Adventurer #11
31 июля 2000

Promotion - Dragons of Flame: A Dragonlance Action Game.

<b>Promotion</b> - Dragons of Flame: A Dragonlance Action Game.
     (C) Fedorov, "Chasm" Vovan

       Again about our beloved genre

     I remember years since five years ago, the unforgettable 
e-mag "spectrophone" described igruhu "Dragonlance". We're 
digging in beckraynih expanse of I-Net 'and dug up and

most amusing thing - such as continued
unforgettable din. It is called the type
"Dragons of Flame - Dragonlance action
game ". By the way, for those who are accustomed to
Duma or Kwaku, the game is strictly contraindicated. 
Personally, I brought up of Moldova igruhah long cut one at the 
expense of spatial orientation, because the too levorezbovoe it 
here (it should be for a long time to get used to). 

     Go tell that iguha malyava not
completed yet, but fun to play. In the beginning
I break off the lack of saves (which we set out to do in our 
version), but then I realized concept creators and Prochukhan 
that he was here and not nafig needed (because the din is not 
balanced a bit - feels version 1.0). 

     After loading the intro you can see the scroll on the 


       A DRAGONLANCE Action Game

          48k Spectrum V 1.0

  (Our version of the download and music

                128 k)

          The story begins


     It took more than three years after the Cataclysm, when 
the old gods have left the people of Krynn. During the absence 
of old Tahizis Gods - the Queen of Darkness, using

its strength drawn from the Abyss, woke evil dragons and 
created the army Drakonian. Her victorious armies reached

from the Abyss, and transported in Krynn. There
only a threat to its terrifying power -
resurgence of faith in the old gods and organized resistance to 
the army Drakonian. 

     The first step on this difficult journey already
made - after the return drive Mishekela, Zlatolunnaya became 
the first true A priest for all time after

Cataclysm. But during the return from
successful campaign in Ksek Tsarot Zlatolunnaya and her 
companions were captured in captive army Drakonian. It seemed 
that all lost, but friendly company was freed elves.

     Zlatolunnaya and her friends in an alliance with
friendly NPC defeated in battle with
Drakonian gang and now must enter through the cave weak bastion 
of morality in Pax Therkas. Inside, travelers must find the 
sword Virmsleer and release prisoners who are imprisoned in the 
castle tower. 

     Background of your adventure is as follows: Drakonian army 
invaded from the north in Kvelaynost - the land of elves. They 
have already captured the ancient bastion of Pax Therkas, 
located in the south. Draconians want to finish the elves, 
drove them into the mountains, so you must hurry to

Laurin release - the leader of
elves before the decisive battle.

     You should also find important things in
different places during your adventure. Some things are free, 
but Some are protected by ingenious traps. Treat your allies 
and things sensibly, they are - your success. 

     This is my pathetic translation of the initial
scroll, hope you something razesnit. All the options you 
raschuhaete by clicking on press Space (hot keys are highlighted

in large letters). From the first part of the game
the gameplay has a more advanced
interface and a more developed system
spells (however, this does not complicate igruhu, but 
beautiful). By the way, when you press Enter to get there is a 
realization Reystlina spell (in the initial installations 
featured sleep), but not Strive, and then at the right moment 
the magician can not conjure anything. 

     For those who have not seen the first part of
game, give a brief description. The game involved the right 
Sinclair joystick control characters is simple enough: in 
addition to simply moving the characters can jump (click 
"toward" + "FIRE"), but if your hero has a weapon-range

action (arrows, axes, magic
fire), then use these weapons
You can press "FIRE" + "to the side."

     In the game you will meet a total of five
kinds of enemies: Troll, Bozak, Wraith,
Baaz and Dragon. The first two of several
slow so you can successfully
to use them against long-range weapons
range, the third and fourth monsters very fast moving, so 
you'll have to join the melee (Push forward strong fighters). 
Dragon in general - is stationary, but he spews bunches of 
flame, which, if you fall, endure throughout his life. 

     You can shoot monsters from
various weapons from afar, but if you
approached them closely, you can only use melee weapons
(On the troll and bozaka recommended recoil and shoot).

     If you press "SPACE", before you see the main menu of 
action figures: 

     1. Hero select

     2. Clerical spells

     3. Magic spells

     4. Use

     5. Rest

     6. Take

     7. Open

     8. Give

     9. Inspect

     10. Drop

     11. Put

     12. Close

     13. Xp

     If one of the items enclosed in
brackets, it is currently not available.

     Let us discuss these options in detail.

     1. Hero select. You can swap characters at will: first 
select the first character, then the second, and they will be 

     Why do this? Case that
location of characters in the game has a very
important; character, whose portrait is the first in the top 
row is valid, it is them you are driving at the moment.

     When choosing a character to
remember that Raystlin and Zlatolunnaya must reside in the first
four, without them you can not use magic Disks Mishekela and 
power of the Holy Staff.

     While choosing the first character
for the exchange, displays the name and
series of histograms showing:

     Str - physical strength

     Int - Intelligence

     Wis - Wisdom

     Dex - Dexterity

     Con - physique

     Cha - charm

     HP - Health Points

     AC - scores of protection

     2. Clerical spells (spells sacred staves and disks 

     They are used only if a staff blue crystals and discs 
Mishekela owns Zlatolunnaya (of course, she should be in the 
top four). Spell staves are marked by fire, and

drives - a circle, respectively. Besides
Spells staff, after using them reappear after a
time, while the disc is limited reserve.

     These are the spells:

     2.1 Cure light wounds

     2.2 Protection from evil

     2.3 Find traps

     2.4 Hold person

     2.5 Spiritual hammer

     2.6 Prayer

     2.7 Bless

     2.8 Dispell magic

     2.9 Turn undead

     2.10 Cure critical wounds

     2.11 Raise dead

     2.12 Heal

We consider them in detail:

     2.1 Cure light wounds (to heal minor injuries).

     Slightly adds energy
hero, but it requires a bit of strength in
Sacred Staff.

     2.2 Protection from evil (protection from
Evil). After using this spell, the hero for a while it becomes
invulnerable to attack monsters.

     2.3 Find traps (to find the trap). In
maze common pitfalls
triggered in the event that the hero
come on a slab floor. When
This falls from the ceiling, heavy stone
plate. Normal view they are not visible, and
by this spell traps are neutralized.

     2.4 Hold person (hold person). The effect of this spell is 
similar to Effects of enchantment or sleep, but it works

very selectively. It should be noted that
action of immobilized spell lasts as long as the object of the 
oath is within sight of the current character. 

     2.5 Spiritual hammer (hammer ghosts). The purpose of this 
spell so far has remained unclear, although it is possible in 
the full version it was, would be implemented. 

     2.6 Prayer (prayer). Through prayer you can scrounge from 
the Holy staves a bit of luck in combat - your character 
temporarily becomes stronger, its protection stronger, faster 
attack, etc. 

     2.7 Bless (blessing). Operates similarly to the preceding, 
but more long-lasting.

     2.8 Dispel magic (charms).
No one spell I could not, perhaps it can be attributed to 
imperfection 1.0.

     2.9 Turn undead (turn neumershego). Strange name spells, 
but acts as a stop.

     Spells drives Mishekela:

     2.10 Cure critical wounds (healed
critical injury). If the business you have
very bad, use this spell, and energy will rise sharply.

     2.11 Raise dead (to resurrect the dead). If one of the 
characters gets mortally wounded, lives a few

seconds burn in it (in this case it
portrait is moved to the end). While you
not moved away from the place of death, we can
According to resurrect his spell.

     After the resurrection need to raise the character of his 
belongings and a good rest. Interestingly, if the danger is 
very Zlatolunnoy and force it to outcome, it replaces the Wind 
River. Love, after all - a great power ...

     2.12 Heal (Heal). If you already
almost soaked during the battle, and relax
impossible because of the surrounding mobs, then
This spell will completely restore your energy.

     3. Magic spells - magical spells that you can use if 
Raystlin alive and is in the front row. 

     3.1 Charm

     3.2 Sleep

     3.3 Magic missle

     3.4 Web

     3.5 Detect magic

     3.6 Detect invisible

     3.7 Burning hands

     3.8 Fire ball

     3.9 Final strike.i4

     3.1 Charm (charm). In the constant battle
with the monsters you will have no chance to survive if you do 
not call upon the aid of a higher power. With this spell, you 
spell sends the enemy and he rock.

     3.2 Sleep (sleep). Spell, sends the enemy sleep is almost 
as before, just on some monsters better act one, and on the 
other - both. 

     3.3 Magic missile (magic missile). The name speaks for 
itself - it is combat, long range.

     3.4 Web (Web). After using this spell on a monster 
snatches a magical web. Spell affects all enemies. 

     3.5 Detect magic (detect magic). In the labyrinth there 
are all sorts of magic items - rings, various spells and much 
more. All these items are not visible to the naked eye,

but by this spell can be
detect. Again, it is, in my opinion, here
not implemented because I found nothing.

     3.6 Detect invisible (to detect
invisible). Spell, similar to previous, but highlights it is 
not magic, but hidden treasures, and again does not work.

     3.7 Burning hands (minute hand).
Acts like a Magic missile, but
in the melee.

     3.8 Fire Ball (Fireball). Special differences from the 
Magic missile I can not find. 

     3.9 Final strike (last shot).
Spell in the first part works like this:
Raystlin breaks his staff, and from
pulled out the dark forces that destroy completely all around 
(including including the heroes), but in this game

it stops opponents.

     4. Use (use an item).

     All items found in "Dragons of flame" can be divided
into three groups: magic, treasure and weapons.

     Treasures are not used, but
for them are given extra points, so
that the mission of the mission and improve their well-being 
never hurts. 

     Magic - it helps to combat monsters. If this spell, then 
give his magicians, you use it via the option "Use".

     Weapons: a sword, bows, slings, and

     5. Rest (rest) - when used
this option multiple times, the strength of your characters get 
better completely. Not used if there are monsters. 

     6. Take (take). If you choose this option, you can take 
any object located in the vicinity of You (referred to as a 

     7. Open (Open) - is used for
doors and chests (it is recommended to entrust this transaction 
Tasslehoffu to avoid popadosa as traps). 

     8. Give (to give). With this option,
You can send items from one character to another.

     9. Inspect (look) - allows
find hidden objects (doors) and get information on the 

     10. Drop (throwing things).

     11. Put (put an object) - for some reason does not work.

     12. Close (close) - the chest, the door
(Recommended for pruning
from a chase).

     13. XP - you have a list of soaked
indicating the number of enemies killed.

     Briefly about the features of the game, so
igruha as very light, I dwell
only a few points:

     There are two pathways:
if you find yourself less lyuboznatelnynm,
then you will pass nishtyakovo din, but if
the end of the first level (without getting into
Pax Therkas the first invitation) you
find a hidden door, the game will go on
alternative scenario (which is not
good, but interesting).

     If it is reasonably (and skillfully) to use
throwing weapons and bows, as well as
rest after each fight, the game can be made without the use of 
magic (again imbalance).

     Frequently use the function Inspect -
the creators have put a lot of hidden doors.

     Since version 1.0, you should not
forward to meeting with all the monsters mentioned in the list 
(but present enough).

     About the camera I keep silent, because not interesting to 

     If during a battle you know what
you will soon come kirdyk, I advise you to turn 90 degrees and 
the jump in way - the monsters usually lag behind

that allows you to relax. By the way,
jumping - the fastest way to travel.

     Of course, I could give a step by step
description, but I think that this is not required, since lamer 
attached maps (and with them through the game in general - as 
the two fingers mess). 

     P.S. For real gamers - don't use
maps for full satisfaction.

           THE MAPS

   (In order normalngo passing)

     P.P.S. If you do not break in Inglish,
it is probably worthwhile to translate messages
during the game:

     At Dragon level you release the action and they tell you 
that you must vacate their mothers, who are locked in the other 
tower of the castle (Prison level). 

     After the liberation of Laurana tell
you: "Thank you for my salvation,
but we must free the children who
are on the next floor and women
inmates in the other tower. Beware!
Children guarding dragon. "

     After the liberation of women in Prison
level you show a picture with
runaway prisoners, and will display: "If you have saved our 
children and have completed the remaining part of your job it's 
time to slip away through the southern door. " 

     If you go for the alternative
scenario, the order of levels as follows:
Sla-mori, Laurana level, Prison level. Accordingly, the Dragon 
level you misses and children remain in captivity,

Therefore at the end of Gama you bummer
the following message: "You have escaped from
bastion of evil, but your task remains unfulfilled. "

     If you're after Sla-mori were in
Pax Tharkus, then after going through all the
levels you will enjoy the following inscription:
"You have completely fulfilled their mission and
This dealt a crushing blow Army
Drakonian. "

     Well, in general, and all. Wait a description of downhole 
quest "Times of Lore", unless of course the Century was granted 
to her by disketirovat.

Other articles:

Authors - The authors of the magazine.

Authors - from the authors: the contents of rooms.

Authors - help: a description of the shell.

Presentation - KooLeGGz: conversion of electronic toys, "Well, wait!"

Presentation - Brujeria v1.0: software for viewing and converting graphic file format PCX.

Presentation - FLN Package v1.0: utility for PC graphics.

Presentation - Perspective Commander 1.0: file wrapper.

Interface - letters from readers: "SPECTRUM - a computer who develops, who is keen on them" ...

Interface - "Why do you PeTse?" (All former spektrumistam dedicated).

Interface - "What are the program designers (for the envelopes to see the text).

Review - Gamez Review: Wolf 2-3, Aliens, Japanese Contrast, Captain, Cannibals, Tower Pod, Clickmania, Adventurer, Bloody Paws, Smagly 1-3.

Review - Review of game demos: Jackals Demo v0.0, Top Gear (Crazy Cars 3), Darkwing Duck, Project X.

Promotion - Dragons of Flame: A Dragonlance Action Game.

Promotion - Adventurer: Graphic adventyura view "of the eye."

Promotion - the coolest soccer simulator: Emlyn Hughes International.

Exchange of experience - Game Making 2: The various methods for deriving sprites (based on the game Full Shit).

Exchange of experience - Pro ASCII / astsii graphics (Dedicated to those who can not draw, no letters, no points ...)

Iron - ALTERA: Programmable Logic ICs (free materialchik).

Iron - a description of the connection Kempston MOUSE (simple and small circuit).

Ottyag - 10 ways to fuck like a conductor on the money (or at least some of the money). The main fault of women. Quiz: "And can you Cyberpunk?". Test "Paint House".

Ottyag - Winnie the Pooh and all, all, (continued).

Ottyag - EXKlyuZivnye GonY from IronmAN'a.

Advertising - listing of spektrumistov.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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