ZX Power #03
31 декабря 1997 |
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Perspective - CSC: DEJA VU - rumors and reality.

Crime Santa Claus-2 and CSC: Deja Vu - the rumors and the truth _________________________________________ some time ago from "dostovernyhistochnikov" users Spectrum mogliuslyshat "news" about vypuskaigry Crime Santa Claus-2 (hereinafter CSC-2) idazhe get suggestions otnositelnopokupki this game. And soon after that knam Received a letter came from TicklishJim'a - a leading group of coders "Brokim-soft" (incidentally, under the heading "interviews" estnasha conversation with him ...), which povedalnam true state of affairs in gruppe.Itak below I cite some "points" from his letter that TJ nastoyatelnoprosil publish in order to avoid low-cost zumeny ... 1. CSC-2 and Crime Santa Claus: Deja Vu - two completely different project. At this currently working on CSC-2 is suspended, over the CSC: DV, on the contrary - is moving forward however, neither of which "final version" of today can not be considered. 2. CSC-2 will be released no earlier than CSC: DV. 3. The authors of the game are strongly advised not to publish false information about their projects, without first obtaining the express consent of their own. 4. For all questions regarding CSC: DV, CSC-2 and other projects, please contact directly to the Ticklish Jim'u. Telephone: (0472) 43-37-97, from 18.00 to 23.00 FROM THE EDITOR: Letter from T.J. is another evidence of incompetence and boorish to the author of some "subjects", imagined himself as "the primary source of information" and almost the Lord God. Unfortunately, such "entities" still exist Spectrum in the world, although their number gradually and decreases (the fact that actually they do not care deeply for the Spectrum, and are interested in them either getting money for the cracked software, or satisfaction own vanity, or something, and more ...), but the most vile of their representatives still have a convulsive "Jerking" in an attempt to regain credibility, long lost after they were "raskusheny. That's who we should fight, these "dirty person" are the cause of copyright infringement and try before time "bury" Spectrum. In order not to be unfounded, we present a few facts. fact first: the spread of rumors "Exit" CSC-2 with a proposal to expel money for the game. The game not been completed, and the authors even unaware that they are the game already "released" ... fact two: today promised STALKER'om play The Citadel is still not finished, but it has not prevented some people declare exit full version, not only state but also offer this complete version to buy! fact three: when one group asked the Kharkov his "friend" news regarding the release of the the third issue of the journal "ZX-POWER", that categorically stated: "The third number? Yes it comes out next Friday! " Imagine how we were surprised learned some time later that the third issue of the magazine, is already "Out" ... I could cite many more examples, but most likely examples of these known to all as the names of "informers", which were discussed above. Would just like to advise those few gullible people they trusted, ponder the following question: "What do you think these your" friends "kidanut" you when they provide a good opportunity or not? ".." And now, because this article yet appeared under the heading "Outlook" I (Jam) going to tell readers about the project "Crime Santa Claus: Deja Vu" in detail. Just want to make a reservation, that this information is not taken by me "from the ceiling," and received from the authors of the game. So, to our magazine came a second demo of this game. Crime Santa Claus: Deja Vu (demo # 2) Graphics and effects - Panda / Bis / ASM 'RUSH Labyrinth - Panda and Slider / Bis / ASM 'RUSH Codes - Ticklish Jim / Bis / ASM In the demo, you can: - Walk through the maze of the game, jump ... - Look at the "monsters" - Look at the fixed animation - Look at the snow, running line and the animation framework - Listen to sounds (music authors decided until the "hold" - good enough is enough :) - Assess the quality of graphics drawn Pand'oy in combination with avtomaski Ticklish Jim's. (See article "AVTOMASKA" under "LIKBEZ. This is me Zamesto hypertext try ... :))) And that's what you can not do: - Perform some action (other than turn and remove the bag) - Go to any door - Talk to someone - To die at the hands of crafty and malicious "Monsters" (sorry can not speak, but it would be possible with impunity poob call the "monsters" any bad words ... :)) - Complete the game - To see the splash screen and slides (about 30 pcs.) - See all the rooms - Go for the items - Search Rakkslu:))) In the demo version polled 3 joystick: Sinclair, Keyboard and Kempston. What is the full version: - A bunch of "monsters" - Lots and lots of animation fixed - A lot of music - Shipping state to disk - 54'hkomnatny maze - An abundance of interesting puzzles - Multiple paths through the game - An abundance of service options (settings at different computers) - Some other interesting surprises ... ;) Demo version can be found in the Appendix. And since I already had with her available, I would like to express their opinion (the authors may be not without interest:)). In fact, I am not one to fans of games Dizzy series and the like, but I can not praise the good graphics (I had myself a little with the graphics "Dabble", so little here apart ... ;)) And the stylish design of the program. I liked also the names of locations, especially "ligvo bilogo chrobak" (rulez!) and "toothy crow." The only drawback - not very readable font running line. And the rest, I think This game falls in the top five games this genre, so we'll wait for the full version. All remarks, suggestions, etc. about the game, readers can send to the following address: 257005, Cherkassy, st. Shevchenko, D. 367 / 1 Bezuglov Andrey _________________________________________
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