Inferno #01
31 декабря 2000 |
Others - Russian Rulez: Elbrus - the description of the new processor developed by Russian engineers.
RUSSIAN came Summarized by Gris We recently came across a very interesting information, which we would like to share with you, dear readers. It is a pity that we can not you provide the information fully (yes you it is not necessary) due to its large ob'ema (Approximately 300Kbayt). For this reason, give you a distillation of this document. Just want to say that the text set out below provides a technical description of the new processor and its modifications developed by Russian engineers, who bears the name "Elbrus". To forget that the whole text is on behalf of developers. Project Description The aim of this project is to develop new postRISC-native-architecture Computer, the corresponding crystal microprocessor, workstation-based this crystal, optimization compiler, as well as the binary system compilation, which provides a highly efficient and 100% reliable performance binary code for the x86 processor architecture firm Intel. Maintained a high level of security programming. PRODUCTIVITY Proposed in this design method allows the use of a broad command-level parallelism of operations for improve performance. Achieved theoretical limit of the speed of the logical for a given amount of equipment. With the introduction of explicit parallelism in the machine language of most of the hard work Planning computing transferred from Hardware optimizing compiler. This allows a high logic speed with the ability to implement a more sophisticated optimization and at the same time, simplifies hardware and allows to achieve high clock frequencies. Speed microprocessor is well known testing programs SPEC performance is 135 SPECint95 and 350 SPECfp95 at a clock frequency equal to 1200 MHz on the technology 0.18 microns. Thus, we achieve an almost two-fold advantage in speed over the fastest microprocessor Western next decade. This microprocessor is actually The second implementation of this new approach, developed by a team since 1986 First implementation was "Elbrus-3 - extremely fast computer, made in 1991 It was 2 times faster than the best performance while super computer Cray Y-MP, despite the extremely imperfect domestic manufacturing technology crystals. COMPATIBILITY The project achieves the full compatibility with the architectural platform x86 on a binary level. The project is fully legally independent from the intellectual property due to Intel's new methodology binary compilation developed by the team. SECURITY SOFTWARE Secure programming, ease of debugging, ease build very large and reliable software systems from individual parts developed by many different programmers, with the development of computers are becoming greater significance. One reason for this The situation is in wide use Internet and the growing size of a typical software applications. Secure programming to software developers in order to be able to successfully debug large applications. It is necessary, and users of computers that are not afraid to use the Internet and free software to read from her other authors. Today, the Java language from Sun Microsystems suggested that high levels of security, with the result that specialists are well adopted this language to adopt. However, the developers have chosen another approach. This microprocessor supports data types in hardware and verify their correct processing during implementation. This is only possible resolution of conflicts between security on the one hand, and the versatility and efficiency, on the other. We have 20 years of experience developing and supporting three generations of computers based on this philosophy. As a result of this technology developed and tested In practice, our staff, the proposed microprocessor: improves the safety of existing languages such as Java, Fortran, etc. and, more importantly, adds a high level of security very widely spoken languages with and C + +. Due to hardware support This microprocessor provides a high level of security. INTERNET SECURITY Based on our 20 years of experience in development of several generations of computing systems "Elbrus" with highly reliable and provides the security context protection we can offer a new improvement of this architecture to support secure programming and complement existing operating systems and file systems means working in Internet. This project will improve the organization of the Internet and will enable secure sharing of remote files in a secure and safe mode. Small crystals With sufficient funding, addition to the large crystal can be create one less option for embedded and network computing. Benefits our development here is the most high performance for a given crystal size and ease of debugging complex codes, programs running in real time. This is achieved through a high level safety and strict control of hardware supported types of teams in run time. Multimedia applications Our architecture is a broad team is well-suited for multimedia extensions set of commands. Currently, several firms, such as Chromatic (Mpact), Philips (TriMedia), Microunity, TI, announced a powerful specialized crystal for multimedia applications. Along with this, all the major firms developing a universal microprocessors, have expanded their collections teams with special teams for multimedia applications. Our purpose microprocessor and a small crystal have a highly efficient hardware support for multimedia and 3D graphics. CURRENT STATUS Developed: - Verilog description at RTL equipment with a preliminary estimate possible clock frequency (it is now is in the process of detailed logical verification); - Optimizing compiler, performing all the SPEC packages and other great application (not finished all the optimization); - Exact (performed at the clock level) device simulation apparatus Perform more applications; - Compile binary program, performing large applications that are compiled from a binary package x86 (not all of full optimization). In the binary compilation performed by all versions of Windows operating systems company Microsoft. TIME FRAME POSSIBLE END DRAFT After the start of funding necessary have 3 years to complete hardware and software and an additional one year to complete verification system. MARKET CONSIDERATIONS In the near future the company will release Intel microprocessor Mesrced, based on the new-postRISC-native computer architecture (IA-64) c use large team with explicit parallelism EPIC. "If Intel can install IA64 as a software standard She set a new level performance, which is unlikely to be comparable with the performance of pure IA-32 processor, released its competitors, or even most processors based on RISC, which would make Intel the leader in performance ... Intel will have a strong portfolio of patents that protect the IA-64. Since most if not all, current licensing agreements by Intel, will expire by 2000., other producers would be nearly impossible create a consistent crystals without a license from Intel. In this situation, Intel prefers to maintain its position monopolist. "(MicroDesign Resources (1996, p.12.)). In this situation, Our project is very significant advantages. According to the indicators Performance, published in the same report (p. 6), our processor will be 3-fold faster than Merced. On binary codes Intel it will be more rapid through a binary compilation. Our project is not based on IA-64 architecture. It is protected by our own patents, so there is no legal problems. Our microprocessor allows security when using the widely common languages such as C and C + +, and conventional operating systems such as Linux. That's how things stand right now with our processors. Now to you, dear reader, feel the full issues of the day, we offer you a slight Processor Merced, which was taken from the official website of the company Intel. IA-64 architecture: new features Intel Architecture Architecture (IA) Market for computer systems actively diversifying and becoming more segmented in the whole range of mobile PC to the server. In an effort to create the best solutions for each market segment, Intel is expanding its series of products. Processors IA-32 architecture will continue to provide the opportunity to boost performance in the mobile sector and desktop PCs, servers and desktops stations. At the same time, processors with IA-64 will extend the scope of architecture Intel's high-performance sector servers and workstations. The first processor with IA-64 will Processor Merced. Like other processors with IA-64 processor Merced will have a full hardware compatibility with IA-32 processors on level binary code, which guarantees Protect your investment in end-user software. IA-64 architecture combines a unique range of innovative technologies, including explicit parallelism, branch prediction, speculative execution, etc. A high degree of scalability to satisfy the requirements of different market segments servers and workstations. The most important principle in developing the IA-64 was a complete binary compatibility with IA-32 architecture at the hardware level, enabling end users to freely use software tools designed to IA-32. Thus, IA-64 architecture is different scalability, the highest level performance and full compatibility with existing software for IA-32 architecture.
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