Adventurer #11
31 июля 2000

Exchange of experience - Game Making 2: The various methods for deriving sprites (based on the game Full Shit).

<b>Exchange of experience</b> - Game Making 2: The various methods for deriving sprites (based on the game Full Shit).
     (C) DEMON / XPC / CPU

             GAME MAKING # 2

     Hail, wandered here ...
We are here again (see ADV # 10) on the shitty-din makinge>: ->

     Well, let's start with the sprite vyvodilok all
plain and simple - they are:

     - With per-pixel coordinates of O and znakomestovymi;

     - With and without masochkoy masochki;

     - With and without attributes.

     Then there are combinations of these lazhi. Divided into 
types by the method organization output (depends on the 
structure storage infrastruc-tion in sprites) I will not,

still does not list all, not even
I remember how to store the sprites in the shitty
sprite generator of THD (goats), which was my first program of 
its kind. 

     A few words about vyvodilkah sprites: I believe they must 
meet certain conditions, for example, I did not need to 
stack-fast 'Marketing, and to oherennnyh size razdekranchennye 
because yuzalis both screens, then vyvodilka had to sit in the 
main Memory Speck (# 5b00-# bfff), and apart from her

a lot of things were there.

     I'll tell you about the three vyvodilkah; on Y
they pixel at X znakomestovye two of them and one pixel.

     1. X - ZNAKOMESTOVAYA Unmasked

     Everything is standard, and without any
fucking with a stack of bloat and other oddities, the simpler, 
the less # proximity. But if you have the desire to fuck

interrupt and trace stack,
flag of your hands ...

     So in 1932 LDI - it rulez, just 16
cycles per byte (and to my even-tact
Scorpion, too).

     Set the coordinates in the DE, the size of
sprite sprite BC himself in HL, we do
CALL ssp, and he is on screen (if there are no
correctly, the screen is likely to
will be shit). Protsedurka this is nothing
no checks and returns nothing
as it is the lowest level of the nucleus bend. Do you want to - 
or even redone better to do his will be proud of ...

     WARNING! In the present listings
profanity - the Directive
XAS 'a.

; Sprite x_Symbol Print without mask
; Average_Speed ​​= 18.5 t / b (Scorp)
; Prog_Len = 120 b
;-------------; In: HL-sprite
; DE-coord (X-sim, Y-pix)
; BC-size (Y-pix, X-sym)
;------------- Ssp PUSH IX

               LD IX, wo_r_ok +4; forward and

               LD A, C; displace the loop

               ADD A, A; by LDI

               SUB 64; through JP (IX)


               LD C, A

               LD A, B

               LD B, 0

               ADD IX, BC

               LD B, A

               PUSH HL

               CALL adres_y; calculation of addresses

               EX DE, HL

               POP HL

               JR wo_r_ok; enter a loop ...
wo_rinc 28 +

               LD A, E; 4

               ADD A, 32, 8 (7)

               LD E, A; 4

               JR C, wo_r_ok; 8 (7) / 12

               LD A, D; 4

               SUB 8 8 (7)

               LD D, A; 4

               JP wo_r_ok; 10

wo_ylop INC D; 4

               LD A, D; 4

               AND 7, 8 (7)

               JR Z, wo_rinc; 8 (7)

wo_r_ok PUSH DE; 10

               LD C, D; Schaub was 4 C> 32

               JP (IX); 8

               ! ASSM 32, 32-th instruction LDI

               LDI; 16

               ! CONT

               POP DE; 12 (11)

               DJNZ wo_ylop; 14 (13)

               POP IX


;------------- Calculation of addresses in the screen
; In: DE-X (sym), Y (pix)
; Out: HL-adres in screen
;------------ Adres_y LD L, D

               LD A, E

               AND 7

               LD H, A

               LD A, E

               AND # 38



               OR L

               LD L, A

               LD A, E

               AND # C0




               OR H

               LD H, A

               LD A, (how_scr)

               OR H

               LD H, A


;------------- VAR
how_scr DB # 40

     Contacts listed in critical areas
the first figures are valid for the Scorpion, in
brackets - for everything else. By the way,
Scorpion on my tests show their 74,884 t in
Interrupt chetno-t-vym and from 71,141 to
71440 on odd-t-vym teams.

     Partly how_scr is crucial in order to screen any currently 
running program (not visible, and working!), # 40 for 5 and # 
C0 for the 7 th, for example: 

     draw a 5-second screen (how_scr = # 40), and
see the 7 th, he suddenly interrupted: we define
the variable pag_or (see below) that
including a 7-th screen, change to how_scr # C0
and arrow to display a seventh, as All GFXprotsy, work through 
that variable, then and addresses of all will be calculated for 
the appropriate screen. 

     You can blather that it is stupid and should be
would simply be cut in the 5 th with # C000 (Sorry,
Elf), but when working with two screens, I
it came to this method.


; Sprite x_Symbol Printer with Mask
; Average_Speed ​​= 50 t / b (Scorp)
; Len = 287 b
;------------; In: HL-sprite with mask
; DE-coord X (sym), Y (pix)
; BC-size Y (pix), X = (sym)
;------------ Ssp_m PUSH IX; truncated same

               LD IX, wm_r_ok +3

               LD A, C

               ADD A, A

               ADD A, A

               ADD A, C

               ADD A, C

               ADD A, C

               SUB 224


               LD C, A

               LD A, B

               LD B, 0

               ADD IX, BC

               LD B, A

               PUSH HL

               CALL adres_y

               LD D, B

               LD B, H

               LD C, L

               POP HL

               JR wm_r_ok; cycle again ...
wm_rinc; 28 +

               LD A, C; 4

               ADD A, 32, 8 (7)

               LD C, A; 4

               JR C, wm_r_ok; 4 (7) / 12

               LD A, B; 4

               SUB 8 8 (7)

               LD B, A; 4

               JP wm_r_ok; 10

wm_ylop INC B; 4

               LD A, B; 4

               AND 7, 8 (7)

               JR Z, wm_rinc; 8 (7)

wm_r_ok LD E, C; 4

               JP (IX); 8

               ! ASSM 1932

               LD A, (BC); 8 (7) to a byte screen

               AND (HL); 8 (7) impose a mask

               INC HL; 6 and byte sprite

               OR (HL); 8 (7) Assume the result

               INC HL; 6

               LD (BC), A; 8 (7) put in a screen

               INC C; 4

               ! CONT

               LD C, E 4

               DEC D 4

               JP NZ, wm_ylop; 14

               POP IX


     Sprite dolzhon have the following
structure: the byte-mask, byte-date baytmaska, etc., as does 
the Sprite Land of DR.

     About two percent of these acts
the following rule:,

     "BETTER wider and shorter than the already
Length ", ie the size of the sprite X = 32 and
Y = 10 draws faster than the size of
X = 10 Y = 32, although the size in bytes of the same.

     3. Per-pixel WITH MASK

     Made this procedure is mainly Elf,
XN0ByS something done too. When Kostya
(Elf) said that this is supposedly faster, then I have to 
dispute it, darling, zafastil. Winning over the old in averaged 
5000-7000 cycles, but if we take the sprite large sizes 
(subject ate about 45000 cycles), then it (winning) is 
proportional increases. And all through the use of undocumented 
commands; think you can still speed, but broke ...


; By DEMON / XPC '99

; D Coord X in pIXels
; E Coord Y in pIXels
; C-x_size symbol
; B-y_size pIXel


               PUSH HL

               CALL adres_p

               EX DE, HL

               ADD A, A

               PUSH BC

               LD C, A

               LD B, 0

               LD HL, rol_tab

               ADD HL, BC

               LD A, (HL)

               INC HL

               LD H, (HL)

               LD L, A

               LD (pxspr +1), HL

               POP IY

               POP HL
pxspr JP bit_0

; In IY-Y 'X size


               LD C, LY

               LD B, C

               LD LX, E

               LD A, (DE)

               AND (HL)

               INC HL

               OR (HL)

               LD (DE), A

               INC HL

               INC E

               DJNZ bit_0l2

               LD E, LX

               CALL down_DE

               DEC HY

               JR NZ, bit_0l1


               EX DE, HL

               LD A, HY

               LD HX, A

               LD HY, LY

               LD A, L

               EX AF, AF '

               LD BC, # ff

               LD A, (DE)



               RR C

               AND (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC DE

               LD A, (DE)


               RR B

               OR (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC L

               INC DE

               LD A, C

               AND (HL)

               OR B

               LD (HL), A

               DEC HY

               JR NZ, bit1_l2

               EX AF, AF '

               LD L, A

               CALL down_HL

               DEC HX

               JR NZ, bit1_l1


               EX DE, HL

               LD A, HY

               LD HX, A

               LD HY, LY

               LD A, L

               EX AF, AF '

               LD BC, # ff

               LD A, (DE)


               ! ASSM 2


               RR c

               ! CONT

               AND (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC DE

               LD A, (DE)

               ! ASSM 2


               RR B

               ! CONT

               OR (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC L

               INC DE

               LD a, C

               AND (HL)

               OR B

               LD (HL), A

               DEC HY

               JR NZ, bit2_l2

               EX AF, AF '

               LD L, A

               CALL down_HL

               DEC HX

               JR NZ, bit2_l1


               EX DE, HL

               LD A, HY

               LD HX, A

               LD HY, LY

               LD A, L

               EX AF, AF '

               LD BC, # ff

               LD A, (DE)


               ! ASSM 3


               RR C

               ! CONT

               AND (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC DE

               LD A, (DE)

               ! ASSM 3


               RR B

               ! CONT

               OR (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC L

               INC DE

               LD A, C

               AND (HL)

               OR B

               LD (HL), A

               DEC HY

               JR NZ, bit3_l2

               EX AF, AF '

               LD L, A

               CALL down_HL

               DEC HX

               JR NZ, bit3_l1


               EX DE, HL

               LD A, HY

               LD HX, A

               LD HY, LY

               LD A, L

               EX AF, AF '


               LD BC, # ff

               LD A, (DE)


               ! ASSM 4


               RR C

               ! CONT

               AND (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC DE

               LD A, (DE)

               ! ASSM 4


               RR B

               ! CONT

               OR (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC L

               INC DE

               LD A, C

               AND (HL)

               OR B

               LD (HL), A

               DEC HY

               JR NZ, bit4_l2

               EX AF, AF '

               LD L, A

               CALL down_HL

               DEC HX

               JR NZ, bit4_l1


               EX DE, HL

               LD A, HY

               LD HX, A

               LD HY, LY

               LD A, L

               EX AF, AF '

               LD A, (DE)

               LD C, A

               LD A, # ff

               ! ASSM 3

               SLI C


               ! CONT

               AND (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC DE

               LD A, (DE)

               LD B, A

               XOR A

               ! ASSM 3

               RL B


               ! CONT

               OR (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC L

               INC DE

               LD A, C

               AND (HL)

               OR B

               LD (HL), A

               DEC HY

               JR NZ, bit5_l2

               EX AF, AF '

               LD L, A

               CALL down_HL

               DEC HX

               JR NZ, bit5_l1


               EX DE, HL

               LD A, HY

               LD HX, A

               LD HY, LY

               LD A, L

               EX AF, AF '

               LD A, (DE)

               LD C, A

               LD A, # ff

               ! ASSM 2

               SLI C


               ! CONT

               AND (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC DE

               LD A, (DE)

               LD B, A

               XOR A

               ! ASSM 2

               RL B


               ! CONT

               OR (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC L

               INC DE

               LD A, C

               AND (HL)

               OR B

               LD (HL), A

               DEC HY

               JR NZ, bit6_l2

               EX AF, AF '

               LD L, A

               CALL down_HL

               DEC HX

               JR NZ, bit6_l1


               EX DE, HL

               LD A, HY

               LD HX, A

               LD HY, LY

               LD A, L

               EX AF, AF '

               LD A, (DE)

               LD C, A

               LD A, # ff

               SLI C


               AND (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC DE

               LD A, (DE)

               LD B, A

               XOR A

               RL B


               OR (HL)

               LD (HL), A

               INC L

               INC DE

               LD A, C

               AND (HL)

               OR B

               LD (HL), A

               DEC HY

               JR NZ, bit7_l2

               EX AF, AF '

               LD L, A

               CALL down_HL

               DEC HX

               JR NZ, bit7_l1


               INC H

               LD A, H

               AND 7

               RET NZ

               LD A, L

               ADD A, 32

               LD L, A

               RET C

               LD a, H

               SUB 8

               LD H, A


               INC D

               LD A, D

               AND 7

               RET NZ

               LD A, E

               ADD A, 32

               LD E, A

               RET C

               LD A, D

               SUB 8

               LD D, A


               LD A, E

               AND A




               AND A


               XOR E

               AND # f8

               XOR E

               LD H, A

               LD A, D




               XOR E

               AND # c7

               XOR E



               LD L, A

               LD A, D

               AND # 07


               DW bit_0, bit_1, bit_2, bit_3

               DW bit_4, bit_5, bit_6, bit_7

     The meaning of the following: computed
how many bytes have rollirovat
sprite with a mask, the table is taken
corresponding procedure, and the process cycle
begins. Sprite has the same structure as described above. 
Perhaps in This procedure can be four-day clean up, if you 
wish, although it works without problems and for quite some 
time we yuzaetsya in this form. 

     All these vyvodilki work with monochrome sprites, because 
output attributes up to a pixel in the Y and a

very problematic>: ->

     Before proceeding to the next part of his narrative, I 
want to tell about how I swap the memory and the screen.

;------------------- Page lister
; In: A-page logic nomber (0 ... 7)
; IF A = ​​# FF THEN GOTO old_pag

pager EX AF, AF '

               LD A, R

               JP PE, pg_n_im

               LD A, R
pg_n_im PUSH AF


               EX AF, AF '

               AND A

               JP M, old_pag; A = 0 ... 7

pg_f_op LD (sav_pag), A; for OLD_PAG
now_pag EQU $ +1

               LD A, 7

               LD (old_pag +1), A
sav_pag EQU $ +1

               LD A, 0

               LD (now_pag), a

pg_f_sw AND 7; for SCR_SWP
pag_or EQU $ +1

               OR 0

               OUT (# fd), A

               LD (23388), A

               POP AF


               RET PO



old_pag LD A, 0

               JR pg_f_op

;---------------------- Screen Swaper
; In: A-0 is # 4000, other is # C000 viewing

scr_swp EX AF, AF '

               LD A, R

               JP PE, sw_n_im

               LD A, R
sw_n_im PUSH AF


               EX AF, AF

               OR A

               LD A, (pag_or)

               JR NZ, sw_is_7; IF A = ​​0 THEN scr # 5

               RES 3, A

sw_f_7 LD (pag_or), A

               LD A, (now_pag)

               JR pg_f_sw

sw_is_7 SET 3, A

               JR sw_f_7

;----------------- # FD mask detecter
; Out: A-Mask for pager
fd_mask LD A, # 10

               LD BC, # 7ffd

               OUT (C), A

               LD HL, # ffff

               LD E, (HL)

               LD A, # 50

               LD (HL), A

               OUT (C), A

               CP (HL)

               LD A, # 10

               OUT (C), A

               LD (HL), E

               RET NZ

               LD A, # 50


     All of the above procedure shall constitute one package 
for working with 128 KB.

     - Proc fd_mask runs one
once at the beginning to determine the 512ti kilogram 
component, if not, click memory enabled the 6 th bit

(For the Scorpion).

     - Proc pager swap to 128 memory
remembers the current page now_pag,
the previous one in old_pag and all through the swap
pag_or. Marazm the register R and the definition of the state 
of the interrupt is taken from Article Ivan Roshchina, what a 
huge thanks to him. So makarom I never glitches were to 
determine the current page. And why did I click on # FD, rather 
than # 7FFD? Yes, that's like so.

     - Scr_swp works through the pager,
so when I click the memory is not a headache about what to put 
the mask to the screen. 

     Well now about the INT (interrupt). Ruleznaya very thing 
that these same interrupt can be hung on them that you want 
though the whole engine. But it's better to hang things such as 
scanning buttons and mouse cursor movement (if present), some 
chips, such as a mini-scroll with HELP, a small animation 
somewhere in a corner of the screen and, of course, music and 
effects at the end. 

     When working with the INT may
a lot of trouble, all is not even
predict, will talk about svoih.V ADV # 10
was given my interrupt handler,
similar to sitting in the "Full Shit", in which:

     - A small percent of the switching
visible screen, yuzaet global variables NOW_PAG, PAGE_OR;

     - Retained the current page number memory and defines the 
visible screen, is preserved, and then changing

variable how_scr;

     - Cut one page # 7, because it
all sitting percent. Keep in mind that
INT-table contains 257 bytes and is located in the 2 nd bank to 
somehow not offend the original Spec. A possible

question: "Why is the 7 th bank?" The answer is: yuzayutsya 
both screens, seats in # 5B00-# BFFF little, and in the seventh 
minus screen and screen location is as much as 3 kilos.

     - Restores the screen under the cursor, but if you 
previously worked switching the visible screen, then the old 
crap is not restored; 

     - Claudia scanned for pressing the buttons "6,7,8,9,0, 
Break, Q, A, O, P, Space" and mouse movements (on the PC - 
Emulsion some golyun with our driver: HRC


     - There is recourse to procedure under the name
INT_GFX. This is different chips, consists mainly of piles of 
vectors, which vary depending on the action Gamers, for 
example: there menyuha, where the object is spinning (it should 
cut off the bulb on the lamp, and then hang a rotating object, 
and if you call a pocket the 4-th item; cartoons also played

by INT) or dialog box, all on INT
by x ..;

     - Memorized piece at a new location
if there was a movement (aka the old)
the cursor is drawn, after all the bells and whistles,
so as not to fall under any sprite
or text;

     - In the last turn is played for fun and Mouzon change the 
attributes on traffic lights;

     - Restoring the memory page
variable how_scr and back.

     The first glitch came when I decided
All zaoptimizit: remove my own pct graphics output from the 
interrupt, so everything was done through a single procedure. 
And then began ... Began to appear on the screen

shit, without any regularity, sometimes even all of the Vistula 
or cleared. And when everything works without Trace problems. 
Such bugs hate, because cause once-and not clear. And all the 
garbage was due to the fact that in the old version vyvodilki 
saved local variables (The size of a sprite) and in contact 
with INT they Killy, because INT also yuzal these

Proc. CONCLUSION: If the percent yuzayut all,
during its operation, all variables must be stored in registers 
or pushing them into the stack, otherwise the interrupt will 
have to keep all variables.

     The second glitch came with switching
screens, but this is what I, in my opinion, has spoke ...

     In general, if all goes well the prog
check, the bugs usually occurs
small and does not advise to hang on IM 1, although
as you like, even though the IM 0, a>: ->

     Now the structure of "Full Shit",
which leaves much to be desired, but that
is, on the porridge and boiled ...

  Can: on / off [T], all process; lock [C]


         BEGIN <

               > 1.SCR_SWP

              pass 2.KEY_SCN

     GO <[T] <3.CR_PROC


             pass <4.INT_GFX

     MENU <[T] <5.PLAY_MZ

             pass n

      TIME <[C] <o

                CHK_CNT> [time?]

                                            save all

                                             and use



     V is not no s

  [Way?]> <[Thing?]





                                      use "GO"

                                   ^ ^


                                > [Doing]

          V V

                       V V V



                              CUT CUT



     2. HERO

     3. UPGROUND

     4. TURN ON "SCR_SWP"

     use many primitive V



     V V V



       32 * 20 = 640 bytes

                    use it:

  %%%%%% CAL_WAY - read

  # # # O ##### O CHK_MAP - read

  # # # About ###### ACTIONS - read 'write

  # ########


1) Legend:

[T] - threshold (# 0 or # C9);
[C] - threshold-counter (skips Th
          denote n-th number of calls;
[Time?] - A condition (eg: time);

2) Podprogi:

GO: - per cent, is responsible for mixing
            generalization of the hero;

  CLC_WAY - miscalculation of the way, if not,

            no movement;

  MAK_WAY - otherwise makes a special pack
            ravlyayuschy array;

  GO_DRAW - Work with sprites mixing
            absorption of Control. array.

MENU: - actions with objects;

  CHK_MAP - checks the status of the cursor on

            subject or not, "

            if not, it ignores yuze

  WIN_PUT - otherwise it prompted action

            and awaits action gamer;

  ACTIONS - makes the selected action
            conditions accompanying this business

            displays a message and anima
            tion, and according to them makes

          go to acc. percent if
            Bo returns to the main


TIME: - constantly redraws u
            rovoy screen;

  CHK_CNT - periodically adds time
            nuyu animation (the bus went out
            Ball, a hero ...)

INT_MODE2 - controls all the processes

            using the "input threshold" in

            percent (NOP or RET), SWAPO

            scans, paints and sings ...

GFX_ENGINE - always involved in the processing
             Scoop the screen or output

             anything on the screen.

LOW LEVEL - utilities, primitives, rabotayuRROCS ing it with 
the resources of machine             Ny.

LOC_MAP - an array of size 32 * 20

            elements are the maps

            location. Mainly used
            characterizes the calculation of ways and

            work with objects.

     Now we will calculate the path of the procedure to the map 
locations for the same asshole that you saw in the "Full

Shit ".

     The algorithm is taken from Glory Mednonogova
(Which he, too, where something took, etc.
etc.) from his article in one of the ZX-FORMAT
'S. To start better read this
article, and then to poke your nose here, because I
question, then give the assembler option
this method ...

     I must say that it is up to me
turned out to be somewhat problematic, because
My siskin (well, a character) has turned out not an element of 
1x1, 1x4 and pedryukom. Therefore, I zae just ... Xia grind 
prog for this asshole, that he somehow ok

walked on the location, the more so because of limitations on 
memory, he could not walk on diagonal. In general, the process 
of writing this piece of the engine stalled at all

the entire process.

     Okay, here's Generally it-thing:

 ; (C) DEMON / XPC'99
;---------------------------; Wawe Algoritm for Search Way
; Main idea V. Mednonogov
; Realized by ME, of course ...
s_cod EQU # 50; Start COD
gc_mint EQU s_cod +45; MAX Iteration
go_wawe RET; Turn

               LD a, # c9

               LD (go_wawe), a

;-------------------- Make Work DIM 34 * 22 = 748 b
; Okantovochka done, so once again do not check out
; Abroad array

               LD b, 20

               LD hl, # 6200; MAP_LOC

               LD de, gc_wdim +35
gd_lop LD c, H

               ! ASSM 1932


               ! CONT

               INC de

               INC de

               DJNZ gd_lop

;-------------------- Set Fin 'Start inside GO_DIM
; The copied code stake START and GOAL

gc_ctar LD bc, 0

               LD a, C

               SUB 4

               LD c, A

               CALL gc_ccrd

               LD (hl), 128; Target Cod
gc_csrt LD bc, 0

               LD a, C

               SUB 4

               LD c, A

               CALL gc_ccrd

               LD (hl), s_cod; Start Cod

               INC hl

               LD (hl), s_cod

               INC hl

               LD (hl), s_cod

               INC hl

               LD (hl), s_cod

               LD lx, s_cod

;-------------------- MAIN ()
gc_main CALL gc_sway

               JR nz, gc_found

               DEC a

               LD (go_way), a; # FF


;----------------- Make way
; If found goal ...

gc_found EXX

               LD hl, gcb_way-2


               LD c, LX

               INC lx

               INC lx

               LD de, 34

gc_b_lp DEC c

               CALL gc_lb

               JR z, gcb_fin

               CALL gc_rb

               JR z, gcb_fin

               CALL gc_db

               JR z, gcb_fin

               CALL gc_ub

               JR z, gcb_fin

               INC c

               LD a, LX

               CP c

               RET c

               JR gc_b_lp +1

;----------------- Found iteration (-1)
gcb_fin LD a, B


               LD (hl), A

               DEC hl

               LD (hl), # 81

               JR gc_b_lp

;----------------- Make normal way_Map
gc_reway POP af

               LD a, B


               LD (hl), A

               LD de, go_way
gcrw_lp LD b, (HL)

               LD a, B

               CP # ff

               JR z, gcrw_end

               CALL gcw_sub

               LD (de), A

               INC hl

               INC de

               JR gcrw_lp
gcrw_end LD (de), A

               JP rewayer

;----------------- Invert way_step
gcw_sub LD a, "L"

               CP b

               LD a, "R"

               RET z

               CP b

               LD a, "L"

               RET z

               LD a, "U"

               CP b

               LD a, "D"

               RET z

               LD a, "U"


;----------------- Back_search
gc_lb LD b, "L"

               DEC hl

               LD a, (HL)

               CP s_cod

               JR z, gc_reway

               CP c

               RET z

               INC hl

;---------------- Gc_rb LD b, "R"

               INC hl

               LD a, (HL)

               CP s_cod

               JR z, gc_reway

               CP c

               RET z

               DEC hl

;---------------- Gc_ub LD b, "U"

               AND a

               SBC hl, DE

               LD a, (HL)

               CP s_cod

               JR z, gc_reway

               CP c

               RET z

               ADD hl, DE

;---------------- Gc_db LD b, "D"

               ADD hl, DE

               LD a, (HL)

               CP s_cod

               JR z, gc_reway

               CP c

               RET z

               AND a

               SBC hl, DE


;-------------------- Is Way being?
; If no way then A = 0

gc_sway LD a, LX

               LD hl, gc_wdim +35

               LD bc, 679
gc_cpir CPIR

               JR z, gc_l1

               INC lx

               LD a, gc_mint

               CP lx

               JR nz, gc_sway

               XOR a


;----------------- I_Cod founded
gc_l1 PUSH hl, BC

               DEC hl

               LD (element), hl

               CALL gc_left

               CALL gc_right

               CALL gc_down

               CALL gc_up

               POP bc, HL

               LD a, LX

               JR gc_cpir

;-------------------- STEP LEFT
element EQU $ +1

               LD hl, 0

               DEC hl

               LD a, (HL)

               OR a

               RET p

               CP 128

               JR z, glo_end

               LD a, LX

               INC a

               LD (hl), A


;-------------------- STEP RIGHT
gc_right LD hl, (element)

               INC hl
gc_v_jr LD a, (HL)

               OR a

               RET p

               CP 128

               JR z, glo_end

               LD a, LX

               INC a

               LD (hl), A


;-------------------- STEP DOWN
gc_down LD hl, (element)

               LD bc, 1934

               ADD hl, BC
gcu_jr PUSH hl

               CALL gc_c_4b

               POP hl

               JP m, gc_c_ok


;-------------------- STEP UP
gc_up LD hl, (element)

               LD bc, 1934

               AND a

               SBC hl, BC

               JR gcu_jr

;-------------------- UP or DOWN way is OK!

               LD a, 128

               EX af, AF '

               LD a, LX

               INC a

               ! ASSM 4

               EX af, AF

               CP (hl)

               JR z, glo_end

               EX af, AF '

               LD (hl), A

               INC hl

               ! CONT


;-------------------- Check 4 bytes
gc_c_4b LD a, (HL)

               INC hl

               AND (hl)

               INC hl

               AND (hl)

               INC hl

               AND (hl)


;-------------------- It's START!!!
glo_end POP de, DE, DE

               OR a


;----------------- In BC-R (X, Y)> Out HL-Adr of ...
gc_ccrd INC c

               INC b

               LD a, B

               LD b, C

               LD hl, gc_wdim
gc_mlp LD de, 34

               ADD hl, DE

               DJNZ gc_mlp

               ADD a, L

               LD l, A

               LD a, 0

               ADC a, H

               LD h, A


               ! ASSM! Off
;-------------------- In HL-IL in DIM> Out DE-X, Y
gc_c_el LD de, 0

               LD bc, 1934

               AND a
gc_dlp SBC hl, BC

               JR c, dv_end

               JR z, dv_end +1

               INC e

               JR gc_dlp
dv_end ADD hl, BC

               LD d, L

               DEC e

               DEC d


               ! CONT

;----------------- Very Fatly array
gc_wdim DS 748, # 3030
go_way DS 1950, # ffff

     Initially, map location is copied to
buffer equal to the size of her own so as not to
crap her darling its iterations.

     As can be seen not armed glance
Massively yuzaetsya team CPIR, so I
I think soon it turns out, though I did not
then optimized, so the time to utrahal
itself percent. If you're still bothered
read that article, of which I mentioned earlier, then you, my 
friend, everything will be clear ... Team CPIR looking iteration

check her for lice, then look for
another and so on until the end of the array. I think
everything is clear.

     When the entire array of processed (blocked
crap), we begin the countdown until
not arrive at the goal.

     Done it all pretty mudovo and
even evident in the game, although INT, of course,
no stopper>: ->

     The maximum time for the calculation of the path
goes away when the path does not exist. Then an array of 
elements completely 32h20 zamuzhivaetsya and I have it takes as 
much 13 interruptions, I mean 900,000 strokes!

Mudovo ...

     Since the items on location, I
are impassable, then when you specify
arrow on them is chosen in advance
score coordinates allowable space
which can be figured out a way for my
asshole. Ie If you choose, for example,
Bouncer, the program determines that you
chosen subject, and take from the table
coordinates for him (or rather for the hero,
To approach the subject) and their podsunet
rhyme path rather than real coordinates
cursor, as it would otherwise.

     And more ... Percent of walking the hero I was done so 
that it works through the command (of course only to her, of 
couse). A special buffer is passed a string of commands to be 
executed, such as: "L, 1910, U, 2, R, 3, ff" - this is oznachet 
what to do 10 steps to the left, then 2 up and then 3 steps to 
the right, # FF - end.Vse simple, but very comfortable now 
tinkering with the engine under the colored sprites, I just 
change my values ​​in the Table size of sprites and everything! 
So do not be surprised values ​​of type "L" or "D"

In the above code.

     Also made by the other procedure, so
I beg to wind on the condition ...


     So, People, took a lot of
time after writing the first part of
article, so you can take This is all complete crap.

     "What does not suck?" - You ask
me, my dear friend. All that I or
you've done is suck, because Is that what you
Already did! And that's something we have not yet
can - in essence, is for us an end in itself.

     There have recently learned that sort of thing - a mask 
for a sprite can be stored interlaced, ie, two times less! Such 
a simple and cool idea, but by itself nor hell no come, oh, if 
earlier know ... For those who do not understand: the masks

containing only even or, conversely,
odd lines. In the derivation of the shortage is compensated by 
overlapping lines. All simple - but the sprite is already in 
1,5 times less space (eg, $ 16

pounds have cost as much at 6 pounds!). I think this feature 
has long been known geymmeykeram, but I am personally grateful 
for VOLGASOFT this idea. You can with this garbage 
ekskrementirovat somehow, can anyone generally get some rulez.

     SchA ANT and Vaniac redrawn by
zero graphics for FULL SHIT, and because it
all the color, then respectively, I encountered some problems 

      Sprites are drawn by special-
(Fig. 1):

     Cprayt draws what you want by the Incas and paperami, but 
the border is not dolzhon use of colors, this allows a square 
bezel attribute graph turn into a completely acceptable now.

     Figure 2 shows the essence of the method:

     All the crap (from the word "crap") begin when all this 
Tuyev Khuchua pieces should display as a single whole. Here, in 
principle, there is nothing particularly complicated, but I did 

     1. All the "pieces" are
individual sprites, color output as
sprite attributes (PUT), and edging
as simple (LINES) on OR-method (although
and can mask, but the bars to eat more
will be, but the effect is not much different).

     2. Accordingly, we write (or take)
files of sprites to display this
format (store and show how can
anything, I have this method: 8 lines
data, and then for them to line attributes
Peninsula 8 lines ...) and make the manager ...

     3. "Pieces" of a sprite is stored
I have the same array:

+0 X, Y (the first one is always on zero)
4 The shift to the next MTEF. (NN)
6 Type sprite (ATTR, LINES ... = 0,1 ,...)
7 Sam sprite
.. ............
.. ............

 + NN X, Y with respect to the very first AB.
 NN +1 X_SIZE, Y_SIZE ...

         ... and so on ...

     Now write the manager who
will all of these arrays to rake and decide what to paint next 
vyvodilkoy "piece" and where to draw it (the translation 
relative to the actual cords). 

     Clearly, all this will work
not as fast as we would like, but first, it is normal, and 
secondly - optimization knows no bounds! One can already

ready-made arrays of the envelope in a different format in a 
way that does not count for each "piece" cords. I am personally 
in the scrap, but if tozit, of course, I'll do it ... And so, 
you can convertible ready arrays of "pieces" so as not to 
recalculate every time cords for them, okay?

     Well, to hell, got to write,

Other articles:

Authors - The authors of the magazine.

Authors - from the authors: the contents of rooms.

Authors - help: a description of the shell.

Presentation - KooLeGGz: conversion of electronic toys, "Well, wait!"

Presentation - Brujeria v1.0: software for viewing and converting graphic file format PCX.

Presentation - FLN Package v1.0: utility for PC graphics.

Presentation - Perspective Commander 1.0: file wrapper.

Interface - letters from readers: "SPECTRUM - a computer who develops, who is keen on them" ...

Interface - "Why do you PeTse?" (All former spektrumistam dedicated).

Interface - "What are the program designers (for the envelopes to see the text).

Review - Gamez Review: Wolf 2-3, Aliens, Japanese Contrast, Captain, Cannibals, Tower Pod, Clickmania, Adventurer, Bloody Paws, Smagly 1-3.

Review - Review of game demos: Jackals Demo v0.0, Top Gear (Crazy Cars 3), Darkwing Duck, Project X.

Promotion - Dragons of Flame: A Dragonlance Action Game.

Promotion - Adventurer: Graphic adventyura view "of the eye."

Promotion - the coolest soccer simulator: Emlyn Hughes International.

Exchange of experience - Game Making 2: The various methods for deriving sprites (based on the game Full Shit).

Exchange of experience - Pro ASCII / astsii graphics (Dedicated to those who can not draw, no letters, no points ...)

Iron - ALTERA: Programmable Logic ICs (free materialchik).

Iron - a description of the connection Kempston MOUSE (simple and small circuit).

Ottyag - 10 ways to fuck like a conductor on the money (or at least some of the money). The main fault of women. Quiz: "And can you Cyberpunk?". Test "Paint House".

Ottyag - Winnie the Pooh and all, all, (continued).

Ottyag - EXKlyuZivnye GonY from IronmAN'a.

Advertising - listing of spektrumistov.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   18 February