ZX Power #03
31 декабря 1997


Magazines that we choose or muddy waves Mass Media (C) 1998 E. 
Nesterenko (Jam) __________________________________________ 
It's no secret that any evolution of the function (whether the 
evolution of animal life, iliprogress humanoid civilization 
...) there is a sort of peculiar jumps like a sea wave in a 
storm. Same samoemy can observe in the evolution of the 
Spectrum, both in hard and in the software. But the evolution 
of Hardy we leave apart other, aces same chat about software. 
So kakuyuzhe form has this wave in segodnyashniyden? Beginning 
90's looked like this: complete financial rmennogo software, 
reinforced "Krakow" and "infinitesimal nits" Russification, the 
first attempts megade-mostroeniya ... Then: extinction 
firmennyhprogramm, rigid Russification, rare a sample of 
domestic programs, overclocking megademostroeniya (but not all) 
appearance of the first magazine, though, on paper (ZX REVIEW) 
... Next: the pathetic remnant proprietary software, release of 
the first computer magazines, the further development 
megademostroeniya, increase the quantity and quality of 
domestic programs, education Computer groups ... Now: exhaustion

Internet'a of any scraps of corporate software, the peak 
megademostroeniya (Enlight), wholesale zhurnaloizdatelstvo, the 
extinction of domestic developments, the massive union in the 
group, the collapse of Inforkoma, STEP'a et al development 
ZX-networks ... 

   Well, it's a lot, and they all deserve a separate 
discussion, but so far there will talk about computer magazines.

We pose the question: what takoekompyuternye magazines, why, 
why so why? Now, of course, it's hard to say who first had the 
idea of ​​synthesis of PC and press, but the primacy here does 
not belong "Sovdepiia, that's for sure. With regard to the 
purposes of registration of computer magazines, it is very 
interesting topic, examine it detail. Here's the thing: about

ideal of the journal, opinions diverge.
Some believe that there should be a clear specialization, the 
narrow focus on a specific topic ("a magazine for hackers," a 
magazine for users, "Journal for the lamer" "Journal for 
baluyuschihsya computer housewives, etc.) Others argue in the 
journal should be just a little more - from the review of new 
programs to the article "How to learn to cut out jigsaw" and 
"how to make MEGAdemu" ... There are other opinions, to the 
point that "we do not need any magazines." But the good thing 
if a person even he knows something of what he wants. And then 
it happens: today he could not pass some sort of toy, so give 
him a description of tomorrow's starts messing with assembler 
and already be shouting "enough descriptions, giving advice

young coder! "or" I want to know about the hardware, its 
species, varieties and innovations " So here the question 
ambiguous. Most interesting is that often the authors 
themselves computer magazines do not know why his Magazine 
release ... "Look, Wang, Won truncated log kaky something they 
do, and we let zababahaem, to all, as people ... "

It also happens that the magazine is available only to 
"release". ("We Won which, rrazz - and slapped the magazine! 
Know ours! ") Sometimes, of course, and in another way: the 
people know clearly why zhurnalvypuskayut, and how it should 
be, but that's bummer - materialchikov something not always 
enough! And if they have enough, then, unfortunately, not those 
that necessary. - Really! - Objects to the reader - so

And what do you take the money? That's right, the argument is 
valid, but only have a couple of "buts". Yes, if everything was 
done just for the money, here, of course, had

would break the board, and get stuff.
But almost always the authors of the magazine receive a penny 
for it, such that just funny, let alone the reporters who write

article, and say no. Therefore,
everything here is held not on money but on the "bare" 
enthusiasm ... In general, there is obtained a vicious circle: 
the publisher can not invest in the Journal of Money, as a 
serious business, because it will pay nikogdane costs (taxes, 
border, "the pirates "...), the reader does not want to 
overpay, because does not consider the magazine enough "good"

publisher may not, without investing money to create "high 
quality" magazine ... 

   This is the reason, and now about to issue magazines ... 
Goal, of course, different and I can not judge for other 
publications, say only for the ZX-POWER:

1.Zarabotat a lot of money, there is no immediately
you would know what kind of money ... Tell
for example: Squizer receives journal
less than it spends on envelopes and stamps for
response letters from readers. ;))

2. Fame, about the same as
paragraph 1, because "the glory in your pocket will not put on 
the bread is not namazhesh ..." :)) By the way, I think it is 
for this reason, many "giants" go with the Spectrum. : ( 

3.Sozdat source of news for its region, and this is coming up! 
What can you do, not all have the relationship is not something 
that the "near abroad", and even to neighboring regions. And we 
try to provide it to them. 

4.Podderzhka authors and this is also a certain degree, because 
who else would support the authors, if not the, home magazine? 
Of course, I am referring primarily Kharkov authors, although 
we are ready to help all those who will need it (publish demo 
program description or advertisement, etc.), please contact 
magazine. ;) 

5.Podderzhka "afloat" is our favorite
computer course! For us there is no other
computer, except for Speccy and the Pentagon -
his prophet! I am here I will not speak for
all (though I am confident that they consider as
same ...), I can only say for myself: I do not care as IBM, and 
at AMIG'u ... Yes it can, for accounting or video viewing these 
cars and steep, and for creativity, I did better Speccy not

I know! :))) But it's a different story ...

6. Communication "with friends", yes, one of the
the main reasons is the issue of the journal
"Installation of contact and communication with all
Spectrum-minded world, scattered throughout the vast expanses 
of our once common homeland. So you know, the readers: your 
comments - the most important thing for us, write to more 
often, try to answer all ...:))) 

   Now, I think you'll see
the real picture that represents the publication
ZX-POWER'a ... I would like to talk more about
problem "magazine - the reader." What do I mean by that? Here's 
what: among "fans" Speccy is definite "separation

roles, there are several types of prevailing attitudes and, 
accordingly, needs. customary to distinguish two main, 
although, in fact, there are many more, but dwell on these two. 
Users and hackers Players and programmers, gamers and coders -

call them what you like, the essence of this is not
changes. It's something like a division
people on the "Physics" and "lyrical." Of course, differ in 
their views on the "ideal" computer magazine. This has already 
been a lot of said, I do not want to repeat all

everything is clear, BUT! Such a moment: is the same
programmer - not a man, and he is not interested, "chop" in an 
exciting game, or plunge into the literary world, not less

"Virtual" rather than a computer, or "drag" of cool anecdotes, 
finally! " Surely the user, no matter how it "stupid" in

Coding it was not, not interested in modern programming 
techniques, or new hardware design, or to discuss the prospects 
of your computer?! So, I'm in do not believe it! (Odnoznachno! 
:)))) I think between these two "castes" exists

interpenetration. (I know, interpenetration is, it does not may 
be removed !:)))) Therefore, I protest against the 
"specialization" computer publications:

 - Down with the specialization, giving SPECCYalizatsiyu all 
countries and peoples! 

   Of course, saying that
versatility is always the least suitable for all needs, it has 
provided, but taken separately, I know, but I am not the 
"voice" for universal versatility, I think the journal should 
adhere to a certain direction, but does not exclude the very 
interpenetration, but the degree of interpenetration should 
identify readers by voting for these or other sections of the 
magazine. I it seems that there are no bad entries, there are 
just bad writers. (Quote: "The bad women do not exist, there is 
only little vodka! ":))))) I, for example, sodinakovym

disgust as I read amateurishly concocted novel, and lamerskie 
teachings "Programming" ... What I do is all leading? Yes to 
what articles should be larger, with "good and different!"

But, unfortunately, in real life is not ideal, whereas our goal 
is to try to get closer to the ideal ... By the way, once Since 
we're talking about real life, not to whether we, in fact, a 
review computer publications that exist on the Spectrum? Well, 
the idea is not bad, but there here some snags, namely: to us,

in Kharkov, comes, unfortunately,
not all, and not as fast as we would like, so the information 
will not quite complete ... Well, let alone the fact that

know, tell you honestly! So - go ahead!

                  . . .

 Overview of computer periodicals

   on the Spectrum (in alphabetical order).

1. ADVENTURER (Rybinsk) - 6 rooms

  As the name of the journal, its specialization - adventyurnye 
game. However, Actually there adventyur annex ...:))) Well very 
little. It is, of course, clear - "Western" adventyury almost 
all untwisted, and domestic samples were not

shine with sophistication, and few of them. Again
same to the game "sort through"
should it pass, and for games of this genre is
not at all easy. It is not 'Star Heritage "to describe 
something, in fact:)) What As for the shell, then it is a 
typical "Spectrofon" - "jabbed" in bukvochku - get the result 
... Inconvenient placement of articles made, so you have to 
seek the appropriate article on the whole magazine. Errors 
(spelling, punctuation, style, etc.) not much, but you can be, 
and smaller novel enough ... primitivnenkie,

Though written carefully. Become quite different, very cool
made to "Ottyag, the overall impression
quite favorable.

2. AMAZING (Kharkiv) - 2 rooms

 What can I say about this edition? Well
The authors are eager to publish the magazine! .. ;))
Of course, the impact lack of experience and shortage of 
quality articles, but progress still there: the second room is 
decorated already much better the first one, you see,

The following issues will be even better ... Not
would be advisable to alter viewer (the cursor so
ugly, and twitches at the top of the screen) and
learn some Russian (especially spelling), or find an 
experienced proofreader. 

3. AMIGA NEWS (Krivoy Rog) - Number 1

   Menu in English (!), The choice of sections
performed again on "Spectrofon'ovski, text viewer terribly slow
(Better to have removed special effects), and there is no 
"flipping" the pages. Error rather, the texts are very few ... 
In fact, it is difficult to judge one zhurnalepo number, so 
wait for the next. P.S. By the way, what's the AMIGA? :))

4. CHAOS (St. Petersburg) - Number 1

   This is a parody of ZXF, however, for the first
numbers, rather good. Very bad
spelling, awkward viewer (only by the line scroll), articles on 
programming designed for users ... :-I

5. DEJA VU (Kemerovo) - 4 rooms

   Window envelope, an extensive collection of
articles, almost no errors, the information fairly fresh, 
though nothing on games (Probably all the old games have 
"dismantled", and are available with a brand new description) 
... (:-) What's annoying, because it boring intro. I would like 
to acknowledge the good periodicity of the journal (in Kharkov 
in within six months accounted for 4 rooms!)

6. DEPTH (Lugansk) - Number 1

   Who are you guys shell writing something? ..
Kursorchik slows, and at the top of the screen at all 
"trembling." (Or is it me Pentagon so smart ...). Again, there 
is nothing on games, although in general well selected 
articles. Viewer smacks strongly on the ZX-NEWS'ovsky 
(countrymen, after all ;-) 

7. FLASH TIME (Novosibirsk) - Number 1

   Starts magazine with obsessive intro,
which can not "slip" (do not want
watch and have ...), then cool menu - any Soundriv'y, mouse, and
etc. Graphic design leaves much to be desired, the interface 
ZX-FORMAT'ovsky, only when you exit the article shell loaded 
again. : (Bugs decently in Some articles 
otkrovennayamaterschina, it produces a very unpleasant 
impression. But in general, a good selection of articles, I I 
think that these numbers will be better! :))

8. MIRACLE (Chelyabinsk) - 2 rooms

   Yes, this magazine is far from perfect, but
This, in contrast to his countryman SPECCY,
really COMPUTER MAGAZINE! Obscenities, of course, about the 
error and glyuchkov, but there is something to read. : -! Keep 
it up! 

9. OBERON (Samara) - 4 rooms

   When I saw the first issue, I was nepriyatnoudivlen. Exotic 
(in a bad sense of the word:))) envelope, scary

"Attacks" on Spectrofon, contents - solid self-promotion, and 
zero information ... But with the advent of the fourth number 
(unfortunately, 2 and 3, I have not seen), my opinion has 
changed dramatically, and the better it storonu.Slovno quite 
another magazine! Nice shell cool special effects, "neat" 
article In short, a sort of universalism without molestation, 
though obscenities about the description of games. I recommend!

10. ODYSSEY (Armavir) - 2 rooms

   Quite a lot of information and diverse, although the 
application - bullshit, and the shell buggy, in the viewer 
confused in some places the Q and A. Special effects will be 
not enough! :)) The Office - "windows". Clear focus is not seen 

11. SPECCY (Chelyabinsk) - 7 rooms

   From room to room I was waiting for: when the same
Interestingly, run out of "the first pancake? But
Here before me the seventh number, and I see
that this is another caricature - an article on
the trajectories of falling bodies and the program for 
calculating the transformer in the annex ... 

12. SPECTROPHOBY (Volga) - 6 rooms

   Parody of Spectrofon, and very
unimportant. Wretched shell, full of errors,
some articles (such as TR-DOS) frankly smack lamerstvom ... 
Analysis highly original games (like: "Well, we here

game-playing, a fig, we did not work, so
that hope to help readers), rescues
more or less decent application.

13. SPECTROFON (, Moscow) - 23 rooms

   What is there to "observe"? " Let him
who have not seen Spectrofon'a, throw at me
stone! (Only a small :)))) need only look at the number of 
rooms ... All I can say - RULEZZZ! Unfortunately, the 23-th 
number - the latter because STEP group ceased to exist.

: (
P.S. By the way, do not trust the opinion of some
"DobrozhIlateley" over the last
numbers: there are two very ruleznye Games
with the description - "BLOODWYCH" and "DARK
SCEPTRE ", and even of the articles have something to read.

14.SPECTRUM PROGRESS (St. Petersburg)

   - 2 rooms

   Probably soon in St. Petersburg journals will
more than the users ... :) As for this edition, it will be 
abruptly "CHAOS'a, but weaker" Format'a. The shell is made here 
based on "Vindozy ",:-' (See, publishers of the magazine 
believe that Progress Spectrum is perediranii squalid 
"pisyushnyh shells") content is very original. That only, for 
example, is an article for publication which paid magazine 
writer, and not vice versa! :-O Although, perhaps this way the 
authors of the magazine to make money? 

15.ZX-FORMAT (St. Petersburg) - 7 rooms

   Another "veteran"! But, fortunately, until
not yet gone back "to rest" as some ...
Too solid RULEZ, although in a somewhat different
plane, unlike Spectrofon'a. But
so as to express pozhelaniyaposlednemu
is meaningless, I would like to wish
FORMAT'u carefully edited texts
and less buzz about AMIG'u ...

16. ZX-NEWS (Luhansk) - 3 rooms

   Want characterize this magazine one
word? Please - ORIGINALITY! Cool animation, a minimum of 
mistakes, professional articles, among which there are 
generally unique, unusual shell ... The only drawback - 
annoying ads before starting the magazine.

17. ZX-POWER (Kharkiv) - 3 rooms (so far)

   Um ... Well-at ... What can you say about
this journal? I think once you read it
you can evaluate themselves and their opinions on
this occasion to express to us in writing
form, and we take into account ... ;-))

18. ZX-REVIEW (Moscow) - 12 rooms

       (Disk version)

   Another "ZX", although to be said: the first, and not just 
"ZX", but the magazine, although a long time and produced on 
paper. Yes, printing version for REVIEW me - the ideal magazine 
for SPECCY, even to the the last one quality is clearly reduced.

Yes, the disk version, too personal, but here
again, bummer - Inforkom with the ZX-REVIEW
"Kicked the bucket"! : (It is, of course,
bad bad to say about the "dead", but
I allow myself a eulogy:
"Magazines and inforkomy come and go, but
SPECTRUM remains. We say goodbye to Inforkomom, peace be upon 
him, and let PC he rest in peace ... " 

   Of course, in this review included not
all the magazines, which actually exist in
Today, however, as the emergence of other publications in 
Kharkov, we will acquaint you with them ... Finally,

anticipation of the numerous and ambiguous
Feedback about this article, I want to do
several applications:

1. All made by me above judgments
about computer books (except, perhaps, the number of rooms and 
location editions) are nothing like mine

own, purely subjective opinion ...

2. I believe that the increase in computer
press only contributes to the development
Spectrum of motion in the Commonwealth and therefore
I want to express my sincere gratitude to all those people who 
take part in this. 

3. There is an opinion: "There is no bad
journals, are only the best and worst
with respect to one another ... "(I personally
I read all the magazines that come across my
the eyes, the only question that some I immediately "erased", 
but some remain for a long time). 

4. One last thing: the purpose of the reviews -
to give readers information about the electronic
publications, rather than asking "slope" of
or any other magazine.

   Well, today, perhaps enough to survey all in a row, and next 
time I try to do something similar with the computer newspapers 
and, of course, if that brand new - look at ... Bye! 

Other articles:

Authors - The authors of the journal and editorial contacts.

Entry - Welcome and opening remarks.

Entry - Describes the features of the shell.

Entry - Content.

Entry - Announcement of articles the next issue.

Likbez - Recovery programs by address search start-up, with perevzloma.

Likbez - Automatic creation of masks for sprites.

Likbez - a new algorithm for fast 3D graphics on SPECCY.

Likbez - CHEATS POKES and in game programs: the history of methods of cheating, corporate CHEAT, using published POKES, address search of immortality.

Miscellaneous - Fake editors for musical co-processor.

Miscellaneous - Trouble with AY (wrong clock frequency).

Miscellaneous - The virus in the IS-DOS.

Miscellaneous - Prulevka - strange people.

Miscellaneous - The editor of shipment for ELITE-3.

Miscellaneous - the results of an opinion poll Spektrumistov.

Miscellaneous - Competition special correspondent for the magazine.

Miscellaneous - Development Project Spectrum market.

Miscellaneous - FUNTOP-98 - the outcome of the festival.

Room with laughter - Computer Dictionary for Dummies.

Room with laughter - Chemical History.

Room with laughter - The second nasshestvie Martians.

Room with laughter - Jokes about Internet users.

Room with laughter - Vindoza - Source Code of Windows.

Web - How does a modem.

Web - Command HAYES-modem.

Web - What is MNP in HAYES-modems.

Web - Modems on the Spectrum.

Interview - An Interview with Ticklish Jim-ohm, Rom / Progress, BRAIN WAVE CORP, RST # 7, KGS INC.

Perspective - The presentation of the game "Mirror".

Perspective - CSC: DEJA VU - rumors and reality.

News - News from the scene: Phantom Family, Smash, OHG, Avalon, Spark, K3L, TGM, First Association, Discovery Group, BrainWave, etc.

News - News from the Chelyabinsk spektrumistov.

News - News from Cherkassy.

Around the World - APPLE presented a clear project PC.

Around the World - IA-64: An informal chronicle of the revolution.

Around the World - Bill Gates: ON WINDOWS - only the good.

Around the World - Everything you wanted to know about "silicone".

Fiction - The story EG Nesterenko, "The Crown and the Ring (part 2)

Fiction - Bloody Shadow.

Fiction - Terminator 3.


Scrap - Wiring HAYES-modem.



Mail - Letters from readers.

Mail - Letters: what they are ...

Desktop - Shadow mnogotekstovy assembler debugger ALASM 4.1 (Short description of functionality).

melomania - melomania Issue 1.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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