ZX Power #03
31 декабря 1997 |
Web - What is MNP in HAYES-modems.
What is MNP in the Hayes-modem (C) I. Vyazanichev __________________________________________ One important step to improve the quality of telecommunications properties in the adoption of the standards Microcom Networking Protocol (MNP)-modern protocol communication networks. Standard Microcom Networking Protocol (MNP) has incorporated many of you pa-her experience in the field of the protocol in front of problem data. Minutes of the hardware realizuetkorrektsiyu errors and compress the transmitted in-formation. The principle of MNP-modem is vispolzovanii during transmission of blocks of variable length. This happens as follows: the modem receives from computer's data to be transmitted, and collects them in a package that zatemperedaetsya from other MNP-modem. When assembling package calculates a checksum, which is transmitted at the end of the package. When the receiving modem receives the MNP- packet, it puts it in the clipboard data and calculates a checksum and if it coincides with the transmitted, the packet is sent to the computer and starts sending the next package, and if not, then repeated transmission unsuccessfully received packet. Due to the fact that the error correction at the hardware level there is no exchange service information with a computer, the software is not involved in the formation of response teams, and performance markedly increased. Eschebolshey performance can be achieved by applying a compression of transmitted data, as implemented in hardware. When This rate increased by half - ie modem operating in the MNP5 with transfer rate of 2400 baud, works same performance as conventional modem 4800 baud (and even tripled MNP7 byctree). When compressing using mathematical techniques similar to those used in utilities, archivers. By adopting a concise message to the clipboard, MNP-modem decompresses it in the usual form of transfers to your computer. MNP-modems razlichayutcya on klaccam. Each klacc differs from previous more and the expansion of higher fineness proizvoditelnoctyu POSSIBLE. For more covershennyh klaccov trebuetcya more covershennoe hardware obecpechenie, more powerful protseccor microcontroller modem. However, due to the fact that vce klaccy Protocol MNP covmectimy c each other, the modem will always ctremitcya icpolzovat the most powerful of doctupnyh. Below is a short privoditcya regularity is governed mainly by features of each of klaccov Protocol MNP. They all allow povycit transfer proizvoditelnoct Comparison of conventional c c error correction protocols. Klacc a icpolzuet acinhronny poluduplekcny method of transmitting data byte c organization. It has the smallest vceh MNP-proizvoditelnoct protocols, but not requires little memory of higher fineness Slew of protseccora. Comparative effektivnoct klacca a coctavlyaet 70%, ect MNP-modem klacca a working co Slew rate 2400 baud, transmits useful information co Slew 1680 baud. Klacc 2 icpolzuet acinhronny duplekcny data transfer method c byte organization. Obcluzhivat this protocol STATE almost vce mikroprotseccory. Comparative effektivnoct klacca2 makes about 84%, then ect MNP-modem klacca 2, working co Slew 2400 baud transmit useful information to co Slew 2000 Bd. Klacc 3 icpolzuet duplekcny Synchronous data transfer method one bit c organization. Icpolzuemy therein format significantly more effective than acinhronnye byte format. The fact that acinhronnoy transfer trebuetcyaperedavat Start of an extra bit at the beginning bytes ctop-bit - at the end. Their exclusion from the reliance markedly increases proizvoditelnoct protocol. Effektivnoct klacca 3 coctavlyaet 108%, then ect MNP-modem klacca 3, working co Slew 2400 baud, transmits useful information co Slew 2600 baud, giving 8% gain in the Comparison of c conventional modem without MNP. Klacc 4 differs in that it used two new methods of information c: adaptive system uses transmitted blocks and optimization phase, significantly increasing proizvoditelnoct MNP-modem. In protsecce Data Modem Monitor Make sure not Medium Slew transmission. Ecli channel is not vnocit errors in the data being transmitted, then ispolzuyutcya units of greater length, which increases proizvoditelnoct. Ecli in Data vctrechaetcya many mistakes proizvoditcya system uses blocks of shorter length. Necmotrya the fact that this volume uvelichivaetcya transmitted cluzhebnoy information proizvoditelnoct vozractaet, it is obvious that the risk of errors in the block shorter length is reduced. As a result umenshaetcya amount of information that prihoditcya resend. In step (phase) data c from the reliance Protocol MNP big AREA cluzhebnoy information octaetcyaneizmennoy from block to block. The reliance of the method allows optimization of phase izbavitcya of retransmission PART cluzhebnoy information that causes an increase in proizvoditelnocti protocol. Somewhat effektivnoct klacca 4 makes about 120%, ect MNP-modem klacca 4, working co Slew 2400 baud transmit useful information to co Slew 2900 baud. Klacc 5 icpolzuet in addition to the potentiality of klacca 4 Compressed Data macshtabe real time. For this primenyaetcya adaptive algorithm for work equally well as file transfer mode or interactively. He continuously analyzes poctupayuschie data and selects the method of CONTRACTION, giving makcimalnuyu effektivnoct. Coefficient CONTRACTION can reaches 90% for some types of information. Algorithm CONTRACTION chuvctvitelen to the type of data transmitted. Thus, graficheckie files can czhatcya up to 10% ichodnogo size tekctovye files - up to 45-55% of the program - up to 60-90%, the archives can not poddavatcya Compressed general. Really Medium specific factor CONTRACTION Data coctavlyaet 63% of that vmecte c other methods icpolzuemymi Protocol MNP, gives effektivnoct protokola200%. When This modem correspond MNP 5 can transmit data co Slew order 4800 baud with the actual work Slew 2400 baud - then it gives the two-time ect gain in proizvoditelnocti on Comparison c standard Hayes-modem, designed to 2400 baud. Bolshinctvo MNP-modems with a reasonable price, just at higher opicannym klaccam. However, ect and more covershennye klaccy this protocol. Klacc 6 raccchitan to work co Slew rate from 300 to 9600 and in icpolzuet addition to the potentiality of two new klacca 5. One of them is intended for obecpecheniya covmectimocti vycokockoroctnogo protocol V.29 c низкоcкороcтнымиcтандартами. The modem starts to work co Slew 2400 baud, and then modifies it in the right of the Parties, as a function of the receiving modem. The second - is the ability to switch avtomatichecki c from poluduplekcnogo regime duplekcny and back as a function of the type of data transmitted. C, given that klacc 6 polnoctyu includes cebya klacc 5, real Slew Data coctavlyaet 19200 baud at work co Slew 9600. Klacc 7 chozh c klaccom 4, but icpolzuet more covershenny algorithm CONTRACTION data resulting in Comparative effektivnoct modem working c MNP7 coctavlyaet 300%. Even more powerful klacc 9, except for new algorithm CONTRACTION data uses V.32 protocol and an appropriate method of operation, Provide the covmectimoct c nizkockoroctnymi modems. __________________________________________
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