Scream #02
29 января 2002 |
Tutorials - under the pressure of the press: "When you teach writing, talking about the literary subtleties and techniques, it is excellent, it's great!" When you have this knowledge but there is nothing, no notions that this is where worse
| Under the pressure of the press | Kreestaj / / skrew Tight bend stubborn joints, my hardened by frost fingers light warm body drawing the letters on transparent the December air. Hard times, neglected three years ago, wound ... Memory returns suddenly, by fits and starts. Here today I remembered that such a scene, and why I still write with his left hand. Then came the picture of some girls, girls and real women. Then there were robots, Bion and roses. Then he came, Different. Lit his Curve-bleznetsa I tensed all over, trying to forget, but for some reason thought the opposite: - I'm from the planet Maiga! <...> Sorry, did not know what to write, had to invent it. Wanted to share with you what some considerations, but so blurry, which I myself can not really decide where to begin, about what to tell deeper and more interesting, and that mention only in passing. <...> I believe _zmej'yu when he said that the tutorials suck, I understand him. You can not teach! But it is possible - to learn, it can be seen as what do the rest, and learn from it, has invented a bicycle. Press the scene is no exception! I believe that to know it example, only one platform is difficult, although theoretically it is quite possible. That's just I do not know of examples. When you teach writing, talking about the literary subtleties and techniques, it is excellent, it's great! When you have this knowledge but there is nothing, no notions that this is much worse. Now take rest. <...> Look at the amiga-scene, I was told that her best magazines. Look to the c64-scene, there is also perfectly magicians, saw himself felt their easy stsenovoe breath on his cheeks. Look at zx-scene on it, too, have some quality magicians. Look pc-scene, with it you can take a lot of things in terms of experience ... Another question in the illusory notion of "experience" in principle, in his immoderate futility for you, a young man. <...> Read all! Read as much as possible, pay attention to both stsenovoy press and the classics of literary genre. Not having read the recognized geniuses of the pen - how can you write lites? Try communicate with good and strong people, write many letters, it probably help. Although not sure. Pay no attention to my advice: "write, come read" - is 'm not orders, and who am I to you something to order, this is just my advice to you, my observations on life, what I took for myself and I believe correct - again qualify - for themselves. <...> In an interview to try to avoid the standard and trite questions. Before the actual interviewing process learned everything there is to about his future interlocutor. Accounting issues, you should already suggest answers to them. Find out about the man a lot and even more this, talk about it with his friends, excavated the information in some kind of old editions, and you can make really interesting interview. <...> In general, the press scene is so versatile and at the same time so madly squeezed into the framework ... You can do anything, you're totally free, you are neither of whom is independent, you're free author with their views and aspirations, you can write about absolutely all. Freedom! And the prison. You will enter immediately in jail misunderstanding, writing about their deepest feelings by writing a depressing story about his desire to die, you fall into a pit of no confidence, you will be bombarded with sands of misunderstanding and rejection by a majority of your thoughts. You're trapped in a cage, you can not get out. Starting to write for yourself, you you find yourself alone and quietly losing your mind, you begin to think non-existent problem, and searching for a flawed, you become attached to the steel bars of the camera with hundreds of threads of ideas and thousands of ropes-thought-neponyatok. You killed your own freedom! <...> Deciding to write a Review patri-Staff, to consider several points which, in principle, not principal, but combine to give the desired the effect of cool stuff. Begin review of work from last place and ends with the first: all remains interesting until later, from work to work your words all interesting and entertaining, with a place of work is increased and its quality increases and interesting your story about it. Describe the work of a variety of ways, I am sure that many authors, the same, and approaches for the review ... For myself, I derived a formula "Leaves a feeling." Leave feelings, write about them as much as possible! If you allow knowledge, and then write about the technical side of work, if you know any interesting facts about the author or work, do not miss this opportunity to write only under the condition that it will fit in your review and will not be released from general style. Describing something that is not afraid to speak out, although people can not understand your attitude to this light and in pobuzit response. Did you forget it. <...> Press is the fastest way to fame, has gone as far as it would not sound. The quickest and easiest. Write articles can you not being able to paint and compose music without knowing assembler and know nothing about design. Articles can write any man! Quality articles will decide your fate. Try to appear at once with good articles, avoiding the first period of unskilled craft projects. Although in fact failed the first steps there is nothing wrong in After all, with something started, and your favorite author, too not immediately began to write in so loved you style, remember at least first Oberon. Joked. Publish in a certain edition of a good article you probably get feedback, so necessary in the first stage. Another thing is that already then you will be not so important response to your articles you write more for himself and his cronies; it then, but at first without feedback'ov nowhere without them start some kind of hideous feeling uselessness of your business. <...> News write itself! Publishing news from stsenovyh Internet resources you show your lack of professionalism and just lamerstvo. If you want news - Get the them! Make a list of emails, famous scenery, and a month before the publication went to them their questions, ask them about what they are doing and what their plans what they think about some stsenovyh events ... See what's new himself, write their own hands, and yes you will have respect for universal award. <...> Lita stsenovoy in the press - and whether they should have? Under the rules of it? No, it's against the rules, and initially stsenovyh magicians Litas not assumed. And maybe assumed, but I just do not remember the examples. My memory somewhere has got to the last year, I'm starting to get old. Going to die. Yet LTL - whether they can be published in the mage? Fuck if I know! Each for himself must decide, there is no clear answer, the same is true for all. <...> Yes, write what you want! Nobody and nothing can stop you. If you are the publisher of the newspaper body, if you like what you do, if you're doing it - for yourself, then do not listen to anyone and keep doing what you like. If you are crazy and write "Other", then I'm with you, and do not listen to anyone, forget it in their criticism: "Type, it is not stsenovo. And anyway, forget it all. Fuck school, Fuck the scene, Fuck life. Score a blunt, life is short! Lazy as you like. And when bored, Fuck my laziness and throws herself under a galloping at a furious speed of the scene, jump with bungee and fucking girls. Life is beautiful! Importantly, during the finish.
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