Scream #02
29 января 2002

Tutorials - coding: the effect of the implementation of "Mirror rotator" (article is intended for quite prepared demo coder).

<b>Tutorials</b> - coding: the effect of the implementation of
| Coding
| Vivid / / brainwave

   I would like to first make a digression. Some
of you have probably read zero release Kovrov e
Newspaper Kosme, let the group Placebo (ex-Eternity
Industry). The newspaper contained articles coder'a main groups,
Sairoos'a of the demoscene. Let me just say that I, as a coder, 
in many respects solidarity with Cyrus. In many respects, but 
not in all. Namely, I was incomprehensible to his wild reaction 
to our DeMouy Tryptomine Dream. And if a personal dislike for 
multicolor Cyrus, I can still understand (me, for example, 
chunks do not really like), then his words of which explicitly 
or implicitly followed the conclusion that almost all in 
Tryptomine Dream done with animation, even calculate in 
advance, could not vizvat in my soul storm indignation. Of 
course, we are with him in person at CC'01 figured out all the 
misunderstandings, but some readers Kosme after this article 
may already formed a negative opinion about the group Brainwave 
and demah. After CC, I tried to connect with Placebo via 
e-mail'a requesting a rebuttal of negative words he addressed 
to us, but had still not received response. So we have to do 
their own refutation. ;) Taking this opportunity I can safely 
say the entire Spectrum demoscene: "In all demah issued under

label Brainwave no animation in the conventional sense
the word! "That is no pre-loaded
sequence of frames in our demah was not there and, hopefully,
will not. Pre-calculated animation (ie animation, footage of 
which calculated during dekryanchinga, and then just output) in

us demah also been applied. True, it was in the 4k Marazm
advance calculated chess heart, but it's been a long time, and
excuses for idiocy two-year statute of limitations I have not
going, besides it's an isolated case.

   Now, the question of terminology. Clear separation between
animation and realtime not. More on CC'01 I had a dispute with
Flying ^ DR and Sair00s ^ PCB on this topic. Say, can we 
consider 3d animation output facility beforehand a calculated 
coordinates its vertices? And using the Look Up Tables (Bump 
mapping, Sphere mapping, Tunnel ,...)? And the use of sine 
tables when calculate 3d instead of an honest calculation of 
sines formula Taylor? Everyone in this respect his opinion. So, 
something I afield in the wrong direction. I'm, like, going to 
write about the coding article. These and loans.

   It is assumed that the article is designed to fairly
prepared a demo coder, which has a base set

                        Mirror rotator.

   It first appeared on the Spectrum in Deme Refresh and GOA4k,
written Exploder ^ Extreme, then reincarnated in our Deme
Tryptomine Dream in Multicolor implementation. By the way, 
Cyrus his accepted for prekalkuleyting (see, confused 
multicolor, 25fps (Which he felt for 50) and podzagruzka in 
front of him). Immediately the algorithm of its own 

   I have a texture of size 128 * 128 pixels. And in druh
identical copies. In the center of each texture is so
called the View port, the size of the screen (in my case
64 * 48).

   To get the effect you just use the normal
Rotate-Zoomer, using a pattern from the first buffer to output
Viewport into the second buffer. Further, the pattern of the 
second buffer spreads on the screen. When drawing the next 
frame is the role of texture of the source performs a second 
buffer, and the role teksturypriemnika - the first. 

   This is a general algorithm. Now the details of my 

   Rotozumer - pretty zhruschy effect, so use
classic 60 innerlupa clock is too
slow to resolve 64 * 48. Therefore been made
simplification (by the way, the Refresh and GOA was the same):

   Using the tangent of the sine instead, limiting the angle of 
rotation from-pi / 4 to + pi / 4. This gave the opportunity to 
move on texture along the X axis with step 1, and the axis Y - 
a step tg (alfa). Lack of - Zuming itself depends only on the 
angle and its be flexible to change. Dignity - the calculation 
of the color of one point it takes only 20 cycles:

   ldi; toss the point and, simultaneously, shifts in X

   nop; here in decrunching'a substituted Team

      ; Nop, inc h or dec h for the need to shift

      , Y-axis in the texture

   Further, direct that for which it was implemented:
multicolor himself. The effect is calculated in parallel with 
the withdrawal multicolor. Advantage: rational use time

processor. Disadvantage: difficult to write, although it can be.

   In order to create a multicolor 4 * 4, it is necessary (in my
implementation), so that even lines stored on a single screen 
and odd - on the other. Thus it is necessary to switch from 
screen to screen through 224 * 4 = 896 cycles (hereafter assumed

Timing under the Pentagon-128). On the calculation of one row
vysheupomnutym innerlupom takes 20 * 64 +? cycles, ie 1300
cycles. It turns out that to calculate a single line of 896 
beats impossible. Hence we have two choices:

1. Calculate the start of the line, switch the screen
calculate the remainder of the line, to make the delay to 896 * 
1792 cycles do not forget to switch the screen. In this case, 
we lose just so about 500 cycles. I think, Full Screen 25 fps 
Mirror rotator in this case is not done.

2. I chose this way, although it is more laborious. Must
switch screens through 896 cycles, without pausing between
calculations rows. This is a fairly trivial task, since
the nature of innerlupa (need recalculated team
standing after ldi, for each frame again) does not allow
razdekryanchit this code on all the available memory. In 
addition, this remaining memory remains relatively small (32 
kilobytes is texture, 8 kilobytes of the screen and the 
variables of Basic, plus the code needed More and other 
things). Only one way out: subverted with dynamic breakpoints. 
Talk about this only briefly (for details, already rusty, 
because more than a year. Who's supposed to, can see source). 
In general, the main loop looks like this: 

      org # ed00; why # ed00, learn more

      ld bc, # 7ffd

      ld de, # 1018

      ld h, # ed



      ld sp, AddTab
loop: calculate the address of the current row, etc.

      rept 64

       ldi: nop


      calculation addresses the underlying string


   One would think, why are ret? And here is why:
1. when necessary, performs the role of team djnz, only holds
for 10 cycles instead of 13;)
2. when necessary, removes the address of a small protsedurki 


      ld l, xx

      ld (hl), # c9; command code ret

                     , Set a breakpoint on the location code # 

                     ; Team ldi


      ret; go to top of the loop

Once this ret we turn to a procedure similar to the following


      out (c), d; or out (c), d, depending on whether

                  ; What screen should include

      ld (hl), h; restore code # ed team ldi

                  ; This is where that innerluprazmeschen on

                  ; At # ed00;)

      ld l, xx

      ld (hl), # c9; put a new breakpoint


      ret; exit from the breakpoint

   AdrTab table contains the addresses to go to these 
protsedurki and addresses out of the breakpoints. The table is 
compiled so that swapping screens do not occur during the upper 
and lower border, saving precious cycles.

   Once the picture is rendered in the buffer in the form 
Munk'ov (Short Multicolor Chunk, invented by me for

denote elements of the image is one byte, and
non-color code), it is necessary to bring it (buffer) on the 
screen in as attributes. This is a very simple operation, and 
Pasha. Munk'i have the numbers to, say, # f8 on # ff. In the 
address # f8f8 # ffff is the table of the form: 

   # F8f8: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

   # F9f8: 08 ... 0f

   # Fff8: 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f

   To brighten the table must contain the numbers from # 40
to # 7f.

   Conversion Munk'ov to attributes is satisfied innerlupom:

; Sp-munky buffer
; De-screen address (attr)

   rept 32

    pop hl


26 cycles for a couple of lures.

   The effect is ready. I hope that someone understood 

         One frame multicolor Mandelbrot fractal zoom.

It can contemplate at least in our Deme Stellar Contour for
CC'01. Many mistook it for an animation, thinking that Spectrum
such work can not do. It turned out that at some wit
and dexterity, can be done using code.

First, briefly about the algorithm for drawing a fractal
Mandelbrot: We have a complex plane (or plane
complex numbers).
That over the complex plane (or plane of complex numbers)?
Those in the know, can skip the next couple of paragraphs.
Let it be known that the root of a negative number
you can still learn, except that the resulting number is not
real (Real) (1, 2, 5.6523) and imaginary (Image). Ie
For example:

sqrt (-9) = sqrt (-1 * 9) = sqrt (-1) * sqrt (9).

The square root of -1 is called the imaginary unit and
denoted by the letter i (in some literature, the letter j).
Hence, the root of -9 is:

   sqrt (-1) * sqrt (9) = i * 3.

Complex is the number of Z = A + i * B, where A and B -
real numbers, i - imaginary unit. In this case, A -
real part (denoted by Re (Z)), B - the imaginary part
(Denoted by Im (Z)). The complex plane - it ploskot, Po
horizontal axis which defers the actual
component of a complex number, and the vertical axis - 
imaginary. For example, a complex number of the form Z = 3 + 5 
* i on the complex plane will be the point with coordinates (3, 

   Since complex numbers are numbers, then for them
determined by the arithmetic (and not only the operation). We 
are interested in primarily the operations of addition and 


  C1 = A + i * B; the first number

  C2 = X + i * Y; the second number

  C3 = C1 + C2 = A + X + i * (B + Y); ie real numbers
are added separately, imaginary - separately.


  (A + i * B) ^ 2 = A ^ 2 + 2 * A * i * B + i ^ 2 * B ^ 2 = 
(taking into account the fact that i ^ 2 =- 1) = A ^ 2 - B ^ 2 
+ i * 2 * A * B 

Each complex number is characterized by a modular approach,
deystvitelnynm number equal to its distance from the beginning

R = | Z | = sqrt ((Re (Z)) ^ 2 + (Im (Z)) ^ 2)

So, with compl. ploskotyu understood, it remains to deal with
algorithm for drawing the Mandelbrot fractal. So, we have
plane of complex numbers, every point of which is painted in
certain color. Sovokoupnost these points as time and forms
Mandelbrot fractal. How to determine the color point of knowing 
her coordinates? Here's how:

C = X + i * Y - a complex number, or, roughly speaking, our 
point on the plane with coordinates (X, Y)

We have some complex number Z, which was originally set to 0 (or
0 + i * 0).
So, we calculate the loop following formula rekurentnuyu

Z (k) = (Z (k-1)) ^ 2 + C

up until the module Z (k) becomes a very large number
(About 10E100) or until the loop is not executed for some
number of iterations (about 100-10000). How many times
execute cycle, will depend on the color of our point.

   Software can implement something like this:


X0, Y0 - coordinates of the point corresponding to the upper 
left corner Screen cpl. plane.

SCALE - scale. (The smaller the greater the degree of 
magnification). SCRX, SCRY - the size of the window, which will 
be painted on the fractal. 

double yy = Y0; / / Y coordinate of the upper corner of the 

                  / / Cpl. plane

for (int Y = 0, / / ​​loop through the rows

     Y  0)''(Re2 + Im2 <1e100);

      PutPixel (X, Y, color); / / draw point in the buffer


Everything would be fine, except that danna program, being
running on a Pentium-233, will draw in the window 128 * 64 8
colors of each frame somewhere along the half-second. What to 
say about Speccy our poor thing: (. Yet all is not as bad as it 
seems. The first thing that might come to mind, because it put 
the steam pisyuk for 5 minutes, so we figured that a few 
hundred frames size, say 64 * 32, and we then ask them to 
Speccy somehow draw. And you can apply the delta-packing 
(stored only difference between adjacent frames, the rest 
remains unchanged). Data is stored as follows: first there is a 
stream of bits, each set in one bit of which indicates that

that the corresponding byte of attributes (we're in a multicolor
do) you need to change, and thrown in zero indicates that
should leave it unchanged.

         rl e; 8

         jr nc, pausa0; 15/20

         ld a, (hl); 22

         ld (bc), a; 29

         inc l, c; 33

         jr next1; 45
pausa0: or (hl); 27

         or (hl); 34

         or (hl); 41

next1: ....

Total 41 cycles per 1 byte. A string of 32 bytes takes about 
1300 cycles. But, since we need to keep multicolor have

done at the end of the line delay to 1792 cycles (during this 
time pentagon has time to display eight rows).

All is good, only I frame compression more than 8 times, not
receive, and other ways of packing for a multicolor
problematic. But the real picture will be compressed somewhere 
4 times or 5, that the amount of frame-buffer 1964 * 32 will 
make semolina about 250 bytes per frame. It turns out that for 
some 5 seconds zuming we will take more than 60 kilobytes of 
RAM. Given that the demo - is, above all, demonstrate the 
possibilities of computer it turns out that only on the 
spectral Galimov anime several seconds to turn. That is why I 
strongly rejected this leymovogo ways to implement a fractal 

   Realizing that assume a fractal in real-time on the Spectrum 
- the idea Of course, the heroic, but no one party will not 
wait 5 minutes, while our hero Speccy render another frame, it 
was necessary act cleverly and with the help of PCs. Since the 
soundtrack in Stellar Contour comes with a 3 rate, and under 
zuming scheduled to take four pattern of 64 notes (768 
Mounting), it was decided to implement effect as follows:

   I'm using this prog to render to the HRC 27 phases
fractal zoom, each of which represents an increase
the same area of ​​the fractal 2-fold greater than in
previous phase. Each frame was to render 128 * 64
(Output planned to make the window 60 * 32) in 8 colors, and
occupied, respectively, of 4096 bytes. The algorithm is as 
follows: for Interrupt hanging procedure that gently (up to 28 
frames) increases (right on the screen, without any additional 
buffers) the current phase of fractal image dvuhkrantogo reduce 
to normal size, while the other buffer

and burn the next phase. The idea is good, but 4k * 27 phases
- Is 108 kilobytes! Worse than that is the case with anime. The 
solution came quickly - to keep in mind these 27 intermediate 
phases in packed condition, and unpack them at the time zuming

the previous phase. Heh, clever idea. Here are just zuming
eats about 60,000 cycles, leaving about 11 free
thousand. 11 000 cycles * 28 = Mounting approximately 300,000 
cycles, ie Roughly speaking, I should have time to unpack 4 
kilobytes to 4 Inta! Crunching and hrum not good because of 
insufficient speed unpacking. So I had to write your own 
pakovschy and extractor, which would combine a decent degree of 
compression and I unpack the required speed. Given the nature 
of pakuemyh data (bytes from 0 to 63), it was decided to write 
a wrapper, sharpened under the packing is of such data. 
Algorithm for extracting (According to him, by the way, it 
becomes clear packing algorithm): 

* Codes # 00 to # 3f: just write the byte.

* Codes # 40 to # bf: for example, popallos number # ad, then
write # 0d +2 = 15 bytes with the code # 36 (inc = # A-4 = 6, 
paper = 6) 

* Codes # c0 on # cf: repeat the last byte of decompressed
(N-# be) again.

* Codes # d0 to # fe: toss n - # cd bytes of the following
the input stream are stored packed by 6 bits. Allows
saving of 2 bits in one byte nepakuyuschemsya

* Code # ff - a sign of the end of the block.

Packer, written by me on some frames to yield results
Even better than hrust 1.3 (natural comparison was made
without taking into account the lengths unpackers). By the way, 
he squeezed every frame faster than a second. That's what 
packer, sharpened under compression of a particular type of 
data. In my case - an 8-color texture. Unpacking, of course, 
fit into the bounding boxes with a small margin.

As a result, the output began to occupy about 28-29
kilobytes instead of 108. After compression Khrust already 
packed Data managed to win some kilobytes.

Now calculate the total ratio:
During his tenure, is generated 28 * 27 = 756 frames size
30 * 32 = 960 bytes. Ie More than 700 kilobytes. Takes it all
farm of about 30 kilobytes. There is a compression somewhere in 
the 24-fold. 

Call this an animation effect or not? No brainer, that even in
name and contains the word Fractal Zoom, the calculation of the 
fractal is not attending at all. But zuming realtaymovy. Well, 
those intermediate 27 staff of 756 - want to count the 
animation, you want - do not count. 

Now a few words about zuming. Here, too, had to think (it
think, not s3.1415zdit from somewhere) algorithm sharper
larger bitmap. Feature of the first: he zumit image
stored in compressed form (2 munk'a in one byte) and
directly to the attributes (also sealed format). The problem 
arises fast transcoding back and forth. I solved this problem 
with using tables, which allow you to extract individual munk 
from bytes from the source and move it to either the left or the

right half of the byte the receiver.

               TBL2L TBL2R TBR2L TBR2R

               L R L R L R L R

               V V V V

               L R L R

To improve the speed, I duplicated one of these tables, and
tables themselves placed in memory as follows

TBL2R equ xxxx
TBL2L equ TBL2R + # 100
TBR2R equ TBL2L + # 100
TBR2L equ TBR2R + # 100
TBL2R_ equ TBR2L + # 100

Innerlup for each phase of scaling had razdekryanchit
advance on the whole line. For example innerlup to increase to 1
just looks like this:

      pop de; take 2 bytes of image

      ld l, e

      ld h, TBL2L/256

      ld a, (hl); extract from the left half of the bytes in 
the left 

      inc h; move to TBR2R

      or (hl); combine with the right half of byte

      ld (bc), a

      inc c

      ld l, d

      ld h, TBL2L/256

      ld a, (hl)

      inc h; move to TBR2R

      or (hl)

      ld (bc), a

      inc c

Naturally, at the end of each line must be provided
delay for the entire innerlup executed exactly 1792 cycles.

There. Reveal the secret of another effect.

                        Multicolor Doom.

   Well, Doom - it loudly. Most likely, Wolf.

   This effect - my pride. Even after CC'000 I had an idea
implement something in multicolor, at first glance
unrealizable in it. And so, at a cost of business more than a 
month coding, I wrote to this effect. Brief technical


Resolution: 64 * 32
Number of colors: 8 multicolor
Frames per second: 16.7 (!). One frame is rendered in 3 Inta.
Map Size: 32 * 32
Texture Size: 16 * 32
Number of textures: 32
Additional features: there was an opportunity to put more on
Bottom Border to scroll type RAGE'ovskogo. However, due to lack 
of Time had to scroll to score. Especially because not scroll

quite fit in with doom'om. Well, yes and God bless him.

I must say that this effect is completely realtaymovy. No
prekalkuleytinga Image not available. To prove
that I have in Peter compile this effect by adding to it
control of the keyboard and added to the resulting surrogate
As a bonus to Deme;). So that all non-believers may simply
steer on the map by pressing Q, A, O, P, L, Enter.

Applied the following "distorted":
1. Realtaymovaya ray tracing.
2. Realtaymovy scaling textures.
3. Inside innerlupa multicolor, the procedure of multiplication
bytes per word.
4. Innerlup contains a bunch of branches. While each branch
were counted manually.
5. All calculations are, of course, conducted in parallel with 
the withdrawal multicolor.

Thus, the general idea of ​​the effect.
I must say I have used is not quite correct algorithm.
In fact, it is done without ray tracing. First, it
somewhat faster, and, secondly, to avoid errors
calculations. However, the multicolor-free way to implement
trace in parallel with the withdrawal of multicolor impossible.

Thus, the essence of the trace:

We have a center of the chamber (indicated by a
symbol "o"), the camera direction (axis z).
Plane of the screen: (denoted by AB).
Plane of the screen is divided into 64 columns
(Each column width of 1 munk). We call
their clusters (I do not care how they
called, I'll call them
clusters). Carried out a ray from the center
chamber through each cluster to
collision with the wall (in the figure is a ray of oD) or until
exceeded the maximum length of the ray (I have it, as far as I
remember it 7 blocks of cards). The coordinate of intersection
determined which column in the texture should draw, and on
length of the projection beam to the axis direction is 
determined by the height this column. It remains only to draw 
it into the buffer. 

Hehe, it's not so easy as we would like. If you approach
the matter bluntly, the rate will be very small. Firstly, in
I move around the map is not pixel by pixel, and immediately 
block by block. Secondly, all the bias and the coefficients for 
each angle (0 .. pi / 4) and each cluster is calculated in 
advance (hence the pause somewhere in the 10 seconds at 
dekryanchinge). Third, to find a point intersection of the 
procedure byte multiplication on the floor, which had 
razdekryanchit 256 times that it was done always for 204 cycles 
(with the CALL and RET). In addition, it was necessary also 
razdekryanchit procedure of scaling of textures and trace rays. 
As a result, the size of the source is around 90 KBytes format 
ZXAsm. Perhaps it is wrong. But write and 90 kilobytes of 
source code to debug procedures similar to me pokazalo easier 
than to write and debug dekryancher that himself would have 
done the job. Okay, more importantly, what works and like, not 

   Describe here all details is not desirable. Therefore, the 
study source.

                    Free Directional Tunnel.

   This can be seen in Baidu Deme Dogma by Eternity
Industry. Let's just say I was fascinated by the courage of 
Cyrus that implemented this effect on the Spectrum. However, I 
believe that this effect is still not for the Speccy, since its 
implementation in chunk will be seen the error of computation, 
so this article I shall confine ourselves algorithm that can

easy to implement on a more powerful machine is not 
particularly izgolyayas with assembler.

   This effect is realized on the principle of ray tracing
drawn from the camera focus to its intersection with the wall 
of the tunnel. 

   Thus, the tunnel is the usual infinite cylinder
radius R0. To simplify the formulas we assume that the camera 
can only move in a straight line is the axis of the


=========== P ====================================== 
============ <

        / ^ X or Y

R0 /

    O *> Z


================================================== ============

   The texture is superimposed on the cylinder as follows:
U coordinate in the texture changes as well as Z, ie along
walls of the tunnel. V coordinate in the texture izmenyaets 
uniformly circumference of the tunnel.

   In this case, the camera can only move along the axis Z.
So, you need to find a point of intersection of the ray OP (x, 
y, z) with wall of the tunnel.

Coordinate Zi intersection points from the condition:

R1 z z * R0
- = - => Zi = ----- R0 Zi R1

   Here: R1 = sqrt (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2).

   Knowing Zi can define U:

   U = Zi * k + U0, here k - a rate from which
depends on how the texture is stretched along the axis Z. Can, 
in Basically, take it to 1, U0 - basic coordinates in

texture, changing which can create the illusion of camera 
movement along the axis of the tunnel.

   Coordinate of V is determined from the condition that it is 
linearly varies around the circumference of the tunnel. Ie 
knowing the angle between vertical and the vector (x, y, 0) we 
can calculate the coordinates of V: 

     arctan2 (x, y) * N
V = ---------------
         2 * PI

   Function arctan2 (x, y) returns the arctangent value
(X / y), if y <> 0, and 0 otherwise.

   If the texture has dimensions Un x Vn, then N = Vn.

   Thus, the formula for finding the coordinates in the texture 
we have left to decide what to do with them. I hope that the 
reader knows the formula of rotation around the axis point. If 
not, just case of recall:

Around the axis x:

x '= x
y '=-sa * y + ca * z
z '= sa * z + ca * y

Around the axis y:

x '=-sa * x + ca * z
y '= y
z '= sa * z + ca * x

Around the axis z:

x '=-sa * x + ca * y
y '= sa * y + ca * x
z '= z

x ', y', z '- Tochni coordinates (x, y, z) after rotation.
sa - the sine of the angle of rotation around this axis
ca - cosine of the angle of rotation around this axis

The camera we have the following parameters:
SX - width in pixels
SY - height in pixels
SC - distance from the focus of the camera to the plane of the 
screen. From this parameter depends on the angle of the camera. 
It is equal to: 

angle = arctan ((SX / 2) / SC) * 360/PI - angle camera on X.

   Usually prinimat Scale equal to SX / 2. In this case, the 
viewing angle is 90 degrees. With viewing angle of 120-130 
degrees, and more becomes apparent prospect of an unnatural 

   So, now we know the camera parameters and 3D rotation 
formula. Now we just turn a mere 3 points the camera:

ULC (-sx / 2,-sy / 2, SC) - upper left corner of the screen
URC (sx / 2,-sy / 2, SC) - upper right corner of the screen
DLC (sx / 2, sy / 2, SC) - lower left corner of the screen

   After turning obtain points:

ULC '(x0, y0, z0)
URC '(x1, y1, z1)
DLC '(x2, y2, z2)

   Knowing them, we can find two vectors:

VX = (URC'-ULC ') / SX = ((x1-x0) / SX, (y1-y0) / SX, (z1-z0) / 
SX) VY = (DLC'-ULC ') / SY = ((x2-x0) / SY, (y2-y0) / SY, 
(z2-z0) / SY) 

VX - a vector, which moves in the 3D coordinate of a point
rotated the plane of the screen when you shift to a single 
pixel on Horizontal

VY - the same thing, but vertically.

   Why do we have these vectors? And then, knowing them, we can
harvested from 3-m points easily find the coordinates of each 
pixel rotated the plane of the screen, and it is nothing like

coordinate of the ray drawn from the focus of the camera at a 
given pixel screen. Here's something for him and find the 
coordinates by the formulas intersection with the wall of the 

   Of course, honestly cheat each pixel of the screen
the above formula - a very laborious exercise, even for
fairly powerful machines, not to mention the Speccy, so it is 
usually is calculated by these formulas in the texture 
coordinates for each of the 8th (or 16th) of every 8th (or 
16th) line, ie in grid nodes, and then linearly interpolate 
them within each square 8 * 8 (or 16 * 16). Thus it is possible 
to achieve significant gain in speed with passable image 

   Similarly, by the way, you can create and the effect of 
rotation camera inside the sphere, only the formulas for ray 
tracing will somewhat different. I suggest the reader to take 
them, as well as improved algorithms for ray tracing inside the 
tunnel for that the camera could be not only on its axis, but

any point inside the tunnel.

   For those interested in 3d graphics, I can recommend to read
Demo.Design 3d programming FAQ, which once could
find There, he set out the basic minimum without
knowledge and understanding of which work properly with 3D 
graphics quite problematic.

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Editorial - Industrial velvet drop of juice gyrus: "Two days ago I returned with cc1 and ever since I was gnawing at something incomprehensible, inexplicable, intractable understanding ..."

Editorial - make a clean breast of it: "as far as my music here - I wish that it gave people peace of heat, which I had as a child and then I've managed to keep to this day ... "

Editorial - Unbeliever: "With difficulty I think of any shock software products the last time. The next version Best View, fast-paced BGE, HRiP and AcEditor, this is probably all that is worthy of attention ... "

Creek - charts index: "I finally decided to count all came down the charts. Yeah, not a lot - a total of 18 vote-sheets, but some people voted!"

Creek - charts the results: "Mad work, I tell you! Whole day in my head spinning some damn numbers, all day I thought I was studying, correcting, shot, killed ... "

Creek - credits.

Zoom - news: the makers of newspapers Paragraph make the game, Phantom Family cvalili on pc, new members of the group 4D, Vyacheslav Mednonogov lost for Spectrum finally, Davos scored at the Spectrum, Lynx is working on a HTML viewer, the Group Sage "full of negativism", Kvazar ceases publication of the newspaper "Polesie", etc.

Zoom - an interview with Baze/3sc.

Zoom - Wlodek Balck about the situation with Spectrum in Moscow.

Scene - Internet vs Speccy: won the friendship! "What is so attractive Internet to create new projects devoted to our favorite computer?"

Scene - Insanity Zer0: "Real demomeykerov the history of the Spectrum - no more than a dozen names, at a stretch be called twenty! Geymemykerov - More less ... "

Scene - leet?! Definition of the elite "sceners.

Scene - platsebogi: "placebo: platsebogi you, we love you."

Scene - cannibalism on the scene: "Camp Spectrum is divided into two hangouts: Western, European scene and the Russian ..."

Pro-overview - Kosme 0, Psyhoz 5, Body 2f, Plutonium 19, Black Raven 6, Subliminal Extacy 3, IzhNews 0C, ZX-time 2, Lamergy 1 , MSF 22, Glass.

Pro-overview - cc01.gfx hostage pixels: "I've been waiting for this component, quite honestly, without any special experience ..."

Pro-overview - CC1 music or 'it was in the evening ...' - Gas 13 vs Nik-O.

Pro-overview - Nuotrauka music compo review: "Writing reviews of graphics with the last party has already become a good tradition, but for some reason did not get much of the music ..."

Pro-overview - Nuotrauka GFX compo review: "having heard the views of artists and technicians, it is obvious it will be interesting to know the opinion of those who see the work a slightly different angle of view "

Pro-overview - Nuotrauka'tm compo stuff review: "Reviews - thing is quite complicated, because to say things do not show partiality to people with whom you have a good friendly relations, it is difficult always" ...

Pro-overview - Millennium'1901 Demoparty ... Overview of the graphics from Ice'Di.

Pro-overview - phat1 gfx compo review.

Pro-overview - phat0 gfx compo review: "The graphics in this time?" Not really. I remember the last time it was better "

Pro-overview - insanity # 9 review: "This number though was not initially expect me as scandalous, but after such has become. Personally, I have stayed if not beaten to death, then at As maimed "

Demoparty - chaos construstions'oo1 report: "reigned in St. Petersburg just indescribable atmosphere of the spirit of the scene, friendship, unity, and so good to me, probably never was"

Demoparty - Chaos Constructions 001: Party was ... it rulez! "Returning home with CC'001, I can not believe that everything happens in reality"

Demoparty - Megus: Report demoparty Chaos Constructions'2001.

Demoparty - nuotrauka'tm details: "It so happened that I was one of the organizers of this party, and therefore part of otmazyvatsya need me"

Interview - an interview with the poisoned CyberJack / Triebkraft (Part 1).

Interview - an interview with the poisoned CyberJack / Triebkraft (Part 2).

Interview - an interview with c Blade, Steelzer, Ice'di / Ttriumph.

Interview - gons in the scene: "why Chasm / CPU freak, and who ever thought he was - a freak?"

Tutorials - coding: the effect of the implementation of "Mirror rotator" (article is intended for quite prepared demo coder).

Tutorials - ascii scene: "Ascii scene ... How I love you madly!" You probably like no other scene could have arisen so early "

Tutorials - under the pressure of the press: "When you teach writing, talking about the literary subtleties and techniques, it is excellent, it's great!" When you have this knowledge but there is nothing, no notions that this is where worse

Sweet - index.

Sweet - loneliness.

Sweet - son.

Sweet - a triangular room.

Sweet - three stained roses.

Sweet - himself.

Sweet - Vasya.

Sweet - condemnation.

Sweet - good.

Sweet - the parish.

Sweet - aluminum spoon.

Sweet - shoes.

Sweet - surprise.

Sweet - DRAMA13.

Sweet - refrigerator snowy ideals.

Sweet - My Olga.

Other - index.

Other - dnewnik-ol.

Other - e-dnewnik-oz.

Other - Scholz bedwetter.

Other - Scholz bedwetter (2).

Other - Scholz bedwetter (3).

Other - Scholz bedwetter (4) or Cristo loves Ronu.

Other - his lips.

Other - Understand Curve.

Other - What smells like whitefish?.

Other - Smoke-Whisper.

Beating - crazy excuses: "I think you still do not know what to insanity # 9 most of the material - excerpts from personal correspondence with the author of various sceners"

Beating - Trahalschik Frunze: "We saw we mean a network of advertising," Comrade Frunze ", As for the video with CC'999. So, undermining some capital in the amount of 100 rubles. ordered video_kassetu "

Brains - skene anexx.

Brains - dick is out of my pants!.

Brains - sweet members. - postbox: "Actually, that's it, then, for what kind and did [cry - your feedback, emotions, and even evil. Letters came a lot ... "

Bowl - "The nice thing is that here you can write without even knowing Nothing about the scene! "

Bowl - Trivial Fiction: "Declaration of a democratic society in itself as a promise nichego not stand. We used to believe the beautiful words but in deeds to believe why it is not accepted"

Bowl - the OS of the future for SPECCY.

Bowl - "You - slug. Yes, yes, this is so, no need shakes his head and otmazyvatsya blunt phrases. Dohlyak You, You mastrubiruesh at naked girls from zx-stag'a"

Bowl - About girls.

Lozhenie - index: "Maybe you do not appreciate how I cut the word" application ", but ... "

Lozhenie - about ACEdit0.59.

Lozhenie - With CRUSHERS is a mini- Game: Flintstones: Fred in the magic wood.

Lozhenie - [B] Arga lit packs 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17: "I am insanely jealous of you - because you still ahead, because you have yet to plunge into the fabulously wonderful world created by talented writers from the team [B] Arga.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   18 February