lnosti, and at the end of characteristics manifested are lost (with a substantial current), and exponential curve stabilization nak ladyvaetsya direct active component - resistance of the semiconductor. However, to the end of us away and we will search the site closer to the beginning ... Not to go crazy with an absurd number honors the measurements, I decided to limit the range Search within the 30 dB (10 mA - 10 mA). To control / current setting used old tester TS20-05 (its minimum limit is comparable to my digital test ramie, and precise - digital - setting does not required). To reduce the error has decided to take on two samples of the same type of diodes. The voltage is measured at Sinometr'om VC9808 limit of 2 volts. All junctions were soldered a series circuit and through podstroech nickname connected to the battery (run down D 0.125). Podstroechniki solder at about waters so as not to heat the transitions. In fact, a small stream, the possible error of those cluster, despite the huge input resistance resistance. On the big - the error of time number of battery, though I for compensation podstraival.V Total current accuracy and spread (between the measurements of diodes) way is called the 5% and I have not tried it stabilizes synthesized. In the beginning I was wrong - by Meryl slot voltage, and the first series was on current of 5 mA, and in the end did not have the EMF for 10 mA, and I decided to restrict the new limit: 5 mA - 5 mA. Then, for accuracy, to ten measurements range 5 - 10 - 20 - 50 ... add 9 intermediate (15 - 35 - 75 ...), but in the end decided to measure the leakage current, reverse the inclusion of ... Now about the contenders 1. Small kvadratnenky, presumably Indeed, the RF switching diodik flat legs on one side and the numbers of carbon Lamas housing, which together can be read as 5646. I hate to obscure markings and lack of data references ... 2. Gray balloon with incomprehensible to lustertym symbol and a thick nozhkami.Kor empty instantly warmed by adherent of a soldering iron, and keep your hands it is impossible but. Presumably, the high-frequency switching diode average power. Steel-gray band at cathode. 3. As above but with a blue stripe at the cathode and in the middle. 4. KD104A. High-voltage rectifying diode as a small drop of super soft ribbon pin 300 V, 0.1 A. 5. Classic collector junction of pulyarnogo transistor KT315 (Table the letter of the sample) 0.1 A, 25 (A) or 35 (F) B. 6. Emitter junction KT315, it can be assume sverhslabotochnym among all Prete ndentov, with conditional data of 6 V, 10 mA. Specifies maximum reverse voltage of, according to the reference data. Incidentally, in the references often meets with incorrect sequence in the designation of the maximum permissible of the emitter-base voltage. Do not indicate that a reverse voltage, rather than direct. WPRO What, all so it should be clear. For about sample 5 the maximum current is essentially return (mode of operation - Transistor), but Judging by what we're missing is the Coy same magnitude current through the same transition, it is a normal assumption ... Table indicated millivolts. Writing the data into the computer and traced for increasing the voltage drop, I found three errors and correct the results. To measure the reverse current, I used call of 20 V by connecting through the restrictive 1 kOhm resistor to the anode (soldered all devices a common point). But since the leakage current too is very small and is not fixed at the limit of 2 mA, I used mode DCV 200 mV (M832) - as nanoampermetr by dividing the reading on input impedance (1 Mohm). But these data nye include only a very approximate mi, due to very low voltage and noise to a negligible current. Readings plate Wali, and I took the average value is very conditions doubtedly his count. Based on these data can not be done conclusion of belonging to a unit Vysokovo ltnym or low voltage, although some connection is traced. Not counting the transistors ditch, the KD104A - the smallest leak, but 300, it should be 3 uA - there is a nonlinear linear dependence of the inverse curve. And it should be. And here is the smallest leak - collector junction - did not correlate tsya high voltage. Large leak characterized samples, calculated on the value siderable current, but again manifests itself not since the beginning of characteristics, while mean flax stress - when the breakdown starts transition. Given this, we can say that the first 3 sample is unlikely to withstand hundreds of volts, and one, probably, to the marriage, and this due to the reduced fall in the early characteristics. But the emitter junction try! But this was to be expected. Stress on them was about 7 V at a current around 14 mA. And slope characteristics characteristics (like zener diodes) at a very good level (voltage sits less than polvolta at currents in microamperes). Not surprisingly, the emitter junction used as a zener mikromoschnye (Seen in magazines several circuits). By the same reason, it is clear how easy it is povre dit transistor static potential or touching the accumulated charge. Not surprisingly, the chip tranzyuki fly at mistreated ... If we calculate the percentage growth of the Pade of, it becomes clear that at low current it is clearly superior to the next, and POE what we can say that the growing part characteristics becomes flatter - CO lasno exponentially. But first low-power Sample the beginning of a table closer to the flat frequency In particular, than the next two transitions that Again, due to their large working current and the shift characteristics of the end of the table Litsa. But the greater the fall in the early Table of KD104A due to their Vysokovo ltnostyu rather than low current. Lida ramie are transistor transitions - from their biggest drop in at the beginning of Tabley particle. However, they have seen (although to a lesser degree - they are the low-voltage) exponential exponential dependence of the beginning of the table. The latter explains the decrease in the amplifying abilities transistors work in weak sneeze currents (up to percent of maximum) revealing the benefits of a "weak" tranzyukov in mikromoschnyh sites ... Somewhat surprising identity of the emitter rnoy and collector curves. But this explanation Nimo small currents of experience. At the end of the table You can see how the high-transition amplitude and, correspondingly, small operating currents. Y those transitions, where the resistance is higher - increase more (added to the drop with resistance of the junction). It is evident that the slope of 2 nd and third samples is much larger (respectively respectively, higher operating current), while the transition moves considerably smaller (this is natural, ve qb base current is weak, while the main work current flows from the emitter to the collector). Conclusions Leaders for the low-current bias NE lyayutsya transitions of low-power transistors, and the emitter can be used as zener with a small napryazhenie.No This should not be carried away by currents, it is better not more than a couple mA and not change the current more than doubled, otherwise the bias will not dostato chno stable. Because of noise in the early hara kteristiki should not use the transition offset / current less than poluvolta, although it all depends on the application of circuitry and specific cases. In some cases, to determine a suitable leads whether the sample is sufficient to measure drop voltage across it at two different currents (from difference of no more than twice) about the representation polagaemogo working value. Thus, Thus it becomes clear what the limits of deviation voltage. But we should not judge strictly - this is not a diode (not stabistorov), and use at higher multiplicity of current (More than twice) is unlikely to be determined ravdano. March 15, 2006 By KSA-7G
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