Scream #02
29 января 2002

Zoom - news: the makers of newspapers Paragraph make the game, Phantom Family cvalili on pc, new members of the group 4D, Vyacheslav Mednonogov lost for Spectrum finally, Davos scored at the Spectrum, Lynx is working on a HTML viewer, the Group Sage "full of negativism", Kvazar ceases publication of the newspaper "Polesie", etc.

<b>Zoom</b> - news: the makers of newspapers Paragraph make the game, Phantom Family cvalili on pc, new members of the group 4D, Vyacheslav Mednonogov lost for Spectrum finally, Davos scored at the Spectrum, Lynx is working on a HTML viewer, the Group Sage
| Zoom: skreaming news
| Kristoph / / skrew

News ... News is cool news they rule and we give them to you.
Yes, I agree - they are not always interesting, and even less 
encouraging, but this is not our fault. I note that you 
yourself can send us your news, tell you more - you is this, and

needed on actual fact. After all, once you're on stage, you 
want your group has been known and recognized. With the 
recognition does not help, but the location for the news are 
always happy to provide. In general, write, and be known 
sceners! Another thing that kristoph himself zaterroreziruet 
you, asking the news, but ... But suddenly you're so unknown, 
that he does not even have your soap? And if you do not include 
a list of 150 addresses spektrumistov, it is unlikely you will 
hear him beating a path to your e-mail box and already at the 
door beginning to stick to issues like "What is the composition 
of the group and whether the anticipated change it ..." 

p.s. this time the news sucks, unfortunately, simply not 
interested was to work on them, and besides, in the months 
before release of the magazine, I found it difficult to rapidly 
access to connect to Internet. Let's see what happens. 

.................................................. ......" 
Passage "| 

                                              kristoph-alex xor 

There are currently collected by a real team of writers for 
newspapers, however, its composition is very small. The very 
same editor in chief, "paragraph" - Alex Xor - now working on 
the game. Plans for the whole team, he still remained silent: 
"I do not like to advertise, and jinx scary." Issue of 
"paragraphs", of course, will continue: "It is at this point is 
our common cause" - said the chief editor.

In the first decade of September was released on the seventh 
number. C November cost the newspaper risen to 15 rubles.

................................................. Phantom 
family | 

                                           kristoph-andrew ferr 

[?] Last time you talked about the shift of activity on the pc. 
There Do have any results?

[!] The results are, but it's not creative results. While little
sees shift to stsenovoy activities. It is therefore unlikely
Whether it will be interesting. Although there are several 

[?] Is there a possibility of reviving the group on the 
Spectrum? [!] In the state that was not so long ago - are 
unlikely. In fact, the group rests on the enthusiasm of Maddy, 
Globalus and mine. Looking for such as enthusiasts, for which 
Spectrum has become a hobby, and just nice for him to do 
something. Are now trying to revive some of the deficiencies 
and to complete some project. 

[?] Will you come to cc1? Will you to demo / intro?
[!] Think. Mud is now preparing a suitcase:). Maybe go
Globalus. A I - work ... In general, I do not know and do not 

At the expense of jobs. Maybe I'll post something (in the fall
again), moreover, one of my jobs failed (?)
preselekt last party (although it got to the number mentioned 
in the zxchart) try to persuade the DRV (aka Globalus) anything 
to send / bring. 

[?] Andrew is still involved in music compo cc01 with the track 
"You and Me ". Arrangement took 10 place.

............................................... Fourth 
dimension | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 

DiVER artist, designer (in army now ...)
G.D. artist, animator
JtN coder, hardware
LiveLover ex Splinter coder (AMiGA)
Mike coder
pROF artist
SiRiL musician

In the nearest future any change is not expected, but we'll see.

[?] What are the group works at the moment? What are your 
future plans? Will the resurrected Newspaper # z80? 

We do not like to announce our projects, as these and future. 
How something appears, you will see for yourself. Next, we plan 
to do all the same, graphics, music, something more ... Topic # 
Z80 exhausted, so if the paper appears, it will be quite

other subjects.

.................................................. .. copper 
feet | 


Vyacheslav Mednonogov finally lost to the Spectrum, although you
can actually count on drinking with him strong drinks at 
various demoparti. At the same time he is working on pc, "the 
editor of the terranes for Microsoft Fighter Ace III". Plans 
for the future - to work there. Well, the black crows 2 "- his 
will no longer be 100%. 

.................................................. ... 
horrorsoft | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 
changed? [!] Current composition: I, that is Kurles - coder, 
and Deadie - an artist, a little bit encoder, a bit muzaker. 
Davos'a, unfortunately, had to be excluded from the group, as 
he, on a course on Spectrum scored, in connection with the 
purchase of PCs. While it may be from him something will be, 
when will the Vortex tracker. 

[?] What are the group works at the moment? What are your 
future plans? [!] Currently working on a second version of his 
text editor, and I hope to CC'001 have time to finish it. 
Releases I will, most likely in Adventurer'e 13th, has already 
agreed there - most recently, in Rybinsk ridden. Dem-intro from 
our CC does not will be, since I do not consider myself strong 
on this issue, but the graphics on Deadie will, and if the same 
will appear before the Vortex tracker CC - then it will be the 
music of Davos'a. 

[?] Will you come to cc1? Will you to demo / intro?
[!] At CC, I'm going exactly by 99%, Deadie - 25 percent of 
what he there will be, but Davos just will not go. A plan for 
the future while No, but at the Spectrum while scoring just not 
going to. 

................................................. Explosive 
team | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 
changed? [!] The band Explos! Ve team:

 - Lynx (Organiser, designer, coder);
 - Krusher (Coder);

   The group works in cooperation with Arhey / Anomal Zone and 
High    lander / Boundless.

[?] What are the group works at the moment?
[!] I am currently working on HTML - viewer and, together with
Archean write rpg with oherennym on global scenarios. Finish
per cent 5. Krusher all trying to finish his Minesweeper
PRO (with jokes of course, as usual engineers are already a 
dime a dozen - this will be different for its originality.'s 
Clear - it is necessary to assert itself.

[?] What are your future plans? Will the continued production 
of "plutonium"? [!] Future plans do not consider. That is to 
say, we live today. :) Plutonium will continue. Corrected Shell 
(now much easier) and are currently working on new material. 
Really need ASCII-artist. 

[?] Will you come to cc1? Will you to demo / intro?
[!] Do not know (would have given the money). If you would go, 
would intro.:) And so - probably the only gfx-compo from me and 
multichannel from Zeus (Maybe).

.................................................. ... sage 
group | 

                                    kristoph-monster [m]-mm <m 
[<] | 

[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 
changed? [M] 2 pers. - MmcM and Monster. People in the sinter 
is less, and those who wants to do anything, even less. So we 
would be happy to replenish our team, but alas, it's not real: 
( [<] Not a lot of people, we were 2 people, one of them, 
Monster, another of them, I,) I can only add that we do with 
ideas, codes, and music is no problem, but as an artist (PHEEL, 
PARACELS, ZSV, DIVER, GAS, etc.) Of course it would be nice to 

[?] What are the group works at the moment?
[M] We watch the scene:)))
[<] To be honest it is not over anything! ; (Full abstrakshen! 
I'm trying to undertake and bring to mind PT3.x, but something 
all the way: (Temporary sling ink music on Speccy! (The only 
remaining joy in life), because otherwise full of negativism! ; 
(Mostly time spent on the job, girl friend and hangs in Inet'e: 

[?] What are your future plans?
[M] I'd like to write something Kulnev (trendy toy or
stylish intro), but as usual, the graphics do not, then the 
mood ... The most annoying that there is knowledge, and 
experience, but something was always lacking.

[<] All goes to ..... You can not speak? Surprise will be! 8)

[?] When can we expect a master tracker?
[M] I'll answer, like everyone else! Judging by the reaction to 
the Minimal, we have done for certain conclusions:) I think he 
nafig no use to anyone! [<] Really do not know I do not know 
that! all questions to Monstr'u! :) We discussed with him all 
the functions in the MT, it remains only to write it! He 
recently told me, "Why you need him!" Well, he probably will 
not catch up, that MT is necessary not only to me?: (And can he 
decided just to score at all because of his laziness?: (ask him 

[?] Will you come to cc1? Will you to demo / intro?
[M] I for myself have not yet decided, although a certain 
desire to eat. DeMouy we do not overpower, but for the intro 
has a cool idea, but that would implement it, should quit her 
job and nafig kodit month not "on the spot":)))

[<] If allowed to go to work, you will love! While deliberating!

.................................................. polesse crew 


[?] What are you working now, what are your future plans?
[!] Pisyushnikom I work, sadly it sounds. Home
real spectra over a year dead, and no one to repair and even
nowhere. The only salvation - an emulator for it and to upgrade
went. :) Plans ... so what could be plans?. Here is the SS 
going to ... 

[?] Will the extended edition of the newspaper POLESSE?
[!] Hard to say. On the one hand would not want to throw this
successful project, but the fact that he was a good show
numerous letters and honored "kicks up the brakes on 
spektrumistov. On the other hand, my current job almost never 
leaves me free time, moreover, that the release of the next 
rates depends entirely on me alone. Twentieth number will 
precisely planned and # 21 ... What happens next is difficult 
to say. 

[?] Will you go if you're on cc1?
[!] I would like. At least the money for the tickets I have 
collected, so unfortunate puncture with finances, as in the 
past year to be it should not. :) I'd like to meet up with old 
friends: Antares, EI, Wlodek, Alex, Spirit ... and just good 
people. Was would be nice to insert a Bronze for the "Black 
Raven-2":))) I remember in Last year we were going to 
collectively wet ... :) Should visit our hot Belarusian guys 
that should cause concern. And so, I hope party will be great. 
See where it walks the notorious "scene", except that the new 
annoying chunks, we see? What new masterpieces will present us 
Pheel, Diver, Paracels, Monarch ... And in terms of music? It 
is also interesting. Plans coverage of events in Polesie, the 
main thing again is not stormozit. 

...................................... Delirium tremens / / 
freedom | 


Current members of the group: tiden, sinn, krueger, wizard, 
clown, hrumer, craz, rostov, dr. gluker, saruman, predator, 
space. Quite recently, the group released a new edition of 
"glass". Plans Future no. New facilities cancer / funeral / 
melancholy can not wait. Work on the bge / hrip, according 
tiden / / dt, not has been frozen.

[Kristoph: sinn, you bitch!]

........................................ Hooy program / / raww 
arse | 


[?] Current group staff?



[?] What are you working on now? What plans for the future?

We are making a labirynth game for ZX. And we plan to make a 
megademo entitled: "NOT FOR PARTY KURWA DEMO". 

[?] Are you going to chaos constructions'1 in SPB?

I am afraid we will not. Although it would be very interesting
experience, lack of money and free time - doesn't allows me to
be there.

[?] Will you make demo / intro / mus / gfx for it?

Who knows, maybe.

.................................................. ........... 
zs | 


[?] What are you working now, what are your future plans?

Unfinished projects:

- ZX WordPerfect 1.0 - frozen for an indefinite period. : (VRE
  Meni not.
- Nether Earth ZS Edition - Made entirely, but there is no 
pattern 2   films for finalcut'ov (in victory and defeat). It 
only remains 

  collect and publish all, if I one thread draws these car
  Tink (of a standard screen each), then within a week all ETS
- XCopy2000 - copyist MS-DOS <-> TR-DOS with support and SMUC'a

  screw. Almost ready. It should be Tested maunchenie partition 
wines   ones and all. Due to the total load on the works can not

  to do even that. : (But on the CC001 going to still bring

  ready version.
- Mm <M Player - The latest version 1.2.1947. Will annex Ad
  venturer'a. If still there are bugs or something I want more

  Screw, then will Adv 01/02/1948;)

[?] Will you go there on cc1? Will there be of you a demo / 

I'll go, come what may. No dem intro and will not, I do them a 
cool attitude. But due to the emerged Game compo possible and 
expose something. ;) 

[?] You can write your own zs'u and clarify that interest you
details on the e-mail:

.................................................. . zx-news 
crew | 


[?] Will the extended release zx-news?

Yes. The break was caused due to a desire to produce this 
newspaper essence of which - in the regularity of output. Most 
spektrumistov now have access to comp. networks (ZXNet, 
Internet, Fido) - minialmanahi itself outdated. Because those 
who want news / rumors - ehami met, and who, in addition, like 
read the reviews and articles - travels through the sites. 

[?] What are your future plans?

Development of The ZX-News Site (, an Internet
publication with a rich collection material (SOSG and COSG) and 
the creation of game scenarios in the project IF Libre (it will 
appear on our website nyusovskom in August). It's real plans, 
but term, I would like to undertake the development of some 
zadumok in games, but in earnest for them we will be able to 
approach Only after his return from the army of our artist, 

[?] Will you come to cc1? Will you to demo / intro?

Of the entire n-Discovery one of our people (NewArt) will go 
exactly the rest - to the extent possible, for example, I at 
the time of party have a considerable risk of being anywhere 
but not in St. Petersburg. ;-) 

As for demos / intros, then those thumbs from us will not, 
unless that perhaps a couple of pictures, painted in his spare 
time during the work on IF-project. :)

[?] How to contact you?

.................................................. real 
software | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 

Pawel / RS - organiser, coder
Cyberex / RS - coder
DarkMax / RS - coder, hardman

[?] What are the group works at the moment? What are your 
future plans? 

I'm working on Real Commander 2.0, I think not long from now
waiting for him in August, due out for sure.

kree>> Commanderie is already out.

[?] Was released in September. But sorry, that broke.

Another global project of our group - a new space
Strategy Empire has no analogues on the Speccy. Its development
currently engaged Cyberex / RS.

DarkMax / RS has recently returned from the army, plans to 
release a new version of Hyperion Player, also plans to write a 
player in form module to the RC.

[?] Will you come to cc1? Will you to demo / intro?

To CC from Brest probably no one at all will not go, though 
some of its knows;) also knocked in a couple of days before 
Willennim'a go there to I still remember like a nightmare 4-day 
febrile coding Technodrom_ME ... 

[?] How to contact you?

Pawel / / RS 

................................. Technology interactive 
systemz | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 

I want to immediately say that we do not have a group and 
tusovka aka TechNoLogy INteractive SYstemZ. Just once Groove / 
TNL named TNL hangouts and I realized that such an 
interpretation would be closer to truth ...

Current Members TNL to date is as follows:

Faster / TNL (is me:) - coder, organiser, ascii.
Groove / TNL - coder, musaker.
BJ / TNL (Ex-Mr.John) - musaker, gfx-maker/3d-artist.
Kpa3/TNL/DT - musaker, coder / programmer.
Vova Hex / BTX / TNL - coder / programmer.
DJ Blast / TNL - coder.
Fidget / IG / TNL - coder, organiser.
Jan / IG / TNL - musaker.
Raxx / IG / TNL - gfx-maker.
Demon / IG / TNL - moral support.

With regard to changes in the composition of the group, then I 
think to invite TNL coolest artist also think that TNL be added 
and other new members. 

[?] What are the group works at the moment? What are your 
future plans? 

At the moment, several projects underway. What are some of

    Anastasia copy by Faster / TNL - Super navarochenneyshy
ultra-fast potrekovaya copyist. All other copiers that
have been made ever just suck in comparison. Written in 1997
, and everything in mold build upon. Therefore, the release 
date is unknown. : (I can only assure you that sooner or later, 
but I do Finish him - matter of principle. :)

    CaDesi by Faster / TNL and DJ Blast / TNL - Catalogue 
Designer. Editor of the catalog drive (BornDead # 10, 
Adventurer # 12 ...). C features. Analogues of this type was 
not yet! Will unreleased on CC1 ...

[?] On cc01 was not.

    MadNess # 2 by DJ Blast / TNL - second issue of e-magazine. 
Date Released the next two months.

    Disk Sources 6 by Faster / TNL and Siril/4D - 6-th version
procedures in the source disk for fdd'n'hdd. It may be
unreleased on CC1, although unlikely.

    Fanat # 4 by Ice Group / TNL - Fourth number newsEpaper. 
Date output is unknown. I think that in the next two months

Fidget / IG / TNL will all finish.

    Marine Boy by Fidget / IG / TNL - igrulya. Released
unknown, because Project temporarily suspended.

    Virtual World # 17 by TNL - next issue newsEpaper. Date
Released late August (most likely).

    PhantasyNavigator by TNL and PHT - coolest Commander (two
panel). Release date not yet certain.

    GeneralTracker for GS 128/512k by TNL and CW - 12-channel
Music Editor under General Sound. The project is frozen at
indefinite amount of time, so the release date
early to say.

Of the plans for the future planning of Kpa3/TNL write a few 
games by zx and maybe something else. Well, I (Faster) going

crack'nut Insult md and several other dem, and of course
append DS # 7. Create a brand new label! That's all ...

[?] Will you come to cc1? Will you to demo / intro?

Come / are going to come: Faster, Hex, Kpa3, DJ Blast ...

Demo / intro from TNL will not be. As said Groove / TNL we're 
at it (demomaking) has already fallen behind. Also it needs is 
another platform. And although we (TNL) in almost all (Faster, 
BJ, Groove) available pIII 600-650Mhz + TNT2 pro 16-32Mb + 128 
Mb, but we - big lazy ... =)

.................................................. ...... 
triumph | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 


I think the changes will not, except that the downward ... to
Unfortunately the flow of fresh minds to the Spectrum in 
Chelyabinsk (with our needed) ceased. yes and nahunada? :)

[?] What are the group works at the moment? What are your 
future plans? When can we expect out miracle4/psychoz6 /??? 

what we are working at the moment ...

Well as I said, we are working on miracle # 04, by the way now
the main editorial work of my hands passed ice'di, I think it's 
a good idea to cope with the task. are still Engin prepared and 
edited the article. for those who missed I repeat that this 
will actually not miracle # 04, and miracle_extra_numbers, 
which might well pack and go out (ie, collections all the best 
press for the 20 century, each disc with his subjects). 

also finished my joint project with psb ^ halloween on the 
creation of RAP (Realtime Audio Player) - this will veshchichki 
for General Sound, knows how to play *. wav of all sizes. 
expect to and; own business 
for themselves author (psb) (I'm only doing design and 
graphics) that not all will gather to throw a miracle. By the 
way I advise everyone to look at conceptually interesting 
approach to the interface (light and dark - by me:) and direct 
programming of GS by psb ^ halloween! 

recently wocen ^ triumph unreleased numb cars_minimal edition
(512b!) special for the minigame compo. go to the site, download
and vote for us!

we are working on two games, however - do not tell you. 
although in this currently work on them priobmorozhena, but 
again the same frame and all cases already are taking place:)

No release date psychoz6 and miracle_extra call will not,
then to nebylo excruciatingly painful to us all. : /

[?] Belly whether you're on cc1? Will you to demo / intro?


.................................................. ...... 
smokers | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 

--- Active
wrecker - super man in the group:) gfx and organizational issues
necromancer - coder, at the same time lamersky pisishnik

--- Passive
satsoft - second coder:) lamer and Galimov pisishnik
bazofft - musician, businessman and type amizhnik

[?] What are the group works at the moment? What are your 
future plans? Will the continued production of body? 

body steers forever:) necromancer wrote logic games (currently 
2 at the same time:) 

[?] How to contact you?

............................................... Cyberpunks 
unity | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 
changed? [!] The composition of the group supplemented from 
time to time, none of the old Membury not be excluded, even if 
they are not active on the Spectrum scene. The main thing is 
that they join us maintain alconarcoscene. None of the old 
composition of the group we do not believe bastards for their 
inaction. They support our hangouts periodically different 

New people are only accepted from them if there is some real 
stuff and things. Well, that is, if they have the potential 
future date sceners. A nishtyaki make the formation of these 
individuals MUCH faster!

Of the last infusion - Alff and Maxim Magnetik (aka Mash), 
already proven on the stage, of course, Moran - a mad lord of 
the envelopes. On the way we Ahim! And maybe it brother - Said.

[?] What are the group works at the moment? What are the plans 
for future? What is the future adventurer'a?

[!] Currently working on another number. It will be released,
most likely, immediately after HS. In parallel, work on Hewle 
Font Editor2.0, Hewle Brujeria, Hewle Pecker and other products 
of a series of Houli, which will necessarily be in the 
magazine. The main encoder series - Alff. Just a few PCs will 
soon be utilities associated with spectrum, which now operates 
XN0ByS. Well Several other projects, which we keep silent at 
the moment. 

What is the future adventurer'a? Can be no doubt that the 
Adventurer will go in the future, so send more materials. 

[?] Cc01?
[!] Yeah, let's go. It might be 4k intro. But our main 
tselporubitsya under Drum'n'Bass and won 29 T-shirts for the 
whole team! 

[?] How to contact you?

............................................ Omega hackers 
group | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 

Klim - organizer, music maker. This year, organized the 
platform zx at Paradox 2001 demoparty. He likes beer, girls and 
good music. Smokes cigarettes LD. 

Wild - coder, is the right hand OHG and editor Don News, in the 
presence of the following Interests: pc, zx, his wife and two 
children. Smokes cigarettes Prima with a filter. like beer and 

Jocker / OHG 'Critical Mass - throughout the life of
Omega neposredsvenno participates in its development. And also 
thanks to him OHG received izvestnot and rose to such a high 
level =) 

In the near future of the small difference did not anticipate 
because small amount spektrumistov in Rostov, which creates

Association XXL, glavnoq whose mission is to unite the remnants 
spektrumistov CIS to work together. 

[?] What are the group works at the moment?

Currently the group works on the production of newspapers Don
News, due to lack of people, some projects (Mario Islands,
Heroes II, Visual Player 2.0, Super Battle City, Leprikon 2) 
frozen indefinitely. 

[?] What are your future plans?

Continue publishing the newspaper, with the help of other 
members to finish hovering projects and creating new about that 
while I think it is not necessary attempting to spread. Mostly 

[?] Alive is the band?

The Group is still alive and while it will be at least two 
people, it will continue their suschestsvovanie. The sole cause 
of her death can stsat that need in our software or support 
people from outside will be gone. 

[?] Belly whether you're on cc1?

According to the results obtained in the course of the ZX 
Spectrum by Paradox 2001, the probability of our arrival at the 
cc1 is 70%. 

[?] Will you to demo / intro?

I think as demomakers for zx scene we have died, due to the 
split into two groups - OHG, and Critical Mass, demomaking 
moved to side pc (Critical Mass).

[?] How do I contact you?

Klim / / ohg <>
Jocker / / CM <>

.................................................. ... techno 
lab | 


[?] Current members of the group, anticipating whether it has 

active: passive:

Alex_Naz Crank (do not know what happened to him)
Cannibal Kasp (not companies)
Maxx Adni (family, child)
Nik-O VTS (lost somewhere)

               Viper (ex-main coder now only ammy)

also has individual is that still include your spec, and even
something written on it, but flatly refused to join us, perhaps 
in the near future we pridetsya part with some part of the 
'passive' techno lab. 

[?] What are the group works at the moment? What are your 
future plans? Will the continued publication of the newspaper 

currently preparing to release two e-paperz and write a
game, as is assistance conditional graphics and music to anyone 
who is necessary. plans for the future is unknown.

[?] Belly whether you're on cc1? Will you to demo / intro?

at last count - not the cause of the total - no money, time and
still a lot of any otmazok

[?] How to contact you?

Nik-0 / / TL <>

Other articles:

Editorial - I'm from the planet Maiga.

Editorial - two triads Stewart: "... But I love krik2" It was a bit naive, perhaps absurd, but for me it is characterized above all the warmth ... "

Editorial - Industrial velvet drop of juice gyrus: "Two days ago I returned with cc1 and ever since I was gnawing at something incomprehensible, inexplicable, intractable understanding ..."

Editorial - make a clean breast of it: "as far as my music here - I wish that it gave people peace of heat, which I had as a child and then I've managed to keep to this day ... "

Editorial - Unbeliever: "With difficulty I think of any shock software products the last time. The next version Best View, fast-paced BGE, HRiP and AcEditor, this is probably all that is worthy of attention ... "

Creek - charts index: "I finally decided to count all came down the charts. Yeah, not a lot - a total of 18 vote-sheets, but some people voted!"

Creek - charts the results: "Mad work, I tell you! Whole day in my head spinning some damn numbers, all day I thought I was studying, correcting, shot, killed ... "

Creek - credits.

Zoom - news: the makers of newspapers Paragraph make the game, Phantom Family cvalili on pc, new members of the group 4D, Vyacheslav Mednonogov lost for Spectrum finally, Davos scored at the Spectrum, Lynx is working on a HTML viewer, the Group Sage "full of negativism", Kvazar ceases publication of the newspaper "Polesie", etc.

Zoom - an interview with Baze/3sc.

Zoom - Wlodek Balck about the situation with Spectrum in Moscow.

Scene - Internet vs Speccy: won the friendship! "What is so attractive Internet to create new projects devoted to our favorite computer?"

Scene - Insanity Zer0: "Real demomeykerov the history of the Spectrum - no more than a dozen names, at a stretch be called twenty! Geymemykerov - More less ... "

Scene - leet?! Definition of the elite "sceners.

Scene - platsebogi: "placebo: platsebogi you, we love you."

Scene - cannibalism on the scene: "Camp Spectrum is divided into two hangouts: Western, European scene and the Russian ..."

Pro-overview - Kosme 0, Psyhoz 5, Body 2f, Plutonium 19, Black Raven 6, Subliminal Extacy 3, IzhNews 0C, ZX-time 2, Lamergy 1 , MSF 22, Glass.

Pro-overview - cc01.gfx hostage pixels: "I've been waiting for this component, quite honestly, without any special experience ..."

Pro-overview - CC1 music or 'it was in the evening ...' - Gas 13 vs Nik-O.

Pro-overview - Nuotrauka music compo review: "Writing reviews of graphics with the last party has already become a good tradition, but for some reason did not get much of the music ..."

Pro-overview - Nuotrauka GFX compo review: "having heard the views of artists and technicians, it is obvious it will be interesting to know the opinion of those who see the work a slightly different angle of view "

Pro-overview - Nuotrauka'tm compo stuff review: "Reviews - thing is quite complicated, because to say things do not show partiality to people with whom you have a good friendly relations, it is difficult always" ...

Pro-overview - Millennium'1901 Demoparty ... Overview of the graphics from Ice'Di.

Pro-overview - phat1 gfx compo review.

Pro-overview - phat0 gfx compo review: "The graphics in this time?" Not really. I remember the last time it was better "

Pro-overview - insanity # 9 review: "This number though was not initially expect me as scandalous, but after such has become. Personally, I have stayed if not beaten to death, then at As maimed "

Demoparty - chaos construstions'oo1 report: "reigned in St. Petersburg just indescribable atmosphere of the spirit of the scene, friendship, unity, and so good to me, probably never was"

Demoparty - Chaos Constructions 001: Party was ... it rulez! "Returning home with CC'001, I can not believe that everything happens in reality"

Demoparty - Megus: Report demoparty Chaos Constructions'2001.

Demoparty - nuotrauka'tm details: "It so happened that I was one of the organizers of this party, and therefore part of otmazyvatsya need me"

Interview - an interview with the poisoned CyberJack / Triebkraft (Part 1).

Interview - an interview with the poisoned CyberJack / Triebkraft (Part 2).

Interview - an interview with c Blade, Steelzer, Ice'di / Ttriumph.

Interview - gons in the scene: "why Chasm / CPU freak, and who ever thought he was - a freak?"

Tutorials - coding: the effect of the implementation of "Mirror rotator" (article is intended for quite prepared demo coder).

Tutorials - ascii scene: "Ascii scene ... How I love you madly!" You probably like no other scene could have arisen so early "

Tutorials - under the pressure of the press: "When you teach writing, talking about the literary subtleties and techniques, it is excellent, it's great!" When you have this knowledge but there is nothing, no notions that this is where worse

Sweet - index.

Sweet - loneliness.

Sweet - son.

Sweet - a triangular room.

Sweet - three stained roses.

Sweet - himself.

Sweet - Vasya.

Sweet - condemnation.

Sweet - good.

Sweet - the parish.

Sweet - aluminum spoon.

Sweet - shoes.

Sweet - surprise.

Sweet - DRAMA13.

Sweet - refrigerator snowy ideals.

Sweet - My Olga.

Other - index.

Other - dnewnik-ol.

Other - e-dnewnik-oz.

Other - Scholz bedwetter.

Other - Scholz bedwetter (2).

Other - Scholz bedwetter (3).

Other - Scholz bedwetter (4) or Cristo loves Ronu.

Other - his lips.

Other - Understand Curve.

Other - What smells like whitefish?.

Other - Smoke-Whisper.

Beating - crazy excuses: "I think you still do not know what to insanity # 9 most of the material - excerpts from personal correspondence with the author of various sceners"

Beating - Trahalschik Frunze: "We saw we mean a network of advertising," Comrade Frunze ", As for the video with CC'999. So, undermining some capital in the amount of 100 rubles. ordered video_kassetu "

Brains - skene anexx.

Brains - dick is out of my pants!.

Brains - sweet members. - postbox: "Actually, that's it, then, for what kind and did [cry - your feedback, emotions, and even evil. Letters came a lot ... "

Bowl - "The nice thing is that here you can write without even knowing Nothing about the scene! "

Bowl - Trivial Fiction: "Declaration of a democratic society in itself as a promise nichego not stand. We used to believe the beautiful words but in deeds to believe why it is not accepted"

Bowl - the OS of the future for SPECCY.

Bowl - "You - slug. Yes, yes, this is so, no need shakes his head and otmazyvatsya blunt phrases. Dohlyak You, You mastrubiruesh at naked girls from zx-stag'a"

Bowl - About girls.

Lozhenie - index: "Maybe you do not appreciate how I cut the word" application ", but ... "

Lozhenie - about ACEdit0.59.

Lozhenie - With CRUSHERS is a mini- Game: Flintstones: Fred in the magic wood.

Lozhenie - [B] Arga lit packs 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17: "I am insanely jealous of you - because you still ahead, because you have yet to plunge into the fabulously wonderful world created by talented writers from the team [B] Arga.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   8 May